England Court PROVES "climate change" is a FARCE

Oh I'm sorry, CO2 is not responsible for temperature change. Not a chance.

New paper finds ?up to 30% discrepancy between modeled and observed solar energy absorbed by the atmosphere? | Climate Depot

But please tell me how what you just linked me to is "a reliable scientific source." The website you linked me to is run by John Cook, a Climate Physicist from the University of Queensland. He has a preconceived bias towards AGW, his posts are nowhere close to neutral. You need to know who you're dealing with before you insult my intelligence again.

Climate Depot? Seriously?

Honestly....here you are attacking a qualified climate physicist for "preconceived bias" and then presenting a blog as your alternative?

The paper I linked to gives you a fairly good overview of what scientists are saying. I don't expect you to believe it, but it would at least help you understand what is being claimed.

Try and post with a little common sense.

Sure, and I didn't see you debunk the study in that link. Try not to post something so helplessly biased as the NOAA or John Cook. And read the post before yours.
TK -

Do you understand the difference between the opinion of a qualified PhD physicist writing papers through a peer-review system, and a blog written by someone with no scientific training?

Which would you say is generally more credible?

Come on man, this is getting too silly and childish for words.
TK -

Do you understand the difference between the opinion of a qualified PhD physicist writing papers through a peer-review system, and a blog written by someone with no scientific training?

Which would you say is generally more credible?

Come on man, this is getting too silly and childish for words.

Not a blog you dimwit. Perhaps if you weren't so inclined to judge based off of titles, you would be more compelled to read the link.

It was referencing THIS peer reviewed study by Juan Du, Li Huang, Qilong Min and Lei Zhu.

Your attempt to trap me is noted, your lack of rebuttal is again noted. Please, try harder. I'm going now.

Have a good morning, Saigon.
TK -

'climate depot' is a blog.

The article you cited was written by an ex-producer of the Rush Limbaugh show - a man with no scientific qualifications at all. The fact that it referenced a legitimate scientific paper hardly helps.

I'll ask again -

Do you understand the difference between the opinion of a qualified PhD physicist writing papers through a peer-review system, and a blog written by someone with no scientific training?

Which would you say is generally more credible?
Last edited:
btw. I have noticed that you tend to dismiss most legitimate science as "biased".

As I am sure you realise yourself, this makes absolutely no sense - especially not coming from someone who apparently relies on blogs that are openly partisan themselves. There is simply no reason at all to believe that most scientists are in anyway biased or prejudiced, and the only reason you do so is as a justification for ignoring science as a concept.

I'd like to think you are smart enough and honest enough to admit that until such time as genuine scientists starting backing your case, you are never going to really get anywhere in this debate.
While the left's leaders continue to LIE about "Climate Change" for power & control (and the left's subservient sheep continue to be willfully ignorant puppets refusing to question anything) - a court in England has now proven that the entire "climate change" issue is a farce.

Al Gore's people - when under oath before a court and facing perjury - were forced to admit that their data and claims in the movie were so false, they submitted 77 pages of correction to the court.

I'm going to repeat that: 77 pages worth of corrections to their movie.

Al Gore’s spokesman and “environment advisor,” Ms. Kalee Kreider, begins by saying that the film presented “thousands and thousands of facts.” It did not: just 2,000 “facts” in 93 minutes would have been one fact every three seconds. The film contained only a few dozen points, most of which will be seen to have been substantially inaccurate. The judge concentrated only on nine points which even the UK Government, to which Gore is a climate-change advisor, had to admit did not represent mainstream scientific opinion.

Ms. Kreider then states, incorrectly, that the judge himself had never used the term “errors.” In fact, the judge used the term “errors,” in inverted commas, throughout his judgment.

Couple Al Gore's people being forced to admit all of their lies with under penalty of perjury with the not one, but TWO different rounds of "Climate Gate" and the fact that the left predicted the polar ice caps would be melted by 2013 when in fact they have now expanded by 60% and, well, only an idiot libtard could ignore all of this indisputable concrete evidence in favor of their masters propaganda.

35 Inconvenient Truths: The errors in Al Gore?s movie | Monckton

Global cooling: Arctic ice caps grows by 60% against global warming predictions | Mail Online

Climate Gate News and Video - FOX News Topics - FOXNews.com

still stuck in the stupid mode I see
Oh I'm sorry, CO2 is not responsible for temperature change. Not a chance.

New paper finds ?up to 30% discrepancy between modeled and observed solar energy absorbed by the atmosphere? | Climate Depot

But please tell me how what you just linked me to is "a reliable scientific source." The website you linked me to is run by John Cook, a Climate Physicist from the University of Queensland. He has a preconceived bias towards AGW, his posts are nowhere close to neutral. You need to know who you're dealing with before you insult my intelligence again.

Climate Depot? Seriously?

Honestly....here you are attacking a qualified climate physicist for "preconceived bias" and then presenting a blog as your alternative?

The paper I linked to gives you a fairly good overview of what scientists are saying. I don't expect you to believe it, but it would at least help you understand what is being claimed.

Try and post with a little common sense.

Sure, and I didn't see you debunk the study in that link. Try not to post something so helplessly biased as the NOAA or John Cook. And read the post before yours.

and the stupid people like this one keeps fallowing the rest of the stupid people ... they can't help themselves its like a moth drawn to light ...
Just had to pull this out...it has so much to do with the reason for the deniers in the first place...

In the US, the federal government has paid US$74 billion for energy subsidies to support R&D for nuclear power ($50 billion) and fossil fuels ($24 billion) from 1973 to 2003.During this same timeframe, renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency received a total of US$26 billion.
Just had to pull this out...it has so much to do with the reason for the deniers in the first place...

In the US, the federal government has paid US$74 billion for energy subsidies to support R&D for nuclear power ($50 billion) and fossil fuels ($24 billion) from 1973 to 2003.During this same timeframe, renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency received a total of US$26 billion.

ALL energy subsidies should be stopped. BTW, a tax credit for exploration expenses is not a subsidy.

on the topic of alternative forms of energy------how do you tree and panda huggers like this?
Windmill farm seeks permit to kill eagles - SFGate
Just had to pull this out...it has so much to do with the reason for the deniers in the first place...

In the US, the federal government has paid US$74 billion for energy subsidies to support R&D for nuclear power ($50 billion) and fossil fuels ($24 billion) from 1973 to 2003.During this same timeframe, renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency received a total of US$26 billion.

ALL energy subsidies should be stopped. BTW, a tax credit for exploration expenses is not a subsidy.

on the topic of alternative forms of energy------how do you tree and panda huggers like this?
Windmill farm seeks permit to kill eagles - SFGate

The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)
Just had to pull this out...it has so much to do with the reason for the deniers in the first place...

In the US, the federal government has paid US$74 billion for energy subsidies to support R&D for nuclear power ($50 billion) and fossil fuels ($24 billion) from 1973 to 2003.During this same timeframe, renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency received a total of US$26 billion.

ALL energy subsidies should be stopped. BTW, a tax credit for exploration expenses is not a subsidy.

on the topic of alternative forms of energy------how do you tree and panda huggers like this?
Windmill farm seeks permit to kill eagles - SFGate

The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)

We could send the Saudi's back to being camel jockeys if we would develop our own fossil fuels, but no, obama wants to keep the saudis in their mercedes and private jets while we pay $5/gal for gas.

I think we should be working on all kinds of alternative fuels--in the private market. While that is going on we should also be maximizing the use of our natural fuels to keep our economy strong and keep our dollars in this country.

Why do you think that everything that obama does seems to help some muslim nation and hurt the USA?
Just had to pull this out...it has so much to do with the reason for the deniers in the first place...

In the US, the federal government has paid US$74 billion for energy subsidies to support R&D for nuclear power ($50 billion) and fossil fuels ($24 billion) from 1973 to 2003.During this same timeframe, renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency received a total of US$26 billion.

ALL energy subsidies should be stopped. BTW, a tax credit for exploration expenses is not a subsidy.

on the topic of alternative forms of energy------how do you tree and panda huggers like this?
Windmill farm seeks permit to kill eagles - SFGate

The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)

on the eagle killing, why is it acceptable? does Greenpeace think its acceptable?, how about the audobon society? I thought you libs were all about saving the earth and its creatures from the evils of humans.
Saigon, you never once rebutted me with a link, using excuses such a "there isn't much to rebut."

That's absolutely pathetic. You were incapable of making an argument. It appeared from the start I had superior knowledge on the subject. Please step off the pedestal, that trip to Holiday Inn did not serve you well.
ALL energy subsidies should be stopped. BTW, a tax credit for exploration expenses is not a subsidy.

on the topic of alternative forms of energy------how do you tree and panda huggers like this?
Windmill farm seeks permit to kill eagles - SFGate

The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)

We could send the Saudi's back to being camel jockeys if we would develop our own fossil fuels, but no, obama wants to keep the saudis in their mercedes and private jets while we pay $5/gal for gas.

I think we should be working on all kinds of alternative fuels--in the private market. While that is going on we should also be maximizing the use of our natural fuels to keep our economy strong and keep our dollars in this country.

Why do you think that everything that obama does seems to help some muslim nation and hurt the USA?

No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Forget that oil dug out of our ground doesn't stay here, it's traded just like the Saudi's oil on the open market, there simply isn't enough oil left.

It is private/government partnerships that move things forward.

We can't keep sucking until it's dry and we aren't even taking baby steps towards cleaner, renewable energy sources. Why? Because those that are heavily involved in fossil fuels OWN everything. They own our politicians, they own the media. That Prince guy, he is a major shareholder in none other than Faux News.

If we don't move towards a clean, renewable, appliance based energy system and fast, we're going to hit the point where we can't turn it around.

You know, even if you don't "believe" in climate change (fact isn't something you believe, it just is), don't you all just like having clean fucking water and air? Seriously?
ALL energy subsidies should be stopped. BTW, a tax credit for exploration expenses is not a subsidy.

on the topic of alternative forms of energy------how do you tree and panda huggers like this?
Windmill farm seeks permit to kill eagles - SFGate

The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)

on the eagle killing, why is it acceptable? does Greenpeace think its acceptable?, how about the audobon society? I thought you libs were all about saving the earth and its creatures from the evils of humans.

One eagle a year as they work to reduce even that number in order to replace fossil fuels? Of course its acceptable. They aren't decimating a species in danger of extinction and they are committed to reducing the number of eagle deaths.

Animal populations are in greater danger from the damage done by FF than by a couple of windmills. Oil spills wipe out entire ecosystems...a couple of eagles are a hell of a lot better than that.
The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)

We could send the Saudi's back to being camel jockeys if we would develop our own fossil fuels, but no, obama wants to keep the saudis in their mercedes and private jets while we pay $5/gal for gas.

I think we should be working on all kinds of alternative fuels--in the private market. While that is going on we should also be maximizing the use of our natural fuels to keep our economy strong and keep our dollars in this country.

Why do you think that everything that obama does seems to help some muslim nation and hurt the USA?

No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Forget that oil dug out of our ground doesn't stay here, it's traded just like the Saudi's oil on the open market, there simply isn't enough oil left.

It is private/government partnerships that move things forward.

We can't keep sucking until it's dry and we aren't even taking baby steps towards cleaner, renewable energy sources. Why? Because those that are heavily involved in fossil fuels OWN everything. They own our politicians, they own the media. That Prince guy, he is a major shareholder in none other than Faux News.

If we don't move towards a clean, renewable, appliance based energy system and fast, we're going to hit the point where we can't turn it around.

You know, even if you don't "believe" in climate change (fact isn't something you believe, it just is), don't you all just like having clean fucking water and air? Seriously?

Pollution and climate change are two different and distinct things. Man causes pollution, man does not cause climate change.

Yes, the climate is changing, it has been changing for millions of years before man arrived and it wil be changing millions of years after man departs. Man is not changing the climate of the planet, to believe that we are is the height of naivete.

what kind of air and water is "fucking air and water" ? is that a gay term for something you use to clean up with after deviant sex?

When alternatives become economically viable the free market will bring them out big time. The govt will only waste money and accomplish nothing (solyndra)

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