End of COVID-19?

In 1967, we got small pox and measles vaccinations because
they knew it was safe, and parents still needed to grant permission.
You know that the smallpox vaccination left a permanent scar at the inoculation point (left shoulder)

You would think that putting a permanent mark on children wouldn't be allowed, but it was.
There's a big surprise.


It is probably a year away. Also it works on the same principal as the Theraflu drug. You have to catch it in the early stage. Since most people that get tested for Covid=19 are already pretty sick, the question is whether this drug would be of any use for such most people.
You know that the smallpox vaccination left a permanent scar at the inoculation point (left shoulder)

You would think that putting a permanent mark on children wouldn't be allowed, but it was.
30% mortality rate for small pox, do honestly think a tiny mark was ever a concern? What is wrong with you people?
Haha, ohh was he?! And which doctor told him that he should recommend to the world to take hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID?

Just because somebody is a doctor, doesn't mean they're a good one. Just like Rudy Guiliani is a lawyer, just like Sydney Powell, and the rest of the Trump legal team. But taking their advice has the same caveats.

BTW: Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine

The president is pushing the coronavirus theories of a Houston doctor who also says sexual visitations by demons and alien DNA are at the root of Americans’ common health concerns.

other medical claims Immanuel has made—including those about alien DNA and the physical effects of having sex with witches and demons in your dreams.
Just because somebody is a doctor, doesn't mean they're a good one. Just like Rudy Guiliani is a lawyer, just like Sydney Powell, and the rest of the Trump legal team. But taking their advice has the same caveats.

BTW: Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine

The president is pushing the coronavirus theories of a Houston doctor who also says sexual visitations by demons and alien DNA are at the root of Americans’ common health concerns.

other medical claims Immanuel has made—including those about alien DNA and the physical effects of having sex with witches and demons in your dreams.
You almost couldn’t even make this shit up if you tried. Unbelievable
30% mortality rate for small pox, do honestly think a tiny mark was ever a concern? What is wrong with you people?
Yet the early smallpox (cowpox) vaccinations had a 1-3% fatality rate.

That's 2,000 out of every 100,000 vaccinations, resulted in death.
Yet the early smallpox (cowpox) vaccinations had a 1-3% fatality rate.

That's 2,000 out of every 100,000 vaccinations, resulted in death.
Might want to check that again. Closer to 1 death per million vaccinations.
Good to know and tx for posting Angelo.

Merck 'failing their own COVID-19 product" early 2020 and their tests determined that "a vaccine was not found to be superior to no vaccine". THAT stuck in my head and weighed in heavily on my decision to not accept the jabs, particularly since Merck is one of the top vaccine makers in the US with a long history.
A long history of fines and penalties, like all big pharma firms.
Merck | Violation Tracker
There's a big surprise.


Covid Cultists hardest hit

How are they going to control the adherents to their new religion if people can just get a pill instead of a vax card?

Poor babies
Covid Cultists hardest hit

How are they going to control the adherents to their new religion if people can just get a pill instead of a vax card?

Poor babies
If Americans were ever more divided about more issues, I'd like to know when.
Even during our own Civil War, most of the troops on both sides
weren't sure why they were fighting by the end.

We can blame the media, but who is controlling them is the question.
Trump didn't pull that out of his ass dummy...he was advised about the studies of the drug as a treatment for covid from a doctor....
You have doctors who after just a telephone call, will prescribe ivermectin, or ED meds for a fee.
If Americans were ever more divided about more issues, I'd like to know when.
Even during our own Civil War, most of the troops on both sides
weren't sure why they were fighting by the end.

We can blame the media, but who is controlling them is the question.
Big Pharma
Prevention is always is better than treatment. That's why the medical community is so strong on masks and vaccines.
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
If it has zero side effects...why not ?
There is no medication with zero side effects. Think about how medications work. A pill goes into your mouth ends up in the blood stream being absorbed by cells all over the body. Some of those cells are the target of the medication but what about all the others?
If Americans were ever more divided about more issues, I'd like to know when.
Even during our own Civil War, most of the troops on both sides
weren't sure why they were fighting by the end.

We can blame the media, but who is controlling them is the question.

I do not subscribe to the "cabal will control The Thing right down to the last outcome"

The cabal can set many things in motion. How those things turn out is very much out of their control, which they very much forget. Which is their weak point.

Starting the rock rolling downhill is their strong point, I will give them that. Our weak point is thinking that they control every move from there. We do this over and over and over, and I don't know why.

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