English Told To Pack Up Her Shit And Vacate Her Office At CFPB

He will boot her out forthwith. No reason to keep her.

Scrape the infection from the bone wherever found.

Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.
When someone is appointed they can be release in two ways, resignation or firing from the executive officer..neither of those has happened..She could be reassigned...

She is still the Deputy Director,
Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.

She will not be fired for that.

But you think she should be, and that makes you wrong.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

Not this year.


Get the fuck out, bitch!!! Court Rules with POTUS TRUMP – Tells Far Left Hack to Clear Contents of Her Office into Box and Evacuate the Premises

Court Rules with POTUS TRUMP – Tells Far Left Hack to Clear Contents of Her Office into Box and Evacuate the Premises
by Jim Hoft 176 Comments

Recent Trump appointee ruled today in favor of President Trump and rejected a lawsuit from an official who claims that she, and not President Trump appointee Mick Mulvaney, is the rightful director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Judge Timothy Kelly of the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia refused to grant Leandra English a restraining order to bar Mulvaney from serving as the CFPB’s acting director.

English, a committed leftist, sued the Trump administration to lead the far left CFPB bureaucracy. She did not realize Donald Trump won the election in 2016.

Judge Kelly had a different opinion.

The CFPB is nothing more than a money laundering scheme to rob banks of cash and turn it over to leftist groups like Planned-Parenthood.

that's what appeals courts are for you insane bigot.

not that you understand current events or how our government and court systems work.
The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

Not this year.



You keep that faith alive, brother. I know it's all you've got going for you.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in court. The agency only exist due to the D-F and the D-F states how the director is chosen. If the courts rule against that part of the D-F, then it could damage the whole bill.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.
From Harvard when the agency was created-

Thus, when the President exer- cises his appointment power every five years, it will have a more powerful impact on the shape of the Bureau than if the Bureau had a multimember board

Thus the executive branch has control over the appointment of its director. When the director resigned, it then became under the President s authority to appoint a new director, acting or not. The director, if absent for short periods of time, could relegate his duties to someone to act in his behalf- not due to resignation.
Actually, he cannot fire her. She is not a political appointee, she is a federal employee and cannot be given "the boot" just because of her political affiliation.

He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.
When someone is appointed they can be release in two ways, resignation or firing from the executive officer..neither of those has happened..She could be reassigned...

She is still the Deputy Director,
He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.

She will not be fired for that.

But you think she should be, and that makes you wrong.

I don't believe in rules of engagement in war.
She was told she is not the director, which I assume means she doesn’t get the cfpb directors office. The employees have also been told not to listen to her, if she attempts to run the agency.

by the first court hearing the case.

the statute says what it says.

that's what appeals courts are for. though one has to wonder what kind of stupid someone has to be to think that the banks should be able to crash our economy again.
Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

Not this year.



You keep that faith alive, brother. I know it's all you've got going for you.

Too funny. You know, in most cases one need not be prescient to see the future.
He will give her the boot toot-suite. She opposed and interfered with his legitimate authority. Watch and learn.
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.
When someone is appointed they can be release in two ways, resignation or firing from the executive officer..neither of those has happened..She could be reassigned...

She is still the Deputy Director,
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.

She will not be fired for that.

But you think she should be, and that makes you wrong.

I don't believe in rules of engagement in war.

Sorry to hear that, I hope you never actually served in the military.
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.
From Harvard when the agency was created-

Thus, when the President exer- cises his appointment power every five years, it will have a more powerful impact on the shape of the Bureau than if the Bureau had a multimember board

Thus the executive branch has control over the appointment of its director. When the director resigned, it then became under the President s authority to appoint a new director, acting or not. The director, if absent for short periods of time, could relegate his duties to someone to act in his behalf- not due to resignation.

That is a question for the courts to answer, and I don't think you should be so confident that they'll see it that way.

There's no question that Trump has the power to appoint the director - with confirmation by the Senate, of course - but the question of who becomes acting director in the interim is not so clear.
So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

Not this year.



You keep that faith alive, brother. I know it's all you've got going for you.

Too funny. You know, in most cases one need not be prescient to see the future.


As I said, you keep that faith alive.
So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

Not this year.



You keep that faith alive, brother. I know it's all you've got going for you.

Too funny. You know, in most cases one need not be prescient to see the future.
Sounds like a basic trainee dropout...
And we all know, Not to love the Furher is a grave mistake, so we heil,(raspberry), heil(raspberry), right in der Fuhrer's face..

She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.
When someone is appointed they can be release in two ways, resignation or firing from the executive officer..neither of those has happened..She could be reassigned...

She is still the Deputy Director,
She's a full blown Leftist. Why should those diametrically opposed to the Constitution be permitted to hold office?

Clear them out.

One cannot be fired for their party affiliation.

She will not be fired for that.

But you think she should be, and that makes you wrong.

I don't believe in rules of engagement in war.

Sorry to hear that, I hope you never actually served in the military.

Whether I did or not does not relieve the illogic of advantaging an enemy.
Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

Not this year.



You keep that faith alive, brother. I know it's all you've got going for you.

Too funny. You know, in most cases one need not be prescient to see the future.


As I said, you keep that faith alive.

You too.

Why dismantle it?

$750B over budget each year. Cut it all down to bare essentials until balanced. Layoffs. Sell ASSetts.

what have they done that is so important? How many actually "work" there? What is Cost to Benefit analysis?

People better wake the heck up. It cannot go on like the last 30 years. Someone has to get control and restore common sense. Trump is only step #1.
Why dismantle it?

$750B over budget each year. Cut it all down to bare essentials until balanced. Layoffs. Sell ASSetts.

what have they done that is so important? How many actually "work" there? What is Cost to Benefit analysis?

People better wake the heck up. It cannot go on like the last 30 years. Someone has to get control and restore common sense. Trump is only step #1.
I suggest a revamping of military and welfare first..They are the biggest wasteful spenders and runs deficits every year....
Why dismantle it?

$750B over budget each year. Cut it all down to bare essentials until balanced. Layoffs. Sell ASSetts.

what have they done that is so important? How many actually "work" there? What is Cost to Benefit analysis?

People better wake the heck up. It cannot go on like the last 30 years. Someone has to get control and restore common sense. Trump is only step #1.


Where are you getting these numbers from?
LOL, The outgoing director of the CFPB throws a hand grenade at the White House, the Donald picks up the hand grenade, pulls the pin and throws it back.

Next step, dismantle the CFPB.

The President doesn't have the power to "dismantle" federal agencies created by statute.

Nobody said or implied that the President had any such authority.

...but thanks for "this is how you attempt to put words into other peoples mouths" demonstration.

So who do you expect will "dismantle" it, then?

Step 1. Executive action to limit its scope of activity, staffing levels and expenditures.
Step 2. Legislative repeal.

Next question....


I don't think you'll find much support in Congress to repeal Dodd-Frank.

Here's your second lesson in civics for today....

They don't need to repeal Dodd-Frank to get rid of the CFPB, Congress can and often does introduce and pass legislation that alters existing legislation and the Republicrat Congress Critters are nearly unanimous in their opposition to the CFPB; last time I checked they held the majority in both houses along with a President that isn't fond of the CFPB either.
Why dismantle it?

$750B over budget each year. Cut it all down to bare essentials until balanced. Layoffs. Sell ASSetts.

what have they done that is so important? How many actually "work" there? What is Cost to Benefit analysis?

People better wake the heck up. It cannot go on like the last 30 years. Someone has to get control and restore common sense. Trump is only step #1.
I suggest a revamping of military and welfare first..They are the biggest wasteful spenders and runs deficits every year....

Yup. Combat military waste, then move welfare funding over to the military.


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