Emotionally Troubled, Confused Black American Citizens Suffering from Internalized Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Now before we start, we must understand what Internalized racism is. As this thread begins and progresses there is going to be claims from the standard sources who think it's healthy that people of color maintain a belief shaped by internalized racism.

"Minorities suffering from internalized racism, for example, may loathe the physical characteristics that make them racially distinct such as skin color, hair texture or eye shape. Others may stereotype those from their racial group and refuse to associate with them. And some may outright identify as white."

Can Minorities Be Racist Against Themselves?

"Over the years, a variety of derogatory terms have cropped up to describe those likely suffering from internalized racism. They include “Uncle Tom,” “sellout,” “pocho” or “whitewashed.”

Why does this happen?

"Overall, minorities suffering from internalized racism buy into the notion that whites are superior to people of color. Think of it as Stockholm Syndrome in the racial sphere."

The Psychology of Racism, Robin Nicole Johnson emphasizes that internalized racism involves both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above People of Color."[2] These definitions encompass a wide range of instances, including, but not limited to, belief in negative racial stereotypes, adaptations to white cultural standards, and thinking that supports the status quo (i.e. denying that racism exists).

Internalized racism - Wikipedia

So the next time you see the post about trauma stricken black children raised by bad mothers, understand that is an example of internalized racism. And for you to support that, is you enabling a man to stay emotionally troubled, confused and mentally ill..
So the next time you see the post about trauma stricken black children raised by bad mothers, understand that is an example of internalized racism. And for you to support that, is you enabling a man to stay emotionally troubled, confused and mentally ill..

Dear reader, please understand that for decades black American musicians were loving and adoring black American women and moms....

Well, at least up until the civil rights era when flawed social assistance policies, as well as feminist and liberal democrats shamelessly convinced black women to adopt Uncle Sam as their children provider, and to throw the black American man out of their home.

Ask Child Abuse victim Shawn Carter (born 1969) why he and his truth-teller peers hatefully denigrate women as less than human creatures and HOES!

stevie wonder, shawn carter HATE.jpg
I am curious to learn your opinion about Ms. JazzySlim's thoughts and concerns, regarding exploited, emotionally maltreated and neglected American children and teens?

"Lamenting Multiple Baby Daddies"

Originally published on Jun 19, 2012 by jazzyslim2005

"On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Shit...."

Introducing Child Abuse Awareness & Education Advocate, pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.


American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
And once again we see an example of a person of color afflicted with internalized racism.

The Psychology of Racism, Robin Nicole Johnson emphasizes that internalized racism involves both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above People of Color."[2] These definitions encompass a wide range of instances, including, but not limited to, belief in negative racial stereotypes, adaptations to white cultural standards, and thinking that supports the status quo (i.e. denying that racism exists).

This don't look like Sean Carter to me. And this won awards.

But we don't see no white folks here posting up anything about this now do we?
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Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.
Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Tell us again how liberal you are, Stormy Mac.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.

Naw, the tragedy is the One Percenters you worship have decided the say to acheive "equality" is to reduce the white working class to the same level of poverty as poor minorities..
Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.

The facts don't show this to be the case.

Explain to me what you think identity politics are mac.
Well they have have standards lowered for them. People treat like them like they are stupid;like they are incapable of getting an id.
I believe it
White people have that same shit going on.
I would imagine other races do too.
If people would quit focusing on skin color, and start focusing on character, this might not be an issue.
But alas...
I am so over these fucking pity parties around here. Woe is me and mine. :crybaby:
Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.

The facts don't show this to be the case.

Explain to me what you think identity politics are mac.
Identity Politics is the process and strategy of identifying people by groups rather than as individuals in order to exploit them en masse for political gain.

It is the opposite of E Pluribus Unum, it causes the harm described above, and it's a terribly cynical way to gain political advantage.

I see the effects every day in my own mixed race family, friends and acquaintances. I see it every day in our society and our culture. And I see it practiced FAR more by White Guilt-consumed "progressives" than I do by people of color, who are ultimately & ironically the victims of it.

And that pisses me off.
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Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.

The facts don't show this to be the case.

Explain to me what you think identity politics are mac.
Identity Politics is the process and strategy of identifying people by groups rather than as individuals in order to exploit them en masse for political gain.

It is the opposite of E Pluribus Unum, it causes the harm described above, and it's a terribly cynical way to gain political advantage.

I see the effects every day in my own mixed race family, friends and acquaintances. I see it every day in our society and our culture. And I see it practiced FAR more by White Guilt-consumed "progressives" than I do by people of color, who are ultimately & ironically the victims of it.

And that pisses me off.
w lomg has his be ging n/

And so how long has this been going on?
Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.

The facts don't show this to be the case.

Explain to me what you think identity politics are mac.
Identity Politics is the process and strategy of identifying people by groups rather than as individuals in order to exploit them en masse for political gain.

It is the opposite of E Pluribus Unum, it causes the harm described above, and it's a terribly cynical way to gain political advantage.

I see the effects every day in my own mixed race family, friends and acquaintances. I see it every day in our society and our culture. And I see it practiced FAR more by White Guilt-consumed "progressives" than I do by people of color, who are ultimately & ironically the victims of it.

And that pisses me off.
w lomg has his be ging n/

And so how long has this been going on?
Two or three generations now. I'd say it's just been the last generation or so that it has been fully weaponized, and the pushback to it culminated in the election of the person who currently resides at the White House.
Well they have have standards lowered for them. People treat like them like they are stupid;like they are incapable of getting an id.
I believe it
White people have that same shit going on.
I would imagine other races do too.
If people would quit focusing on skin color, and start focusing on character, this might not be an issue.
But alas...

I have to laugh at people like this. Here is a punk who couldn't understand why it was offensive for blacks to be called monkeys talking about focusing on character ad not skin color. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.

The facts don't show this to be the case.

Explain to me what you think identity politics are mac.
Identity Politics is the process and strategy of identifying people by groups rather than as individuals in order to exploit them en masse for political gain.

It is the opposite of E Pluribus Unum, it causes the harm described above, and it's a terribly cynical way to gain political advantage.

I see the effects every day in my own mixed race family, friends and acquaintances. I see it every day in our society and our culture. And I see it practiced FAR more by White Guilt-consumed "progressives" than I do by people of color, who are ultimately & ironically the victims of it.

And that pisses me off.
w lomg has his be ging n/

And so how long has this been going on?
Two or three generations now. I'd say it's just been the last generation or so that it has been fully weaponized, and the pushback to it culminated in the election of the person who currently resides at the White House.

Really? 2-3 generations?

Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution:

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.


On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for at least a year. The new law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.”

America was built on identity politics.
I am so over these fucking pity parties around here. Woe is me and mine. :crybaby:

It's a pity party until a white person does it, then it's a constitutional right to air your grievance.
Well of course. This is not a surprise. Minorities have been called victims and emotionally smothered by the Regressive Left for generations now.

They constantly have standards lowered for them, excuses made for them, their worst behaviors enabled for them, and that would affect ANY human being negatively. Emotionally. Intellectually. Culturally.

Now, to make this multi-generational disaster even worse, they have Identity Politics isolating them even more.

THIS has been the REAL victimization of minorities, particularly blacks. The second time in this nation's history they've been victimized as a group.

An American tragedy.

The facts don't show this to be the case.

Explain to me what you think identity politics are mac.
Identity Politics is the process and strategy of identifying people by groups rather than as individuals in order to exploit them en masse for political gain.

It is the opposite of E Pluribus Unum, it causes the harm described above, and it's a terribly cynical way to gain political advantage.

I see the effects every day in my own mixed race family, friends and acquaintances. I see it every day in our society and our culture. And I see it practiced FAR more by White Guilt-consumed "progressives" than I do by people of color, who are ultimately & ironically the victims of it.

And that pisses me off.
w lomg has his be ging n/

And so how long has this been going on?
Two or three generations now. I'd say it's just been the last generation or so that it has been fully weaponized, and the pushback to it culminated in the election of the person who currently resides at the White House.

Really? 2-3 generations?

Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution:

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.


On March 26, 1790, the United States of America decided who could be a citizen of this country for the first time. This was a congressional decision named The Naturalization Act of 1790. The act states: “any alien, being a free white person,” could apply for citizenship, so long as he or she lived in the United States for at least two years, and in the state where the application was filed for at least a year. The new law also provided that “children of citizens of the United States that may be born … out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.”

America was built on identity politics.
You asked, I answered. I don't expect to change your mind on anything.
Well they have have standards lowered for them. People treat like them like they are stupid;like they are incapable of getting an id.
I believe it
White people have that same shit going on.
I would imagine other races do too.
If people would quit focusing on skin color, and start focusing on character, this might not be an issue.
But alas...

I have to laugh at people like this. Here is a punk who couldn't understand why it was offensive for blacks to be called monkeys talking about focusing on character ad not skin color. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I was discussing an INDIVIDUAL looking like a monkey. Not a whole race of people, you retarded racist

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