Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA

Sigh...so sad u can't respond without resorting to name calling and dismissal of an of an opposing point of view.
And weak..

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Sigh...u rightwingnuts wouldn't recognize a good thing from Obama if it danced naked in front of u...can't u see and think outside ur self defeating negativity box?

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Hmm I'm not one and think outside all the time. So where is my healthcare? Please explain my good thing.

It would appear that the ACA is stimulating a basic principle of private enterprise ...by offering a product competitive to employer based health ins coverage...and may the best outcome prevail for individual workers.
The ACA makes it possible for workers to NOT be tied to a particular employer for health coverage...so they need to increase THEIR offerings to compete with it. It's the American way!
So....the ACA is a win-win...whether u "buy" it or not.

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This response was intended to answer ur question.. And Stimulate Debate. I'd like to know what U think, since u appear more equipped for rational debate than many others on this thread..

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Sigh...u rightwingnuts wouldn't recognize a good thing from Obama if it danced naked in front of u...can't u see and think outside ur self defeating negativity box?

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Hmm I'm not one and think outside all the time. So where is my healthcare? Please explain my good thing.

It would appear that the ACA is stimulating a basic principle of private enterprise ...by offering a product competitive to employer based health ins coverage...and may the best outcome prevail for individual workers.
The ACA makes it possible for workers to NOT be tied to a particular employer for health coverage...so they need to increase THEIR offerings to compete with it. It's the American way!
So....the ACA is a win-win...whether u "buy" it or not.

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Trying to monopolize the market.

Using fear tactics.

Used to be what liberals didn't align themselves with. Now you welcome it.

ooops... OOOOPS silly jilly.... OOOOOPS....

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28%

Health insurance premiums are showing the sharpest increases perhaps ever according to a survey of brokers who sell coverage in the individual and small group market. Morgan Stanley’s healthcare analysts conducted the proprietary survey of 148 brokers. The April survey shows the largest acceleration in small and individual group rates in any of the 12 prior quarterly periods when it has been conducted.

The average increases are in excess of 11% in the small group market and 12% in the individual market. Some state show increases 10 to 50 times that amount. The analysts conclude that the “increases are largely due to changes under the ACA.”

The analysts conducting the survey attribute the rate increases largely to a combination of four factors set in motion by Obamacare: Commercial underwriting restrictions, the age bands that don’t allow insurers to vary premiums between young and old beneficiaries based on the actual costs of providing the coverage, the new excise taxes being levied on insurance plans, and new benefit designs.

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28% - Forbes

The OP is just another sad duped Obamabot. You can't reason with Bots. Obamacare is a horrific nightmare. It should be repealed. At the very least, the Mandate should be ended immediately.

what is also happening is people are now required by law ti sign up for an insurance program. whether it is through the ACA or employer sponsored insurance. a lot aren't signing up by choice. but how will this impact the economy? less disposable income now. The ACA benefits insurance companies and drug makers.
Sigh...so sad u can't respond without resorting to name calling and dismissal of an of an opposing point of view.
And weak..
I could but what would be the point? Anyone that thinks the "Affordable"CA is good for business is fooling themselves. It may be better for some people but most people oppose it so it doesn't even enjoy popular support among employees.
ooops... OOOOPS silly jilly.... OOOOOPS....

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28%

Health insurance premiums are showing the sharpest increases perhaps ever according to a survey of brokers who sell coverage in the individual and small group market. Morgan Stanley’s healthcare analysts conducted the proprietary survey of 148 brokers. The April survey shows the largest acceleration in small and individual group rates in any of the 12 prior quarterly periods when it has been conducted.

The average increases are in excess of 11% in the small group market and 12% in the individual market. Some state show increases 10 to 50 times that amount. The analysts conclude that the “increases are largely due to changes under the ACA.”

The analysts conducting the survey attribute the rate increases largely to a combination of four factors set in motion by Obamacare: Commercial underwriting restrictions, the age bands that don’t allow insurers to vary premiums between young and old beneficiaries based on the actual costs of providing the coverage, the new excise taxes being levied on insurance plans, and new benefit designs.

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28% - Forbes

The OP is just another sad duped Obamabot. You can't reason with Bots. Obamacare is a horrific nightmare. It should be repealed. At the very least, the Mandate should be ended immediately.

what is also happening is people are now required by law ti sign up for an insurance program. whether it is through the ACA or employer sponsored insurance. a lot aren't signing up by choice. but how will this impact the economy? less disposable income now. The ACA benefits insurance companies and drug makers.

Obamacare has been implemented by way of force. No one has a choice anymore. You will either comply, or the Dear Leader's IRS Henchmen will punish you. So many of his loyal followers are just too ignorant to understand what's going on. They haven't been given anything. It's been forced on them. I guess most won't really get it until the IRS wants to have a word with em. When that day comes, they might finally understand what their Dear Leader has done. The Mandate has to go. There can be no compromise on that.
Oh goody, more IRS authority to harass the People. Yup, just what we needed. Thanks a lot Dear Leader. :(
LL do you even care that Obama went on National Television and said that 7.1 MILLION had signed up through the Exchanges but the truth is that only 3.9 did?

Do you even care?

You do not know the truth, gramps. The numbers that the administration used are verifiable.

Didn't you say earlier in this thread that only 1.4 million signed up on the exchanges?

ObozoCare was designed to insure 37 millions who weren't insured. Only 1.5 million of them signed up. The rest were people thrown off current policies. You would expect them to sign up. The net enrollees determine the success of ObozoCare. 1.5 million signed up is the count.

Obozocare is a failure. Big time.
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Oh by the way, all those new ESI enrollees may soon be kicked off of their coverage when the employer mandate hits. So, how will the ACA have any "positive impact" then, exactly?

This makes no sense at all.

Employers that already offer plans are going to drop the plans once they're mandated to offer the plans?

Those ACA plans will cost more, so employers will drop them. I'll see you guys in the next thread where we'll have to repeat all this again.
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No. I don't want Obamacare, so stop trying to pitch it to me. Go hawk that load of crap on someone more gullible. Like another liberal.

You don't want Obamacare? How about buying a plan from United or Aetna? Maybe even go sign up for Medicare. If you get sick, it could ruin you financially....for life.

You ought to reconsider.
Why? Just wait until you're sick and then sign up. Wasn't that the plan all along? And you dummies wonder why we think Obozocare is a joke that will destroy our healthcare system? Don't insult the people's intelligence. Democrats are going down in November.


If LL thinks I'm going to take his advice on buying healthcare insurance, he's sorely mistaken.
Oh by the way, all those new ESI enrollees may soon be kicked off of their coverage when the employer mandate hits. So, how will the ACA have any "positive impact" then, exactly?

This makes no sense at all.

Employers that already offer plans are going to drop the plans once they're mandated to offer the plans?

No. And of course it wouldn't make sense, you're brainwashed into believing anything the liberal establishment tells you about this law.

The Employer Mandate will do the same thing to employer plans that the Individual Mandate did to individual plans. People will
Ah yes, and another fact of life:

Only 1.4 million previously uninsured people actually signed up for the exchanges. Meaning that 5.7 out of the 7.1 million who "signed up" did so because their previous plan had been cancelled.

That's not true.

My familys previous plan was discontinued.

Did we sign up for the ACA on its website as a result?

No, we went with the new plan the same employer and same company offered.

Get a new schtick. There's plenty wrong with the law. People who "lost their plan" were offered new plans from the same damn companies, which met the new guidelines.

Every person who lost their plan was not forced over to a plan from the website.
That is the definition of ObozoCare. Sheesh..don't be so dense.
Hmm I'm not one and think outside all the time. So where is my healthcare? Please explain my good thing.

It would appear that the ACA is stimulating a basic principle of private enterprise ...by offering a product competitive to employer based health ins coverage...and may the best outcome prevail for individual workers.
The ACA makes it possible for workers to NOT be tied to a particular employer for health coverage...so they need to increase THEIR offerings to compete with it. It's the American way!
So....the ACA is a win-win...whether u "buy" it or not.

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Trying to monopolize the market.

Using fear tactics.

Used to be what liberals didn't align themselves with. Now you welcome it.


Wow..r u off base...Fear tactics is what opponents used to stir up folks AGAINST tha APA (remember the "death panels" and "socislism/fascism" and other scary allegations by the likes of Palin? Bachman even said it would kill kids..)
I really don't see how making health coverage available to more folks could be harmful...but that's just me.
As far as "monopolizing the market"...the ACA depends on the existing insurance industry to meet the individual needs of consumers, who can enter participating state exchanges to shop for their plan...so there's plenty of competition as long as plans meet the core requirements of not setting arbitrary caps on coverage and turning people away or dropping coverage due to "pre-existing conditions" or serious illness.
Maybe u just don't understand the ACA because there has been so much negative rhetoric about it ...?

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It's amazing what can be accomplished when there is a mandate resulting in penalties for non compliance.

Kim Jong Un recently declared that all men have to have their hair cut just like his. Men flocked to barbers to get the new, mandated style. To democrats this means that all men just love the style.
Once again, until the employer mandate goes into effect, an employer is allowed to renew a non-compliant plan. This does not mean their plans ARE non-compliant. Many are complliant.

Furthermore, no one has provided any evidence that an employer who is starting a new plan is allowed to start a non-compliant plan.

Also, it is a big mistake to assume that every employer plan in America is non-compliant. This erroneous assumption leads to the even more retarded conclusion that 93 million people will lose their health insurance when the mandate takes effect.

Unless someone provides actual figures of how many current employer plans are actually non-complaint, they are speaking out of their asses on this issue.

How many are compliant?

How many are not? The rubes are claiming 93 million people will lose their employer sponsored health insurance.

According to this study, 81 percent of all employer insurance plans meet the minimum value requirements, and 74 percent meet the affordabilty requirements, of the ACA. Therefor, the mandate will have a neglible effect on those companies since they already meet the standards.

From the link posted above by katsteve:

If you work for a large company, Obamcare should have very little effect on your benefits and costs. In fact, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says health reform legislation will have a “negligible” effect on your premiums. This makes sense because most large companies already cover the “10 essential benefits” that reform legislation says must be included.
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THIRDLY--Republicans did try to fix it. They tried to fix the "if you like your plan you can keep it."

That is not a comprehensive health care reform plan.

That's what you fools don't get. Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?!?

The Republicans, even at this too late date, have never put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table to replace ObamaCare.

They have managed to pass an ObamaCare repeal, what, 40 times? But never include anything in that legislation which replaces ObamaCare.

The GOP bluster is theater for the rubes. They have no plan, they have nothing. They don't give a shit about fixing a seriously broken health care system.

That's why the GOP rhetoric is going to slowly start to shift toward fixing the ACA instead of repealing it. And they will stop calling it ObamaCare once they conclude the five stages of grief and start working on the ACA. They don't want Obama getting any credit for getting health care reform finally started.

The more and more people who get insurance, the more and more the GOP will be on the losing side. The war is over. The GOP brought a hankie to a gun fight. Whine, whine, whine. Boo hoo hoo. No solutions, no plans.
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Obamacare is not just the exchange, folks. All types of health insurance have been reformed by the law. That is why you will soon be calling it The Affordable Care Act.

I will always call it Obamacare in honor of the President who risked his political career on it

And we will call it ObozoCare in honor of the clown who implanted it.

I will always call it Fascist Care, based on the fact that it is a classical fascist system, merging government and corporate power structures.
That's not true.

My familys previous plan was discontinued.

Did we sign up for the ACA on its website as a result?

No, we went with the new plan the same employer and same company offered.

Get a new schtick. There's plenty wrong with the law. People who "lost their plan" were offered new plans from the same damn companies, which met the new guidelines.

Every person who lost their plan was not forced over to a plan from the website.

At a significantly higher cost to them. Often in excess of a 500% increase in their out of pocket payments.

Why should they not want to pop Obama's ball like a grape, with a pair of pliers?

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