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Enough of this transgender nonsense.

I don't buy this reason to bar transpeople from using a toliet.
Well again, thank you for your compassion for these women. Nice to know youre happy to throw women who've been raped under the bus for 0.03% of the population.
Transgender males don't rape.
Like Dhara, you are missing the point. Is this deliberate?
I know what your point is, my point is I don't buy the reason people won't accomodate trans using the bathroom. Reminds me of "white" and "black" facilities.
You mean you are convinced that no sick pervs will pretend to be trans and or gender fluid to gain access to the female rooms? Oh well, of course, I guess they will have too much integrity to do that. Silly rape victims for being concerned over such a fantastical idea.
And here’s another example of that red herring fallacy and fearmongering from the right: that a ‘fake’ transgender woman would ‘pretend’ to be transgender to gain access to the women’s restroom to commit crimes, where this has nothing to do with the issue whatsoever.
Based on looks. Problem solved.
A lot of trans do a poor job of looking like a woman. So how would that work?
They might be poor at it but the surgeons aren't.

Is that why they have to wear an implant so the slit don't close up because the body thinks it's healing a wound?

And seriously, you think being a woman is just a pair of tits?
No. Being a woman is being a woman in the mind.

And that mind is how it is by just having BREASTS. It included what happens to that mind through menstruation, pregnancy, child birth and on and on.

A male Mind can't know these.

I'm quite calm. I have done what I needed to here. I expressed my opinion, my passion for the topic. And now I withdraw from it.

Posting on TV, movies, books etc isn't really my schtick. I like controversial topics, and I feel I have represented myself, my son, and my family's interest in this topic, quite well.

That's why it's time to get back to RL activities.

And here’s another example of that red herring fallacy and fearmongering from the right: that a ‘fake’ transgender woman would ‘pretend’ to be transgender to gain access to the women’s restroom to commit crimes, where this has nothing to do with the issue whatsoever.

And your way of deciphering which is which is what?

Oh, right, "self-diagnosis". Except self-diagnosis isn't allowed in a court of law as a defense for civil rights.
Well again, thank you for your compassion for these women. Nice to know youre happy to throw women who've been raped under the bus for 0.03% of the population.
Transgender males don't rape.
Like Dhara, you are missing the point. Is this deliberate?
I know what your point is, my point is I don't buy the reason people won't accomodate trans using the bathroom. Reminds me of "white" and "black" facilities.
You mean you are convinced that no sick pervs will pretend to be trans and or gender fluid to gain access to the female rooms? Oh well, of course, I guess they will have too much integrity to do that. Silly rape victims for being concerned over such a fantastical idea.
And here’s another example of that red herring fallacy and fearmongering from the right: that a ‘fake’ transgender woman would ‘pretend’ to be transgender to gain access to the women’s restroom to commit crimes, where this has nothing to do with the issue whatsoever.

You have no right to speak for anyone else but yourself.

Absurd much?
Well again, thank you for your compassion for these women. Nice to know youre happy to throw women who've been raped under the bus for 0.03% of the population.
Transgender males don't rape.
Like Dhara, you are missing the point. Is this deliberate?
I know what your point is, my point is I don't buy the reason people won't accomodate trans using the bathroom. Reminds me of "white" and "black" facilities.
You mean you are convinced that no sick pervs will pretend to be trans and or gender fluid to gain access to the female rooms? Oh well, of course, I guess they will have too much integrity to do that. Silly rape victims for being concerned over such a fantastical idea.
And here’s another example of that red herring fallacy and fearmongering from the right: that a ‘fake’ transgender woman would ‘pretend’ to be transgender to gain access to the women’s restroom to commit crimes, where this has nothing to do with the issue whatsoever.
No blacks in front of the bus. White only restaurants and bathrooms.

Transgenders are the untouchable class in America.

I'm quite calm. I have done what I needed to here. I expressed my opinion, my passion for the topic. And now I withdraw from it.

Posting on TV, movies, books etc isn't really my schtick. I like controversial topics, and I feel I have represented myself, my son, and my family's interest in this topic, quite well.

That's why it's time to get back to RL activities.

Be who you are Dhara.:thup::rock:
Alright already. Enough of this transgender nonsense that seems to be the elite lame duck medias pet peeve these days. I look at it this way. If you have outdoor plumbing, than go into a men's washroom. If you have indoor plumbing, than go into a women's bathroom. It makes so much logic and common sense to go this route. Short, sweet and simple. The main question I have to ask is why and who is behind this push for transgender bathrooms nonsense anyway? I guess it is that same old ethnic gang that has this hatred for Christianity, and is trying everything to try and destroy it, Christianity being their main stumbling block and in their way to their new world order of chaos and censorship and the destruction and enslavement of the sheeple, and of all things normal and decent. All this promotion of the gay life style, and gay marriage and gays adopting children is all so unnatural.

"Everyone has a right to be stupid, politicians just abuse it". :biggrin:

You ask the question "who is behind this nonsense?"

The answer is simple. The fag lobby is. Just as many of us stated, once legislation was (literally) passed by the SCOTUS (against the Constitution) , it started that slippery slope that HAS happened. Now, the "rights" of the .03% of population MUST Be accommodated by directive of the supreme leader, and pseudo-college professor.

What's next? "RIghts" for NAMBLA? Beastiality?

Just one more nail in the coffin of this country - in favor of the freaks and perverts.

(X)But who is financing and promoting the "fag lobby"? It has to be someone or some group that has the money it takes to promote the "fag agenda" and get politicians on their side. The "fag lobby" does not have that much money if they only represent 0.3%. Hollywood certainly helps them to achieve their goals. Who runs Hollywierd? And make no mistake about it either. Beastilaity, incest and pedophilia will be next on their program and agenda plans of the elite to promote and get legalized. It will come to pass. Sad.
The Irish Ram said:
Where does it end? To avoid the fascism label, shouldn't we also give the right to unzip and piss from the seat next to you in a theater a go? Who are we to demand that someone miss part of the show and walk to a specified area? Girls, just piss in the seat. You have rights too you know!

Please dear God, bring common sense back...
This will never end.

Here's the problem that will never go away.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Bleeding heart liberals see any minority group's complaint about life as being an opportunity to protest, get on camera, attract vermin like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, propose laws and regulations that allow the whining minority to wear a false cloak of normalcy.

This will never end.

Aside: I once saw a bar that had a urinal trench running along the floor in front of the bar stools. Sorta fits your 'piss at your seat' scenario.

(X)You are right that this may never end. Until the stunned sheeple out there start to think for themselves and not allow the media or the politicians to think and speak for them, this will never end. These sheeple need to wake the hell up, and stop supporting these silly azz programs and agendas and speak out. Let them call you names, take it as a badge of honour. Any time names are thrown at you, you have upset the fools and you have won. Political correctness needs to be dumped in the garbage where it belongs.

Everyone has a right to be stupid. Politicians just abuse it. :badgrin:

That's pretty much the reason they are voting for Trump. The rest of the population are sheep ready for slaughter.
Who are you to do someone how to live their lives? Fascist much?
Who are you to tell women rape victims they "have to" let men in their private hygiene retreats marked "women" outside the door? Fascist much?
A transsexual is not going to be raping anyone, especially in a restroom.

(X)Maybe someone pretending to be transgendered enter a place marked for women and could end up raping some woman. The possibility is there. Bet you did not think about that, did you? Lieberals don't listen to logic or common sense. Wrong is right. They always enjoy travelling on that road called emotionalism and foolishness. Pathetic indeed.
THe problem has just started. Next, liberals will cater to "gender fluid" people who's gender changes. They need to use BOTH b athrooms. But liberals giving them the legal ability to use BOTH bathrooms whereas nobody else can will constitute "equality" to liberals
Who are you to do someone how to live their lives? Fascist much?
Who are you to tell women rape victims they "have to" let men in their private hygiene retreats marked "women" outside the door? Fascist much?
A transsexual is not going to be raping anyone, especially in a restroom.

(X)Maybe someone pretending to be transgendered enter a place marked for women and could end up raping some woman. The possibility is there. Bet you did not think about that, did you? Lieberals don't listen to logic or common sense. Wrong is right. They always enjoy travelling on that road called emotionalism and foolishness. Pathetic indeed.
Maybe your paranoia is out of control.
Transgenderism IS a mental disorder because FEELINGS are not PHYSICAL FACTS. No matter how much a man FEELS like a woman, his cells are filled Y-shaped MALE chromosomes; ergo, a tranny is male at his most basic, molecular level, regardless of surgical/hormonal disfigurement. I don't know what sort of gratification these PC, Obama-fellating-filth get out of pandering to a mental illness that affects only a fraction of 1% of the population. Of course, with Obama himself, it's his way of rebelling against the straight, white males that piece of filth has resented all his life - his writings are filled with jealous, inferiority-complex angst about whites.
We have XX males, and XY females. You're screwed.
I'd bet a dollar to a dime that you flunked biology.
Nope, but you did. Google it.
I don't need to google it. XX is female and XY is male.
Anyone that has the operation should be allowed into the bath room of their new gender. .
No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to have such surgery.
We operate on babies, without thier consent. We don't have to wait for 18.

"We operate on babies, without thier consent. We don't have to wait for 18."

This is pretty much the STUPIDEST comment I've read at this forum. Period....on a scale of 1 to 10 that's an 11.

WTF?! You're bizarrely equating a BABY having to be operated on....with a 16 year-old or whatever suddenly deciding they want their dick chopped off?

Wow :uhoh3:
Who are you to do someone how to live their lives? Fascist much?
Who are you to tell women rape victims they "have to" let men in their private hygiene retreats marked "women" outside the door? Fascist much?
A transsexual is not going to be raping anyone, especially in a restroom.

(X)Maybe someone pretending to be transgendered enter a place marked for women and could end up raping some woman. The possibility is there. Bet you did not think about that, did you? Lieberals don't listen to logic or common sense. Wrong is right. They always enjoy travelling on that road called emotionalism and foolishness. Pathetic indeed.
Maybe your paranoia is out of control.

Being concerned that sex offenders could use this law for their nefarious purposes, with the actual possibility that a woman or a girl could be raped is "paranoia"?
Anyone that has the operation should be allowed into the bath room of their new gender. .
No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to have such surgery.
We operate on babies, without thier consent. We don't have to wait for 18.

"We operate on babies, without thier consent. We don't have to wait for 18."

This is pretty much the STUPIDEST comment I've read at this forum. Period....on a scale of 1 to 10 that's an 11.

WTF?! You're bizarrely equating a BABY having to be operated on....with a 16 year-old or whatever suddenly deciding they want their dick chopped off?

Wow :uhoh3:
It's such a stupid comment I couldn't summon the energy lol.

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