English Told To Pack Up Her Shit And Vacate Her Office At CFPB

Evacuate the premises of the directors office, I would assume.

Siding with Trump, judge rules Mick Mulvaney to remain interim CFPB head

"At one point during Tuesday's court session, Gupta raised the possibility that English could face punitive action from Mulvaney for challenging his leadership of the agency"

How could she face punitive actions if she was kicked out of the building?
Also, she is still listed as the Deputy Director...
Bureau Structure | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Would you like more? How about you ask the OP for a link to where the judge kicked her out of the building. Oh wait, you partisan hacks never go after your own kind, never mind.
Do you spell office differently than I do?:dunno:
I thought I said OFFICE....dumbass. :slap:

It is way too early to be drunk...or did you miss this part of your link...Evacuate the Premises

Premises...a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context.

An office is not a premises, it is part of a premises. Not to mention there is no indication she ever actually moved anything anywhere.
There's no indication that she actually moved into the office now occupied by Trump's appointee either. The only thing I heard was that she filed a lawsuit and claimed she was taking up management of the CFPB from where ever the fuck she was working. In effect, she was all talk and no action.

Earlier on Monday, English welcomed staff back from the Thanksgiving holiday in a morning email and signed off as “acting director.”

Trump-installed consumer agency head sets hiring freeze, halts new rules

She may not have, but she did send out a memo calling herself the acting director.

Evacuate the premises of the directors office, I would assume.
Siding with Trump, judge rules Mick Mulvaney to remain interim CFPB head

"At one point during Tuesday's court session, Gupta raised the possibility that English could face punitive action from Mulvaney for challenging his leadership of the agency"

How could she face punitive actions if she was kicked out of the building?
Also, she is still listed as the Deputy Director...
Bureau Structure | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Would you like more? How about you ask the OP for a link to where the judge kicked her out of the building. Oh wait, you partisan hacks never go after your own kind, never mind.
Do you spell office differently than I do?:dunno:
I thought I said OFFICE....dumbass. :slap:

It is way too early to be drunk...or did you miss this part of your link...Evacuate the Premises

Premises...a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context.

An office is not a premises, it is part of a premises. Not to mention there is no indication she ever actually moved anything anywhere.
There's no indication that she actually moved into the office now occupied by Trump's appointee either. The only thing I heard was that she filed a lawsuit and claimed she was taking up management of the CFPB from where ever the fuck she was working. In effect, she was all talk and no action.
He will boot her out forthwith. No reason to keep her.

Scrape the infection from the bone wherever found.

Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.
Evacuate the premises of the directors office, I would assume.
Siding with Trump, judge rules Mick Mulvaney to remain interim CFPB head

"At one point during Tuesday's court session, Gupta raised the possibility that English could face punitive action from Mulvaney for challenging his leadership of the agency"

How could she face punitive actions if she was kicked out of the building?
Also, she is still listed as the Deputy Director...
Bureau Structure | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Would you like more? How about you ask the OP for a link to where the judge kicked her out of the building. Oh wait, you partisan hacks never go after your own kind, never mind.
Do you spell office differently than I do?:dunno:
I thought I said OFFICE....dumbass. :slap:

It is way too early to be drunk...or did you miss this part of your link...Evacuate the Premises

Premises...a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context.

An office is not a premises, it is part of a premises. Not to mention there is no indication she ever actually moved anything anywhere.
There's no indication that she actually moved into the office now occupied by Trump's appointee either. The only thing I heard was that she filed a lawsuit and claimed she was taking up management of the CFPB from where ever the fuck she was working. In effect, she was all talk and no action.

The court battle is not over. This low level judge is just the start.
More bull shit from the GWP. She was not told to leave the building and still has the same job as she did last week.

Siding with Trump, judge rules Mick Mulvaney to remain interim CFPB head

"At one point during Tuesday's court session, Gupta raised the possibility that English could face punitive action from Mulvaney for challenging his leadership of the agency"

How could she face punitive actions if she was kicked out of the building?
Also, she is still listed as the Deputy Director...
Bureau Structure | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Would you like more? How about you ask the OP for a link to where the judge kicked her out of the building. Oh wait, you partisan hacks never go after your own kind, never mind.
Do you spell office differently than I do?:dunno:
I thought I said OFFICE....dumbass. :slap:

It is way too early to be drunk...or did you miss this part of your link...Evacuate the Premises
Again....... I SAID OFFICE.

You want to argue with the link... feel free. I said office.

Thanks for your permission, but if you could read you would see that my first post was about the link and not your words. But somehow that was too much for you to comprehend. But then again anyone that would actually go to and read the GWP cannot have a reading level over the 3rd grade.
He will boot her out forthwith. No reason to keep her.

Scrape the infection from the bone wherever found.

Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.
Yeah, the Dems won’t stop until they find a court judge that will side with them. Then it will end up at the Supreme Court, eventually.
You guys know this court case is far from over, right?

No, it hasn't even gone to trial yet.

You guys are cheering because the judge didn't grant her a summary judgement. The trial hasn't started yet.

It'll be an interesting trial to eatch, it's not the slam-dunk that you guys seem to think.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?
He will boot her out forthwith. No reason to keep her.

Scrape the infection from the bone wherever found.

Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.
When someone is appointed they can be release in two ways, resignation or firing from the executive officer..neither of those has happened..She could be reassigned...
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.
Why dismantle it?
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....
He will boot her out forthwith. No reason to keep her.

Scrape the infection from the bone wherever found.

Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.

She will not be fired for that.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

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