English Language Touted as ‘White Supremacy’

We have no official language in America. If you don't like it then you're free to go to another country.
Actually, English is the official language. There were Germans here at the time and German was also considered. Whatever the issue. For dealing with each other, in business, in public and in private ways we need one language. English was it. Until we got was it is now called woke. People from other countries in their own neighborhoods could use their homeland nations language to their hearts content. Ethnic and cultural parties go at it. However, when we deal with each other English is the language.
Yes, but English has always been the common denominator. Trying to make it one of many merely weakens the country.
It is obvious that the infection from elites of the planet is slowly deconstructing the United States of America. And making us multilingual is part of the agendas they are using.
Actually, English is the official language. There were Germans here at the time and German was also considered. Whatever the issue. For dealing with each other, in business, in public and in private ways we need one language. English was it. Until we got was it is now called woke. People from other countries in their own neighborhoods could use their homeland nations language to their hearts content. Ethnic and cultural parties go at it. However, when we deal with each other English is the language.

You have to admit that hospitals and schools are being forced to print Spanish instructions and have interpreters. ...
"Forced"? Don't you think it is in the best interests of doctors and patients that they be able to communicate? Do you realize that many students in schools are in the process of learning English? It's not a magic switch you turn on and off. And I can't believe I have to point this out, but immigrants come to this country every day (yes, legally) and therefore can be expected to be at different stages of language acquisition.
The title of the thread is a fine illustration of the way words are being strung together lately that describe what to anyone reasonable and fluent in the language would instantly recognize as thorough, unmitigated hogwash.
so-called institutes of higher learning want to teach street hip-hop gibberish as a legitimate language.
We Create Their Jobs and Their Wealth. We Tell Them What They Have to Do.

Yet America's enemies on both the Left and the Right preach that going to college is the right choice. What kind of "choice" is made in a command economy on employment?
Actually, English is the official language. There were Germans here at the time and German was also considered. Whatever the issue. For dealing with each other, in business, in public and in private ways we need one language. English was it. Until we got was it is now called woke. People from other countries in their own neighborhoods could use their homeland nations language to their hearts content. Ethnic and cultural parties go at it. However, when we deal with each other English is the language.
"Forced"? Don't you think it is in the best interests of doctors and patients that they be able to communicate? Do you realize that many students in schools are in the process of learning English? It's not a magic switch you turn on and off. And I can't believe I have to point this out, but immigrants come to this country every day (yes, legally) and therefore can be expected to be at different stages of language acquisition.
Look, they didn't start printing everything in Spanish until the waves of illegals hit. How much is it costing places to deal with this? It is indeed forced. I'm sure many legal immigrants are working their butt off to learn the language, but it is also evident that many don't give a darn. It is the same as taking a dump on somebody's doorstep and telling them to deal with it. So it would be great if people learned many languages, but all of this English is not our language stuff is encouragement to the people who have no wish to integrate.
"Forced"? Don't you think it is in the best interests of doctors and patients that they be able to communicate? Do you realize that many students in schools are in the process of learning English? It's not a magic switch you turn on and off. And I can't believe I have to point this out, but immigrants come to this country every day (yes, legally) and therefore can be expected to be at different stages of language acquisition.

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