Employer Coverage Booming Under ACA

Is that right?

What percentage of employers is actually impacted by this mandate? In order to be impacted by the mandate you must be an employer who:

A) Has 50 or more employees

B) Presently does not sponsor health insurance for your employees.

Go ahead. Do the math. Then think about how your fake question makes very little sense.
Score one for rationalize.

No sir. How many employers ( thus employees ).......thus voters.....will be impacted by this mandate?

Hint..............it ain't very many. Certainly not enough to motivate politicians to act.

Try again.
Rationalize take 2 let me remind you the employer mandate got pushed back after the cancellations and bad press from the individual mandate which the White House tried desperately to down play if the number impacted would be as small as you claim no reason to push them past the midterms was there? Rationalize take 3 forthcoming.
oops.... there goes another fear tactic lost for the 2014 midterms...

looks like the right may actually have to figure out what they want instead of what they hate

oh wait....

that won't happen.

never mind.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds
April 8 at 2:51 pm

While the political world has spent the past several months watching enrollment numbers in Obamacare health insurance marketplaces, maybe we should have been focusing on employer-sponsored insurance.
A new survey from Rand Corp. estimates 9.3 million people were newly insured between September 2013 and March 2014, a trend that was mostly driven by an enrollment increase in employer-sponsored plans.
The growing market for employer-sponsored insurance is still the nation's most common source of coverage. The survey, which comes with some caveats, finds that of the previously uninsured who gained new coverage, 7.2 million were covered by employer plans, 3.6 million were covered by Medicaid and 1.4 million signed up through the Obamacare exchanges. In all, employer coverage increased by 8.2 million since September, Rand said.
Fewer than 1 million people who previously had individual coverage are still uninsured, Rand found. What’s not clear is how many had their plans cancelled or decided their coverage was unaffordable. In all, people who lost previous coverage in the individual market made up less than 1 percent of nonelderly adults, Rand said.

Forget about Obamacare exchanges. Employer coverage is booming, survey finds

Please explain something to me...
1) Even Obama now agrees 10 million people that are counted as part of the magic "46 million" uninsured.. THEY were NOT Americans!
Yet Obama and obviously you count them as "uninsured".. BUT they were NOT Americans as Obama said when pushing ACA..
I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. "

2) SO now Obama says there are 30 million uninsured...
Why did it take ANOTHER GIGANTIC monstrosity known as ACA to enroll 14 million people that SHOULD HAVE BEEN ENROLLED Under Obama's Medicare/Medicaid administration.. 14 million counted as "uninsured" yet all they need do is enroll... and now they are UNDER this gigantic cluster f...k... i.e. Obamacare! Why did Obama bogusly count people that HE SHOULD HAVE already enrolled BEFORE ACA???

3) Finally NOW these 18 million people who NEVER wanted to have health insurance as they had NO NEED.. (under 34) and could have afforded
their employers' plans (make over $50k) WHY were THEY counted as part of the 46 million? REASON TO PUMP the numbers up!
To manufacture another Crisis! THERE never were 46 million people that wanted but couldn't get insurance i.e. UNINSURED!

PHONY number used to pass a totally unpopular and destructive legislation by just 7 votes! If it was so...f...king popular why did it pass by
only 7 votes... taken $2 billion to build and advertise something that was pumped to be Affordable Care Act?
Sigh...u rightwingnuts wouldn't recognize a good thing from Obama if it danced naked in front of u...can't u see and think outside ur self defeating negativity box?

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that's because you *are* a troll.


information from the Washington post is NEWS....

your disagreement only makes it more valuable. unfortunately, mentally deranged rightwingnut bots like you don't get that.

now run along... rush limbot must be popping an oxycontin somewhere.....

That's cute jillian. Your thread was destroyed before it got off the ground. This little tantrum of yours proves it. If you stop posting bullshit, I won't call you on it. And by the way, it's only news when it somehow remotely jibes with your point of view, only this time much to your dismay, it doesn't.

You are delusional. This thread points out one of the positives that no one expected to see, with the roll out of Obamcare. But I do understand your attempt to shun the facts. Good Try....:doubt:


All of which you manufacture. This is a true sign of desperation.
Sigh...u rightwingnuts wouldn't recognize a good thing from Obama if it danced naked in front of u...can't u see and think outside ur self defeating negativity box?

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Hmm I'm not one and think outside all the time. So where is my healthcare? Please explain my good thing.
Score one for rationalize.

No sir. How many employers ( thus employees ).......thus voters.....will be impacted by this mandate?

Hint..............it ain't very many. Certainly not enough to motivate politicians to act.

Try again.
Rationalize take 2 let me remind you the employer mandate got pushed back after the cancellations and bad press from the individual mandate which the White House tried desperately to down play if the number impacted would be as small as you claim no reason to push them past the midterms was there? Rationalize take 3 forthcoming.

What percentage of businesses will be impacted by the mandate?
Derp all of them with over 50 employees once the mandate hits. What about basic math is hard to understand?
This thread is funny. People who are enrolling in ESI aren't enrolling in Obamacare. You're trying to attribute things like ESI and Medicaid to the ACA, in a desperate attempt to hail the law as a success. This liberal sniveling turns my stomach. Just accept this law fell flat on it's face from the beginning.

Repeat after me: Enrollments in Medicaid and ESI have nothing to do with Obamacare.

Yeah, this thread is more liberal bullshit. The employer mandate was delayed until after the 2016 election (coincidence?) so of course there would be increased employer based insurance enrollment. They can easily pass this crap over at democratic underground, but it won't pass muster here where we get to call bullshit for what it is.
Hey, TK.....how about you? Do you have health insurance?

No. I don't want Obamacare, so stop trying to pitch it to me. Go hawk that load of crap on someone more gullible. Like another liberal.

You don't want Obamacare? How about buying a plan from United or Aetna? Maybe even go sign up for Medicare. If you get sick, it could ruin you financially....for life.

You ought to reconsider.
Why? Just wait until you're sick and then sign up. Wasn't that the plan all along? And you dummies wonder why we think Obozocare is a joke that will destroy our healthcare system? Don't insult the people's intelligence. Democrats are going down in November.
Once again, until the employer mandate goes into effect, an employer is allowed to renew a non-compliant plan. This does not mean their plans ARE non-compliant. Many are complliant.

Furthermore, no one has provided any evidence that an employer who is starting a new plan is allowed to start a non-compliant plan.

Also, it is a big mistake to assume that every employer plan in America is non-compliant. This erroneous assumption leads to the even more retarded conclusion that 93 million people will lose their health insurance when the mandate takes effect.

Unless someone provides actual figures of how many current employer plans are actually non-complaint, they are speaking out of their asses on this issue.

How many are compliant?
According to this study, 81 percent of all employer insurance plans meet the minimum value requirements, and 74 percent meet the affordabilty requirements, of the ACA.

In other words, a supermajority of employers are already compliant. You are not going to see your wet dream of 93 million people kicked off their insurance when the mandate kicks in.

Sorry to make your butts hurt.

The survey was done in March of 2013, before the the latest delays went into effect.

There are many more requirements than just the affordability and minimum actuarial value, and many of them were not required as of the date on this survey.

Once again, until the employer mandate goes into effect, an employer is allowed to renew a non-compliant plan. This does not mean their plans ARE non-compliant. Many are complliant.

Furthermore, no one has provided any evidence that an employer who is starting a new plan is allowed to start a non-compliant plan.

Also, it is a big mistake to assume that every employer plan in America is non-compliant. This erroneous assumption leads to the even more retarded conclusion that 93 million people will lose their health insurance when the mandate takes effect.

Unless someone provides actual figures of how many current employer plans are actually non-complaint, they are speaking out of their asses on this issue.

How many are compliant?

Right now it doesn't matter.

Obama pushed them all back two years. After the next president is elected only then it becomes an issue.

Fines will still be assessed for non-compliance in our 2014 returns
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Obama pushed them all back two years. After the next president is elected only then it becomes an issue.

Fines will still be assessed for none compliance in our 2014 returns
And if a Republican is elected he will be blamed for any negative fallout.

It's pretty much a given.

Democraps screw everything up, leave, then spend years blaming Republicans.

When your base doesn't care about reality or the truth the blame always falls on who is in charge at the moment (other than Democraps).
Sigh...u rightwingnuts wouldn't recognize a good thing from Obama if it danced naked in front of u...can't u see and think outside ur self defeating negativity box?

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Hmm I'm not one and think outside all the time. So where is my healthcare? Please explain my good thing.

It would appear that the ACA is stimulating a basic principle of private enterprise ...by offering a product competitive to employer based health ins coverage...and may the best outcome prevail for individual workers.
The ACA makes it possible for workers to NOT be tied to a particular employer for health coverage...so they need to increase THEIR offerings to compete with it. It's the American way!
So....the ACA is a win-win...whether u "buy" it or not.

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It would appear that the ACA is stimulating a basic principle of private enterprise ...by offering a product competitive to employer based health ins coverage...and may the best outcome prevail for individual workers.
The ACA makes it possible for workers to NOT be tied to a particular employer for health coverage...so they need to increase THEIR offerings to compete with it. It's the American way!
So....the ACA is a win-win...whether u "buy" it or not.
The government passes a law requiring coverage many companies can't afford and this asshole thinks it's the American way. Unfuckingbelievable.

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