End of COVID-19?

Good to know and tx for posting Angelo.

Merck 'failing their own COVID-19 product" early 2020 and their tests determined that "a vaccine was not found to be superior to no vaccine". THAT stuck in my head and weighed in heavily on my decision to not accept the jabs, particularly since Merck is one of the top vaccine makers in the US with a long history.
This drug comes from a drug used for herpes and it is very similar to hydroxychloroquine...its mother drug is called hydroxycytidine.....Fauci or someone needs to go to prison for mocking Trump's recommendation for hydroxychloroquine...just think how many lives suffering and hospitalizations we could have avoided...
By the way the media will not tell you this...you must research it yourself....
Ultimately, unnecessary medication is still unnecessary.

The only difference between a pill and an injection is the delivery method.

If you take a pill, up to 70% of the active medication in that pill will be destroyed by your stomach acids. So, a pill must contain more of the active medication than the injection.

The question isn't whether we need COVID drugs by injection or pill. The question is, do we need them at all.
Statistically speaking, your chances of even catching a symptomatic COVID infection ... much less a lethal one ... is very small.

Where is the logic in taking medication that may, or may not, prevent an illness that you're unlikely to catch?
Ultimately, unnecessary medication is still unnecessary.

The only difference between a pill and an injection is the delivery method.

If you take a pill, up to 70% of the active medication in that pill will be destroyed by your stomach acids. So, a pill must contain more of the active medication than the injection.

The question isn't whether we need COVID drugs by injection or pill. The question is, do we need them at all.
Statistically speaking, your chances of even catching a symptomatic COVID infection ... much less a lethal one ... is very small.

Where is the logic in taking medication that may, or may not, prevent an illness that you're unlikely to catch?
I was under the impression that this drug is a treatment medicine...to be taken once symptoms occur.....
I was under the impression that this drug is a treatment medicine...to be taken once symptoms occur.....

Drugs can be a treatment or a prophylaxis.

The concept of prophylactic medication is as old as medication itself.

However, there is little point in using a prophylactic if you're extremely unlikely of needing it.

Ultimately, unnecessary medication is still unnecessary.

The only difference between a pill and an injection is the delivery method.

If you take a pill, up to 70% of the active medication in that pill will be destroyed by your stomach acids. So, a pill must contain more of the active medication than the injection.

The question isn't whether we need COVID drugs by injection or pill. The question is, do we need them at all.
Statistically speaking, your chances of even catching a symptomatic COVID infection ... much less a lethal one ... is very small.

Where is the logic in taking medication that may, or may not, prevent an illness that you're unlikely to catch?
I love your analogy there. Now if some of these younger people learn how to restore that gut bacteria that was destroyed in them by jabs while they were babes wouldn't that also help? Also I've notice many reporting they got the cold and now can't taste anything. Isn't that from lack of Zinc? How many minerals are they missing from eating so much glyphoste tainted food stuffs?
I love it. Bring on new medicine that antivaxxers still won't take because it's "experimental." Unfortunately, this probably won't become available till after the worse of the upcoming flu season is over, which we all know will 99.9% all delta cases.

Democrats are telling everyone to get vaccinated, to the point they're mandating it. Republicans want to get rid of mask mandates and are spreading lies about the vaccines and covid so that more of them will die. Come again?


The mRNA injections are not just new and experimental, but bizarre and insanely dangerous.
Read the CDC explanation on mRNA again.
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.

  1. First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. Once the instructions (mRNA) are inside the muscle cells, the cells use them to make the protein piece. After the protein piece is made, the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them.
  2. Next, the cell displays the protein piece on its surface. Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn’t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19.
  3. At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection. The benefit of mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.

That is not even close to rational.
For example, there no way an intermuscular injection can get into our cells.
That is just not possible.
The there is no way we would ever want a drug to make our own cells start sprouting spike proteins.
There would be no dose control if nothing else, since some ribosomes might translate no spike proteins, and other may overdose.
And finally, targeting the immune system on a spike protein our own exosomes use naturally, is insane.
I was under the impression that this drug is a treatment medicine...to be taken once symptoms occur.....
You are correct. This is a treatment. It would end hospitalization except in the most serious cases. Covid would be no more than seasonal flu. It also works on all variants.

Will democrats permit this to end the mandates?
Ultimately, unnecessary medication is still unnecessary.

The only difference between a pill and an injection is the delivery method.

If you take a pill, up to 70% of the active medication in that pill will be destroyed by your stomach acids. So, a pill must contain more of the active medication than the injection.

The question isn't whether we need COVID drugs by injection or pill. The question is, do we need them at all.
Statistically speaking, your chances of even catching a symptomatic COVID infection ... much less a lethal one ... is very small.

Where is the logic in taking medication that may, or may not, prevent an illness that you're unlikely to catch?
The pills/injections are more about dealing with the symptoms than dealing with the virus.
Ultimately, unnecessary medication is still unnecessary.

The only difference between a pill and an injection is the delivery method.

If you take a pill, up to 70% of the active medication in that pill will be destroyed by your stomach acids. So, a pill must contain more of the active medication than the injection.

The question isn't whether we need COVID drugs by injection or pill. The question is, do we need them at all.
Statistically speaking, your chances of even catching a symptomatic COVID infection ... much less a lethal one ... is very small.

Where is the logic in taking medication that may, or may not, prevent an illness that you're unlikely to catch?
If it has zero side effects...why not ?
Pfizer also is coming out with a pill....so all roads lead to Rome... I mean to Ivermectin. ;)

Pfizer’s new ‘daily Covid pill’ utilizes a protease inhibitor – Ivermectin is also a protease inhibitor..​

It's good news, yes.

So why are millions still under nazi-like vax mandates ??
Because prevention is still better than getting it? B cause it seems to cut death rates in half, but people still die sometimes if they get it?

You do realize this pill is experimental and not approved by the FDA like the vaccines are, right?

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