Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA

Let us see. What did you post to contradict the statement.
Think now! It is difficult.
Nothing! Nothing but ad hominem.
Which follows your typical posts.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the right wing(GOP) party would come up with something that helps insure those that have a difficult time getting health insurance.
It has been said by the GOP that the previous health care system needs some overhaul or work to allow to get health care coverage for those that have trouble.
But all they ever do is bash the ACA. No remedies, nothing proposed that they come out and say in detail.

That's because you're a low information poster. And a liar.
Let us see. What did you post to contradict the statement.
Think now! It is difficult.
Nothing! Nothing but ad hominem.
Which follows your typical posts.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the right wing(GOP) party would come up with something that helps insure those that have a difficult time getting health insurance.
It has been said by the GOP that the previous health care system needs some overhaul or work to allow to get health care coverage for those that have trouble.
But all they ever do is bash the ACA. No remedies, nothing proposed that they come out and say in detail.

That's because you're a low information poster. And a liar.

You are a low information poster because the GOP has floated numerous plans, all of which have been linked on this forum numerous times, not to mention Google availability.
Of course with your 10th grade education all of that might be beyond you.
I hate surveys that don't list the questions they asked. It makes it impossible to see how they arrived at the numbers.

My first thought is it makes sense there are more policies issued now than there were previously but not because more people are insured.

Due to obiecare many employers dropped coverage for family members that could get insurance from their own employer. Remember this from last year? Employers dropping coverage for thousands of spouses over ObamaCare costs | Fox News

So are there more people covered or just more policies because they had to sign up with their employers insurance after getting kicked off their spouses employers plans?

More people covered.
Nevertheless, the group plan mandates have been pushed back till late 2016, so people that signed up will lose their plans once they kick in.

When people "lose their plans" they dont "lose their option to have a plan," that is the problem with wingnut media. They dont like details.

Problem being, they were promised they wouldn't.


Epic Fail.
I hate surveys that don't list the questions they asked. It makes it impossible to see how they arrived at the numbers.

My first thought is it makes sense there are more policies issued now than there were previously but not because more people are insured.

Due to obiecare many employers dropped coverage for family members that could get insurance from their own employer. Remember this from last year? Employers dropping coverage for thousands of spouses over ObamaCare costs | Fox News

So are there more people covered or just more policies because they had to sign up with their employers insurance after getting kicked off their spouses employers plans?

More people covered.

Only if you count Medicaid......and that, my friend, is yet another expense you and I have to pay.
Oh by the way, all those new ESI enrollees may soon be kicked off of their coverage when the employer mandate hits. So, how will the ACA have any "positive impact" then, exactly?

What "employer mandate"??? OBarry has pushed that to the year 2296. There IS NO employer mandate.

Remember - it's Barry's signature legislation - it bears his name. HE doesn't have to folio his own law. That's the rules now.

What an incompetent bastard he is......absolute moron....
I hate surveys that don't list the questions they asked. It makes it impossible to see how they arrived at the numbers.

My first thought is it makes sense there are more policies issued now than there were previously but not because more people are insured.

Due to obiecare many employers dropped coverage for family members that could get insurance from their own employer. Remember this from last year? Employers dropping coverage for thousands of spouses over ObamaCare costs | Fox News

So are there more people covered or just more policies because they had to sign up with their employers insurance after getting kicked off their spouses employers plans?

More people covered.

And you can prove that how? All of the government provided numbers have been bullshit so far so how do you arrive at this answer being the most plausible?

The media keeps using numbers of policies as an equal number of people. That's just plain stupid because policies cover multiple people in a household not just one individual.

That's why when the left counts the 6 million that lost their insurance they don't consider the number of family member's that were also under that plan. It is additionally true in the reverse. obiecare is claiming 7.1 million signed up and it looks like the best actual numbers of newly insured is only going to be 850,000. Are they talking policies sold or actual people?

This is why we need actual numbers and how they arrived at those numbers so we can determine what it actually means. Something we will never get out of the obie admin.

The easiest fucking thing to do on a computer is calculate policies sold plus household members covered minus those that haven't paid. Another very easy thing to calculate is if they check the box that they previously had insurance before going into obiecare.

We paid how much for a website that can't do those basic calculations?
So why was the Employer mandate of Obamacare pushed well past this years midterms all the way to January of 2016?

You asked a question. But.....I suspect that you think you already know the answer.

I have a pretty good idea but I want to see if the left will admit the reason why or try to rationalize it.

Is that right?

What percentage of employers is actually impacted by this mandate? In order to be impacted by the mandate you must be an employer who:

A) Has 50 or more employees

B) Presently does not sponsor health insurance for your employees.

Go ahead. Do the math. Then think about how your fake question makes very little sense.
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How many ppl that lost their coverage were given replacement coverage, by the same employer and same insurance company?

Or don't you know.....
They were not given replacement insurance. They were given considerably more expensive plans over the insurance they wanted. It would be replacement insurance if it was replaced with something of equal cost.

Thats most certainly not true across the board.

Some were cheaper, some were more expensive, some were more expensive but grew at a lesser rate a nually than previous to the law.
The so-called cheaper ones have higher deductables, which makes them more expensive. You cannot count subsidies as a lowering of individual cost when the deductible more than eats up any taxpayer monies going to cover someone.
You asked a question. But.....I suspect that you think you already know the answer.

I have a pretty good idea but I want to see if the left will admit the reason why or try to rationalize it.

Is that right?

What percentage of employers is actually impacted by this mandate? In order to be impacted by the mandate you must be an employer who:

A) Has 50 or more employees

B) Presently does not sponsor health insurance for your employees.

Go ahead. Do the math. Then think about how your fake question makes very little sense.
Use your math and think about how stupid delaying the employer mandate was if it would have as little impact as you imply there was no reason to delay it unless the administration knew or suspected it's Implementation would cause millions of policy cancellations just as the individual mandate did something the party that owns Obamacare lock stock and barrel would not care for right before the midterms. Small businesses with 50-99 full-time employees will need to start insuring workers by 2016 those with a 100 or more will need to start providing health benefits in 2015 all of this was originally set to start in 2014 before the midterms do the math indeed.
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I have a pretty good idea but I want to see if the left will admit the reason why or try to rationalize it.

Is that right?

What percentage of employers is actually impacted by this mandate? In order to be impacted by the mandate you must be an employer who:

A) Has 50 or more employees

B) Presently does not sponsor health insurance for your employees.

Go ahead. Do the math. Then think about how your fake question makes very little sense.
Score one for rationalize.

No sir. How many employers ( thus employees ).......thus voters.....will be impacted by this mandate?

Hint..............it ain't very many. Certainly not enough to motivate politicians to act.

Try again.

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