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Enough is Enough Already!!!!

Far too many hold those views.

Nonsense, The media spewing their hatred for whites isn't indicative of any particular views by whites.

I believe those people call themselves "White Nationalists". Can one argue that one does not equal the other? I suppose so but I'm just asking.

I believe the Democrat Media Complex calls people "White Nationalists" in an attempt to smear those who oppose globalism, IE International Communism as "racist,"

Is Candice Owens a "white nationalist?"
These days most people who normally call themselves libertarians are now Pro Trump nationalists.

You Marxists have tried to cast "nationalist" as some sort of epithet.

We have two competing camps, the globalists like you who seek to end the national identity of the United States under a one world Socialist dictatorship through the auspice of Oligarchs such as Gates and Soros, and the nationalists who support a sovereign and independent nation governed by the people of that nation.
If you are not willing to allow others the same freedoms you want for yourself you are not a libertarian.


Pretty stupid statement and unrelated to the question at hand. nationalism versus globalism.

Having a sovereign nation and not submitting to global rulers doesn't deny freedom to others.
Real libertarians don't look at cops beating Americans down in the streets and cheer.
Youā€™ve been given three weeks to protest, riot, loot, and generally act like a bunch of lawless animals.

Youā€™ve gotten your 15 seconds of fame on tv and your new crockpot, Nikeā€™s, flatscreen tv and/or whatever else you stole.

Youā€™ve been allowed to disrespect, abuse, and disrupt the police, the Government, and the law abiding citizens of this country.

Itā€™s time for this to END. Whether by you folks going home and returning to civil society or by armed destruction of your events and especially the insurrection isnā€™t area of CHAZ in Seattle, WA. If the Government will not force this issue, itā€™s time for armed citizens to band together and do so.

Youā€™ve all gotten your 15 minutes of fame... now letā€™s see if youā€™re willing to BLEED for your cause!!!!!

Thereā€™s no ā€˜time limitā€™ on the First Amendment.

Citizens donā€™t need ā€˜permissionā€™ to exercise their fundamental rights.

Such is the authoritarian right, frightened of dissent, seeking to compel conformity.

To secure the 1st Amendment we must back you Marxists down.


The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) suspended Gordon Klein, an accounting professor in the Anderson School of Business where he's been teaching for 39 years, for three weeks beginning on June 25 after he declined a student's request to delay a final exam in light of Floyd's death, the Free Beacon reports.

Anderson School of Management Dean Antonio Bernardo sent an email to students on Monday calling Klein's behavior "troubling" and reportedly extended the time students have to complete exams given the "difficult circumstances."


Every single attack on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right of assembly in the last 20 years has come from the left. Oh, and leftist like to assault reporters who fail to print Marxist dogma as well.

According to you Stalinists, criticism of CNN for blatant lies is infringing the freedom of the press, which to the left means a press free from questions. But hitting reporters in the head with a brick is justified - because he's racist or something...

Standard Disclaimer: Racist - one who holds any heretical belief contrary to leftist dogma. One who supports capitalism is a racist. One who believes in rewarding merit is a racist, One who believes in limited government is a racist. One who believes in parental sovereignty over their children is a racist.
Nope. Nazis see minorities getting uppity and want to beat them back to their assigned place in society . Just like you. At some point someone is going to try and you will come in your pants.

Such a cowardly little shit. You get defeated UTTERLY, and start lying. Slander and libel won't save you, little cvnt.

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
LOL Looks like I hit a nerve you goosestepping loser. Marxism has lost all meaning because you ignorant fucks slap that label on everything you don't like.
Progs got the cops to arrest most anyone violating the Corona Virus edicts. Many with no one around them for major distances. Then when the protests start and turn into riots, they throw the cops under the bus. Remember, this is not us citizens saying anything good or bad about the cops. This is the political class with the media class and the entertainment class going for blue blood!
Youā€™ve been given three weeks to protest, riot, loot, and generally act like a bunch of lawless animals.

Youā€™ve gotten your 15 seconds of fame on tv and your new crockpot, Nikeā€™s, flatscreen tv and/or whatever else you stole.

Youā€™ve been allowed to disrespect, abuse, and disrupt the police, the Government, and the law abiding citizens of this country.

Itā€™s time for this to END. Whether by you folks going home and returning to civil society or by armed destruction of your events and especially the insurrection isnā€™t area of CHAZ in Seattle, WA. If the Government will not force this issue, itā€™s time for armed citizens to band together and do so.

Youā€™ve all gotten your 15 minutes of fame... now letā€™s see if youā€™re willing to BLEED for your cause!!!!!
The thread premise is that much more idiotic and out of touch given yet another black citizen was killed by LE in yet another pointless, unjustified shooting.
The thread premise is that much more idiotic and out of touch given yet another black citizen was killed by LE in yet another pointless, unjustified shooting.

CRIMINAL, not citizen. They are not the same thing where I come from. You lose your privilege to exist when you commit crime, including resisting arrest.
Real libertarians don't look at cops beating Americans down in the streets and cheer.

Real Libertarians don't watch rape videos and cheer. Real Libertarians don't watch puppies be fed alive into meat grinders and cheer. Real Libertarians don't support global Marxist oligarchies.
The more you talk the more ridiculous you get.
The thread premise is that much more idiotic and out of touch given yet another black citizen was killed by LE in yet another pointless, unjustified shooting.

CRIMINAL, not citizen. They are not the same thing where I come from. You lose your privilege to exist when you commit crime, including resisting arrest.
Apparently the place you come from is fucking hellhole, go back there.
The thread premise is that much more idiotic and out of touch given yet another black citizen was killed by LE in yet another pointless, unjustified shooting.

CRIMINAL, not citizen. They are not the same thing where I come from. You lose your privilege to exist when you commit crime, including resisting arrest.
Resisting arrest is a misdemeanor.
Not punishable by death.
Far too many hold those views.

Nonsense, The media spewing their hatred for whites isn't indicative of any particular views by whites.

I believe those people call themselves "White Nationalists". Can one argue that one does not equal the other? I suppose so but I'm just asking.

I believe the Democrat Media Complex calls people "White Nationalists" in an attempt to smear those who oppose globalism, IE International Communism as "racist,"

Is Candice Owens a "white nationalist?"

No idea. What the media does doesn't have anything to do with what people believe.

The media didn't name White Nationalist that. They named themselves that.
Apparently the place you come from is fucking hellhole, go back there.

It is now. It wasnā€™t when my family helped found it in the 1770s, but over the last 160 years itā€™s turned into an utterly disgraceful shithole because of people like you.
People who prefer Legalese over Justice, who want to live in a fairy tale where everyone is equal and Everything turns out well in the end.

Thatā€™s not reality. I learned that long ago. Maybe some of you need to learn that lesson as well.
Real libertarians don't look at cops beating Americans down in the streets and cheer.

Real Libertarians don't watch rape videos and cheer. Real Libertarians don't watch puppies be fed alive into meat grinders and cheer. Real Libertarians don't support global Marxist oligarchies.
The more you talk the more ridiculous you get.
I guess what you're saying is we really don't need police?

Not at all. The police are the ones who SHOULD be dealing with these issues. HOWEVER, if they or the Legal (not Justice) System canā€™t/wonā€™t/donā€™t do their job then itā€™s up to the People to do it.
No idea. What the media does doesn't have anything to do with what people believe.

The media didn't name White Nationalist that. They named themselves that.

The media drives what people believe.

Be serious.

The media perverted the term and use it as a pejorative.

Everyone is supposed to fear being branded a heretic (racist) above all other things. Kneel before your master or be branded racist, peasant.

What the left, and particularly the little Goebbels of the Democrat Media Complex fear more than all else is the power of "no."

Those who refuse to bow to them. It why they hate Donald Trump with such insane vitriol, he refuses to be cowed by him, even when they use the magic words like "racist" and "white."

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