Enough is enough

Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

I'm aware of what you meant, and it's still a bad thing which deserves a lot more concern on your part. "Certainly" other companies will take their place? Why would you be certain of that? And do you even give a damn what happens to people in the meantime while we wait for your "eventually" to materialize?

My fear is that we stay locked down, with no clear goal to be achieved or endgame plan, and the government keeps trying to take the place of the entire economy until there's no one left to buy our debt; tens of millions of Americans are left with no income, and now there are no resources for them to turn to for help, and no way for them to get a job, because so many companies have gone out of business and the supply chains have been broken for those still in business. And Covid-19 will still be out there no matter when it is, because that's how viruses work; except now we have less capacity to treat it or protect people, because lots of hospitals have shut down because they can't afford to stay open due to the lockdown restrictions, and no one has the money to buy or make protective equipment.

And that's just off the top of my head, and just for the US. What the hell happens to the rest of the world without the US economy? What happens to all the third-world countries which are dependent on US charity for the most basic of subsistence? How many of those people starve, or die of diseases, because their food and housing and clean drinking water and medical care comes from the largesse of the United States that the lockdowns have erased?

What about the nations that aren't that poor, but whose economies are either dependent on US-owned companies or US markets? How quickly do THEY collapse back into third-world poverty when we can't employ or buy?

Far too many people who cling to the "let's lock down until the world is completely safe and Covid-19 magically disappears!" plan seem to have no clue what a delicately-balanced arrangement of dominoes they're disturbing. Everything's always been okay before, so OBVIOUSLY, it always will be. The normal economy is right outside the door, waiting for us when we finally get some guts and step outside.

Except it's not.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?
Seems like everyone is on the same page here. Mitigate the circumstances. Limit the times you go out shopping. Keep 6 feet away.

I don't think we should have clothing stores and massage parlors open yet. But I guess at some point we have to realize we are all limiting the amount of contact we have with others. They said 2 weeks. It's been a month. People need to get haircuts.

So yesterday my "girlfriend" came over and gave me a haircut. We've even been keeping distance from each other lately but she needs the money and I needed a haircut.

On Friday I went to my brothers up north property with the dog. I took the quad and hooked up the trailer and gathered bonfire wood from 7-dark. Saturday morning my dog and I walked the property in the morning and then made a fire and I watched it burn all day. It was like 70 degrees and windy. PERFECT. We stayed outside all day. Only went in the house to get food or take a dump. On Sunday we did a long walk, packed up and drove back home 4 hour trip. This time I didn't mind the drive at all. Anywhere but in my house.

The only thing I wish my brother and his kids came up too. They were going to come but it didn't work out. His wife is sick. No not corona.

Where did you go up north?
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

We'll see in two weeks Florida has implemented phase one and businesses (except for personal amenties, salons, gyms, etc)and restaurants are open at 25% capacity. Oh rentals are still not allowed to rent short term rentals. Beaches have opened in most places but if they social distance on the beach I don't see a problem with them opened but the beach goers cram into the local grocery stores before and after the beach trips and they have no concept of social distancing or masks. Although short term rentals are forbidden hotels are open and we've had our share of tourists for the past month.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

I'm aware of what you meant, and it's still a bad thing which deserves a lot more concern on your part. "Certainly" other companies will take their place? Why would you be certain of that? And do you even give a damn what happens to people in the meantime while we wait for your "eventually" to materialize?

My fear is that we stay locked down, with no clear goal to be achieved or endgame plan, and the government keeps trying to take the place of the entire economy until there's no one left to buy our debt; tens of millions of Americans are left with no income, and now there are no resources for them to turn to for help, and no way for them to get a job, because so many companies have gone out of business and the supply chains have been broken for those still in business. And Covid-19 will still be out there no matter when it is, because that's how viruses work; except now we have less capacity to treat it or protect people, because lots of hospitals have shut down because they can't afford to stay open due to the lockdown restrictions, and no one has the money to buy or make protective equipment.

And that's just off the top of my head, and just for the US. What the hell happens to the rest of the world without the US economy? What happens to all the third-world countries which are dependent on US charity for the most basic of subsistence? How many of those people starve, or die of diseases, because their food and housing and clean drinking water and medical care comes from the largesse of the United States that the lockdowns have erased?

What about the nations that aren't that poor, but whose economies are either dependent on US-owned companies or US markets? How quickly do THEY collapse back into third-world poverty when we can't employ or buy?

Far too many people who cling to the "let's lock down until the world is completely safe and Covid-19 magically disappears!" plan seem to have no clue what a delicately-balanced arrangement of dominoes they're disturbing. Everything's always been okay before, so OBVIOUSLY, it always will be. The normal economy is right outside the door, waiting for us when we finally get some guts and step outside.

Except it's not.

While everybody is taking sides on the issue, even to the point it's become associated with political affiliation, I'm kind of in the middle. There will likely be problems and advantages no matter what the governors, Presdient, or his medical staff decides. The real decision is what choice will cause the most damage. It can go either way.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?
Seems like everyone is on the same page here. Mitigate the circumstances. Limit the times you go out shopping. Keep 6 feet away.

I don't think we should have clothing stores and massage parlors open yet. But I guess at some point we have to realize we are all limiting the amount of contact we have with others. They said 2 weeks. It's been a month. People need to get haircuts.

So yesterday my "girlfriend" came over and gave me a haircut. We've even been keeping distance from each other lately but she needs the money and I needed a haircut.

On Friday I went to my brothers up north property with the dog. I took the quad and hooked up the trailer and gathered bonfire wood from 7-dark. Saturday morning my dog and I walked the property in the morning and then made a fire and I watched it burn all day. It was like 70 degrees and windy. PERFECT. We stayed outside all day. Only went in the house to get food or take a dump. On Sunday we did a long walk, packed up and drove back home 4 hour trip. This time I didn't mind the drive at all. Anywhere but in my house.

The only thing I wish my brother and his kids came up too. They were going to come but it didn't work out. His wife is sick. No not corona.

Where did you go up north?
Near Boyne City. Get off on the Gaylord exit and turn left.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?
Seems like everyone is on the same page here. Mitigate the circumstances. Limit the times you go out shopping. Keep 6 feet away.

I don't think we should have clothing stores and massage parlors open yet. But I guess at some point we have to realize we are all limiting the amount of contact we have with others. They said 2 weeks. It's been a month. People need to get haircuts.

So yesterday my "girlfriend" came over and gave me a haircut. We've even been keeping distance from each other lately but she needs the money and I needed a haircut.

On Friday I went to my brothers up north property with the dog. I took the quad and hooked up the trailer and gathered bonfire wood from 7-dark. Saturday morning my dog and I walked the property in the morning and then made a fire and I watched it burn all day. It was like 70 degrees and windy. PERFECT. We stayed outside all day. Only went in the house to get food or take a dump. On Sunday we did a long walk, packed up and drove back home 4 hour trip. This time I didn't mind the drive at all. Anywhere but in my house.

The only thing I wish my brother and his kids came up too. They were going to come but it didn't work out. His wife is sick. No not corona.

Where did you go up north?
Near Boyne City. Get off on the Gaylord exit and turn left.

Nice area, I was up in Traverse city in June of last year.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

I'm aware of what you meant, and it's still a bad thing which deserves a lot more concern on your part. "Certainly" other companies will take their place? Why would you be certain of that? And do you even give a damn what happens to people in the meantime while we wait for your "eventually" to materialize?

My fear is that we stay locked down, with no clear goal to be achieved or endgame plan, and the government keeps trying to take the place of the entire economy until there's no one left to buy our debt; tens of millions of Americans are left with no income, and now there are no resources for them to turn to for help, and no way for them to get a job, because so many companies have gone out of business and the supply chains have been broken for those still in business. And Covid-19 will still be out there no matter when it is, because that's how viruses work; except now we have less capacity to treat it or protect people, because lots of hospitals have shut down because they can't afford to stay open due to the lockdown restrictions, and no one has the money to buy or make protective equipment.

And that's just off the top of my head, and just for the US. What the hell happens to the rest of the world without the US economy? What happens to all the third-world countries which are dependent on US charity for the most basic of subsistence? How many of those people starve, or die of diseases, because their food and housing and clean drinking water and medical care comes from the largesse of the United States that the lockdowns have erased?

What about the nations that aren't that poor, but whose economies are either dependent on US-owned companies or US markets? How quickly do THEY collapse back into third-world poverty when we can't employ or buy?

Far too many people who cling to the "let's lock down until the world is completely safe and Covid-19 magically disappears!" plan seem to have no clue what a delicately-balanced arrangement of dominoes they're disturbing. Everything's always been okay before, so OBVIOUSLY, it always will be. The normal economy is right outside the door, waiting for us when we finally get some guts and step outside.

Except it's not.

While everybody is taking sides on the issue, even to the point it's become associated with political affiliation, I'm kind of in the middle. There will likely be problems and advantages no matter what the governors, Presdient, or his medical staff decides. The real decision is what choice will cause the most damage. It can go either way.

Young people are pretty safe to go out and mingle. Until there is a vaccine or treatment, and I think they are close, old fat people with diabetes and bad lungs better stay quarentined. Unless they want to roll the dice.

Me? I'm going to keep my distance from most people for the next two years and I'm going to work from home. I'm 50, smoke, overweight. This could fuck me up. But will I go up north and stay with my brother and his family in their home? Sure. But when I go to their home now I stay in the back yard.

Did you hear that the test is only 70% effective? So you can take the test, it says you don't have it, but you actually do.

Seriously, I heard the FDA and Oxford have come up with something that is promising. We/they will figure this out. Until then, limit the number of people you come close to. I still fuck my girlfriend. I don't know who her sister or roommate have come in contact with. But they don't know if I got it at the grocery store either. Hopefully we are all mitigating the circumstances. But we got to live too. My girl and I were keeping apart for awhile and the other day she came over and we made love and she gave me a much needed haircut.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

I'm aware of what you meant, and it's still a bad thing which deserves a lot more concern on your part. "Certainly" other companies will take their place? Why would you be certain of that? And do you even give a damn what happens to people in the meantime while we wait for your "eventually" to materialize?

My fear is that we stay locked down, with no clear goal to be achieved or endgame plan, and the government keeps trying to take the place of the entire economy until there's no one left to buy our debt; tens of millions of Americans are left with no income, and now there are no resources for them to turn to for help, and no way for them to get a job, because so many companies have gone out of business and the supply chains have been broken for those still in business. And Covid-19 will still be out there no matter when it is, because that's how viruses work; except now we have less capacity to treat it or protect people, because lots of hospitals have shut down because they can't afford to stay open due to the lockdown restrictions, and no one has the money to buy or make protective equipment.

And that's just off the top of my head, and just for the US. What the hell happens to the rest of the world without the US economy? What happens to all the third-world countries which are dependent on US charity for the most basic of subsistence? How many of those people starve, or die of diseases, because their food and housing and clean drinking water and medical care comes from the largesse of the United States that the lockdowns have erased?

What about the nations that aren't that poor, but whose economies are either dependent on US-owned companies or US markets? How quickly do THEY collapse back into third-world poverty when we can't employ or buy?

Far too many people who cling to the "let's lock down until the world is completely safe and Covid-19 magically disappears!" plan seem to have no clue what a delicately-balanced arrangement of dominoes they're disturbing. Everything's always been okay before, so OBVIOUSLY, it always will be. The normal economy is right outside the door, waiting for us when we finally get some guts and step outside.

Except it's not.

While everybody is taking sides on the issue, even to the point it's become associated with political affiliation, I'm kind of in the middle. There will likely be problems and advantages no matter what the governors, Presdient, or his medical staff decides. The real decision is what choice will cause the most damage. It can go either way.

Young people are pretty safe to go out and mingle. Until there is a vaccine or treatment, and I think they are close, old fat people with diabetes and bad lungs better stay quarentined. Unless they want to roll the dice.

Me? I'm going to keep my distance from most people for the next two years and I'm going to work from home. I'm 50, smoke, overweight. This could fuck me up. But will I go up north and stay with my brother and his family in their home? Sure. But when I go to their home now I stay in the back yard.

Did you hear that the test is only 70% effective? So you can take the test, it says you don't have it, but you actually do.

Seriously, I heard the FDA and Oxford have come up with something that is promising. We/they will figure this out. Until then, limit the number of people you come close to. I still fuck my girlfriend. I don't know who her sister or roommate have come in contact with. But they don't know if I got it at the grocery store either. Hopefully we are all mitigating the circumstances. But we got to live too. My girl and I were keeping apart for awhile and the other day she came over and we made love and she gave me a much needed haircut.

I'm in worse shape than you are. 60, insulin dependent diabetic, a little overweight, heart failure.....

The only problem with the herd mentality is those people who do get it can give it to you. It's nearly impossible to stay away from everybody. I have tenants to tend to, I have to get my prescriptions, I need to go grocery shopping, I'm in contact with my two elderly parents..... It just can't be done for most people.

Yes, I wish that magic pill or shot would come out. The only testing that means anything is the antibody testing. Testing for the virus itself doesn't do many people any good. I could test negative today, pickup the virus at the gas station, and be contagious for God knows how long before I discover the problem.
You could be like many who are finding things to do other than watch TV. Some people are having the first time off from work they have had in years, or ever, and they are making the best of it. Others are doing nothing but bitch. This will pass and perhaps we will more appreciate our country and freedoms.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

I'm aware of what you meant, and it's still a bad thing which deserves a lot more concern on your part. "Certainly" other companies will take their place? Why would you be certain of that? And do you even give a damn what happens to people in the meantime while we wait for your "eventually" to materialize?

My fear is that we stay locked down, with no clear goal to be achieved or endgame plan, and the government keeps trying to take the place of the entire economy until there's no one left to buy our debt; tens of millions of Americans are left with no income, and now there are no resources for them to turn to for help, and no way for them to get a job, because so many companies have gone out of business and the supply chains have been broken for those still in business. And Covid-19 will still be out there no matter when it is, because that's how viruses work; except now we have less capacity to treat it or protect people, because lots of hospitals have shut down because they can't afford to stay open due to the lockdown restrictions, and no one has the money to buy or make protective equipment.

And that's just off the top of my head, and just for the US. What the hell happens to the rest of the world without the US economy? What happens to all the third-world countries which are dependent on US charity for the most basic of subsistence? How many of those people starve, or die of diseases, because their food and housing and clean drinking water and medical care comes from the largesse of the United States that the lockdowns have erased?

What about the nations that aren't that poor, but whose economies are either dependent on US-owned companies or US markets? How quickly do THEY collapse back into third-world poverty when we can't employ or buy?

Far too many people who cling to the "let's lock down until the world is completely safe and Covid-19 magically disappears!" plan seem to have no clue what a delicately-balanced arrangement of dominoes they're disturbing. Everything's always been okay before, so OBVIOUSLY, it always will be. The normal economy is right outside the door, waiting for us when we finally get some guts and step outside.

Except it's not.

While everybody is taking sides on the issue, even to the point it's become associated with political affiliation, I'm kind of in the middle. There will likely be problems and advantages no matter what the governors, Presdient, or his medical staff decides. The real decision is what choice will cause the most damage. It can go either way.

Young people are pretty safe to go out and mingle. Until there is a vaccine or treatment, and I think they are close, old fat people with diabetes and bad lungs better stay quarentined. Unless they want to roll the dice.

Me? I'm going to keep my distance from most people for the next two years and I'm going to work from home. I'm 50, smoke, overweight. This could fuck me up. But will I go up north and stay with my brother and his family in their home? Sure. But when I go to their home now I stay in the back yard.

Did you hear that the test is only 70% effective? So you can take the test, it says you don't have it, but you actually do.

Seriously, I heard the FDA and Oxford have come up with something that is promising. We/they will figure this out. Until then, limit the number of people you come close to. I still fuck my girlfriend. I don't know who her sister or roommate have come in contact with. But they don't know if I got it at the grocery store either. Hopefully we are all mitigating the circumstances. But we got to live too. My girl and I were keeping apart for awhile and the other day she came over and we made love and she gave me a much needed haircut.

I'm in worse shape than you are. 60, insulin dependent diabetic, a little overweight, heart failure.....

The only problem with the herd mentality is those people who do get it can give it to you. It's nearly impossible to stay away from everybody. I have tenants to tend to, I have to get my prescriptions, I need to go grocery shopping, I'm in contact with my two elderly parents..... It just can't be done for most people.

Yes, I wish that magic pill or shot would come out. The only testing that means anything is the antibody testing. Testing for the virus itself doesn't do many people any good. I could test negative today, pickup the virus at the gas station, and be contagious for God knows how long before I discover the problem.
Today I see the car wash is back open, they cut my grass, they are putting the docks out and they are tearing up our walkways so there's like 3 different companies here in the condos finally back to work. Good to see.

Yup, you and me need to be a little more careful than a healthy 30 year old. For about 2 years. I like finding sugar babys on tinder. I can't do that now those sluts are whores and they no doubt have the coronavirus. LOL It's like back in the aids day. I don't want to fuck it might kill me. LOL

And a condom won't protect you.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?
We need to suck it up and accept 250000 deaths. It's a waste to test people and try and quarantine the ill people. We don't really want to KNOW how many sick people there are. It would dampen our optimism.
Is it just me or is anyone else suffering from too much of this horse shit? Seriously, what the fuck happened to this country?

It's really funny when you think about it. If you could travel back in time, to say 40 years ago, and tell the country that in the future, you will be able to sit in front of a 70" high def television with 500 channels to watch, have three or four video game systems, a cell phone with apps, a machine called the internet, where you stay in contact with people from not only all over the country, but from around the world, and endless education. Rich people back then would have offered you over half their wealth to experience this life for a week, and they would have never left the house.

Today, it's torture. :laugh:

Maybe because 1) most people in America aren't necessarily experiencing that life right now, and 2) there's a big difference between a week and a month-and-a-half.

I'm simply pointing out this isn't the end of the world. We have our conveniences at home, and as I stated, even if we weren't in lockdown, some people have always lived this way.

If we stay closed down too long, industry and jobs could be permanently lost forever. If we open up too soon, we may see a relapse, and contagiousness even twice as bad. There is no good or bad call here because nobody has a crystal ball to indicate which is the best way to go.

But no matter which way we go, it's going to be very damaging to our country and most certainly, our growing debt. And no matter which way we go, nobody is really to blame for the results of their decision.

My personal opinion is this: the best route to take is to stay partially closed down until we have enough ammo in our sack to fight this thing: Enough N-95 masks for everybody, enough antibody tests for everybody, enough tests for the population to see who currently has this, especially those asymptomatic people, enough plasma donations for our healthcare workers and first responders, then for high risk people.

And I'm simply pointing out that it WILL be the end of the United States, we won't have any of those conveniences at home, and just because "some people" have always lived this way doesn't mean EVERYONE can live this way for long without catastrophic consequences.

If anyone was seriously talking about just throwing open all the doors and going back to life as though coronavirus didn't exist, you might be right about relapses. However, that isn't what we're talking about, and you're dead wrong about your casual dismissal of "some industry and jobs could be lost forever". Remember the Great Depression? As hard as I know it is to believe, we're on course for something far worse and longer in span if we keep this up much longer.

And no, someone WILL be to blame. That would be everyone who demanded decisions based on overreacting fear that ignored the warnings about and importance of things they just didn't want to prioritize at the moment.

When I wrote that some jobs may be lost forever, I meant with specific companies that can't open back up. Certainly other companies and jobs will take their place eventually. Who knows how long that will take.

My fear is that we open up, even with some guidelines to follow, then see an even worse increase in illnesses and death, and then we have to start all over again. I myself never want to go through this again. I want it done and over with. I know there are no guarantees because I constantly see people not wearing masks, not social distancing, scratching their eyes in the store. Some people not in the high-risk category seem to be very careless about how they conduct themselves in pubic, and probably at home as well. Not everybody is on board in fighting this with everything they got. There are even stories out there of lowlifes licking food items in the grocery store and putting them back on the shelf.

I'm aware of what you meant, and it's still a bad thing which deserves a lot more concern on your part. "Certainly" other companies will take their place? Why would you be certain of that? And do you even give a damn what happens to people in the meantime while we wait for your "eventually" to materialize?

My fear is that we stay locked down, with no clear goal to be achieved or endgame plan, and the government keeps trying to take the place of the entire economy until there's no one left to buy our debt; tens of millions of Americans are left with no income, and now there are no resources for them to turn to for help, and no way for them to get a job, because so many companies have gone out of business and the supply chains have been broken for those still in business. And Covid-19 will still be out there no matter when it is, because that's how viruses work; except now we have less capacity to treat it or protect people, because lots of hospitals have shut down because they can't afford to stay open due to the lockdown restrictions, and no one has the money to buy or make protective equipment.

And that's just off the top of my head, and just for the US. What the hell happens to the rest of the world without the US economy? What happens to all the third-world countries which are dependent on US charity for the most basic of subsistence? How many of those people starve, or die of diseases, because their food and housing and clean drinking water and medical care comes from the largesse of the United States that the lockdowns have erased?

What about the nations that aren't that poor, but whose economies are either dependent on US-owned companies or US markets? How quickly do THEY collapse back into third-world poverty when we can't employ or buy?

Far too many people who cling to the "let's lock down until the world is completely safe and Covid-19 magically disappears!" plan seem to have no clue what a delicately-balanced arrangement of dominoes they're disturbing. Everything's always been okay before, so OBVIOUSLY, it always will be. The normal economy is right outside the door, waiting for us when we finally get some guts and step outside.

Except it's not.

While everybody is taking sides on the issue, even to the point it's become associated with political affiliation, I'm kind of in the middle. There will likely be problems and advantages no matter what the governors, Presdient, or his medical staff decides. The real decision is what choice will cause the most damage. It can go either way.

Young people are pretty safe to go out and mingle. Until there is a vaccine or treatment, and I think they are close, old fat people with diabetes and bad lungs better stay quarentined. Unless they want to roll the dice.

Me? I'm going to keep my distance from most people for the next two years and I'm going to work from home. I'm 50, smoke, overweight. This could fuck me up. But will I go up north and stay with my brother and his family in their home? Sure. But when I go to their home now I stay in the back yard.

Did you hear that the test is only 70% effective? So you can take the test, it says you don't have it, but you actually do.

Seriously, I heard the FDA and Oxford have come up with something that is promising. We/they will figure this out. Until then, limit the number of people you come close to. I still fuck my girlfriend. I don't know who her sister or roommate have come in contact with. But they don't know if I got it at the grocery store either. Hopefully we are all mitigating the circumstances. But we got to live too. My girl and I were keeping apart for awhile and the other day she came over and we made love and she gave me a much needed haircut.

I'm in worse shape than you are. 60, insulin dependent diabetic, a little overweight, heart failure.....

The only problem with the herd mentality is those people who do get it can give it to you. It's nearly impossible to stay away from everybody. I have tenants to tend to, I have to get my prescriptions, I need to go grocery shopping, I'm in contact with my two elderly parents..... It just can't be done for most people.

Yes, I wish that magic pill or shot would come out. The only testing that means anything is the antibody testing. Testing for the virus itself doesn't do many people any good. I could test negative today, pickup the virus at the gas station, and be contagious for God knows how long before I discover the problem.
Today I see the car wash is back open, they cut my grass, they are putting the docks out and they are tearing up our walkways so there's like 3 different companies here in the condos finally back to work. Good to see.

Yup, you and me need to be a little more careful than a healthy 30 year old. For about 2 years. I like finding sugar babys on tinder. I can't do that now those sluts are whores and they no doubt have the coronavirus. LOL It's like back in the aids day. I don't want to fuck it might kill me. LOL

And a condom won't protect you.

I take reasonable precautions. I have hand sterilizer in my car. I use it before I leave the car and the first thing I do when I re-enter the car. I do the same when I leave my house. In public, I always wear my mask. My niece made it for me. She has a biology degree. She knows what will work, but I don't take anything for granted. Underneath the mask I also have facial tissue I fold in two to cover my nose and mouth.

God I can't wait until this is somehow over with already.

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