Enough is enough

'The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?'

Because it doesnt fit the liberal propaganda of todays LSM. We have to forget our past, so we can repeat it. This is the way of Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Progressives/Liberals/Democrats.....Why else are public schools still closed when kids under 18 are the "least" effected?

They may not get deathly sick, but they can still catch it and bring it back home to the rest of the family.

Back in the day, i was around when German Measles was happening. It was when everyone got it so it wouldnt last long, after 2 weeks the epidemic was over and those that got it, stayed away from grandma and grandpa.

This isn't lasting two weeks. It isn't lasting two months, it might even last two years.

The problems with this virus is one, it's so highly contagious than anything we ever had, and two, you can be carrying it without even knowing it, and spreading it to everybody you come in contact with.

This is lasting too long because we didnt do the herd mentality like we did the German Measles. So we have pockets of people who would stay inside, then thinking they are safe, go out and if there is one person coming out of the Wuhan Virus, then spreads it to those thought safe. This could of been done and over with a long time ago, but those damn liberals and their pansy ass attitudes to shut this economy down...
'The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?'

Because it doesnt fit the liberal propaganda of todays LSM. We have to forget our past, so we can repeat it. This is the way of Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Progressives/Liberals/Democrats.....Why else are public schools still closed when kids under 18 are the "least" effected?

They may not get deathly sick, but they can still catch it and bring it back home to the rest of the family.

That may not be the case at all. This is one of many such studies currently telling the same story: children are not asymptomatic spreaders of COVID-19

Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

You'd have to also tell them that all restaurants would be closed, and they couldn't go to the gym, or to the mall, or to the beach, or to church, or to a bar, or to a party, or to a football/baseball/basketball game. And that doing so would land you in the slammer or with a fine upwards of $500. And while these sporting events might eventually be available on their 70" TV, they'd be without audiences, like televised scrimmages. In other words, all you can do is stay home and veg out in front of the boob tube or go to the grocery store for essential food products (but not seeds for growing food). How many of them would have taken you up on that reality?
You could be like many who are finding things to do other than watch TV. Some people are having the first time off from work they have had in years, or ever, and they are making the best of it. Others are doing nothing but bitch. This will pass and perhaps we will more appreciate our country and freedoms.
1st time off work....Lazy liberal welfare pukes always stay away from work, because work to them is a 4 letter word...
I'm busier than ever right now, kind of wish I had some time off. What are you doing besides bitching? We took a pretty hard hit from hurricane Michael a year and a half ago. Stuff was smashed and flooded out everywhere and it took 28 days to get power back. Been though this kind of thing before. Excuse me if I seem like a dick telling people sitting in perfectly sound houses eating ice cream to quit bitching and make the best of this.

Sorry you took a hit from Hurricane Michael. Tell me why the fuck Tyndall took a $6b hit on aircraft? Don't they fly? So out of $25b in total damage $6b was Tyndall aircraft?! Some general needs to be fired for that.

As for this thread. Enough is never enough. We haven't begun to see "enough" yet. This deadly virus is the new normal. If you're young and strong, you might be able to ignore it. But for those of us over 60, its a new much smaller world.
I couldn't say for sure why Tyndal lost so many aircraft but I have a couple of guesses. They did a lot of aircraft systems upgrades there as well as converting older planes to RC drones for flight schools to shoot down. Place was smashed, almost a total loss. Michael came at us so fast that it is possible they had a lot aircraft not cleared for operation and no time to get them ready to leave.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

You'd have to also tell them that all restaurants would be closed, and they couldn't go to the gym, or to the mall, or to the beach, or to church, or to a bar, or to a party, or to a football/baseball/basketball game. And that doing so would land you in the slammer or with a fine upwards of $500. And while these sporting events might eventually be available on their 70" TV, they'd be without audiences, like televised scrimmages. In other words, all you can do is stay home and veg out in front of the boob tube or go to the grocery store for essential food products (but not seeds for growing food). How many of them would have taken you up on that reality?

I really think a lot of them would. I mean.......technology evolved with us slowly, so new things that came out, the novelty eventually wore off. Then another new thing came out and it started all over again.

I remember when the first cordless phone came out. I thought I was in heaven. You could only go about thirty feet or so away from the base, but compared to being like a dog on a leash with that damn cord, it was very liberating.

I've had tenants that you never seen unless they were going to their car or back. Their entire world is contained within the four walls of their apartment, winter, spring, summer and fall. They never leave because all the entertainment you need is in your home. When the weather breaks, I'm outside. That's the way it was when I was a kid, and that's the way it is now.

So while Barack was forcing restaurants to put calorie count on every item they sold, and his wife was out forcing kids to eat crap they couldn't stand, the real key to reducing obesity is getting out of the house and getting exercise. We ate all kinds of crap when we were kids, but we burned it off very quickly.
'The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?'

Because it doesnt fit the liberal propaganda of todays LSM. We have to forget our past, so we can repeat it. This is the way of Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Progressives/Liberals/Democrats.....Why else are public schools still closed when kids under 18 are the "least" effected?

They may not get deathly sick, but they can still catch it and bring it back home to the rest of the family.

That may not be the case at all. This is one of many such studies currently telling the same story: children are not asymptomatic spreaders of COVID-19

It could be, but as your article points out, it's in it's early stages of testing, and there are a lot of factors that may play into it. Only time will tell.
'The 1918 Flu Pandemic Killed Millions. So Why Does Its Cultural Memory Feel So Faint?'

Because it doesnt fit the liberal propaganda of todays LSM. We have to forget our past, so we can repeat it. This is the way of Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Progressives/Liberals/Democrats.....Why else are public schools still closed when kids under 18 are the "least" effected?

They may not get deathly sick, but they can still catch it and bring it back home to the rest of the family.

Back in the day, i was around when German Measles was happening. It was when everyone got it so it wouldnt last long, after 2 weeks the epidemic was over and those that got it, stayed away from grandma and grandpa.

This isn't lasting two weeks. It isn't lasting two months, it might even last two years.

The problems with this virus is one, it's so highly contagious than anything we ever had, and two, you can be carrying it without even knowing it, and spreading it to everybody you come in contact with.

This is lasting too long because we didnt do the herd mentality like we did the German Measles. So we have pockets of people who would stay inside, then thinking they are safe, go out and if there is one person coming out of the Wuhan Virus, then spreads it to those thought safe. This could of been done and over with a long time ago, but those damn liberals and their pansy ass attitudes to shut this economy down...

Yes, but the herd mentality could have also meant a lot more deaths. It's a great plan on paper until a loved one of yours becomes very ill and dies from it. Then it's not such a great plan. The problem with this virus is not the deaths, or percentage of ill people. The problem with this thing is how highly contagious it is. If you are a high risk person, you may be taking every precaution possible and still catch this thing. That's what they are really worried about.
What happened? The dolt in office paraded the medical experts before the public instead of stepping up and taking charge himself. What's next, assigning the Clean Air Task Force to address the media to explain the country's environmental position?

I seem to remember dolts like YOU bitching and moaning that he was "stepping up" too much, and he should shut up and let the medical experts talk. Why don't you just admit that you're determined to see everything he does as wrong, simply because it's him doing it?
What happened? The dolt in office paraded the medical experts before the public instead of stepping up and taking charge himself. What's next, assigning the Clean Air Task Force to address the media to explain the country's environmental position?
We should rely on experts. Do you want the CEO of Humana to do your surgery or the surgeon?

That might actually mean something if we didn't all know that you promptly ignore and dismiss any expert who isn't saying something you want to hear, Cornball.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

Trump won the election in 2016.

Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

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