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Enough is Enough Already!!!!

Apparently the place you come from is fucking hellhole, go back there.

It is now. It wasnā€™t when my family helped found it in the 1770s, but over the last 160 years itā€™s turned into an utterly disgraceful shithole because of people like you.
People who prefer Legalese over Justice, who want to live in a fairy tale where everyone is equal and Everything turns out well in the end.

Thatā€™s not reality. I learned that long ago. Maybe some of you need to learn that lesson as well.
Sounds like your life is a living hell, good, you deserve your self-imposed torture.
Sounds like your life is a living hell, good, you deserve your self-imposed torture.

My life has been a living Hell since the moment I was born. I didnā€™t create the torture, it was placed upon my shoulders by The Divine and the people of this world. After almost 46 years, Iā€™m used to it. I donā€™t enjoy it but Iā€™ve become accustomed to it.
No idea. What the media does doesn't have anything to do with what people believe.

The media didn't name White Nationalist that. They named themselves that.

The media drives what people believe.

Be serious.

The media perverted the term and use it as a pejorative.

Everyone is supposed to fear being branded a heretic (racist) above all other things. Kneel before your master or be branded racist, peasant.

What the left, and particularly the little Goebbels of the Democrat Media Complex fear more than all else is the power of "no."

Those who refuse to bow to them. It why they hate Donald Trump with such insane vitriol, he refuses to be cowed by him, even when they use the magic words like "racist" and "white."

Don't be a racist and no one gets hurt.

I've heard something similar before.
Sounds like your life is a living hell, good, you deserve your self-imposed torture.

My life has been a living Hell since the moment I was born. I didnā€™t create the torture, it was placed upon my shoulders by The Divine and the people of this world. After almost 46 years, Iā€™m used to it. I donā€™t enjoy it but Iā€™ve become accustomed to it.
You have a little of my pity then. Mental illness is a tough road to walk.
You have a little of my pity then. Mental illness is a tough road to walk.

Itā€™s a physical issue first and foremost and a psychological one secondarily. While I appreciate the sentiment, Iā€™m not looking for anyoneā€™s pity or charity. Iā€™ve made my peace (as it will ever be) with my life and limitations. Doesnā€™t mean I like it but I deal with it.
They have already destroyed November.

Any chance that they had to take the Senate and keep the house went up in flames with the first building THEY burnt down, with the first girl raped by the democrat rioters, by the first store robbed by hoards of violent democrats.

Gods above, I hope you're right.
Fuck conservatives. We need Constitutionalism. Conservative Inc. with their Neocon war mongers like Kristol and the Bush dynasty are part of the problem. I support the United States Constitution. The democrats are the enemy, they are waging open war against our system of government and our culture, but the Republicans are no friends.

I no longer believe the US Constitution is a viable document. We need a Conservative Authoritarian form of Government to cure the ills and keep us on track.
Never encountered a more miserable bastard than you seem to be. What joy is there in your life you think is worth mass murder to protect?

He is terrified by the thought that someone, somewhere, might actually be HAVING FUN.
Behind you with 18" of piano wire?

No. Sheā€™s not interested in going from having more than she ever imagined As a child (which she has now) to her entire family living on the street with nothing to her name.

Common sense ensures your fantasy will not come true.
Youā€™ve been given three weeks to protest, riot, loot, and generally act like a bunch of lawless animals.

Youā€™ve gotten your 15 seconds of fame on tv and your new crockpot, Nikeā€™s, flatscreen tv and/or whatever else you stole.

Youā€™ve been allowed to disrespect, abuse, and disrupt the police, the Government, and the law abiding citizens of this country.

Itā€™s time for this to END. Whether by you folks going home and returning to civil society or by armed destruction of your events and especially the insurrection isnā€™t area of CHAZ in Seattle, WA. If the Government will not force this issue, itā€™s time for armed citizens to band together and do so.

Youā€™ve all gotten your 15 minutes of fame... now letā€™s see if youā€™re willing to BLEED for your cause!!!!!
Why are people protesting? What is their cause?
Who is being held responsible for the death of Breonna Taylor?

Explain the tort?

This is not about one single instance. Derek Chauvin would have never been arrested either without the previous protests.

I notice you leftists didn't protest or riot over the death of Daniel Leetin Shaver

But then, white lives don't matter.

I most certainly did. And yes that is a part of the problem. The cop was charged BUT a stupid jury let him off. He should have spent many years in prison. He was another example of someone that was not mentally competent to be a police officer.

I am not allowed to link to other websites that discuss politics here but I most certainly did protest that. That others people did not is something I've addressed. It's not wrong that blacks are protesting it happening to them, it's wrong that more white people are not when it happens to them.

Is what happened to Shaver wrong?

Yes, I view cold blooded murder as wrong.

What was the tort in the death of Breonna Taylor?

Three stumbling, bumbling idiots with badges and a bunch of tacticool gear committed an armed home invasion of her apartment, shooting her eight times while she lay in bed as they did "spray and pray".
The officer(s) lied to get the warrant. The person they were after was already in custody also.

Assuming that's true, then the family has a solid case for wrongful death against the department and the city.

We know they won't criminally charge the police with perjury. Fuck, the FBI lied on warrants to spy on the POTUS and we do nothing.
Fuck wrongful death. MURDER ONE!

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