Empty Chair

I hate to remind the left of this yet again but the Democrats were ready to do the exact same thing if a Supreme Court seat opened up during President Bush last years in office.

Never happened

Republicans are willing to leave a vacancy for in excess of one year and maybe more once Trump loses

Three more vacancies in SCOTUS coming up. Will Republicans allow the court to go down to five judges?
It never happened because a seat on the Supreme Court did not open up in 2007 Democrat Chuck Schumer was calling on Democrats to block any possible Bush Supreme Court nomination. No different than what Republicans are doing now.

Hypothetical and much, much less than the 15 or more months the Republicans are leaving an empty seat

Unprecedented in the history of the US
So Schumer was in 2007 which by the was well over a year before Bush left office calling for blocking any possible Bush Supreme Court nomination just for fun and to hear himself talk. Typical left wing hypocrisy it's always ok when my side does it.

One is rhetoric and the other is a real action.
Apples and oranges amigo.
You can call it apples and oranges if you like but ask yourself one simple question and answer it honestly. Do you really believe that if George Bush had been given the opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court justice in the time frame Schumer was talking about blocking any nominations from him the Democrats would not have done everything in their power to prevent another conservative judge from getting on that court? Don't forget a year before the Schumer rallying cry then Senator Obama filibustered the nomination of Samuel Alito.
Four years ago at the GOP Convention, Clint Eastwood addressed an empty chair that he claimed represented President Obama


But today there is no better representation of the Republican Party than the "Empty Chair"

The most glaring empty chair is in the Supreme Court as the Republican Senate refuses to fill the seat
Beyond that, there are 90 empty chairs in lower courts as Republicans refuse to fill the vacancies

In the Executive Branch, there are over 100 vacancies awaiting confirmation as the Republican Congress sits on its hands

Obama’s vanishing administration


Don't worry, Trump will fill them. Trump/Palin 2016. Eastwood for the bench!
Not only have they created a do nothing Congress with a 14% approval rating but they have used the power of Congress to cripple both the Judicial and Ececutive Branches
Wingnut acts as if there are no democrats in congress......I guess they are exempt in libtard minds to 14% approval. :slap:

Republicans created a do nothing Congress

But beyond ruining one branch of government they are using the empty chair to ensure they destroy the Judicial and Executive Branch

If they were do nothing that would be much better then the pathetic democrat congress.

Actually the 112th was worse so both parties get the blame.

It wasn’t the ‘Do-Nothing Congress’ after all
Never happened

Republicans are willing to leave a vacancy for in excess of one year and maybe more once Trump loses

Three more vacancies in SCOTUS coming up. Will Republicans allow the court to go down to five judges?
It never happened because a seat on the Supreme Court did not open up in 2007 Democrat Chuck Schumer was calling on Democrats to block any possible Bush Supreme Court nomination. No different than what Republicans are doing now.

Hypothetical and much, much less than the 15 or more months the Republicans are leaving an empty seat

Unprecedented in the history of the US
So Schumer was in 2007 which by the was well over a year before Bush left office calling for blocking any possible Bush Supreme Court nomination just for fun and to hear himself talk. Typical left wing hypocrisy it's always ok when my side does it.

One is rhetoric and the other is a real action.
Apples and oranges amigo.
You can call it apples and oranges if you like but ask yourself one simple question and answer it honestly. Do you really believe that if George Bush had been given the opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court justice in the time frame Schumer was talking about blocking any nominations from him the Democrats would not have done everything in their power to prevent another conservative judge from getting on that court? Don't forget a year before the Schumer rallying cry then Senator Obama filibustered the nomination of Samuel Alito.

Alito was confirmed. Democrats would have had the hearings. You have nothing that compares to what the Repubs are doing now. It's unprecedented.
The Democratic Congress led by Pelosi and Reid did what it was elected to do. Pass stimulus, Obamacare, Gay rights legislation

The Republican Congress failed to deliver on anything they promised

A do nothing Congress
Four years ago at the GOP Convention, Clint Eastwood addressed an empty chair that he claimed represented President Obama


But today there is no better representation of the Republican Party than the "Empty Chair"

The most glaring empty chair is in the Supreme Court as the Republican Senate refuses to fill the seat
Beyond that, there are 90 empty chairs in lower courts as Republicans refuse to fill the vacancies

In the Executive Branch, there are over 100 vacancies awaiting confirmation as the Republican Congress sits on its hands

Obama’s vanishing administration

There is also a vacancy (vacuum) between the president's ears.
The Treasury Department has no Senate-confirmed undersecretary to handle terrorism financing, even as it tries to counter the rising threat of the Islamic State.

Oh, my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have the CIA, the Homeland Security, the Military, but my oh my oh my, we are pants down caught without another undersecretary to NOT NOTICE ISIS IS FUNDED BY ISRAEL....

ISIS Leader ‘Al-Baghdadi’ Is A ‘Jewish Mossad Agent’ – French Report

"Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent."

No wonder you post as "rightwinger" and love Hillary. You want

1. a US war with Iran
2. no re-opening of the 911 Investigation
3. a bigger and bigger and bigger government completely sold out to AIPAC

You post is all over the place but somehow manages to miss the target

Want to fight terrorism? You need the funding to do it.
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?

Don't they care? Or are they trying to encourage more attacks

Treasury is a big place. .Wanna bet the ACTING UnderSecretary is a much choice for the job than ANY Senate approved political hack?? Trust me. ISIS is not getting away with anything because the 2 parties are playing chicken.. Their Bureaucracy -- the minions of morons --- now pretty much controls them..
You can argue the merits of any unfilled vacancy

But when Republicans leave over a hundred empty chairs, it is hard to argue that none of them have any merit

Point is -- those seats are not largely "empty". Career department people are filling them. Depts are NOT in crisis and are arguably better off..

The horseshit stand-off that happens with the 2 obnoxious parties -- is only about filling those seats with partisans. AND -- it's only the 4 party monitors who RUN Congress -- that have ANY part in the pranks.
Four years ago at the GOP Convention, Clint Eastwood addressed an empty chair that he claimed represented President Obama


But today there is no better representation of the Republican Party than the "Empty Chair"

The most glaring empty chair is in the Supreme Court as the Republican Senate refuses to fill the seat
Beyond that, there are 90 empty chairs in lower courts as Republicans refuse to fill the vacancies

In the Executive Branch, there are over 100 vacancies awaiting confirmation as the Republican Congress sits on its hands

Obama’s vanishing administration

There is also a vacancy (vacuum) between the president's ears.

We know...we know

Coming from the political side that just selected Trump
Four years ago at the GOP Convention, Clint Eastwood addressed an empty chair that he claimed represented President Obama


But today there is no better representation of the Republican Party than the "Empty Chair"

The most glaring empty chair is in the Supreme Court as the Republican Senate refuses to fill the seat
Beyond that, there are 90 empty chairs in lower courts as Republicans refuse to fill the vacancies

In the Executive Branch, there are over 100 vacancies awaiting confirmation as the Republican Congress sits on its hands

Obama’s vanishing administration


Why should they allow obozo to put another raving liberal on the court? Why allow the balance to be shifted for the next 30 years?

Blocking any obozo appointment is the right thing to do. He is the lamest of ducks right now, shutting him down is in the best interest of the American people.

The GOP in congress finally did something right.
It seems to me that the Texas abortion decision on Monday demonstrates that the justices are able to base their decisions on law rather than politics. That is the way it's supposed to be you know. Why do Republicans continue to insist they need more conservatives when they've already got 4 and the court STILL won't vote for their fucked up agenda? BECAUSE it's not about politics, it's about the law.

Conservatives have controlled the Supreme Court since Nixon

The concept that our highest court could actually lean liberal is enough to send conservatives into a rage.

damn right it is.

Problem is...that waiting for Hillary to nominate will result in even more liberal judges

Once again, Republicans overplay a losing hand

HRC will not be selecting the next SC justices.
The losing hand is being played by the dems in running this lying corrupt bitch.
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?
Nominate someone we like too.
Cant get any easier.

There is no such person. You want another Scalia or Thomas or nothing.
It's the Constitutional Right of Congress to vote yes on who they want on the Court.

Then why won't they hold a vote?

why waste the time when the outcome is already known? You fools bitch about congress wasting time and money, but you call for wasting millions on a vote that is already decided.
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?
Nominate someone we like too.
Cant get any easier.

There is no such person. You want another Scalia or Thomas or nothing.
It's the Constitutional Right of Congress to vote yes on who they want on the Court.

Then why won't they hold a vote?
Because Obama has not submitted a Judge suitable to their liking. Ball is in Obama's court to work with the other branch that is equal to his.
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?
Nominate someone we like too.
Cant get any easier.

There is no such person. You want another Scalia or Thomas or nothing.
It's the Constitutional Right of Congress to vote yes on who they want on the Court.

Then why won't they hold a vote?
Because Obama has not submitted a Judge suitable to their liking. Ball is in Obama's court to work with the other branch that is equal to his.

but he won't because he is king, dictator, and supreme ruler.
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?
Nominate someone we like too.
Cant get any easier.

Interesting...a moderate Supreme Court Justice does not even get a hearing

90 lower court nominations never even see the light of day...no hearings, no stated objections to their qualifications

the guy obozo put up is not a moderate, if he was he might have gotten a hearing.

He is exceptionally moderate as determined by judicial review
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?
Nominate someone we like too.
Cant get any easier.

Interesting...a moderate Supreme Court Justice does not even get a hearing

90 lower court nominations never even see the light of day...no hearings, no stated objections to their qualifications

the guy obozo put up is not a moderate, if he was he might have gotten a hearing.

He is exceptionally moderate as determined by judicial review

wrong, he opposes the 2nd amendment. That alone disqualifies him.
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?
Nominate someone we like too.
Cant get any easier.

Interesting...a moderate Supreme Court Justice does not even get a hearing

90 lower court nominations never even see the light of day...no hearings, no stated objections to their qualifications

the guy obozo put up is not a moderate, if he was he might have gotten a hearing.

He is exceptionally moderate as determined by judicial review
Congress said no to him. Time for busy Obama to do more.
Why won't Republicans allow the position to be filled?
Nominate someone we like too.
Cant get any easier.

Interesting...a moderate Supreme Court Justice does not even get a hearing

90 lower court nominations never even see the light of day...no hearings, no stated objections to their qualifications

the guy obozo put up is not a moderate, if he was he might have gotten a hearing.

He is exceptionally moderate as determined by judicial review

wrong, he opposes the 2nd amendment. That alone disqualifies him.

Of course he doesn't oppose it

Why don't Republicans hold a Senate Judiciary hearing and ask him?

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