Ending Individual Liberty

4. A few examples of freedom slipping away:
a. Nebbia v. New York,291 U.S. 502(1934) A little guy named Leo Nebbia, a shopkeeper, sold two quarts of milk and a five cent loaf of bread for eighteen cents. This, after New York's Milk Control Board had set a price of nine cents a quart for the milk!

" Nebbia argued that price controls were an unconstitutional interference with the freedom of contractincluded within theDue Process Clauseof the14thAmendment.... The US Supreme Court found that government can interfere withfreedom of contract only to serve a valid police purpose of protecting public health, public safety or public morals. In this case, the Court found that milk is essential to good health,..." Nebbia v. New York | The Law School Guys

"He was guilty of giving his customers a good deal, cutting into his own profit margin." Charles Murray, "By The People"

That was 1934.....who was the monarch...er, President?

The Contract Clause appears in the United States Constitution, Article I, section 10, clause 1. It states:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. Contract Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It doesn't say 'unless the government decides otherwise,' does it.

The majority opinion in Nebbia was held by 4 Hoover appointees and 1 Wilson appointee.

You should read the decision.

Of course, your post has nothing to do with the fact posted: the decision was counter to the United States Constitution.
You should read the Constitution.

The Supreme Court was co-opted, cowed, by the megalomaniac who was President at the time.....
...what was his name again?

FDR had nothing to do with the decision. It was the Hoover court that decided it. And no it does not go against the Constitution.

Now you're sounding more and more like a fool.
The appointees that made the majority were not appointed by FDR. Back it up, PC.

A well constructed counterpoint reduces her to namecalling and blubbering. Every time.
4. A few examples of freedom slipping away:
a. Nebbia v. New York,291 U.S. 502(1934) A little guy named Leo Nebbia, a shopkeeper, sold two quarts of milk and a five cent loaf of bread for eighteen cents. This, after New York's Milk Control Board had set a price of nine cents a quart for the milk!

" Nebbia argued that price controls were an unconstitutional interference with the freedom of contractincluded within theDue Process Clauseof the14thAmendment.... The US Supreme Court found that government can interfere withfreedom of contract only to serve a valid police purpose of protecting public health, public safety or public morals. In this case, the Court found that milk is essential to good health,..." Nebbia v. New York | The Law School Guys

"He was guilty of giving his customers a good deal, cutting into his own profit margin." Charles Murray, "By The People"

That was 1934.....who was the monarch...er, President?

The Contract Clause appears in the United States Constitution, Article I, section 10, clause 1. It states:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. Contract Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It doesn't say 'unless the government decides otherwise,' does it.

The majority opinion in Nebbia was held by 4 Hoover appointees and 1 Wilson appointee.

You should read the decision.

Of course, your post has nothing to do with the fact posted: the decision was counter to the United States Constitution.
You should read the Constitution.

The Supreme Court was co-opted, cowed, by the megalomaniac who was President at the time.....
...what was his name again?

The Constitution says the freedom of the press cannot be abridged, and yet we have laws against child pornography.

What does your Constitution say about denying child pornographers protection under the First Amendment?

Americans should never forget that we have people like you to thank for our loss of individual liberty.


THIS is what PoliticalChic is ranting against as a terrible loss of individual liberty:

New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S.747 (1982), is a precedential decision given by the United States Supreme Court, which ruled unanimously that the First Amendment right to free speech did not forbid states from banning the sale of material depicting children engaged in sexual activity.[1]
4. A few examples of freedom slipping away:
a. Nebbia v. New York,291 U.S. 502(1934) A little guy named Leo Nebbia, a shopkeeper, sold two quarts of milk and a five cent loaf of bread for eighteen cents. This, after New York's Milk Control Board had set a price of nine cents a quart for the milk!

" Nebbia argued that price controls were an unconstitutional interference with the freedom of contractincluded within theDue Process Clauseof the14thAmendment.... The US Supreme Court found that government can interfere withfreedom of contract only to serve a valid police purpose of protecting public health, public safety or public morals. In this case, the Court found that milk is essential to good health,..." Nebbia v. New York | The Law School Guys

"He was guilty of giving his customers a good deal, cutting into his own profit margin." Charles Murray, "By The People"

That was 1934.....who was the monarch...er, President?

The Contract Clause appears in the United States Constitution, Article I, section 10, clause 1. It states:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. Contract Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It doesn't say 'unless the government decides otherwise,' does it.

The majority opinion in Nebbia was held by 4 Hoover appointees and 1 Wilson appointee.

You should read the decision.

Hoover was an economic leftist. He was mini FDR
4. A few examples of freedom slipping away:
a. Nebbia v. New York,291 U.S. 502(1934) A little guy named Leo Nebbia, a shopkeeper, sold two quarts of milk and a five cent loaf of bread for eighteen cents. This, after New York's Milk Control Board had set a price of nine cents a quart for the milk!

" Nebbia argued that price controls were an unconstitutional interference with the freedom of contractincluded within theDue Process Clauseof the14thAmendment.... The US Supreme Court found that government can interfere withfreedom of contract only to serve a valid police purpose of protecting public health, public safety or public morals. In this case, the Court found that milk is essential to good health,..." Nebbia v. New York | The Law School Guys

"He was guilty of giving his customers a good deal, cutting into his own profit margin." Charles Murray, "By The People"

That was 1934.....who was the monarch...er, President?

The Contract Clause appears in the United States Constitution, Article I, section 10, clause 1. It states:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. Contract Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It doesn't say 'unless the government decides otherwise,' does it.

The majority opinion in Nebbia was held by 4 Hoover appointees and 1 Wilson appointee.

You should read the decision.

Hoover was an economic leftist. He was mini FDR
He was not Coolidge, yes.
I propose we establish a Department of Fatherland Homeland Security to root out these destroyers of individual liberty.

It will be necessary to tap every American's telephone (landline and cell),as well as their internet viewing habits, and emails.

Those alleged Americans who are not wearing armbands flag pins should be turned over to the NSA for "special treatment". If necessary, we will need to torture waterboard some people to loosen their tongues. It will also be necessary to strip special cases of the rights and protections of US citizens.

We will also need to start forcing Americans to carry national identity papers on their person. We will use the "Voter ID" gambit as a wedge to open the door and make this incremental and more palatable.

As nationalistic patriots, we must find these people who hate us for our freedoms.

You are either for us, or against us.

Sieg Heil!
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As impossible as is it for me to believe, the majority of Americans seem to have missed the fact that the liberty, the birthright of Americans, has been stolen..

Sounds like a serious crime, good thing you're on the case.

So, who did it? The commies, nazis, fascists, muslims, liberals, FDR, Stalin, Iran? And more important, which country should be bombed so they'll give it back, Kenya?

The Founders, Classical Liberals...or, what would be called conservatives, today, memorialized our birthright in the Constitution.


The Founders, Classical Liberals...or, what would be called LIBERTARIANS , today, memorialized our birthright in the Constitution.
The Founders, Classical Liberals...or, what would be called LIBERTARIANS , today, memorialized our birthright in the Constitution.
The Founders would have called Libertarians what I do, little more than selfish children. They see rights, not responsibilities. Nothing like the Founders.
The Founders, Classical Liberals...or, what would be called LIBERTARIANS , today, memorialized our birthright in the Constitution.
The Founders would have called Libertarians what I do, little more than selfish children. They see rights, not responsibilities. Nothing like the Founders.



The Founders, Classical Liberals...or, what would be called LIBERTARIANS , today, memorialized our birthright in the Constitution.
The Founders would have called Libertarians what I do, little more than selfish children. They see rights, not responsibilities. Nothing like the Founders.

And what appellation would you attach to those who bravely shout
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good!"
The Founders, Classical Liberals...or, what would be called LIBERTARIANS , today, memorialized our birthright in the Constitution.
The Founders would have called Libertarians what I do, little more than selfish children. They see rights, not responsibilities. Nothing like the Founders.


And what appellation would you attach to those who bravely shout
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good!"
A pissed off liberal, who has grown weary of ignorant whinny little infants. The Founders would have felt the same, which is why they didn't grant any real power to the rabble...
And what appellation would you attach to those who bravely shout
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good!"
A pissed off liberal, who has grown weary of ignorant whinny little infants. The Founders would have felt the same, which is why they didn't grant any real power to the rabble...

I believe the term you'e searching for is 'fascist.'
And what appellation would you attach to those who bravely shout
"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good!"
A pissed off liberal, who has grown weary of ignorant whinny little infants. The Founders would have felt the same, which is why they didn't grant any real power to the rabble...

I believe the term you'e searching for is 'fascist.'
Nope. Say stupid shit all you like, just don't be surprised when we box your moronic ears as a way of motivating you to think then speak next time..
The Founders, Classical Liberals...or, what would be called LIBERTARIANS , today, memorialized our birthright in the Constitution.
The Founders would have called Libertarians what I do, little more than selfish children. They see rights, not responsibilities. Nothing like the Founders.




The Founders, most of them, thought of liberty differently. (1) Many of them were tied into slavery, either by ownership or by business. (2) They would have turned the far right conservatives of today into the street as rabble rousers. (3) They would have been horrified by the cost materially, humanly, and financially of the Iraq War. (4) They would not let a North Korean adoptee write a blog but instead would have given her steady employment sweeping the journalism shop.

Jake, the Reactionary Progressive leaps to the defense of FDR
Hoover was a Progressive, FDR took Hoover's bad ideas and squared them. How else do you think we got the worst economy in human history eclipsing even the 7 Biblical Lean years?

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