Empty Seats Lie Came From Romney Campaign

If "WHAT" is my "indicator?"

Mitt hasn't generated a lot of excitement because he is only now settling in as the all but certain GOP nominee. There were lots of other candidates whom many other Republicans preferred. The primaries were contentious and ugly. Republicans acted so badly, in fact, they could have been Democratics.

Anyway, the fact is: Mitt is not going to win because he is loved and worshipped and adored. He is going to win because the incumbent has an established track record -- an actual record -- that SUCKS dead donkey dick. It's a record the incumbent seeks to avoid running on. It is one which (with a couple of admittedly worthwhile exceptions) he will actively run from.

So I still don't give a rat's ass about the fact that the incumbent failed to meet expectations in drawing a crowd to his kick-off. I don't even care that so far Mitt is not drawing even good crowds. None of that crap matters.

As I correctly noted before, what DOES matter is who gets more electoral votes.

It will not be the incumbent.

You actually think about sucking dead donkey dick? Wow. Your prediction is wrong. Mittens also has a track record and a history of not creating jobs but destroying jobs/pensions for the benefit of the few rich guys at the top. Did I mention he is a bishop in a wacked out cult? Obama is no great shakes and he gets zero help from the GOP. BUT...the majority of Americans are getting tired of the juvenile gridlock and they know the solution is not who the president is...it's how many asshole neofascists they have to get risd of to have a working congress. Strangely the Teabaggers are helping by knocking off moderate incumbants and leaving the door open for a dem takeover of the house and a bigger majority in the senate. If I were you I wouldn't care a tinkers damn about Obama's chances. I would be worrying that all the negativity and inaction over the last three and a half years will cost the GOP cuz if you haven't noticed..THEY have by far the lowest approval ratings of all in government.

Yes. Using a figure of speech DOES mean that people THINK about it.

Congratulations on yet another important effort at deflection and diversion.

Your opinion about Mormonism is of no concern to me or most people, Smugs.

There are no tea baggers unless you are attempting to discuss open minded liberal Democrat sexual predilections.

However, Tea Partiers, do fight to knock off the so-called "moderate" Republicans in favor of more pronounced and markedly Conservative Republicans. So winning in that effort DOES somehow mean that the Tea Party is dead. Flawless logic. :cuckoo:

Oh. I'm sorry. Were you attempting to make a coherent point? So far, you've failed -- completely.

Where did I say the TeaBaggers are dead? They are the onliest ones doing anything. Unfortunately for the GOP what they are doing is busily burning down the house.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzS4C2xO9JM]The Used - Burning down the house - YouTube[/ame]

Over the last 3 years the dems have averaged at around 35% approval with a current low of 12% and during the same period while the GOP has been consistantly below 15% dropping to 9% and currently at 11%.

Congress' Job Approval at New Low of 10%

Whatever happens there appears to be a shake up coming. My prediction is that many will lose thier seats and those emerging will be consistant with the choice for president whom I predict will be Obama.
You actually think about sucking dead donkey dick? Wow. Your prediction is wrong. Mittens also has a track record and a history of not creating jobs but destroying jobs/pensions for the benefit of the few rich guys at the top. Did I mention he is a bishop in a wacked out cult? Obama is no great shakes and he gets zero help from the GOP. BUT...the majority of Americans are getting tired of the juvenile gridlock and they know the solution is not who the president is...it's how many asshole neofascists they have to get risd of to have a working congress. Strangely the Teabaggers are helping by knocking off moderate incumbants and leaving the door open for a dem takeover of the house and a bigger majority in the senate. If I were you I wouldn't care a tinkers damn about Obama's chances. I would be worrying that all the negativity and inaction over the last three and a half years will cost the GOP cuz if you haven't noticed..THEY have by far the lowest approval ratings of all in government.

Yes. Using a figure of speech DOES mean that people THINK about it.

Congratulations on yet another important effort at deflection and diversion.

Your opinion about Mormonism is of no concern to me or most people, Smugs.

There are no tea baggers unless you are attempting to discuss open minded liberal Democrat sexual predilections.

However, Tea Partiers, do fight to knock off the so-called "moderate" Republicans in favor of more pronounced and markedly Conservative Republicans. So winning in that effort DOES somehow mean that the Tea Party is dead. Flawless logic. :cuckoo:

Oh. I'm sorry. Were you attempting to make a coherent point? So far, you've failed -- completely.

Where did I say the TeaBaggers are dead? They are the onliest ones doing anything. Unfortunately for the GOP what they are doing is busily burning down the house.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzS4C2xO9JM]The Used - Burning down the house - YouTube[/ame]

Over the last 3 years the dems have averaged at around 35% approval with a current low of 12% and during the same period while the GOP has been consistantly below 15% dropping to 9% and currently at 11%.

Congress' Job Approval at New Low of 10%

Whatever happens there appears to be a shake up coming. My prediction is that many will lose thier seats and those emerging will be consistant with the choice for president whom I predict will be Obama.

Congressional approval has been on a downward spiral since late 2005, guess who to over in 2006?? In September 2005, it was 35%..........which party controlled congress then??

Yes. Using a figure of speech DOES mean that people THINK about it.

Congratulations on yet another important effort at deflection and diversion.

Your opinion about Mormonism is of no concern to me or most people, Smugs.

There are no tea baggers unless you are attempting to discuss open minded liberal Democrat sexual predilections.

However, Tea Partiers, do fight to knock off the so-called "moderate" Republicans in favor of more pronounced and markedly Conservative Republicans. So winning in that effort DOES somehow mean that the Tea Party is dead. Flawless logic. :cuckoo:

Oh. I'm sorry. Were you attempting to make a coherent point? So far, you've failed -- completely.

Where did I say the TeaBaggers are dead? They are the onliest ones doing anything. Unfortunately for the GOP what they are doing is busily burning down the house.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzS4C2xO9JM]The Used - Burning down the house - YouTube[/ame]

Over the last 3 years the dems have averaged at around 35% approval with a current low of 12% and during the same period while the GOP has been consistantly below 15% dropping to 9% and currently at 11%.

Congress' Job Approval at New Low of 10%

Whatever happens there appears to be a shake up coming. My prediction is that many will lose thier seats and those emerging will be consistant with the choice for president whom I predict will be Obama.

Congressional approval has been on a downward spiral since late 2005, guess who to over in 2006?? In September 2005, it was 35%..........which party controlled congress then??

Congress and the Public

Look at the poll I provided. In 2009 the dems were at 35%. The graph clearly shows the GOP dragging down approval over all.
Over the last 3 years the dems have averaged at around 35% approval with a current low of 12% and during the same period while the GOP has been consistantly below 15% dropping to 9% and currently at 11%.

Congress' Job Approval at New Low of 10%

from your link...

Republican DARK GREEN

Notice the DARK GREEN number is HIGHER than the LIGHT GREEN number??? That would indicate that the Republicans have a HIGHER approval, not LOWER than the Democrats... which is not what you said earlier in the thread.

I would be worrying that all the negativity and inaction over the last three and a half years will cost the GOP cuz if you haven't noticed..THEY have by far the lowest approval ratings of all in government.

Your own source just called you a liar.
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I don't really care one way or the other, but you post a picture from the politico and claim that is proof that Romney lied?

way too funny.

I gather you didn't bother reading the story that was linked in the OP. Figures. It might actually give you some facts that would interfere with what you want to believe.
I'm going to take a play from the lefts playbook and just not read anything from websites and organizations that I personally don't approve of.

Isn't that how you people operate?

The Politico is wholly agenda driven. Any facts they present are cherry picked to promote their agenda and not to be trusted.

Pretty much like the entire Democrat party.
Over the last 3 years the dems have averaged at around 35% approval with a current low of 12% and during the same period while the GOP has been consistantly below 15% dropping to 9% and currently at 11%.

Congress' Job Approval at New Low of 10%

from your link...

Republican DARK GREEN

Notice the DARK GREEN number is HIGHER than the LIGHT GREEN number??? That would indicate that the Republicans have a HIGHER approval, not LOWER than the Democrats... which is not what you said earlier in the thread.

I would be worrying that all the negativity and inaction over the last three and a half years will cost the GOP cuz if you haven't noticed..THEY have by far the lowest approval ratings of all in government.

Your own source just called you a liar.

It's probably not fun to find out you are color blind on the internets. Sorry to be the one to break it to ya. You most likely aren't good with reds either.
Hey..Romney is a name you can trust.

He saved the auto industry..and protested to send kids to die in Vietnam..while he went to France.

Good fellow..that Mormon Cleric.

Almost like a Saudi Prince..or something..

Over the last 3 years the dems have averaged at around 35% approval with a current low of 12% and during the same period while the GOP has been consistantly below 15% dropping to 9% and currently at 11%.

Congress' Job Approval at New Low of 10%

from your link...

Republican DARK GREEN

Notice the DARK GREEN number is HIGHER than the LIGHT GREEN number??? That would indicate that the Republicans have a HIGHER approval, not LOWER than the Democrats... which is not what you said earlier in the thread.

I would be worrying that all the negativity and inaction over the last three and a half years will cost the GOP cuz if you haven't noticed..THEY have by far the lowest approval ratings of all in government.

Your own source just called you a liar.

It's probably not fun to find out you are color blind on the internets. Sorry to be the one to break it to ya. You most likely aren't good with reds either.

now you're just being fucking stupid, and maintaining a lie.

The DARK GREEN the first one on the color chart, is REPUBLICAN
The LIGHTest green the 3rd one on the color chart, is DEMOCRAT

Here... I added some markings in this attachment copy of the image. The RED line points to REPUBLICAN DARK GREEN, while the BLUE line points to the DEMOCRAT LIGHT GREEN. I even added the attachment twice, once at 200% of the size... look at it carefully, dumbass.

Now, dumb-ass... follow them all the way to the right, and you'll see that the DARK GREEN line ends at a HIGHER point on the chart than the LIGHT GREEN one does.

Now, stay with me here, dip-shit... since the DARK GREEN REPUBLICAN line ends at a HIGHER spot then the LIGHT GREEN DEMOCRAT line, that indicates... you still with me? That indicates that the chart shows the REPUBLICANS with a HIGHER approval than the DEMOCRATS.

Even someone of your limited mental faculties should be able to follow the color chart and a line across the graph.

Your source, proved you to be a liar.

Oh, by the way... the Dark Green line has a 12 at the end, while the light green line has an 11.... further indicating how fucking stupid you are for mixing the two up.


  • $chart.JPG
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  • $chart2.JPG
    60.4 KB · Views: 69
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That's right... run away and hide, bitch!

We just can't seem to agree to anything. You call it running away and hiding. I call it preparing a fine dinner with a pile of prawns and rice. Then eating it..delish! There is this other universe away from the internets called life. Try it sometime. The food is great!

So, you're just gonna be a pussy ass bitch and not admit you read the chart wrong, huh.


Dumb ass.

You FAIL... as always.
That's right... run away and hide, bitch!

We just can't seem to agree to anything. You call it running away and hiding. I call it preparing a fine dinner with a pile of prawns and rice. Then eating it..delish! There is this other universe away from the internets called life. Try it sometime. The food is great!

So, you're just gonna be a pussy ass bitch and not admit you read the chart wrong, huh.


Dumb ass.

You FAIL... as always.

Oh my! Another internet bully. How exciting! You make me laugh longtime. :lol:
We just can't seem to agree to anything. You call it running away and hiding. I call it preparing a fine dinner with a pile of prawns and rice. Then eating it..delish! There is this other universe away from the internets called life. Try it sometime. The food is great!

So, you're just gonna be a pussy ass bitch and not admit you read the chart wrong, huh.


Dumb ass.

You FAIL... as always.

Oh my! Another internet bully. How exciting! You make me laugh longtime. :lol:

aww....telling you that you're a liar and you failed is being a bully? :rofl:

Welcome to reality. Get used to it.

Dumb ass. You were wrong, you lied, and you're just too much of a pussy to man up and admit it. I guess that's just how you roll.
So, you're just gonna be a pussy ass bitch and not admit you read the chart wrong, huh.


Dumb ass.

You FAIL... as always.

Oh my! Another internet bully. How exciting! You make me laugh longtime. :lol:

aww....telling you that you're a liar and you failed is being a bully? :rofl:

Welcome to reality. Get used to it.

Dumb ass. You were wrong, you lied, and you're just too much of a pussy to man up and admit it. I guess that's just how you roll.

Obssess much? Pussy? Me? Not so much...Maybe a "whore" would be more approriate. I get paid to "man up" as part of my current occupation. I'll even lie if there is enough money in it. Man up and lie for you? An annonomous internet twit? You can't afford me on the net or here in person. But I'm always willing to negotiate. I'm easy to find. I can be located in North Seattle on Aurora guarding the property around Robb's 125th St Grill among other places. Just ask any drug dealer, pimp, prostitute or gang banger where to find the dude in the Cadillac El Dorado with the two Pitt Bulls where I am. They watch me real close like so as to not end up in the hospital like a few of them have. OR you can just stay being you...an internet tough guy with a big flapping pie hole. If you want to keep following me around on USMB at least get a flea dip. I don't like insects.
Oh my! Another internet bully. How exciting! You make me laugh longtime. :lol:

aww....telling you that you're a liar and you failed is being a bully? :rofl:

Welcome to reality. Get used to it.

Dumb ass. You were wrong, you lied, and you're just too much of a pussy to man up and admit it. I guess that's just how you roll.

Obssess much? Pussy? Me? Not so much...Maybe a "whore" would be more approriate. I get paid to "man up" as part of my current occupation. I'll even lie if there is enough money in it. Man up and lie for you? An annonomous internet twit? You can't afford me on the net or here in person. But I'm always willing to negotiate. I'm easy to find. I can be located in North Seattle on Aurora guarding the property around Robb's 125th St Grill among other places. Just ask any drug dealer, pimp, prostitute or gang banger where to find the dude in the Cadillac El Dorado with the two Pitt Bulls where I am. They watch me real close like so as to not end up in the hospital like a few of them have. OR you can just stay being you...an internet tough guy with a big flapping pie hole. If you want to keep following me around on USMB at least get a flea dip. I don't like insects.

implied threat noted and reported.

Not my fault you're colorblind and had to find out on the internet. The chart is what it is, and it calls you a liar.
Oh my! Another internet bully. How exciting! You make me laugh longtime. :lol:

aww....telling you that you're a liar and you failed is being a bully? :rofl:

Welcome to reality. Get used to it.

Dumb ass. You were wrong, you lied, and you're just too much of a pussy to man up and admit it. I guess that's just how you roll.

Obssess much? Pussy? Me? Not so much...Maybe a "whore" would be more approriate. I get paid to "man up" as part of my current occupation. I'll even lie if there is enough money in it. Man up and lie for you? An annonomous internet twit? You can't afford me on the net or here in person. But I'm always willing to negotiate. I'm easy to find. I can be located in North Seattle on Aurora guarding the property around Robb's 125th St Grill among other places. Just ask any drug dealer, pimp, prostitute or gang banger where to find the dude in the Cadillac El Dorado with the two Pitt Bulls where I am. They watch me real close like so as to not end up in the hospital like a few of them have. OR you can just stay being you...an internet tough guy with a big flapping pie hole. If you want to keep following me around on USMB at least get a flea dip. I don't like insects.


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