Emma Gonzalez Question

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Agreed Billo. Besides, if you need 30 rounds that you can shoot off in 30 sec. or less for home defense, you're a crappy shot and need more time at the range.

A .357 with a "hot load" will stop damn near anything, and it will reduce a gopher to a nice pink mist and pieces of fur. My Uncle Bill used to go after gophers with hot loads a couple of days after the loading parties we had for hunting season.

Besides.......................a bolt action rifle is much more accurate.
My father had a .357 that fired magnum bullets. He called it, "Bula". And he wasn't afraid to use it. He killed a guy who tried to rob him with a knife. And he put a ringer past my uncle's ear when my step-sister told him my uncle tried to hit on her.

I was never a gun guy. If someone try's to rob me, I just throw up on my money.
And now you're moving the goal posts, which I am of course used to from your side of the aisle.

You stated "The rounds did not shatter the doors and walls of the classroom, dumbass!"

That's what you said. However, it's not what he said - and that's what I proved. So now you want to change the subject? A bit dishonest, I feel.

I will put it plain English for you!

His post was stupid and you cannot read. Get help!


Why are you talking to me if you are under the mistaken impression that I can't read.

You people are weird.

Your brain is non-functional. Donate your organs.

You know, there was a time I felt compassion for you because of a familial situation you're dealing with. I am hoping your pain is being relieved by attacking me.

If you want to stick your nose into a topic, be prepared to have it smacked when you make no sense.

Thank you for your kind words, but you do need remedial reading!

Well, you need remedial something, since you are repeatedly posting to someone you feel can neither read nor comprehend what she sees.
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.
well golly gee she wants to ban guns...regardless of the Second? You're fucking stupid

No. She does not. She wants it amended. Speaking of fucking stupid, you've got that corner of the marked nailed DOWN.

LOL Nice spin but epic fail

Oops, I missed the cross in your avatar. So speaking of white on the outside and full of corruption on the inside, maybe you should stop judging Emma. By the same measure with which you judge you will be judged, and etc.

Maybe you should stop judging me, dumbass. Do you have any idea how much of a hypocrite you sound like?

This little twerp, who knows NOTHING about life, puts herself in the limelight and then is flabbergasted people attack her for trying to take away people's rights? Yeah she's a perfect little leftist drone

You are too fucking funny Bitchy Irish Ass. You are screaming about people being hypocrites because you think they are judging you, and you are judging this girl's intent simply because you THINK she wants to rip up the Constitution because she's asking for gun control.

She's not asking for the Second Amendment to be repealed, she's asking for something to be done so that kids don't get killed going to school.

Judge not, lest ye be judged. Think about it before someone calls you a hypocrite like you are calling others.
If she is asking for new laws so kids don't get gunned down, then she is asking for the wrong things.

If the establishment won't enforce the laws codes on the books, what on earth makes her think they will enforce new laws?

She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.
I will put it plain English for you!

His post was stupid and you cannot read. Get help!


Why are you talking to me if you are under the mistaken impression that I can't read.

You people are weird.

Your brain is non-functional. Donate your organs.

You know, there was a time I felt compassion for you because of a familial situation you're dealing with. I am hoping your pain is being relieved by attacking me.

If you want to stick your nose into a topic, be prepared to have it smacked when you make no sense.

Thank you for your kind words, but you do need remedial reading!

Well, you need remedial something, since you are repeatedly posting to someone you feel can neither read nor comprehend what she sees.

As a teacher I am used to dealing with the ignorant, uneducated, and those with learning disabilities.
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.
Yes, I know you think it's all a joke. Good thing president Trump takes it serous. Am I right.
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.

. . . so you are against freedom of speech and freedom of expression?


Not surprising given many of the political stands you take. . . .
She sure did a Castro like tactic ripping the constitution. That is for sure.

That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.

. . . so you are against freedom of speech and freedom of expression?


Not surprising given many of the political stands you take. . . .

Making false statements about someone and passing them on as truth isn't freedom of expression, it's slander.

And, in my quest to support this country and the Constitution, I spent 20 years in the military.
That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.

. . . so you are against freedom of speech and freedom of expression?


Not surprising given many of the political stands you take. . . .

Making false statements about someone and passing them on as truth isn't freedom of expression, it's slander.

And, in my quest to support this country and the Constitution, I spent 20 years in the military.

Who cares? Maybe it’s good for getting some schmoe to buy your coffee at Starbucks but it means jack shit to anyone but you.
That was photoshopped you moron. The original was her ripping up a target, then some good little NRA pinhead photoshopped it to make it look like she ripped up the Constitution.

But, if you were willing to believe Pizzagate, then I guess you will believe anything.

So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.

. . . so you are against freedom of speech and freedom of expression?


Not surprising given many of the political stands you take. . . .

Making false statements about someone and passing them on as truth isn't freedom of expression, it's slander.

And, in my quest to support this country and the Constitution, I spent 20 years in the military.

Clearly you haven't done enough research on these young Antifa enthusiasts, Gomer Pyle. If you want the enabling to continue. Then that's your problem.
So if I can show you a photo of a Democrat photo shop, you're going to condemn that just as strongly?

No. It wouldent get him any thank you emoji from his libtard buttbuddies.

Actually, I already answered that question further up the thread. Meme's do nothing for me one way or the other. I nothing them. If they are funny, I might laugh, but that is about it. And no, funny doesn't just stick to one party.

But.............if they are used to intentionally slander someone of something they didn't do (tearing up the Constitution), I think something bad should happen to the photoshop perpetrator.

. . . so you are against freedom of speech and freedom of expression?


Not surprising given many of the political stands you take. . . .

Making false statements about someone and passing them on as truth isn't freedom of expression, it's slander.

And, in my quest to support this country and the Constitution, I spent 20 years in the military.

Who cares? Maybe it’s good for getting some schmoe to buy your coffee at Starbucks but it means jack shit to anyone but you.

There's a Gomer Pyle. And there's a General Patton.
You are making the dumbass conclusion that she is a communist? Really? Even though her father FLED Castro?

Now many pounds of brain damage did it take for you to become this retarded?

She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.

Who is whining about it? She is more than free to advocate whatever foolish position she wants to. My objection is the lie that she is somehow grass roots instead of extremely funded and pretending that because she was locked in an adjacent building she has some sort of shield protecting her from being called out when she says and does stupid things
As usual, the nuts are on the wrong side of the issue.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the high school students leading protests against gun violence across the country?
Favorable ................................. 56%
Unfavorable .............................. 34%
Not sure ................................... 10%

Do you support or oppose stricter gun laws in the United States?
Support ..................................... 60%
Oppose ..................................... 32%
Not sure .......................................8%

Would you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?
Support ..................................... 87%
Oppose ....................................... 8%
Not sure ...................................... 6%

Would you support or oppose banning the sale of assault weapons?
Support .......................................64%
Not sure ..................................... 10%

Anyone know when Emma's family fled the Progressive Paradise of Cuba: No guns, universal healthcare, low carbon foot print?

Why wont she hop an inner tube with Hogg and head back to Paradise

Right.... more attacks on the people, and not on the arguments.

Why do you think this is okay? Why do you think that attacking people is a justified tactic of "debating" politics?

You mean like accusing people who weren’t there of murder and having blood on their hands because they disagree with you politically? Which is exactly what Emma and many of these other kids are doing

They're accusing people of something they know they did. How they choose to frame that is up to them.

But then again you're saying "if teenage kids do it, then we can do it too", what does that make you all? Nothing better than a bunch of teenage kids.

Aren't the NRA supposed to be GROWN UPS?

These kids are reacting to something that has happened and impacted their world. Their political knowledge isn't great and they're searching for answers to their problems. You can't necessarily expect them to be totally right.

However what the NRA is doing is spending a lot of money to attack these kids, and they're KIDS. They're at HIGH SCHOOL for fuck's sake, and you lot are going after them like they deserve it.

You're like a mafia, if a small child gets in your way, you get rid of them without battering an eye lid, and on Sunday you're in church pretending to be pious again.

Right.... more attacks on the people, and not on the arguments.

Why do you think this is okay? Why do you think that attacking people is a justified tactic of "debating" politics?

Did I say it was okay? No, I didn't.

However what I see is the NRA and people who support guns doing this, against KIDS.

They're KIDS, have you not figure this out yet?

You're just like "well, they're doing it, so we can do it too"

Fucking hell.
She supports a relationship between government and governed that more is like the country her parents fled in horror than the nation she currently resides. Seems to be a reasonable question. Instead of Making America Cuba, why not just go to Cuba?

She's petitioning her government and demanding change of them and fighting a well funded lobbyist organization. That doesn't sound like a citizen under Castro's Cuba, dipshit.

You mean she is speaking out for a well funded lobbying organization.

And when you are lobbying against the constitutional rights of people to have the tools to protect their lives and family is it really surprising that lots of people wouldn’t lobby against you?
That is the beauty of freedom of association. We are all allowed to join an association which can amplify our voices as loud as others.

I find it amusing pseudocons are whining about this. It's almost an admission their ideas are not superior to those of a child.

That's why you are all terrified of her.

Who is whining about it? She is more than free to advocate whatever foolish position she wants to. My objection is the lie that she is somehow grass roots instead of extremely funded and pretending that because she was locked in an adjacent building she has some sort of shield protecting her from being called out when she says and does stupid things
As usual, the nuts are on the wrong side of the issue.

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the high school students leading protests against gun violence across the country?
Favorable ................................. 56%
Unfavorable .............................. 34%
Not sure ................................... 10%

Do you support or oppose stricter gun laws in the United States?
Support ..................................... 60%
Oppose ..................................... 32%
Not sure .......................................8%

Would you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?
Support ..................................... 87%
Oppose ....................................... 8%
Not sure ...................................... 6%

Would you support or oppose banning the sale of assault weapons?
Support .......................................64%
Not sure ..................................... 10%

More California polls?...

More photoshop crap for the mindless.

that's what lowlife trumpscum do

Sure, can you point to a government on this planet that has a bathtub size that YOU would trust?

Why would we trust a government that lies?

If it’s the trump government, you have a point.

But the point remains, no successful government on the planet has a bathtub size government. Hell, even the republicans in Kansas realized that.
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