End of COVID-19?

Good to know and tx for posting Angelo.

Merck 'failing their own COVID-19 product" early 2020 and their tests determined that "a vaccine was not found to be superior to no vaccine". THAT stuck in my head and weighed in heavily on my decision to not accept the jabs, particularly since Merck is one of the top vaccine makers in the US with a long history.
Merck' vaccines failed. Others did not.

You do realize this pill is experimental and not approved by the FDA like the vaccines are, right?
This may be news for people like you, but

If you think the FDA revolving door with big pharma is new think again.
Many drugs and foods are passed largely untested for long-term effects, side-effects, birth defects or any of that.

If you choose to be one of their guinea pigs and wind up knocking 15 years off your life, don't say you were never warned.
This drug comes from a drug used for herpes and it is very similar to hydroxychloroquine...its mother drug is called hydroxycytidine.....Fauci or someone needs to go to prison for mocking Trump's recommendation for hydroxychloroquine...just think how many lives suffering and hospitalizations we could have avoided...
By the way the media will not tell you this...you must research it yourself....
Trumps recommendation deserved mocking, Trump isn’t a doctor. Doctors should prescribe drugs based on their patient.
This may be news for people like you, but

If you think the FDA revolving door with big pharma is new think again.
Many drugs and foods are passed largely untested for long-term effects, side-effects, birth defects or any of that.

If you choose to be one of their guinea pigs and wind up knocking 15 years off your life, don't say you were never warned.
When does a vax move out of the experimental phase in your mind?
Ultimately, unnecessary medication is still unnecessary.

The only difference between a pill and an injection is the delivery method.

If you take a pill, up to 70% of the active medication in that pill will be destroyed by your stomach acids. So, a pill must contain more of the active medication than the injection.

The question isn't whether we need COVID drugs by injection or pill. The question is, do we need them at all.
Statistically speaking, your chances of even catching a symptomatic COVID infection ... much less a lethal one ... is very small.

Where is the logic in taking medication that may, or may not, prevent an illness that you're unlikely to catch?
They can always make an Iv solution later on using the same drug......with some minor tweaks.
They can always make an Iv solution later on using the same drug......with some minor tweaks.

Or ...

Trumps recommendation deserved mocking, Trump isn’t a doctor. Doctors should prescribe drugs based on their patient.
Trump didn't pull that out of his ass dummy...he was advised about the studies of the drug as a treatment for covid from a doctor....
In 1967, we got small pox and measles vaccinations because
they knew it was safe, and parents still needed to grant permission.
This was long before illness became BIG money.
Haha, ok so every drug is experimental then is that your view?
Trump didn't pull that out of his ass dummy...he was advised about the studies of the drug as a treatment for covid from a doctor....
Haha, ohh was he?! And which doctor told him that he should recommend to the world to take hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID?

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