Endless War Proponents and the MSM

They are all over the news shows. All of them arguing for more military and rewriting their failures.

Let's keep track.

THEY just like YOU are seen for their real self. IF this is a Neocon plot to reverse the end of the spending and weapons buying for Afghanistan (and I CERTAINLY wouldn't be surprised if it is) then every swinging man-jack in the bunch needs to be hung from a gibbet so the last legacy they leave is a picture of them shitting themselves on a gallows.

BUT Biden and his SecDef and SecState and anyone else involved in this CF needs to be swinging right alongside them. At LEAST 13 more coffins will be en route for Dover in the coming hours and IT WAS NOT INEVITABLE! That SON OF A BITCH and, more importantly, the real power, the HNIC, deserves to be strung up live on a global satellite link. I will devote myself to prayers that these families who will be burying their loved ones will eventually get their justice, hopefully in the most humiliating and painful possible way for the animals that CAUSED THIS!

I hope that when they pass from this life, the ground around them looks as much like an abattoir as that airfield does today. HOW MUCH MORE is he going to be allowed to do to America?
Meanwhile, a thousand Americans are dying each day from COVID, in part because of right-wing conspiracy theories. But somehow, those 1000 deserve less attention and outrage than the dozen soldiers who were killed.
All of those white bastards have financial from waging war. All of them.

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