England Court PROVES "climate change" is a FARCE

We could send the Saudi's back to being camel jockeys if we would develop our own fossil fuels, but no, obama wants to keep the saudis in their mercedes and private jets while we pay $5/gal for gas.

I think we should be working on all kinds of alternative fuels--in the private market. While that is going on we should also be maximizing the use of our natural fuels to keep our economy strong and keep our dollars in this country.

Why do you think that everything that obama does seems to help some muslim nation and hurt the USA?

No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Forget that oil dug out of our ground doesn't stay here, it's traded just like the Saudi's oil on the open market, there simply isn't enough oil left.

It is private/government partnerships that move things forward.

We can't keep sucking until it's dry and we aren't even taking baby steps towards cleaner, renewable energy sources. Why? Because those that are heavily involved in fossil fuels OWN everything. They own our politicians, they own the media. That Prince guy, he is a major shareholder in none other than Faux News.

If we don't move towards a clean, renewable, appliance based energy system and fast, we're going to hit the point where we can't turn it around.

You know, even if you don't "believe" in climate change (fact isn't something you believe, it just is), don't you all just like having clean fucking water and air? Seriously?

Pollution and climate change are two different and distinct things. Man causes pollution, man does not cause climate change.
Pollution causes climate change.

Yes, the climate is changing, it has been changing for millions of years before man arrived and it wil be changing millions of years after man departs. Man is not changing the climate of the planet, to believe that we are is the height of naivete.

You're ignoring actual science in favor of political ideology...that's not naive, that's insane.

what kind of air and water is "fucking air and water" ? is that a gay term for something you use to clean up with after deviant sex?

Couldn't stay on topic could you Fishy? You run screaming away from the actual "gay threads" but just have to bring the "gay thing" up in an unrelated thread. Creepy, creepy obsessive, creepy.

When alternatives become economically viable the free market will bring them out big time. The govt will only waste money and accomplish nothing (solyndra)

The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)

on the eagle killing, why is it acceptable? does Greenpeace think its acceptable?, how about the audobon society? I thought you libs were all about saving the earth and its creatures from the evils of humans.

One eagle a year as they work to reduce even that number in order to replace fossil fuels? Of course its acceptable. They aren't decimating a species in danger of extinction and they are committed to reducing the number of eagle deaths.

Animal populations are in greater danger from the damage done by FF than by a couple of windmills. Oil spills wipe out entire ecosystems...a couple of eagles are a hell of a lot better than that.

bullshit, you libtards declared the gulf dead after the BP spill, but you were wrong. Today the gulf is alive and full of marine life, the damage was temporary. Oil is a natural substance, it is not an evil pollutant.

If you libs want a real cause how about taking on the clear cutting of the amazon basin? Some real damage to the eco system is being done there, but you don't give a shit because its south america.

I asked you how the Audobon society felt about killing eagles with wind farms, answer?

BTW, its not just eagles, they kill all kinds of birds, and bats as you mentioned.
No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Forget that oil dug out of our ground doesn't stay here, it's traded just like the Saudi's oil on the open market, there simply isn't enough oil left.

It is private/government partnerships that move things forward.

We can't keep sucking until it's dry and we aren't even taking baby steps towards cleaner, renewable energy sources. Why? Because those that are heavily involved in fossil fuels OWN everything. They own our politicians, they own the media. That Prince guy, he is a major shareholder in none other than Faux News.

If we don't move towards a clean, renewable, appliance based energy system and fast, we're going to hit the point where we can't turn it around.

You know, even if you don't "believe" in climate change (fact isn't something you believe, it just is), don't you all just like having clean fucking water and air? Seriously?

Pollution and climate change are two different and distinct things. Man causes pollution, man does not cause climate change.
Pollution causes climate change.

You're ignoring actual science in favor of political ideology...that's not naive, that's insane.

what kind of air and water is "fucking air and water" ? is that a gay term for something you use to clean up with after deviant sex?

Couldn't stay on topic could you Fishy? You run screaming away from the actual "gay threads" but just have to bring the "gay thing" up in an unrelated thread. Creepy, creepy obsessive, creepy.

When alternatives become economically viable the free market will bring them out big time. The govt will only waste money and accomplish nothing (solyndra)


pollution does not cause climate change, the sun, ocean currents, and the earth's tilt on its axis cause climate change. Man has never had anything to do with it and never will.

Europe gets a majority of its electricity from nuclear. why haven't we built a nuclear power plant in decades?

you used the word "fucking" I just made a joke of your inability to make a point without resorting to vile language. :cool:
I just know that the business community has a massive interest in undermining any finding that predicts that carbon emissions will increase the frequency and power of the super storms that recently put parts of New Jersey and NYC under water. Yes, Al Gore is a loon

For the love of God, hurricanes have existed since the beginning of time. Tornados have existed since have existed since the beginning of time. Rain has existed since the beginning of time. Wind has existed since the beginning of time.

You people are a bunch of "the end is near" Armageddon freaks!!!

Every real scientist in the world has confirmed that the world is COOLING right now as part of a natural cycle that they even predicted because they have measured the cycle for over 100 years now. In addition to that, the entire "climate change" since 1963 is exactly 1/4th of 1%.

(It is astounding what a bunch of unquestioning little sheep liberals are to their masters. They refuse to go to any site other than George Soros's ThinkProgress and check anything! :bang3:)
on the eagle killing, why is it acceptable? does Greenpeace think its acceptable?, how about the audobon society? I thought you libs were all about saving the earth and its creatures from the evils of humans.

One eagle a year as they work to reduce even that number in order to replace fossil fuels? Of course its acceptable. They aren't decimating a species in danger of extinction and they are committed to reducing the number of eagle deaths.

Animal populations are in greater danger from the damage done by FF than by a couple of windmills. Oil spills wipe out entire ecosystems...a couple of eagles are a hell of a lot better than that.

bullshit, you libtards declared the gulf dead after the BP spill, but you were wrong. Today the gulf is alive and full of marine life, the damage was temporary. Oil is a natural substance, it is not an evil pollutant.

Of course it is a pollutant...when you burn it for fuel. Come on Fishy, is it too early? You're not even trying.

If you libs want a real cause how about taking on the clear cutting of the amazon basin? Some real damage to the eco system is being done there, but you don't give a shit because its south america.

Right...there are no liberal groups trying to do that at all anywhere, only conservative groups right? :lol: Get more coffee.

I asked you how the Audobon society felt about killing eagles with wind farms, answer?

I don't know, why don't you ask them. I told you that I'm okay with killing 5 eagles a year in order to not burn fossil fuels for energy.

BTW, its not just eagles, they kill all kinds of birds, and bats as you mentioned.

The study estimates that wind farms and nuclear power stations are responsible each for between 0.3 and 0.4 fatalities per gigawatt-hour (GWh) of electricity while fossil fueled power stations are responsible for about 5.2 fatalities per GWh. Within the uncertainties of the data used, the estimate means that wind farms killed approximately 20,000 birds in the United States in 2009 but nuclear plants killed about 330,000 and fossil fueled power plants more than 14 million. The paper concludes that further study is needed, but also that fossil fueled power stations appear to pose a much greater threat to birds and avian wildlife than wind farms and nuclear power plants.

The avian benefits of wind energy: A 2009 update

Yup...I'll still take those renewable sources.
One eagle a year as they work to reduce even that number in order to replace fossil fuels? Of course its acceptable. They aren't decimating a species in danger of extinction and they are committed to reducing the number of eagle deaths.

Animal populations are in greater danger from the damage done by FF than by a couple of windmills. Oil spills wipe out entire ecosystems...a couple of eagles are a hell of a lot better than that.

bullshit, you libtards declared the gulf dead after the BP spill, but you were wrong. Today the gulf is alive and full of marine life, the damage was temporary. Oil is a natural substance, it is not an evil pollutant.

Of course it is a pollutant...when you burn it for fuel. Come on Fishy, is it too early? You're not even trying.

Right...there are no liberal groups trying to do that at all anywhere, only conservative groups right? :lol: Get more coffee.

I asked you how the Audobon society felt about killing eagles with wind farms, answer?

I don't know, why don't you ask them. I told you that I'm okay with killing 5 eagles a year in order to not burn fossil fuels for energy.

BTW, its not just eagles, they kill all kinds of birds, and bats as you mentioned.

The study estimates that wind farms and nuclear power stations are responsible each for between 0.3 and 0.4 fatalities per gigawatt-hour (GWh) of electricity while fossil fueled power stations are responsible for about 5.2 fatalities per GWh. Within the uncertainties of the data used, the estimate means that wind farms killed approximately 20,000 birds in the United States in 2009 but nuclear plants killed about 330,000 and fossil fueled power plants more than 14 million. The paper concludes that further study is needed, but also that fossil fueled power stations appear to pose a much greater threat to birds and avian wildlife than wind farms and nuclear power plants.

The avian benefits of wind energy: A 2009 update

Yup...I'll still take those renewable sources.

You are totally missing the point. WE ALL want to move to renewable sources of energy. But the technology has a long way to go. There is nothing even being dreamed of that will power an 18 wheeler across the US using anything but fossil fuels. There is nothing that will power a plane across the ocean or a train from coast to coast, OR provide power for a city.

We should be working on every form of alternative energy, but in parallel we should keep our economy strong by maximizing the use of our vast quantities of fossil fuels. hundreds of coal mines have been closed due to obama's EPA regulations. What are the people in the northeast going to do this winter when they can't afford to heat their homes.

You lefties neeed to venture into the real world once in a while instead of being trapped in your world of feeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooootion.
The unusual plan would allow the company's 50 wind turbines to kill up to five golden eagles over a five-year period in exchange for a series of measures to protect the big birds, including the retrofitting of 133 nearby power poles to prevent electrocutions.

That's an acceptable trade off. As long as they continue to try and "build a better mouse trap". I'm more concerned with bat populations near wind farms but I have faith that someone will come up with a way to keep the bats or other animals from being too greatly affected.

This is what is concerning...

"We don't want the West to go and find alternatives, because, clearly, the higher the price of oil goes, the more they have incentives to go and find alternatives" Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal (26th richest man in the world)

We could send the Saudi's back to being camel jockeys if we would develop our own fossil fuels, but no, obama wants to keep the saudis in their mercedes and private jets while we pay $5/gal for gas.

I think we should be working on all kinds of alternative fuels--in the private market. While that is going on we should also be maximizing the use of our natural fuels to keep our economy strong and keep our dollars in this country.

Why do you think that everything that obama does seems to help some muslim nation and hurt the USA?

No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Your ignorance continues to know no bounds. Will you ever educate yourself on any topic before opening your big, ignorant, mouth?!? :bang3:

The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground." Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

In fact, within eight short years, the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

So Long Middle Eastern Oil, Hello American - Forbes

Oops! Looks like [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] continues to swallow high dosages of her ignorance pills every morning!
No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Your ignorance continues to know no bounds. Will you ever educate yourself on any topic before opening your big, ignorant, mouth?!? :bang3:

The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground." Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

In fact, within eight short years, the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

So Long Middle Eastern Oil, Hello American - Forbes

Oops! Looks like [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] continues to swallow high dosages of her ignorance pills every morning!

Notice how [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] makes such an outrageous, over the top, absurd claim of stripping the earth coast-to-coast and not being able to keep up with "current consumption" but has not a single link to back up her asinine claims?

This goes back to my previous post of the asshole libtard who claimed that it was a "fact" that 95% of all scientists agree about "global warming" but couldn't provide a source and then later changed his own "fact" down to 92% (which clearly indicates his initial wild claim was not a "fact" at all) and was unable to back up that new version of the figure.

This is what libtard Dumbocrats like Wytchey here do - without the least bit of knowledge about the topic at hand, they make absolutely outrageous claims for shock value and hope that it makes them sound like an authority so you'll go away.

Whtchey, sweetie, at what point will you realize you've humiliated yourself and have zero credibility left? How you have not left this board out of shame and gone somewhere else truly amazes me. I would never show my face again if I were exposed for being ignorant and lying as many times as you have been.
We could send the Saudi's back to being camel jockeys if we would develop our own fossil fuels, but no, obama wants to keep the saudis in their mercedes and private jets while we pay $5/gal for gas.

I think we should be working on all kinds of alternative fuels--in the private market. While that is going on we should also be maximizing the use of our natural fuels to keep our economy strong and keep our dollars in this country.

Why do you think that everything that obama does seems to help some muslim nation and hurt the USA?

No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Your ignorance continues to know no bounds. Will you ever educate yourself on any topic before opening your big, ignorant, mouth?!? :bang3:

The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground." Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

In fact, within eight short years, the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

So Long Middle Eastern Oil, Hello American - Forbes

Oops! Looks like [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] continues to swallow high dosages of her ignorance pills every morning!

Peak Oil Is Alive and Well, and Costing the Earth

The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil

But screw the planet as long as you can keep driving your gas guzzler, right?
Go back and read the my responses, your argument has most likely already been debunked.

And when called to site a reference, none is given. Instead, like a typical uneducated moron, you have nothing.

Shut your mouth, [MENTION=35236]itfitzme[/MENTION]:. I whipped one of your fellow acolytes so badly in this thread, he didn't come back. Not one post. As for your links:

1. http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...throwing-in-the-towel-on-agw.html#post7890052

2. http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...throwing-in-the-towel-on-agw.html#post7890089

3. http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...throwing-in-the-towel-on-agw.html#post7890114

4. http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...throwing-in-the-towel-on-agw.html#post7890122

5. http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...throwing-in-the-towel-on-agw.html#post7890139

And stay down.

No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Your ignorance continues to know no bounds. Will you ever educate yourself on any topic before opening your big, ignorant, mouth?!? :bang3:

The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground." Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

In fact, within eight short years, the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

So Long Middle Eastern Oil, Hello American - Forbes

Oops! Looks like [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] continues to swallow high dosages of her ignorance pills every morning!

Notice how [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] makes such an outrageous, over the top, absurd claim of stripping the earth coast-to-coast and not being able to keep up with "current consumption" but has not a single link to back up her asinine claims?

This goes back to my previous post of the asshole libtard who claimed that it was a "fact" that 95% of all scientists agree about "global warming" but couldn't provide a source and then later changed his own "fact" down to 92% (which clearly indicates his initial wild claim was not a "fact" at all) and was unable to back up that new version of the figure.

This is what libtard Dumbocrats like Wytchey here do - without the least bit of knowledge about the topic at hand, they make absolutely outrageous claims for shock value and hope that it makes them sound like an authority so you'll go away.

Whtchey, sweetie, at what point will you realize you've humiliated yourself and have zero credibility left? How you have not left this board out of shame and gone somewhere else truly amazes me. I would never show my face again if I were exposed for being ignorant and lying as many times as you have been.

Just did Puppy. Now go play with your other toys, this one's not for you.
Your ignorance continues to know no bounds. Will you ever educate yourself on any topic before opening your big, ignorant, mouth?!? :bang3:

The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground." Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

In fact, within eight short years, the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

So Long Middle Eastern Oil, Hello American - Forbes

Oops! Looks like [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] continues to swallow high dosages of her ignorance pills every morning!

Notice how [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] makes such an outrageous, over the top, absurd claim of stripping the earth coast-to-coast and not being able to keep up with "current consumption" but has not a single link to back up her asinine claims?

This goes back to my previous post of the asshole libtard who claimed that it was a "fact" that 95% of all scientists agree about "global warming" but couldn't provide a source and then later changed his own "fact" down to 92% (which clearly indicates his initial wild claim was not a "fact" at all) and was unable to back up that new version of the figure.

This is what libtard Dumbocrats like Wytchey here do - without the least bit of knowledge about the topic at hand, they make absolutely outrageous claims for shock value and hope that it makes them sound like an authority so you'll go away.

Whtchey, sweetie, at what point will you realize you've humiliated yourself and have zero credibility left? How you have not left this board out of shame and gone somewhere else truly amazes me. I would never show my face again if I were exposed for being ignorant and lying as many times as you have been.

Just did Puppy. Now go play with your other toys, this one's not for you.

Yeah - you posted links which defeat yourself because you were in such a hurry to find something after I called you out for your outrageous claims with no source! :lmao:
No we couldn't. If we drilled every inch of our country, strip mined the grand canyon and cut down every tree from coast to coast, we aren't going to be able to maintain our current level of consumption.

Your ignorance continues to know no bounds. Will you ever educate yourself on any topic before opening your big, ignorant, mouth?!? :bang3:

The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground." Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

In fact, within eight short years, the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

So Long Middle Eastern Oil, Hello American - Forbes

Oops! Looks like [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] continues to swallow high dosages of her ignorance pills every morning!

Peak Oil Is Alive and Well, and Costing the Earth

The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil

But screw the planet as long as you can keep driving your gas guzzler, right?

Wytchey - sweetie - you need to read your articles before posting them...

"Peak oil, of course, doesn’t mean that the world is running out of oil any time soon. There is a vast amount of oil left." :lmao:

Peak Oil Is Alive and Well, and Costing the Earth
Funny how this discussion drifted away from the facts.... smooth move liberals, alarmists.

Perhaps the turning point was when you refused to read the material from the NOOA, but instead posted material written by Rush Limbaugh's ex-producer?

Again - try and post with a little common sense.
Your ignorance continues to know no bounds. Will you ever educate yourself on any topic before opening your big, ignorant, mouth?!? :bang3:

The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer, how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground." Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together."

The US has "more oil than all the Middle East put together" - Atlas Shrugs

In fact, within eight short years, the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production, the International Energy Agency said Monday.

So Long Middle Eastern Oil, Hello American - Forbes

Oops! Looks like [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] continues to swallow high dosages of her ignorance pills every morning!

Peak Oil Is Alive and Well, and Costing the Earth

The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil

But screw the planet as long as you can keep driving your gas guzzler, right?

Wytchey - sweetie - you need to read your articles before posting them...

"Peak oil, of course, doesn’t mean that the world is running out of oil any time soon. There is a vast amount of oil left." :lmao:

Peak Oil Is Alive and Well, and Costing the Earth

Yes, in the most expensive, hard to reach and potentially devastating ways possible. It's not a way forward, Puppy. If we don't switch to a cleaner, renewable, appliance based and not resource based energy system soon, it will be too late.
When the conservative is asked for his source of information, he cites the exact study, with the exact year, with the exact chapter, and the exact section.

Then by all means cite one that claims that everything in the Arctic is fine.

Here is your comment:
the fact that the left predicted the polar ice caps would be melted by 2013 when in fact they have now expanded by 60% and

Back it up.

To get you started, here is a graph showing the pattern of Arctic ice...


NOAA Arctic Theme Page - A Comprehensive Arctic Resource

Still no study, year or chapter from rottie to back up his claim.

And people say he isn't a left-wing troll?!
Funny how this discussion drifted away from the facts.... smooth move liberals, alarmists.

Perhaps the turning point was when you refused to read the material from the NOOA, but instead posted material written by Rush Limbaugh's ex-producer?

Again - try and post with a little common sense.

How can you lecture me on posting with common sense when you won't even attempt to rebut my argument? Nice double standard, Saigon. You have nothing to throw at me. You know it, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION]: knows it. The NSIDC has made grievous errors on sea ice extent in the past, so forgive me if I don't take the NOAA seriously.

Grow some balls and debate me you coward. Stop dancing around me and come at me.
When the conservative is asked for his source of information, he cites the exact study, with the exact year, with the exact chapter, and the exact section.

Then by all means cite one that claims that everything in the Arctic is fine.

Here is your comment:
the fact that the left predicted the polar ice caps would be melted by 2013 when in fact they have now expanded by 60% and

Back it up.

To get you started, here is a graph showing the pattern of Arctic ice...


NOAA Arctic Theme Page - A Comprehensive Arctic Resource

Still no study, year or chapter from rottie to back up his claim.

And people say he isn't a left-wing troll?!

He's a left wing troll? Saigon, Rottie is as far from left wing as the universe is wide. And then next you'll tell me you're a right wing moderate. Spare me.
Last edited:
Peak Oil Is Alive and Well, and Costing the Earth

The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil

But screw the planet as long as you can keep driving your gas guzzler, right?

Wytchey - sweetie - you need to read your articles before posting them...

"Peak oil, of course, doesn’t mean that the world is running out of oil any time soon. There is a vast amount of oil left." :lmao:

Peak Oil Is Alive and Well, and Costing the Earth

Yes, in the most expensive, hard to reach and potentially devastating ways possible. It's not a way forward, Puppy. If we don't switch to a cleaner, renewable, appliance based and not resource based energy system soon, it will be too late.

That is a lie. All of this based on flawed claims of climactic destruction due to human CO2. Al Gore must have gotten deep into your head, Seawytch.

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