Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA

More bad news:

More than one-third describe their status as implementing changes to make health plan(s) compliant or developing a multiyear approach to dealing with the reforms (38.7% and 38.5%, respectively).

Good for them, but my original statement stands, they can still enroll people in their non-compliant plans ;)
ooops... OOOOPS silly jilly.... OOOOOPS....

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28%

Health insurance premiums are showing the sharpest increases perhaps ever according to a survey of brokers who sell coverage in the individual and small group market. Morgan Stanley’s healthcare analysts conducted the proprietary survey of 148 brokers. The April survey shows the largest acceleration in small and individual group rates in any of the 12 prior quarterly periods when it has been conducted.

The average increases are in excess of 11% in the small group market and 12% in the individual market. Some state show increases 10 to 50 times that amount. The analysts conclude that the “increases are largely due to changes under the ACA.”

The analysts conducting the survey attribute the rate increases largely to a combination of four factors set in motion by Obamacare: Commercial underwriting restrictions, the age bands that don’t allow insurers to vary premiums between young and old beneficiaries based on the actual costs of providing the coverage, the new excise taxes being levied on insurance plans, and new benefit designs.

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28% - Forbes
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I want you to pay particular attention to the way that is worded.

It says Romney vetoed it. What it does NOT say is that the veto was upheld. It wasn't. The employer mandate went into effect.

The Massachusetts employer mandate did get repealed, but not until 2012. That was after the poll I mentioned, which was in 2011.

60 percent of those polled said RomneyCare had bugs which needed to be fixed, but 75 percent wanted the overal law to remain.

Try again.
Okay.....let's try this, You stated:

"Was that the case in Massachusetts?


75 percent of those polled five years after its implementation said they wanted
RomneyCare (ObamaCare's mother) to stay."

I showed you the difference between the two. I could care less what poll you mentioned. There is a big difference between the two, whether you want to admit it or not.

he's telling you what happened in Massachusetts. they love their coverage. and there is no difference between the two.

No difference,.....other than about 2000 pages that we had to pass before we could find out what was In it......and 32 delays, hundreds of waivers and Congress was exempt from it because it was too expensive for someone who only makes $100,000 .00 or more.....

No difference,.....other than that....
ooops... OOOOPS silly jilly.... OOOOOPS....

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28%

Health insurance premiums are showing the sharpest increases perhaps ever according to a survey of brokers who sell coverage in the individual and small group market. Morgan Stanley’s healthcare analysts conducted the proprietary survey of 148 brokers. The April survey shows the largest acceleration in small and individual group rates in any of the 12 prior quarterly periods when it has been conducted.

The average increases are in excess of 11% in the small group market and 12% in the individual market. Some state show increases 10 to 50 times that amount. The analysts conclude that the “increases are largely due to changes under the ACA.”

The analysts conducting the survey attribute the rate increases largely to a combination of four factors set in motion by Obamacare: Commercial underwriting restrictions, the age bands that don’t allow insurers to vary premiums between young and old beneficiaries based on the actual costs of providing the coverage, the new excise taxes being levied on insurance plans, and new benefit designs.

Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28% - Forbes

The OP is just another sad duped Obamabot. You can't reason with Bots. Obamacare is a horrific nightmare. It should be repealed. At the very least, the Mandate should be ended immediately.
his plan? you mean the heritage foundation and romneycare....

Obamacare - SO GOOD that sycophants want to blame it on Heritage, or Romney, or ANYONE..

I see your pride.

try again.

and no one believes you had a 30% increase for the same coverage.

There reason the increase is lower than most people got is because our H.R. Director fought hard to keep costs down.

You're right that most will see about 50% increases. Thank Obama for that. He's slipped a turd under the pillow of every American.
I'm not looking for an argument, and my question is sincere, even if it is uninformed. But how is the ACA responsible for more employees getting employment sponsored HC?
I'm not looking for an argument, and my question is sincere, even if it is uninformed. But how is the ACA responsible for more employees getting employment sponsored HC?

The Study does not say, June is an open enrollment month for Group so it could just be an uptick because of that.

I don't blame them for taking credit for it though.
I'm not looking for an argument, and my question is sincere, even if it is uninformed. But how is the ACA responsible for more employees getting employment sponsored HC?

The Study does not say, June is an open enrollment month for Group so it could just be an uptick because of that.

I don't blame them for taking credit for it though.

That's what I thought, but I thought I might be missing something. As I recall, the Obamacare opponents, of which I am one, contended the ACA would discourage employer sponsored healthcare. Logically, it seems to me that is still correct. There's no way to tell if the number would be less, or more, without the ACA. But, I admit the ACA is not the disaster that some pols said would be the immediate effect.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the right wing(GOP) party would come up with something that helps insure those that have a difficult time getting health insurance.
It has been said by the GOP that the previous health care system needs some overhaul or work to allow to get health care coverage for those that have trouble.
But all they ever do is bash the ACA. No remedies, nothing proposed that they come out and say in detail.

That's because you're a low information poster. And a liar.
I'm not looking for an argument, and my question is sincere, even if it is uninformed. But how is the ACA responsible for more employees getting employment sponsored HC?

The Study does not say, June is an open enrollment month for Group so it could just be an uptick because of that.

I don't blame them for taking credit for it though.

They dont. Employment has been rising. Ergo more people getting health insurance through employers. It isn't a hard concept. Except if you're a lib.
I'm not looking for an argument, and my question is sincere, even if it is uninformed. But how is the ACA responsible for more employees getting employment sponsored HC?

The Study does not say, June is an open enrollment month for Group so it could just be an uptick because of that.

I don't blame them for taking credit for it though.

They dont. Employment has been rising. Ergo more people getting health insurance through employers. It isn't a hard concept. Except if you're a lib.

You speak LATIN!
I'm not looking for an argument, and my question is sincere, even if it is uninformed. But how is the ACA responsible for more employees getting employment sponsored HC?

The Study does not say, June is an open enrollment month for Group so it could just be an uptick because of that.

I don't blame them for taking credit for it though.

They dont. Employment has been rising. Ergo more people getting health insurance through employers. It isn't a hard concept. Except if you're a lib.

I am shocked that you admit employment is rising. I guess realism is finally starting to take over. Now if you can only say over and over...."Obamacare helps People"...."Obamacare helps People"...."Obamacare helps People"...."Obamacare helps People"
Not like Citizens have a choice. It's called 'The Mandate.' Either comply, or be punished. That Obama's a real nice guy, huh? Amazing so many people are so uninformed. All Obama's accomplished with his debacle, is stroke his own ego and grant the IRS even more powers to oppress the People.
I hate surveys that don't list the questions they asked. It makes it impossible to see how they arrived at the numbers.

My first thought is it makes sense there are more policies issued now than there were previously but not because more people are insured.

Due to obiecare many employers dropped coverage for family members that could get insurance from their own employer. Remember this from last year? Employers dropping coverage for thousands of spouses over ObamaCare costs | Fox News

So are there more people covered or just more policies because they had to sign up with their employers insurance after getting kicked off their spouses employers plans?
Crazy, so many still think they have a choice. Either comply or the IRS will be on your ass. It's called 'The Mandate.' More Americans should look into it. Obama hasn't done any favors for them.

i find it amusing to watch the rightwingnuts rant and rave.

of course, they could always improve on things...

but why would they?

it would deflect from the constant obama derangement.

do you think at some point they'll figure it only works on loons who think like they do?

Funny how you just negged me for trolling, then go on an epic troll yourself. Is this how liberals argue?

that's because you *are* a troll.


information from the Washington post is NEWS....

your disagreement only makes it more valuable. unfortunately, mentally deranged rightwingnut bots like you don't get that.

now run along... rush limbot must be popping an oxycontin somewhere.....

That's cute jillian. Your thread was destroyed before it got off the ground. This little tantrum of yours proves it. If you stop posting bullshit, I won't call you on it. And by the way, it's only news when it somehow remotely jibes with your point of view, only this time much to your dismay, it doesn't.
Funny how you just negged me for trolling, then go on an epic troll yourself. Is this how liberals argue?

that's because you *are* a troll.


information from the Washington post is NEWS....

your disagreement only makes it more valuable. unfortunately, mentally deranged rightwingnut bots like you don't get that.

now run along... rush limbot must be popping an oxycontin somewhere.....

That's cute jillian. Your thread was destroyed before it got off the ground. This little tantrum of yours proves it. If you stop posting bullshit, I won't call you on it. And by the way, it's only news when it somehow remotely jibes with your point of view, only this time much to your dismay, it doesn't.

You are delusional. This thread points out one of the positives that no one expected to see, with the roll out of Obamcare. But I do understand your attempt to shun the facts. Good Try....:doubt:
that's because you *are* a troll.


information from the Washington post is NEWS....

your disagreement only makes it more valuable. unfortunately, mentally deranged rightwingnut bots like you don't get that.

now run along... rush limbot must be popping an oxycontin somewhere.....

That's cute jillian. Your thread was destroyed before it got off the ground. This little tantrum of yours proves it. If you stop posting bullshit, I won't call you on it. And by the way, it's only news when it somehow remotely jibes with your point of view, only this time much to your dismay, it doesn't.

You are delusional. This thread points out one of the positives that no one expected to see, with the roll out of Obamcare. But I do understand your attempt to shun the facts. Good Try....:doubt:

So you don't care that Obama said that 7.1 million had signed up through the Exchanges and that this Study points out that only 3.9 million did?

Or that only 1.4 million of the exchanged enrolled folks were previously uninsured?

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