Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA

That is not a comprehensive health care reform plan.

That's what you fools don't get. Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?!?

The Republicans, even at this too late date, have never put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table to replace ObamaCare.

They have managed to pass an ObamaCare repeal, what, 40 times? But never include anything in that legislation which replaces ObamaCare.

The GOP bluster is theater for the rubes. They have no plan, they have nothing. They don't give a shit about fixing a seriously broken health care system.

That's why the GOP rhetoric is going to slowly start to shift toward fixing the ACA instead of repealing it. And they will stop calling it ObamaCare once they conclude the five stages of grief and start working on the ACA. They don't want Obama getting any credit for getting health care reform finally started.

The more and more people who get insurance, the more and more the GOP will be on the losing side. The war is over. The GOP brought a hankie to a gun fight. Whine, whine, whine. Boo hoo hoo. No solutions, no plans.

So your complaint is that the Republicans have not offered a socialist plan equal to that of your GLORIOUS party scheme?

Here is an idea that would never occur to you, repeal the pile of shit and let the market determine prices.

Do you know what the market is, Comrade?
That is not a comprehensive health care reform plan.

That's what you fools don't get. Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?!?

The Republicans, even at this too late date, have never put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table to replace ObamaCare.

They have managed to pass an ObamaCare repeal, what, 40 times? But never include anything in that legislation which replaces ObamaCare.

The GOP bluster is theater for the rubes. They have no plan, they have nothing. They don't give a shit about fixing a seriously broken health care system.

That's why the GOP rhetoric is going to slowly start to shift toward fixing the ACA instead of repealing it. And they will stop calling it ObamaCare once they conclude the five stages of grief and start working on the ACA. They don't want Obama getting any credit for getting health care reform finally started.

The more and more people who get insurance, the more and more the GOP will be on the losing side. The war is over. The GOP brought a hankie to a gun fight. Whine, whine, whine. Boo hoo hoo. No solutions, no plans.

So your complaint is that the Republicans have not offered a socialist plan equal to that of your GLORIOUS party scheme?

Here is an idea that would never occur to you, repeal the pile of shit and let the market determine prices.

Do you know what the market is, Comrade?

so your grand plan is to let people die and continue to let 50% of our bankruptcies be based on unanticipated medical care?


that's why you can't win national elections.
Hmm I'm not one and think outside all the time. So where is my healthcare? Please explain my good thing.

It would appear that the ACA is stimulating a basic principle of private enterprise ...by offering a product competitive to employer based health ins coverage...and may the best outcome prevail for individual workers.
The ACA makes it possible for workers to NOT be tied to a particular employer for health coverage...so they need to increase THEIR offerings to compete with it. It's the American way!

So....the ACA is a win-win...whether u "buy" it or not.

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This response was intended to answer ur question.. And Stimulate Debate. I'd like to know what U think, since u appear more equipped for rational debate than many others on this thread..

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I am more equipped. I just have a life and don't spend all my time here. And speaking of equipped your point debates nothing. Under the mandate if you have employer insurance available they tell you to go away because you don't qualify for subsidies. So you are tied to your employer and there is no competition. And when you are looking at jump from 2k per year to 6k the options are pretty clear. So my original question that you have no answer for stands.
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Obama's IRS Henchmen are locked & loaded, ready to go. Sign up, or be punished People. Many many of his most loyal sycophants are gonna find out the hard way. Obama didn't give them anything. He mandated by force. Once the IRS starts harassing, it will start to hit home for em. Right now, most of his loyal followers are completely clueless about what's happening. All Obama has given them is another headache to deal with. The IRS is now more powerful than ever. They'll likely begin to rethink their thanking & praising Obama for this mess.
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It's amazing what can be accomplished when there is a mandate resulting in penalties for non compliance.

Kim Jong Un recently declared that all men have to have their hair cut just like his. Men flocked to barbers to get the new, mandated style. To democrats this means that all men just love the style.

The heritage foundation loved it
So are co-pays and out-of-pockets... my OOP went from $2,500 to $12,700.

How utterly affordable!
We'll see when the IRS comes callin, what Obama's loyal sycophants think of his mess. The sad reality of Obamacare is gonna hit them especially hard.

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