End Of The Line For Holder?

I wish I had a nickle for every time one of you fuckers use the word "they" as you gossip to one another. As if you have any earthly idea what "they" represent or think.
I don't know which one looks worse. Obama is so insulated from things because he doesn't actually do the dirty work himself. I think all the people he appointed understand what their role was supposed to be and he chose them for a reason.

and THAT reason is to do all the dirty work, e.g., lie, lie, and lie some more, cover the dead bodies, kill off those by accident of course, who know way too much, take advantage of every crisis, create "road blocks", etc., etc.

there is no need to go on, you folks on the right know and you folks on the teat...., aaah dole...., aaaah left, yeah ! the left will continue to blame the great GWB or even Ronnie Reagan !!!

Too bad Obama doesn't have a little Reagan in him. Yeah, not holding my breath.

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities." Ronald Reagan

Obama should step up and take responsibility for what happens within his administration. So far, he claims to know nothing about anything. Are we to believe that no one briefs him on anything? And he had 118 meetings with the head of the IRS and they only talked about the Easter egg hunt and not targeting Obama's political enemies? Anyone who believes that must also believe that the Easter Bunny hid the eggs.
and THAT reason is to do all the dirty work, e.g., lie, lie, and lie some more, cover the dead bodies, kill off those by accident of course, who know way too much, take advantage of every crisis, create "road blocks", etc., etc.

there is no need to go on, you folks on the right know and you folks on the teat...., aaah dole...., aaaah left, yeah ! the left will continue to blame the great GWB or even Ronnie Reagan !!!

Too bad Obama doesn't have a little Reagan in him. Yeah, not holding my breath.

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities." Ronald Reagan

Obama should step up and take responsibility for what happens within his administration. So far, he claims to know nothing about anything. Are we to believe that no one briefs him on anything? And he had 118 meetings with the head of the IRS and they only talked about the Easter egg hunt and not targeting Obama's political enemies? Anyone who believes that must also believe that the Easter Bunny hid the eggs.

This administration has had nothing but contempt for the American people. They think they can tell the biggest whoppers and everyone will just nod politely.
Yes, it is unbelievable to think the head of the IRS met with Obama and discussed Easter eggs. It is unbelievable to think Eric Holder did not sign off on intrusive warrants. It is unbelievable to think he did not discuss this with Obama--it would be a firing offense if he didn't. It is unbelievable that someone would state they did nothing wrong and then invoke the 5th in order not to incriminate herself for wrongdoing.
And it is incredible that the president is completely innocent and had no idea what was going on in his own administration. No one with an ounce of knowledge of politics could believe this.
If Obama truly didnt know he would appoint special prosecutors and investigators and get to the bottom of it. He isn't. He seems totally disengaged and hoping it will just pass over.
Too bad Obama doesn't have a little Reagan in him. Yeah, not holding my breath.

"First, let me say I take full responsibility for my own actions and for those of my administration. As angry as I may be about activities undertaken without my knowledge, I am still accountable for those activities." Ronald Reagan

Obama should step up and take responsibility for what happens within his administration. So far, he claims to know nothing about anything. Are we to believe that no one briefs him on anything? And he had 118 meetings with the head of the IRS and they only talked about the Easter egg hunt and not targeting Obama's political enemies? Anyone who believes that must also believe that the Easter Bunny hid the eggs.

This administration has had nothing but contempt for the American people. They think they can tell the biggest whoppers and everyone will just nod politely.
Yes, it is unbelievable to think the head of the IRS met with Obama and discussed Easter eggs. It is unbelievable to think Eric Holder did not sign off on intrusive warrants. It is unbelievable to think he did not discuss this with Obama--it would be a firing offense if he didn't. It is unbelievable that someone would state they did nothing wrong and then invoke the 5th in order not to incriminate herself for wrongdoing.
And it is incredible that the president is completely innocent and had no idea what was going on in his own administration. No one with an ounce of knowledge of politics could believe this.
If Obama truly didnt know he would appoint special prosecutors and investigators and get to the bottom of it. He isn't. He seems totally disengaged and hoping it will just pass over.

latest news is

Holder had to judge shop to find a judge that would sign off on the warrant


The new documents show that two judges separately declared that the Justice Department was required to notify Rosen of the search warrant, even if the notification came after a delay. Otherwise: “The subscriber therefore will never know, by being provided a copy of the warrant, for example, that the government secured a warrant and searched the contents of her e-mail account,” Judge John M. Facciola wrote in an opinion rejecting the Obama Administration’s argument.

How Prosecutors Fought to Keep Rosen's Warrant Secret : The New Yorker
One thing you folks have to remember - Holder is a close personal friend of Obama. Their wives especially have a close relationship.
If this was anyone else, they would have been forced to resign a long time ago.
Holder's relationship with the other branches has been terrible for years...Democrat and Republican. Yet - because of the relationship he has with the campaigner in chief, he is still office.
Obama should step up and take responsibility for what happens within his administration. So far, he claims to know nothing about anything. Are we to believe that no one briefs him on anything? And he had 118 meetings with the head of the IRS and they only talked about the Easter egg hunt and not targeting Obama's political enemies? Anyone who believes that must also believe that the Easter Bunny hid the eggs.

This administration has had nothing but contempt for the American people. They think they can tell the biggest whoppers and everyone will just nod politely.
Yes, it is unbelievable to think the head of the IRS met with Obama and discussed Easter eggs. It is unbelievable to think Eric Holder did not sign off on intrusive warrants. It is unbelievable to think he did not discuss this with Obama--it would be a firing offense if he didn't. It is unbelievable that someone would state they did nothing wrong and then invoke the 5th in order not to incriminate herself for wrongdoing.
And it is incredible that the president is completely innocent and had no idea what was going on in his own administration. No one with an ounce of knowledge of politics could believe this.
If Obama truly didnt know he would appoint special prosecutors and investigators and get to the bottom of it. He isn't. He seems totally disengaged and hoping it will just pass over.

latest news is

Holder had to judge shop to find a judge that would sign off on the warrant


The new documents show that two judges separately declared that the Justice Department was required to notify Rosen of the search warrant, even if the notification came after a delay. Otherwise: “The subscriber therefore will never know, by being provided a copy of the warrant, for example, that the government secured a warrant and searched the contents of her e-mail account,” Judge John M. Facciola wrote in an opinion rejecting the Obama Administration’s argument.

How Prosecutors Fought to Keep Rosen's Warrant Secret : The New Yorker

Every piece of information that comes out reveals an administration with contempt for the rule of law and constitutional rights. The NLRB is still issuing rulings, despite many court decisions that they are there illegally.
This administration has had nothing but contempt for the American people. They think they can tell the biggest whoppers and everyone will just nod politely.
Yes, it is unbelievable to think the head of the IRS met with Obama and discussed Easter eggs. It is unbelievable to think Eric Holder did not sign off on intrusive warrants. It is unbelievable to think he did not discuss this with Obama--it would be a firing offense if he didn't. It is unbelievable that someone would state they did nothing wrong and then invoke the 5th in order not to incriminate herself for wrongdoing.
And it is incredible that the president is completely innocent and had no idea what was going on in his own administration. No one with an ounce of knowledge of politics could believe this.
If Obama truly didnt know he would appoint special prosecutors and investigators and get to the bottom of it. He isn't. He seems totally disengaged and hoping it will just pass over.

latest news is

Holder had to judge shop to find a judge that would sign off on the warrant


The new documents show that two judges separately declared that the Justice Department was required to notify Rosen of the search warrant, even if the notification came after a delay. Otherwise: “The subscriber therefore will never know, by being provided a copy of the warrant, for example, that the government secured a warrant and searched the contents of her e-mail account,” Judge John M. Facciola wrote in an opinion rejecting the Obama Administration’s argument.

How Prosecutors Fought to Keep Rosen's Warrant Secret : The New Yorker

Every piece of information that comes out reveals an administration with contempt for the rule of law and constitutional rights. The NLRB is still issuing rulings, despite many court decisions that they are there illegally.

yes and it has been reported that the IRS is still targeting conservatives
Have no fear, folks. Obama has told Holder to investigate himself. It's funny how these type of investigations never find any indication of wrong doing. But Holder will look into the case of him being accused of spying on reporters. Gee, I wonder what his conclusion will be. Stay tuned............................

Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

If Bush played any of this shit, the hanging party would be lining up...its all crock...

Is that a reflex action with you? After all this time....can we have one thread about the evil Obama administration that does not include a post about how the liberal media dogs would be rabid if it was Bush?

Really..........you fuckers a epic whiners.

Hanging party? The worst that ever happened to Bush was being called stupid.

There was a book wrote about assainating him. Your an idiot, aren't ya?
If Bush played any of this shit, the hanging party would be lining up...its all crock...

Is that a reflex action with you? After all this time....can we have one thread about the evil Obama administration that does not include a post about how the liberal media dogs would be rabid if it was Bush?

Really..........you fuckers a epic whiners.

Hanging party? The worst that ever happened to Bush was being called stupid.

There was a book wrote about assainating him. Your an idiot, aren't ya?

There was a movie too. The left engaged in all kinds of masturbatory fantasies about Bush.
Interesting theory: The Agnew Rule indicates that before Holder can be forced to resign, the path must be cleared for his success (Deval Patrick) to become AG. That path is currently blocked by a "liability" Lieutenant Governor...

... But first there is what I call the "Agnew Rule". When the number two, and constitutionally designated successor, is deemed unacceptable by the political powers that be, he or she goes, so that the principal can be thrown over the side without endangering the institution. For example, Vice President Spiro T Agnew.

Let us remember how the Watergate incident and the eventual resignation of President Nixon went down. As this abbreviated timeline (see here for a more complete version) shows, it took over two years from the Watergate break in until the resignation. I would assert that a key function in allowing the US Congress to go forward was the forced resignation of Vice President Agnew....


What is the point of all this?

The point is that the sign that Attorney General Eric Holder's grip on office is slipping is that Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray is leaving office early to become head of the Worcester Chamber of Commerce. Worcester is Mr Murray's home town. The date is 2 June.

But, the fact is, Lieutenant Governor Murray has become a political liability, after (1) his close associate Chelsea Housing Authority director Michael McLaughlin crashed and burned and (2) he crash his government furnished automobile at 108 mph (and he wasn't wearing his seatbelt). Not that it proves anything, but Lieutenant Governor Murray was unhurt.

Now the safe and reliable Secretary of State, William Galvin, is in line for the Governorship,♠ when the current Governor, Deval Patrick, is summoned to Washington, to replace current Attorney General Eric Holder.

Right-Side-of-Lowell: The Agnew Rule
Why would Patrick want to go back to be AG in a scandal-ridden Obama Administration? Surely nothing good can come of it for him.
You're thinking like a normal civilian private sector type of person.

The Dems have a big internal battle for control of the party: Clintons vs Obamanoids. If Deval can help Obama avoid being held accountable for his scandals and get him through his second term unscathed, he becomes an heir apparent for national office sponsored by the Obamanoids.
You're thinking like a normal civilian private sector type of person.

The Dems have a big internal battle for control of the party: Clintons vs Obamanoids. If Deval can help Obama avoid being held accountable for his scandals and get him through his second term unscathed, he becomes an heir apparent for national office sponsored by the Obamanoids.

NO, I think Patrick will be the nominee for the Dems in '16. I've said this for months. He is a clean articulate black man who can promise lots of gov't cheese to inner city negroes. IOW, a winning candidate.
But I think association with a failed and corrupt regime would tarnish his chances of that. He would rather sit in MA until the time comes.

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