Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA

ObamaCare is here to stay, sorry.

In name only. :eusa_whistle:
This bill isn't the same bill that was passed.

It could be improved. If the House would sit down with the Senate and address any issues that have come up, then both parties could take credit for it. But the GOP is intent on one solution....REPEAL!

How has THAT worked out for you?

Again another low information voter making comments. First of all--Republicans were blocked from even attending committee hearings on Obamacare by democrats. Secondly--not one single Republican voted for this Obamanation. The first time in this nation's history where a bill didn't garner up one single vote of approval from the minority party.

THIRDLY--Republicans did try to fix it. They tried to fix the "if you like your plan you can keep it."

Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for most of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.
Obamacare drop insurance | grandfathering | cancellation

So what is it--you think Republicans can do about Obamacare--when Barack Obama has repeatedly stated he will VETO any bill regarding Obamacare? The ONLY way to fix Obamacare is to get rid of the Senate Democrats (all of them that are running for re-election in November) so it can be fixed.

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Once again, until the employer mandate goes into effect, an employer is allowed to renew a non-compliant plan. This does not mean their plans ARE non-compliant. Many are complliant.

Furthermore, no one has provided any evidence that an employer who is starting a new plan is allowed to start a non-compliant plan.

Also, it is a big mistake to assume that every employer plan in America is non-compliant. This erroneous assumption leads to the even more retarded conclusion that 93 million people will lose their health insurance when the mandate takes effect.

Unless someone provides actual figures of how many current employer plans are actually non-complaint, they are speaking out of their asses on this issue.
I want you to pay particular attention to the way that is worded.

It says Romney vetoed it. What it does NOT say is that the veto was upheld. It wasn't. The employer mandate went into effect.

The Massachusetts employer mandate did get repealed, but not until 2012. That was after the poll I mentioned, which was in 2011.

60 percent of those polled said RomneyCare had bugs which needed to be fixed, but 75 percent wanted the overal law to remain.

Try again.
Okay.....let's try this, You stated:

"Was that the case in Massachusetts?


75 percent of those polled five years after its implementation said they wanted
RomneyCare (ObamaCare's mother) to stay."

I showed you the difference between the two. I could care less what poll you mentioned. There is a big difference between the two, whether you want to admit it or not.

Distinctions without a difference. ObamaCare will be as strongly favored in the polls five years from now as RomneyCare was and is in Massachusetts.

Your list also had no integrity, as I pointed out in one of the examples you gave. An attempted veto is not the same thing as "did not happen". You should check claims made by others before parroting them.

Well there you have it, g is the sole arbiter of what does and does not have integrity AND the sole interpretation of what anyone else says...

It must be a terrible burden g ;)
Once again, until the employer mandate goes into effect, an employer is allowed to renew a non-compliant plan. This does not mean their plans ARE non-compliant. Many are complliant.

Furthermore, no one has provided any evidence that an employer who is starting a new plan is allowed to start a non-compliant plan.

Also, it is a big mistake to assume that every employer plan in America is non-compliant. This erroneous assumption leads to the even more retarded conclusion that 93 million people will lose their health insurance when the mandate takes effect.

Unless someone provides actual figures of how many current employer plans are actually non-complaint, they are speaking out of their asses on this issue.

Nobody made any of those assumptions despite your little girl like caterwauling.

I said the employers are still marketing their non-compliant plans, you REALLY aren't good at this.

EVERYTHING you've posted proves what I actually said.

Thank you.
According to this study, 81 percent of all employer insurance plans meet the minimum value requirements, and 74 percent meet the affordabilty requirements, of the ACA.

In other words, a supermajority of employers are already compliant. You are not going to see your wet dream of 93 million people kicked off their insurance when the mandate kicks in.

Sorry to make your butts hurt.
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Seriously People, wake up. Obamcare has left you with no choice. You'll either comply, or you'll be punished. Yet so many of you are actually thanking Obama for that. It's so sad & bizarre. Obama hasn't given you anything. He's forced it on you. More People need to join in the fight to end the Mandate. It's just wrong.
Seriously People, wake up. Obamcare has left you with no choice. You'll either comply, or you'll be punished. Yet so many of you are actually thanking Obama for that. It's so sad & bizarre. Obama hasn't given you anything. He's forced it on you. More People need to join in the fight to end the Mandate. It's just wrong.

More bad news:

More than one-third describe their status as implementing changes to make health plan(s) compliant or developing a multiyear approach to dealing with the reforms (38.7% and 38.5%, respectively).
Hey, TK.....how about you? Do you have health insurance?

I know I do - and want to personally thank Obama for the 30% increase coming out of my pocket to cover his foolish plan.

his plan? you mean the heritage foundation and romneycare....

try again.

and no one believes you had a 30% increase for the same coverage.
Seriously People, wake up. Obamcare has left you with no choice. You'll either comply, or you'll be punished. Yet so many of you are actually thanking Obama for that. It's so sad & bizarre. Obama hasn't given you anything. He's forced it on you. More People need to join in the fight to end the Mandate. It's just wrong.


Well, you would say that. You do roll with the loyal programmed Obamabot crowd. You would support anything your Dear Leader does. If you had any dignity and guts, you would join the fight to end the Mandate. Obama hasn't given anyone anything. He's only forced it on them. You'll either comply, or be punished. In reality, he's only given his ego and the IRS something.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the right wing(GOP) party would come up with something that helps insure those that have a difficult time getting health insurance.
It has been said by the GOP that the previous health care system needs some overhaul or work to allow to get health care coverage for those that have trouble.
But all they ever do is bash the ACA. No remedies, nothing proposed that they come out and say in detail.
In name only. :eusa_whistle:
This bill isn't the same bill that was passed.

It could be improved. If the House would sit down with the Senate and address any issues that have come up, then both parties could take credit for it. But the GOP is intent on one solution....REPEAL!

How has THAT worked out for you?

Again another low information voter making comments. First of all--Republicans were blocked from even attending committee hearings on Obamacare by democrats. Secondly--not one single Republican voted for this Obamanation. The first time in this nation's history where a bill didn't garner up one single vote of approval from the minority party.

THIRDLY--Republicans did try to fix it. They tried to fix the "if you like your plan you can keep it."

Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for most of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.

In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.

“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.

“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.

On a party line vote, Democrats killed the resolution, which could come back to haunt vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this year.
Obamacare drop insurance | grandfathering | cancellation

So what is it--you think Republicans can do about Obamacare--when Barack Obama has repeatedly stated he will VETO any bill regarding Obamacare? The ONLY way to fix Obamacare is to get rid of the Senate Democrats (all of them that are running for re-election in November) so it can be fixed.

American pollster and political scientist Samuel Popkin coined the the term (Low Information Voter) in 1991 which is a pejorative referring to people who vote conservative against their own interests, and they do it because they lack sufficient information. Liberals, he said, attribute the problem in part to deliberate Republican efforts at misinforming voters (Uneducated low IQ voters)
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Remember People, Obamacare doesn't give you anything. It only forces something on you by way of intimidation & force. It's called 'The Mandate.' Don't wanna comply? Ok, then the IRS seizes assets and possibly imprisons you. Still think Obama gave you something? Think again.
I am speaking to the topic. 8.2 newly insured by their employers.

Antares would like you to believe those 8.2 million have all been enrolled in non-compliant plans.

He made that shit up.

Nope, thats not what I said, poor g.

So this is the closest we will get to an admission by you that you have absolutely no clue how many of the 8.2 million were actually enrolled in non-compliant plans.

Thank you.

Not even Congress knows......

Nobody knows.....

But they were all bad plans according to the White House........all of those plans that were faked by the Koch Bros.......all bad.
Seriously People, wake up. Obamcare has left you with no choice. You'll either comply, or you'll be punished. Yet so many of you are actually thanking Obama for that. It's so sad & bizarre. Obama hasn't given you anything. He's forced it on you. More People need to join in the fight to end the Mandate. It's just wrong.


Well, you would say that. You do roll with the loyal programmed Obamabot crowd. You would support anything your Dear Leader does. If you had any dignity and guts, you would join the fight to end the Mandate. Obama hasn't given anyone anything. He's only forced it on them. You'll either comply, or be punished. In reality, he's only given his ego and the IRS something.

With the Obamasheeple--If Obama had mandated that they get rid of their "liked" computers--because it didn't qualify under his new computer mandates-and refered to them as "junk computers" -and were forced to buy a more expensive computer--with a lot of add-on's that they didn't need nor want-(while under the threat of IRS penalties, if they didn't buy it.) A few of them would open their eyes to what Obamacare really is. But most of them would end up at Best Buy--because Obama mandated that they purchase a new program mandated computer that "he" likes.

oops.... there goes another fear tactic lost for the 2014 midterms...

oops... all conservatives have to do is let the bill kill dems chances without doing a thing...

Despite Obama Gloating About ObamaCare Being A Success, Debate Being “Over,” Only 23 Percent Of Americans Think ObamaCare Actually Working

So, you have no doubt seen or heard our wonderful community organizer in chief crowing and gloating about how his healthcare law finally has 7.1 million enrollments. Of course, that number in and of itself is a flat-out, blatant lie. But that fact notwithstanding, Obama has also recently declared that ObamaCare is “working” and that debate is “over” regarding this law.

That is very interesting considering a new poll shows that only 23 percent of Americans agree with our President and his assessment about the healthcare program actually working. It is also actually quite funny how Obama went to every TV network asking for a prime time spot in order to gloat about how his program has been ‘working,’ and was denied by every one of them! Listen to this from the recently released Rasmussen poll:

“Few voters consider the new national healthcare law a success, and most think repeal of the law is likely if Republicans take over Congress in November. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 23 percent of Likely US Voters view ObamaCare as a success so far. Twice as many (46 percent) describe the healthcare law as a failure. For 29 percent it’s somewhere in between the two.”

Despite Obama Gloating About ObamaCare Being A Success, Debate Being ?Over,? Only 23 Percent Of Americans Think ObamaCare Actually Working - Downtrend.com
Okay, time to school me.

Is there a form of insurance called Obamacare? I thought it was just a law, with the exchange essentially acting as a conduit for insurance companies.

Obama stuck his dick in YOUR insurance, no matter where you buy it.

That 30-50% increase? That's because your little tin god got involved.

Say "Thank you Obama."

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