End Of The Line For Holder?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Holder has made decisions based strictly on his bias, as with the New Black Panthers. He isn't there for the good of the country, only for certain people.

Let’s take a look back on Holder’s track record, which is more checkered than Ben Johnson’s. First, there was Holder’s refusal to indict nightstick-wielding New Black Panther thugs who stood in front of a Philadelphia polling station in a clear attempt to intimate voters.

Then, we had the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal that resulted in the shooting death of border patrol agent Brian Terry. Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the U.S.-Mexican border, including the scene where Terry was killed.

Now, Holder is up to his eyeballs in the DOJ/AP scandal, which includes the secret surveillance of Fox News White House chief Washington reporter James Rosen.
The problem, of course, is that the day after Holder’s denial (lie), DOJ admitted that the attorney general personally signed off on the search warrant relating to Rosen’s personal emails. Moreover, in addition to signing the warrants, Holder vetted them – which means he can’t claim he just signed a stack of paperwork without reading it.

End Of The Line For Holder? | Independent Journal Review
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The president covered his ass in operation Fast/Furious by withholding evidence under "executive privilege. If it is proved that Holder has perjured himself in testimony before Congress how far is Hussein willing to go to cover up incompetence and criminality?
You need to find a new blog to quote, who ever wrote this piece ain't much of a journalist. I don't like Holder in any way, shape or form but this guy can't get his facts straight.

Edit: One example, Holder dismissed the case against the black panthers after the Bush admin had a default judgement in civil court. VRA cases are normally pursued in civil court, not criminal.
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hes got some spastic memory......he said he never heard of F&F then had to change his tune when e mails to him on the prgm. where surfaced, now he doesn't vet, then he does, he says he recused himself but never wrote it down and isn't sure when...:lol: what a shemp....
Have no fear, folks. Obama has told Holder to investigate himself. It's funny how these type of investigations never find any indication of wrong doing. But Holder will look into the case of him being accused of spying on reporters. Gee, I wonder what his conclusion will be. Stay tuned............................

Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

If Bush played any of this shit, the hanging party would be lining up...its all crock...
Holder has enough on obama to keep his job until they both go. Eric Holder should really stay. The more Holder, the worse obama looks.
Holder has enough on obama to keep his job until they both go. Eric Holder should really stay. The more Holder, the worse obama looks.

I don't know which one looks worse. Obama is so insulated from things because he doesn't actually do the dirty work himself. I think all the people he appointed understand what their role was supposed to be and he chose them for a reason.
Holder has made decisions based strictly on his bias, as with the New Black Panthers. He isn't there for the good of the country, only for certain people.

Let’s take a look back on Holder’s track record, which is more checkered than Ben Johnson’s. First, there was Holder’s refusal to indict nightstick-wielding New Black Panther thugs who stood in front of a Philadelphia polling station in a clear attempt to intimate voters.

Then, we had the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal that resulted in the shooting death of border patrol agent Brian Terry. Guns tracked by the ATF have been found at crime scenes on both sides of the U.S.-Mexican border, including the scene where Terry was killed.

Now, Holder is up to his eyeballs in the DOJ/AP scandal, which includes the secret surveillance of Fox News White House chief Washington reporter James Rosen.
The problem, of course, is that the day after Holder’s denial (lie), DOJ admitted that the attorney general personally signed off on the search warrant relating to Rosen’s personal emails. Moreover, in addition to signing the warrants, Holder vetted them – which means he can’t claim he just signed a stack of paperwork without reading it.

End Of The Line For Holder? | Independent Journal Review

he certainly should be charged with perjury for lying to congress
Have no fear, folks. Obama has told Holder to investigate himself. It's funny how these type of investigations never find any indication of wrong doing. But Holder will look into the case of him being accused of spying on reporters. Gee, I wonder what his conclusion will be. Stay tuned............................

Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

who would have ever dreamed that it will be

Hank "worried about Guam flipping over" Johnson (D)

who took holder down

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&list=UUqMici9I7nz_i-PN7eSYjwQ&v=AW7GhfOXe5U]Judiciary Hearing on Oversight of the Justice Department - YouTube[/ame]
Have no fear, folks. Obama has told Holder to investigate himself. It's funny how these type of investigations never find any indication of wrong doing. But Holder will look into the case of him being accused of spying on reporters. Gee, I wonder what his conclusion will be. Stay tuned............................

Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

If Bush played any of this shit, the hanging party would be lining up...its all crock...

Is that a reflex action with you? After all this time....can we have one thread about the evil Obama administration that does not include a post about how the liberal media dogs would be rabid if it was Bush?

Really..........you fuckers a epic whiners.

Hanging party? The worst that ever happened to Bush was being called stupid.
Have no fear, folks. Obama has told Holder to investigate himself. It's funny how these type of investigations never find any indication of wrong doing. But Holder will look into the case of him being accused of spying on reporters. Gee, I wonder what his conclusion will be. Stay tuned............................

Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

If Bush played any of this shit, the hanging party would be lining up...its all crock...

Is that a reflex action with you? After all this time....can we have one thread about the evil Obama administration that does not include a post about how the liberal media dogs would be rabid if it was Bush?

Really..........you fuckers a epic whiners.

Hanging party? The worst that ever happened to Bush was being called stupid.

How can you come here and post day after day and be wrong with every post?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HINhfkQAz1g]George W Bush burns in effigy (Washington DC) - YouTube[/ame]

Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years · zomblog
If Bush played any of this shit, the hanging party would be lining up...its all crock...

Is that a reflex action with you? After all this time....can we have one thread about the evil Obama administration that does not include a post about how the liberal media dogs would be rabid if it was Bush?

Really..........you fuckers a epic whiners.

Hanging party? The worst that ever happened to Bush was being called stupid.

How can you come here and post day after day and be wrong with every post?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HINhfkQAz1g]George W Bush burns in effigy (Washington DC) - YouTube[/ame]

Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years · zomblog

Missed point. No shock.
Holder has enough on obama to keep his job until they both go. Eric Holder should really stay. The more Holder, the worse obama looks.

I don't know which one looks worse. Obama is so insulated from things because he doesn't actually do the dirty work himself. I think all the people he appointed understand what their role was supposed to be and he chose them for a reason.

and THAT reason is to do all the dirty work, e.g., lie, lie, and lie some more, cover the dead bodies, kill off those by accident of course, who know way too much, take advantage of every crisis, create "road blocks", etc., etc.

there is no need to go on, you folks on the right know and you folks on the teat...., aaah dole...., aaaah left, yeah ! the left will continue to blame the great GWB or even Ronnie Reagan !!!
Holder has enough on obama to keep his job until they both go. Eric Holder should really stay. The more Holder, the worse obama looks.

I don't know which one looks worse. Obama is so insulated from things because he doesn't actually do the dirty work himself. I think all the people he appointed understand what their role was supposed to be and he chose them for a reason.

and THAT reason is to do all the dirty work, e.g., lie, lie, and lie some more, cover the dead bodies, kill off those by accident of course, who know way too much, take advantage of every crisis, create "road blocks", etc., etc.

there is no need to go on, you folks on the right know and you folks on the teat...., aaah dole...., aaaah left, yeah ! the left will continue to blame the great GWB or even Ronnie Reagan !!!

Too bad Obama doesn't have a little Reagan in him. Yeah, not holding my breath.

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities." Ronald Reagan
I don't know which one looks worse. Obama is so insulated from things because he doesn't actually do the dirty work himself. I think all the people he appointed understand what their role was supposed to be and he chose them for a reason.

and THAT reason is to do all the dirty work, e.g., lie, lie, and lie some more, cover the dead bodies, kill off those by accident of course, who know way too much, take advantage of every crisis, create "road blocks", etc., etc.

there is no need to go on, you folks on the right know and you folks on the teat...., aaah dole...., aaaah left, yeah ! the left will continue to blame the great GWB or even Ronnie Reagan !!!

Too bad Obama doesn't have a little Reagan in him. Yeah, not holding my breath.

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities." Ronald Reagan

Yes. Reagan was a stand-up guy. Never failed to take responsibility for his actions.

As opposed to Obama who "learns" about things just like we do...from the Media.

Most corrupt Prez of the modern era and you love him.

and THAT reason is to do all the dirty work, e.g., lie, lie, and lie some more, cover the dead bodies, kill off those by accident of course, who know way too much, take advantage of every crisis, create "road blocks", etc., etc.

there is no need to go on, you folks on the right know and you folks on the teat...., aaah dole...., aaaah left, yeah ! the left will continue to blame the great GWB or even Ronnie Reagan !!!

Too bad Obama doesn't have a little Reagan in him. Yeah, not holding my breath.

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities." Ronald Reagan

Yes. Reagan was a stand-up guy. Never failed to take responsibility for his actions.


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