Empirical Falsification Of the CAGW meme.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
With the rash of articles that are coming out and the Gavin Schmidt Twitter Trick now clearly evident as a blatant attempt at covering up the total failure of all modeling, I think its time to expose the modeling failure and how bad it really is..

If we post up the current crop of Global Climate Models that were projections starting back in 1990 and then overlay the reality we find that all the modeling of the day has failed.

SO lets show you how modeling is falsified by empirical review.

cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png

When you create a model it is understood that empirical review after specified duration of time will confirm or falsify the model. If the system modeled and the empirical evidence diverge then the model is proven falsified and useless. At this point you start over and reassess why your modeling failed.

In the above image all of the models fail because they diverged from reality. This means the perceived understanding of system has failed and must be redone. Any policy or actions taken are therefore based on a failed hypothesis.
Now comes along Gavin Schmidt and Thomas Karl with their fantasy derived fiction.

The first thing they did was to cool the past making the slope of warming double. (Karl Et Al)

When that wasn't enough...

The second thing they tried is to update the models and change the hind cast moving the point of convergence to 2010 (from 1990) erasing the massive divergence.

When that wasn't enough....

The next thing they tried was to increase the size of the 95% confidence range to almost +/- 4.0 deg C. This is an error bar of 8 deg C.. Are the models so bad that they increased the target point because they don't know or is it an attempt to make it appear that the modeling has not failed and keep the meme alive. I say its the later..

Everything they are doing is to keep the lie alive and NEVER address that their hypothesis was wrong and their understanding of the system they attempted to model is poor to nonexistent.
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Now comes along Gavin Schmidt and Thomas Karl with their fantasy derived fiction.

The first thing they did was to cool the past making the slope of warming double. (Karl Et Al) When that wasn't enough...

The second thing they tried is to update the models and change the hind cast moving the point of convergence to 2010 (from 1990) erasing the massive divergence. When that wasn't enough....

The next thing they tried was to increase the size of the 95% confidence range to almost +/- 4.0 deg C. This is an error bar of 8 deg C.. Are the models so bad that they increased the target point because they don't know or is it an attempt to make it appear that the modeling has not failed and keep the meme alive. I say its the later..

Everything they are doing is to keep the lie alive and NEVER address that their hypothesis was wrong.
Trillions of dollars can make for some fuzzy math.
Mods: Please move this thread to the "Conspiracy Theory" section.
Why? Its factually based. I provided you empirical evidence. Is your position so weak that you have to scream like a little child throwing a tantrum because you disagree? Common practice from the left wing cry babies who cant stand seeing their lies smashed to a pile of sand.

Refute the empirical evidence or admit you want a pacifier and your safe space...
Roy Spencer's model bullshit was refuted about five minutes after he published it and it pretty much marked the end of his career as a respected climate scientist. It surprises me not the least that a liar such as you would grab that particular bag of bullshit and run with it.
Roy Spencer's model bullshit was refuted about five minutes after he published it and it pretty much marked the end of his career as a respected climate scientist. It surprises me not the least that a liar such as you would grab that particular bag of bullshit and run with it.

Based on what skid mark?...consensus of the crybabies who just can't stand to have their abject failure exposed?

Hotwhopper.... Slandering Sue's web site.. And then they use the same model that I demonstrated how they moved the convergence point forward 20 years, hind cast away the divergence, and then hope that no one would notice the slight of hand...

I guess if your going to go with a lie, it may as well be the big one..

Hotwhopper.... Slandering Sue's web site.. And then they use the same model that I demonstrated how they moved the convergence point forward 20 years, hind cast away the divergence, and then hope that no one would notice the slight of hand...

I guess if your going to go with a lie, it may as well be the big one..

We are witnessing a total disconnect from reality...even when their high priests finally admit that the models are failures, these wack jobs can't come to terms with it...I suppose learning that you have been worshiping at the altar of a false religion would be a tough pill to swallow. It is somewhat entertaining to watch though...

Hotwhopper.... Slandering Sue's web site.. And then they use the same model that I demonstrated how they moved the convergence point forward 20 years, hind cast away the divergence, and then hope that no one would notice the slight of hand...

I guess if your going to go with a lie, it may as well be the big one..

We are witnessing a total disconnect from reality...even when their high priests finally admit that the models are failures, these wack jobs can't come to terms with it...I suppose learning that you have been worshiping at the altar of a false religion would be a tough pill to swallow. It is somewhat entertaining to watch though...
Stunning indeed. Any first year student in modeling knows that empirical real world review is necessary to validate any mathematical construct. So all the crying now is pure religious wailing...
Slandering Sue's ...

I saw the treatment you got for being a trolling imbecile. It was hilarious. You're permanently displayed in the hall of stupid, to be laughed at for all eternity. Good to know that outside of denier SafeSpaces, there's still a price to be paid for trolling and dishonesty.

And then they use the same model that I demonstrated how they moved the convergence point forward 20 years, hind cast away the divergence, and then hope that no one would notice the slight of hand...

Even Hansen's 1988 estimate was very close to his scenario B. Since then, the models have only gotten better.

Models « Open Mind


Sucks to be a denier. You devote your lives to faking and fudging everything, yet it has no effect at all. Everyone still laughs at you. You'll be laughed at for the rest of your life, and possibly longer.

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