Emerging authoritarianism doesn’t look like an ideology

Discuss what the articles talk about. Prove anything that the articles say to be wrong, with evidence. Are you not capable of it? Then what are you doing here?

Ok great, start with point number one that you copied and pasted from somewhere.... dont see a link.

Emerging authoritarianism doesnt look like an ideology? really? this article makes you want to believe its all about one person (trump) , Its clearly written by a political hack. Authoritarianism very much had to do with ideology as well as power.

Take for instance Senator Feinstein who can barely function and is being propped up. Who is controlling her so that the party line can be continued. is it one person making that decision or is it a group of senators? thats a corrupt power example.. The cultural marxist cancel culture we have seen coming from the left... where if you say one wrong thing, you can lose your entire career... thats Authoritarianism and its an ideology. dare stand up to that ideology and your called a racist.. or an Authoritarian in return.
  1. Emerging authoritarianism doesn’t look like an ideology. It appears in the form of a demagogue. It’s easy to support him while laughing off the idea that you’re embracing authoritarianism.
You have to define authoritarianism before you launch into a long winded diatribe against it. Would strong leadership be condemned as authoritarianism? We have such weak leadership with a doddering old fool and a phantom unelected staff that any reasonable leadership looks authoritarian.
Ok great, start with point number one that you copied and pasted from somewhere.... dont see a link.

Emerging authoritarianism doesnt look like an ideology? really? this article makes you want to believe its all about one person (trump) , Its clearly written by a political hack. Authoritarianism very much had to do with ideology as well as power.

Take for instance Senator Feinstein who can barely function and is being propped up. Who is controlling her so that the party line can be continued. is it one person making that decision or is it a group of senators? thats a corrupt power example.. The cultural marxist cancel culture we have seen coming from the left... where if you say one wrong thing, you can lose your entire career... thats Authoritarianism and its an ideology. dare stand up to that ideology and your called a racist.. or an Authoritarian in return.
  1. Emerging authoritarianism doesn’t look like an ideology. It appears in the form of a demagogue. It’s easy to support him while laughing off the idea that you’re embracing authoritarianism.
My mistake at the time.

Here is the link. It is from the same site if you had bothered to check.

You have to define authoritarianism before you launch into a long winded diatribe against it. Would strong leadership be condemned as authoritarianism? We have such weak leadership with a doddering old fool and a phantom unelected staff that any reasonable leadership looks authoritarian.

There is no point in responding to your post because you don’t have a weak or doddering old fool in office.

When your premise is a lie, the discussion is over with before it starts.
Ok great, start with point number one that you copied and pasted from somewhere.... dont see a link.

Emerging authoritarianism doesnt look like an ideology? really? this article makes you want to believe its all about one person (trump) , Its clearly written by a political hack. Authoritarianism very much had to do with ideology as well as power.

Take for instance Senator Feinstein who can barely function and is being propped up. Who is controlling her so that the party line can be continued. is it one person making that decision or is it a group of senators? thats a corrupt power example.. The cultural marxist cancel culture we have seen coming from the left... where if you say one wrong thing, you can lose your entire career... thats Authoritarianism and its an ideology. dare stand up to that ideology and your called a racist.. or an Authoritarian in return.
  1. Emerging authoritarianism doesn’t look like an ideology. It appears in the form of a demagogue. It’s easy to support him while laughing off the idea that you’re embracing authoritarianism.
Show evidence instead of making allegations about Feinstein or anyone else.

Do a research on the authors of the articles I posted. Journalists or hacks? Republicans who are still conservatives, or hacks?
Nonsense. Go peddle all of these in the right threads about the Pandemic. All of these has been discussed ad nauseam. Your garbage has been debunked ad infinitum.
LOL. I purposely used links you should accept. One was from John's Hopkins. The other was also from medical professionals. You guys are just too funny. You are fact deniers and won't listen to the experts.
The people you are calling “medical experts“ we’re nothing of the kind. They were medical cons and quacks who were profiting off the snake oil cures they were selling you.

When Donald Trump was rushed to Walter Reed Hospital to be treated for Covid, why wasn’t he treated with Hydroxychloroquine? Why was he given experimental monoclonal antibodies?

There is not one peer reviewed study, which recommends either drug for the treatment of Covid. And they’ve been studied all over the world.

But still, you believe the quacks and the con artists and refuse to look at the actual statistics on the spread of Covid, and on the success of masks, lockdowns, and vaccines.

That’s why 5000 Americans are still dying every month.
They were medical professionals and just because they disagreed with the official government directive, you took their licenses away.
They were medical professionals and just because they disagreed with the official government directive, you took their licenses away.
They disagreed with those who knew better about viruses.

They helped someone, Trump, to delegitimize the country's most prominent expert in viruses.

They helped, or did they, Trump do whatever he wanted. Delegitimize the CDC, WHO, and anyone else who knew better what was going on....not only in the USA, but all over the world.

And the result continues to be very clear.

Too many Americans died Unnecessarily, because Trump played Politics instead of letting politics go and letting those with expertise about Pandemics deal with it and set the policies as needed.

Congratulations Republicans. Too many of those deaths are on you.
You have to define authoritarianism before you launch into a long winded diatribe against it. Would strong leadership be condemned as authoritarianism? We have such weak leadership with a doddering old fool and a phantom unelected staff that any reasonable leadership looks authoritarian.

Exactly. Biden looks to weak to be an authoritarian.... yet he promises to crush the fossil fuel industry... or does stuff like this to boost EV sales.

Who does it hurt the most? struggling poor people all across the US once more, even though CO2 emissions from the United States makes up a small fraction of world wide CO2 levels.
This IS an ideology that is definately used in an authoritarian way. Kids have been taught this for years in school as FACT, then left wing politicians manipulate their votes later in life using fear tactics when they are grown and of voting age.
Exactly. Biden looks to weak to be an authoritarian.... yet he promises to crush the fossil fuel industry... or does stuff like this to boost EV sales.

Who does it hurt the most? struggling poor people all across the US once more, even though CO2 emissions from the United States makes up a small fraction of world wide CO2 levels.
This IS an ideology that is definately used in an authoritarian way. Kids have been taught this for years in school as FACT, then left wing politicians manipulate their votes later in life using fear tactics when they are grown and of voting age.
Fossil fuel is going to end in about 100 years.

Countries around the world are looking for alternatives. Including this country.

You turn it into an attempt to do away with oil companies.

There is no need for any attmepts. In about 100 years there will be no more oil, and those companies will be gone, and changed into something else.

Bringing in alternatives which are cheaper and more effective take nothing from those oil companies now. They are making all the Billions of dollars they have always made.
Fossil fuel is going to end in about 100 years.

Countries around the world are looking for alternatives. Including this country.

You turn it into an attempt to do away with oil companies.

There is no need for any attmepts. In about 100 years there will be no more oil, and those companies will be gone, and changed into something else.

Bringing in alternatives which are cheaper and more effective take nothing from those oil companies now. They are making all the Billions of dollars they have always made.
You do not know when oil is going to run out. Stop fucking lying.
They disagreed with those who knew better about viruses.

They helped someone, Trump, to delegitimize the country's most prominent expert in viruses.

They helped, or did they, Trump do whatever he wanted. Delegitimize the CDC, WHO, and anyone else who knew better what was going on....not only in the USA, but all over the world.

And the result continues to be very clear.

Too many Americans died Unnecessarily, because Trump played Politics instead of letting politics go and letting those with expertise about Pandemics deal with it and set the policies as needed.

Congratulations Republicans. Too many of those deaths are on you.
Your side says we should listen to the experts but you only listen to the ones you want to listen to and take the licenses away from anyone who disagrees with you. Dissent is not welcome in either Russia or the leftist US.
When a conservative slate of candidates won control of the school board here 18 months ago, they began making big changes to reshape the district.

Woodland Park, a small mountain town that overlooks Pikes Peak, became the first — and, so far, only — district in the country to adopt the American Birthright social studies standard, created by a right-wing advocacy group that warns of the “steady whittling away of American liberty.” The new board hired a superintendent who was previously recalled from a nearby school board after pushing for a curriculum that would “promote positive aspects of the United States.” The board approved the community’s first charter school without public notice and gave the charter a third of the middle school building.

As teachers, students and parents began protesting these decisions, the administration barred employees from discussing the district on social media. At least two staff members who objected to the board’s decisions were later forced out of their jobs, while another was fired for allegedly encouraging protests.

These rapid and sweeping shifts weren’t coincidental — instead it was a plan ripped from the MAGA playbook designed to catch opponents off guard, according to a board member’s email released through an open records request.

“This is the flood the zone tactic, and the idea is if you advance on many fronts at the same time, then the enemy cannot fortify, defend, effectively counter-attack at any one front,” David Illingworth, one of the new conservative school board members, wrote to another on Dec. 9, 2021, weeks after they were elected. “Divide, scatter, conquer. Trump was great at this in his first 100 days.”

The leaders of the Woodland Park School District are enacting an experiment in conservative governance in the middle of a state controlled by Democrats, with little in the way so far to slow them down. The school board’s decisions have won some praise in heavily Republican Teller County, but opposition is growing, including from conservative Christians and lifelong GOP voters who say the board has made too many ill-advised decisions and lacks transparency.

“I think they look at us as this petri dish where they can really push all their agenda and theories,” said Joe Dohrn, a Woodland Park father who described himself as a staunch Republican and “very capitalistic.” “They clearly are willing to sacrifice the public school and to put students presently in the public school through years of disarray to drive home their ideological beliefs. It’s a travesty.”

(full article online)

They were medical professionals and just because they disagreed with the official government directive, you took their licenses away.

Yes, some of these people had doctors licenses put it doesn’t mean that there anyone you would want treating your family. Real Medical Professionals are writing all of those prescriptions for opioids too but that doesn’t make them honest or trustworthy.

All of them were general practitioners. None of them had specialties in virology or immunology, or public health.

There are con artists and quacks amongst medical professionals just like every other profession.

That famous YouTube video with all of those doctors standing there in their white lab coat touting the benefits of ivermectin, had a link you can click on and they would send you a prescription for ivermectin. They made millions.
I set out to research the story of Graham’s relationship with Trump because I wanted to understand how authoritarianism arose in the United States. I wanted to see how the poison worked: the corruption, the rationalizations, the vulnerabilities in the system. I wanted to learn how democracies could detect such threats and counteract them.

Here are some of the lessons I learned.

  1. Emerging authoritarianism doesn’t look like an ideology. It appears in the form of a demagogue. It’s easy to support him while laughing off the idea that you’re embracing authoritarianism.
  2. Celebration of fear is a warning sign. When a demagogue brags about intimidating his enemies, and when voters and politicians flock to him for that reason, look out. Maybe he knows who the real villains are. Or maybe he’s the sort of person who attacks anyone in his way.
  3. Authoritarian voters are the underlying threat. In every country, there are people who want a leader to break institutions and rule with an iron fist. These voters form a constituency that can lure politicians to embrace such a leader. At a minimum, they can deter politicians from opposing that leader. And if he loses power, the next authoritarian can exploit the same constituency.
  4. Political parties are footholds for authoritarians. An aspiring strongman doesn’t have to gain power all at once. He can start by capturing a party and becoming its flagship candidate. This gives everyone in the party a reason to help him.
  5. Politicians are blinded by their arrogance. They think they can manipulate an emerging authoritarian by collaborating with him. They underestimate the extent to which what they see as an alliance—but is really subservience—will corrupt and constrain them.
  6. Politicians are misled by personal contact with the authoritarian. He may seem charming or manageable, but that’s because he’s among friends and flatterers. These situations don’t reflect how he’ll treat people who get in his way.
  7. Cowardice is enough to empower an authoritarian. He doesn’t need a phalanx of wicked accomplices. He just needs weak-willed politicians and aides who will go along with whatever he does. Every country has plenty of those.
  8. Authoritarianism is a trait. Politicians can always find reasons why this or that corrupt act by an authoritarian isn’t prosecutable or impeachable. These excuses gloss over the underlying problem: his personality. If he gets away with one abuse of power, he’ll move on to the next.
  9. Democracy becomes a rationale to serve the authoritarian. Once he wins a nomination or an election, politicians can exalt him as the people’s choice. They can use this mandate to dismiss criticism of his conduct and to reject any attempt to remove him from office.
  10. Power becomes a rationale to serve the authoritarian. Once he’s in office, politicians can tell themselves that by defending him, they’re earning his trust, gaining influence over him, and steering him away from his worst impulses.
  11. Rationalization becomes a skill and a habit. The first time you excuse an authoritarian act, it feels like a one-time concession. But each time you bend, you become more flexible. The authoritarian keeps pushing, and you keep adjusting.
  12. Ad hoc legal defenses become authoritarianism. Each time the leader abuses his power, apologists claim he has the authority to do so. Over time, as he commits more abuses, these piecemeal assertions of authority add up to a defense of anything the leader chooses to do.
  13. Normalization and polarization are enough to create a mass authoritarian movement. People get used to a strong-willed leader, and their partisan reflexes kick in. If the leader is in your party, you may feel an urge to attack anyone who goes after him. You become part of his political army.
  14. Exposure of the authoritarian’s crimes galvanizes his base. His supporters turn against the media, the legislature, law enforcement, and any other institution that investigates him. They view his accumulating scandals as more evidence that the true villains are out to get him.
  15. Demonization of the opposition paves the way to tyranny. It lowers the moral threshold for supporting the leader. You must defend him, no matter what he does, because his enemies are worse.
  16. A party detached from its principles becomes a cult. Once the party begins to shed prior beliefs in deference to a leader, it loses independent standards by which to judge him. The party becomes the man, and dissent from him becomes heresy.
  17. Democracy’s culture of compromise is a weakness. Over time, an authoritarian’s will to gain and wield power grinds down politicians who are content to negotiate among competing interests. As he relentlessly imposes his will, they find reasons and ways to accommodate him.
  18. Civil servants are easily smeared and purged. Some of them might investigate, expose, or refuse the leader’s corrupt orders, since they weren’t appointed by him or elected on his ticket. But that independence makes them easy to attack as “Deep State” conspirators who are subverting the people’s will.
  19. It’s easy to provoke and exploit violence without endorsing it. You just say the election was stolen, and the president’s followers take it from there. Then, after their rampage, you warn that any punishment of him might drive them to violence again.
  20. It’s easy to rationalize ethnic or religious persecution. Demagogues tend to use any division in society—ethnic, sexual, religious—as a wedge against their enemies. A skilled politician can excuse this behavior on the grounds that bigotry is only the method, not the motive.
Pfft. Antifa propaganda.
I am just covering how the Republicans have allowed Authoritarianism to seep into their Party in order to stay in power.

This thread is not about what happened in the impeachments but the many things which ended leading not only the impeachments, 1/6, Roe vs Wade, etc.
You fucking stupid leftist asshole, the president's JOB is enforcing the LAW.

  1. Emerging authoritarianism doesn’t look like an ideology. It appears in the form of a demagogue. It’s easy to support him while laughing off the idea that you’re embracing authoritarianism.
[ Ron De Santis, learning from the best on how to become an authoritarian governor ]

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been criticized for signing a bill into law which will block his travel arrangements, and how much he has spent on them, from becoming public.

DeSantis signed SB 1616 along with 36 other bills into law on Thursday which will prevent law enforcement from sharing details about the governor's trips, including the mode of transport or who was traveling with him.

The law will also protect the travel arrangement for people "for whom such services are requested by the governor," from Florida's public records laws, meaning trips not directly involving DeSantis may still be shielded.

DeSantis, who is expected to soon announce he is running for president, said the law was necessary to protect him. The new law will also be applied retrospectively to previous trips.

The law has also been criticized as a way for DeSantis to protect himself from scrutiny ahead of his expected presidential campaign.

The law was also signed after questions were raised as to who paid for DeSantis' recent trip to Israel via chartered jet, which was not listed in the governor's political committee campaign finance report. The governor's office said no taxpayer money was spent on the flights, reported Politico.

"How is this legal," tweeted reporter K.L. Connie Wang in response to a CNN article detailing DeSantis signing the law blocking his travel plans becoming public record.

Ben Diamond, a former Democratic member of the Florida House of Representatives, tweeted: "Floridians' hard earned taxpayer dollars should not go to pay for Ron DeSantis's campaign junkets. But we will never know now that his legislative cronies made his travel records retroactively exempt from public disclosure. Outrageous!"

(full article online)


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