English Language Touted as ‘White Supremacy’

What does it actually say? Stop deflecting. Go on...
I see why our education system is in shambles. Our 'educators' only ask questions yet never answer them. Sad. You reference the Bill of Rights, so make your point or go away. And remind the class, what language it was written.
So far. Try it in ten when every region has their own language.

In ten years English will still be the dominant language in the US, just as it has always been. In ten years many, many other languages will be spoken in America, just as it has always been.
Show me how it's done. Answer the question.
This isn't "show and tell'. You were asked a straight forward question, which you either can't or won't answer. Yet you respond with the expectation of analysis of an entire document to mask your inadequacy. Pathetic.
There is a lot to the article other than "English is Racist", that is just one of the talking points.
From another article:
  • Zack De Piero, who previously taught English at Penn State Abington, claims that his direct report, Liliana Naydan, endorsed the view that “White supremacy exists in the language itself, and therefore, that the English language itself is ‘racist,’”
  • De Piero and other Penn State faculty were encouraged to participate in anti-racist workshops and trainings, including one titled “White Teachers are the Problem.”
  • The filing also accuses the university of maintaining a “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” webpage — a standard practice for most universities and comparable institutions — that “disseminated racist tirades against White faculty and students,”
  • When he complained about the continuous stream of racial insult directed at White faculty in the writing department, the director of the Affirmative Action Office told him that ‘There is a problem with the White race,’ that he should attend ‘antiracist’ workshops ‘until you get it,’ and that he might have mental health issues,” the suit alleges.
  • The lawsuit accuses Naydan in particular of believing “that racism practiced against White faculty and students is legitimate,” though it contradicts itself by also saying that Naydan did not believe it was possible to be racist against white individuals.
So were you.
You have to admit that hospitals and schools are being forced to print Spanish instructions and have interpreters. I'm sure many try to learn the language, but is seems many do not. It is at least poor manners to force someone else to accommodate you.
In ten years English will still be the dominant language in the US, just as it has always been. In ten years many, many other languages will be spoken in America, just as it has always been.

Yes, but English has always been the common denominator. Trying to make it one of many merely weakens the country.
Hopefully he wins, but we are living in insane times, so expect insane conclusions.

From Learning Language to Learning Prejudice

Hopefully he wins, but we are living in insane times, so expect insane conclusions.

From Learning Language to Learning Prejudice

The whole purpose of claiming that English is racist, is the same purpose that one must cater to gender-fluid identities and other absurdities, is to divide and conquer. Marxist Communism is at the base of all this.

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