Employer Mandate Delayed -- Again


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I don't know what I can add to this. Nothing, I guess. Just more dishonesty from the usual suspects

Shock of Shocks: Obama Delaying Employer Mandate, Again For, Get This, Nakedly Political Reasons
Ace of Spades HQ

Democrats complained that enrollment for the employer mandate -- with the Sticker Shock that will accompany it -- was slated to start less than three weeks before the 2014 midterms, on October 15, 2014.

So you'll never guess what King Obama is now trial-ballooning -- that he'll delay it by exactly one month, from October 15th (before the elections) to November 15th (after them).

On the podcast now posted below, and also in conversation, every time someone said "Well the Democrats are going to face the employer mandate before the election," I just laughed and scoffed. Sure they will.


John Eekdahl had a point in the podcast, though: How much does this actually help Obama and the Democrats? The public understands what Obamacare means-- it means skyrocketing prices for their healthcare. Does delaying this -- attempting to keep a secret that's already out -- actually help them?

Maybe it could hurt them-- perhaps the public will imagine the damage to themselves will be even greater than it actually will be.

I don't know.

I do know the media is up to its old Obama-protecting tricks. Watch how Bloomberg claims the move is for policy purposes, which may also have a political benefit:

Insurers to Get Extra Month to Set 2015 Obamacare Rates - Bloomberg

The Obama administration plans to push back by a month the second-year start of enrollment in its health program to give insurers more time to adjust to growing pains in the U.S. law, a move that may stave off higher premiums before the 2014 congressional elections.

Before I read that, I had been thinking "The media can't possibly spin this as anything other than what it is, a stinking filthy attempt to delay the pain of Obamacare so that Democrats have a chance to cling to power."

But there you go. Bloomberg's opening sentence reports, as a factual matter (not "the Administration claims," but that this is factually so), that the move is made for prudential reasons to permit insurers to "adjust" to "growing pains."

And not for the transparently political and, get this, dishonest reason that obviously is motivating the New Unilateral Executive Law-Making.

A one month delay of a mandate already delayed by one year. Thirteen months instead of twelve months.

I guess it's just a coincidence that this one-month adjustment moves the pain from before the elections to after them.
I saw that one coming. This is so blatantly transparent. I just hope there is enough realization of the consequences of the mandate becoming known before the election that one month won't make a difference. The individual mandates consequences started showing up more than a month of its original target date.

Bloomberg is just as big a shill as any. How the GOP hasn't ousted him I will never know.
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I saw that one coming. This is so blatantly transparent. I just hope there is enough realization of the consequences of the mandate becoming known before the election that one month won't make a difference. The individual mandates consequences started showing up more than a month of its original target date.

Bloomberg is just as big a shill as any. How the GOP hasn't ousted him I will never know.

I don't see how this helps, considering Republicans can say thier opponents support such horse-play.

Plus the notices are going to go out early anyway.
True, the notices will be going out early.

I thought the employer mandate was delayed until January 2015, and I was still hopeful that it would be making the news in October.

With a November deadline, it will surely be making the news in September and October.
True, the notices will be going out early.

I thought the employer mandate was delayed until January 2015, and I was still hopeful that it would be making the news in October.

With a November deadline, it will surely be making the news in September and October.

Yes, it will be making news and yes, people will be talking about it.

But the truth is; that's just Rhetoric. People don't pay attention until it's a Reality.

Just like the last five years; we've been screaming like crazed baboons about obamacare but no one listened.

Now that Reality has set in, they're starting to pay attention. Too late

And, of course, dimocrap scum are out in force spreading lies and trying to disperse blame.

By setting the date back, it gives dimocrap scum the opportunity to lie.

And it gives the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM time to cover for them.

Reality won't set in until after the election by which time, it will be too late
It's scummy. But notices of cancellations and layoffs will still be going out prior to the election.

Maybe I'll be kicked in my teeth again, but I don't think the media is going to be so willing to cover for him this time.
You misunderstand.

It's not the employer mandate that's being delayed, it's the open enrollment period. The employer mandate is still scheduled to start at the beginning of 2015. The open enrollment where people can sign up for insurance has been moved back 1 month.
You misunderstand.

It's not the employer mandate that's being delayed, it's the open enrollment period. The employer mandate is still scheduled to start at the beginning of 2015. The open enrollment where people can sign up for insurance has been moved back 1 month.

So the sticker shock has been put off for when insurance companies have to raise rates to make up for all the young, healthy and wealthy people who didn't enroll.
You misunderstand.

It's not the employer mandate that's being delayed, it's the open enrollment period. The employer mandate is still scheduled to start at the beginning of 2015. The open enrollment where people can sign up for insurance has been moved back 1 month.

So the sticker shock has been put off for when insurance companies have to raise rates to make up for all the young, healthy and wealthy people who didn't enroll.

This would be comical if it wasn't so blatantly partisan and designed to be willfully misleading.

If progressives are SOOOOO proud of Obamacare they should have no worries about this stuff being out in the open prior to the mid-term elections.

From the link:

The enrollment period, previously scheduled to begin Oct. 15, 2014, will now start Nov. 15, said an official with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who asked not to be identified because the decision isn’t public.

This explains why I was not able to find any other source making this claim.

IF this is true, then it is clearly being done for political purposes.

Another interesting tidbit in that piece:

Some states are reporting that sign-ups have begun to accelerate now that the initial website errors are being fixed. California’s exchange said yesterday it has now enrolled almost 80,000 people in health plans.

As the bugs get worked out and millions begin to enroll, the momentum is going to shift in ObamaCare's favor. This will have a much bigger impact on the mid-terms than a purely political move to push employer enrollments back a month.
By the way, the article does not say the mandate itself was delayed again, as the topic title claims. It says the enrollment period was pushed back a month.

From the link:

The enrollment period, previously scheduled to begin Oct. 15, 2014, will now start Nov. 15, said an official with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who asked not to be identified because the decision isn’t public.

This explains why I was not able to find any other source making this claim.

IF this is true, then it is clearly being done for political purposes.

Another interesting tidbit in that piece:

Some states are reporting that sign-ups have begun to accelerate now that the initial website errors are being fixed. California’s exchange said yesterday it has now enrolled almost 80,000 people in health plans.

As the bugs get worked out and millions begin to enroll, the momentum is going to shift in ObamaCare's favor. This will have a much bigger impact on the mid-terms than a purely political move to push employer enrollments back a month.

The shift will occur until everyone sees thier premiums skyrocket to cover the mostly sick people signing up, and then thier tax bills have to increase to cover the costs of subsidizing the people on the low end.

If most of those sign ups are for medicaid, all we are doing is making the government pay for costs the hospitals used to have to eat. the money has to come from somewhere.

From the link:

The enrollment period, previously scheduled to begin Oct. 15, 2014, will now start Nov. 15, said an official with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who asked not to be identified because the decision isn’t public.

This explains why I was not able to find any other source making this claim.

IF this is true, then it is clearly being done for political purposes.

Another interesting tidbit in that piece:

Some states are reporting that sign-ups have begun to accelerate now that the initial website errors are being fixed. California’s exchange said yesterday it has now enrolled almost 80,000 people in health plans.

As the bugs get worked out and millions begin to enroll, the momentum is going to shift in ObamaCare's favor. This will have a much bigger impact on the mid-terms than a purely political move to push employer enrollments back a month.

Of those "80,000" in California...how many were not ACA, but Medicaid...and what were the demographic and economic breakdown? Specifically, demographic - how many are the muc. much. much needed healthy-young...economic - how many are subsidized?
You misunderstand.

It's not the employer mandate that's being delayed, it's the open enrollment period. The employer mandate is still scheduled to start at the beginning of 2015. The open enrollment where people can sign up for insurance has been moved back 1 month.

So the sticker shock has been put off for when insurance companies have to raise rates to make up for all the young, healthy and wealthy people who didn't enroll.
Indeed. And If the Insurance companies lose money? There are provisions that will bail the companies out at our expense.
You misunderstand.

It's not the employer mandate that's being delayed, it's the open enrollment period. The employer mandate is still scheduled to start at the beginning of 2015. The open enrollment where people can sign up for insurance has been moved back 1 month.

I misunderstand nothing.

The enrollment period is rolled forward and so are the rate tables.

The rates won't be announced until, won't be available until, Nov 15, 2014.

Got it?

I doubt it
You misunderstand.

It's not the employer mandate that's being delayed, it's the open enrollment period. The employer mandate is still scheduled to start at the beginning of 2015. The open enrollment where people can sign up for insurance has been moved back 1 month.

I misunderstand nothing.

The enrollment period is rolled forward and so are the rate tables.

The rates won't be announced until, won't be available until, Nov 15, 2014.

Got it?

I doubt it

The employer mandate was scheduled to start on Jan 2015 before, and after this change it will still be Jan 2015.

The part this changes is the open enrollment period, that changes from Oct 15th - Dec 15th to Nov 15th - Jan 7th.

The mandate is not being delayed....

From the link:

This explains why I was not able to find any other source making this claim.

IF this is true, then it is clearly being done for political purposes.

Another interesting tidbit in that piece:

Some states are reporting that sign-ups have begun to accelerate now that the initial website errors are being fixed. California’s exchange said yesterday it has now enrolled almost 80,000 people in health plans.

As the bugs get worked out and millions begin to enroll, the momentum is going to shift in ObamaCare's favor. This will have a much bigger impact on the mid-terms than a purely political move to push employer enrollments back a month.

Of those "80,000" in California...how many were not ACA, but Medicaid...and what were the demographic and economic breakdown? Specifically, demographic - how many are the muc. much. much needed healthy-young...economic - how many are subsidized?

Talk about missing the forest for the trees!

80,000 people who did not have insurance now have insurance. You think that won't affect the election? Huh?

Medicaid. Why do you think the red states have blocked the ObamaCare increases in Medicaid enrollments that come to them free of charge?

Votes, that's why. People who get access to healthcare insurance who did not have it before are going to remember who gave it to them.
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