Emmys – so what?

its bullshit same shows same actors.....and i notice the shows that get nominated their actors dominate everything.....its like no other shows or actors are worth a dam....
Zero interest in watching.

But, I'd suggest they rename them the Enemas since they deal with the vast television wasteland.

Exactly what is it that has Americans so absorbed with these "celebrities?" I keep asking myself that question. Every time I pick up a magazine (such as "People") it's full of pictures and little snips of information and I say, "Who the hell is that? I've never heard the names let alone anything they might have done that makes them so worthy of this adoration." Same thing even when I get on my computer - there's always some little snippet of gossip about someone or another.

Good example: exactly what is it about the Kardashians that is so captivating? All I get out of them is that they're prime examples of wealthy white trash.
Its a bunch of rich people who suck us normal people dry of our money and wear tons of makeup to a swanky theater and pat each other in the back.

That's exactly what it is, ditto the Oscars, Grammys, Academy Awards etc etc etc.

Who says America doesn't make anything? It makes yawns.
While I've never watched the Emmy's and never plan to, looking at the list there are certainly some good shows on there. Homeland, Game of Thrones, The Big C, Political Animals are all things I've watched and enjoyed. I've heard very good things about Breaking Bad but haven't watched it yet.

That the awards are silly back-patting by celebs doesn't mean the shows are poor quality. ;)
Breaking Bad is a very good show...
Got hooked on it just like the meth heads.
I have it on Netflix and I'm waiting for the last 8 shows of the series to become available.

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