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Enough of Trump... when will the "Despicables" on the left be brought to justice?

If the money went to her foundation, that's not personal monetary gain.
lol. So that makes it ethical.
Got it.
Never said it was. I said the poster was lying. Please try and keep up. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were merely being stupid and not participating in the lie.
Seriously, are you really trying to convince all paying attention that FBI director James Comey and CIA John Brennan who were BOTH handpicked by the number one traitor on the planet Obama, were actually biased and working for Trump?
LOL!!! The guy that calls Obama "the number one traitor on the planet" wants to talk about bias?!?! Wake up and smell the covfefe.
Boy, reality is strong with this one <sarc> See sig for definition of insanity.
A Trump supporter considering themselves as an authority on sanity! Are you trying to get this thread moved to the Rubber Room? :laugh2:
Seriously, are you really trying to convince all paying attention that FBI director James Comey and CIA John Brennan who were BOTH handpicked by the number one traitor on the planet Obama, were actually biased and working for Trump?
LOL!!! The guy that calls Obama "the number one traitor on the planet" wants to talk about bias?!?! Wake up and smell the covfefe. :rolleyes:
If you weren't able to see all the treasonous activity by Obama and his administration by now, there's really no hope of ever waking you up. But what the hell, here goes nothing.

From Obama's inception, he acted as if he was following a playbook of how to destroy a nation in just 8 years. He began this endeavor by getting rid of as much money as possible in his first few months in office. Then he brought in all the worst racists on the planet such as Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, and the NAACP to help divide the nation racially. You know as in, "United we stand, divided we fall?" He also incited and pushed the black community to go after white cops at which point black lives matter was organized which was basically a hate group made up of a large percentage of serious criminals with long histories of nefarious behavior which caused more dissension among the races. He lessened border security to allow more illegals to flood into the country in lieu of the election that they now are finding were given ballots to vote in 2016. He sent skids of cash to Iran in the night and released 5 Taliban commanders in exchange for one worthless traitor named Bowe Bergdahl. That money is now being used to fund Iran's terrorist activities. He made it harder for our military by changing the rules of engagement stating our men would have to stand down even if fired upon until they receive the okay to fire back. This has caused untold deaths 38 of which were some of our best special forces the same who were responsible for getting Osama Bin Laden. His Benghazi refusal to send more security to the compound which resulted in the deaths of Ambassordor Stevens, two navy seals, and one other American. I mean the list goes on and on of his treasonous behavior which coincidentally always seemed to benefit the Middle East while hurting the U.S.
If the money went to her foundation, that's not personal monetary gain.
lol. So that makes it ethical.
Got it.
Never said it was. I said the poster was lying. Please try and keep up. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were merely being stupid and not participating in the lie.
Oh you want to go there and discuss her bogus money laundering foundation huh? Well check these out then: 7 Things You Need To Know About The Clinton Foundation
Clinton Foundation gives tiny fraction of $2 billion in revenue to veterans groups
How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board

Pay special attention to the last one by ABC that clearly shows AGAIN as long as money's involved Hillary doesn't give a rat's ass about the country's security.
Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims.

Instead why aren't they calling for an investigation of those we DO KNOW committed serious crimes, everything from obstruction of justice and embezzlement (Hillary selling 20% of America's uranium for personal monetary gain) to treason and quite possibly murder? And that list would include Obama the traitor, Loretta Lynch, the Clinton's, James Comey of the FBI, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Hillary's many aides that were given immunity, all those involved in cover ups at the DOJ who helped smash blackberries and delete emails.

What's happening daily in the news is so ludicrous it boggles the mind. The Democratic party must be laughing their asses off thinking how stupid the American public is and how easy they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Their arrogance knows no bounds which is clearly evident given the audacity of Hillary going before cameras, making statements, and rolling her eyes showing how indignant she is that her emails are actually resurfacing. No doubt she and the rest of these "Despicables" believe themselves too important to be held accountable for the same crimes as the peons of society which unfortunately is turning out to be true.
Still using that Hillary / uranium lie I see..
No, Hillary Clinton did not "give Russia 20 percent of the uranium" in the US

You're the despicable one.

Dude, its Vox....pulease
To the nitwit that thinks Brietbart and Infowars is real journalism.
I see you couldn't find errors in Vox's piece..
Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims.

Instead why aren't they calling for an investigation of those we DO KNOW committed serious crimes, everything from obstruction of justice and embezzlement (Hillary selling 20% of America's uranium for personal monetary gain) to treason and quite possibly murder? And that list would include Obama the traitor, Loretta Lynch, the Clinton's, James Comey of the FBI, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Hillary's many aides that were given immunity, all those involved in cover ups at the DOJ who helped smash blackberries and delete emails.

What's happening daily in the news is so ludicrous it boggles the mind. The Democratic party must be laughing their asses off thinking how stupid the American public is and how easy they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Their arrogance knows no bounds which is clearly evident given the audacity of Hillary going before cameras, making statements, and rolling her eyes showing how indignant she is that her emails are actually resurfacing. No doubt she and the rest of these "Despicables" believe themselves too important to be held accountable for the same crimes as the peons of society which unfortunately is turning out to be true.
Still using that Hillary / uranium lie I see..
No, Hillary Clinton did not "give Russia 20 percent of the uranium" in the US

You're the despicable one.

Dude, its Vox....pulease
To the nitwit that thinks Brietbart and Infowars is real journalism.
I see you couldn't find errors in Vox's piece..

I didn't read it, it's Vox
Enough of Trump... when will the "Despicables" on the left be brought to justice?

Ex-FBI Director Comey testified Hillary DID break laws while using her own private, un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured server and e-mail.

Huma sent / stored thousands of classified Hillary e-mails / documents to her own un-authorized, un-encrypted, un-secured home personal laptop she shared with her pedophile / child porn sexting disgraced ex-politician husband.

Susan Rice admitted to sending Obama loyalists in 16 Intel Agencies Protected Classified Personal Information on Trump and his team that already been deemed to have NO Intel Value. The NSA and FBI directors both testified the ONLY reason to fo so wss for POLITICAL benefit / reasons, which constitutes a CRIME.

Obama loyalists in Intel agencies illegally leaked the Trump Information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President. According to the FBI and NSA, those illegal acts constitute FELONY ESPIONAGE.

While the Trump 'witch hunt' goes on, real PROVEN criminals who should be in jail are walking around free.
lol. So that makes it ethical.
Got it.
Never said it was. I said the poster was lying. Please try and keep up. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were merely being stupid and not participating in the lie.
Oh you want to go there and discuss her bogus money laundering foundation huh? Well check these out then: 7 Things You Need To Know About The Clinton Foundation
Clinton Foundation gives tiny fraction of $2 billion in revenue to veterans groups
How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board

Pay special attention to the last one by ABC that clearly shows AGAIN as long as money's involved Hillary doesn't give a rat's ass about the country's security.
Well, I cant really determine the validity of the accusations of money laundering....but I read something interesting...

How many people do you know that have been murdered with no murderer being caught or died unusual deaths like the one who was found with a barbell on his neck?

Now, Look up how many the Clintons knew.
Still using that Hillary / uranium lie I see..
No, Hillary Clinton did not "give Russia 20 percent of the uranium" in the US
You're the despicable one.

No, you are a victim of your own ignorance. Ignorance may be bliss...but it makes you look stupid when you say things like that.
Clinton Foundation Linked To Russian Effort To Buy Uranium Company

While she may not have "given Russia 20% of the Uranium in the US", the context is the apparent connection between the Clinton Foundation and the Russian's desire to obtain Uranium rights on US mines. She was complicit and paid well to at least try to give the Russians what they wanted.

This is yet another attempt by a dishonest liberal (surprise) to minimize or exonerate a guilty party simply because they have bought into their harmful agenda and don't realize it.
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Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims.

Instead why aren't they calling for an investigation of those we DO KNOW committed serious crimes, everything from obstruction of justice and embezzlement (Hillary selling 20% of America's uranium for personal monetary gain) to treason and quite possibly murder? And that list would include Obama the traitor, Loretta Lynch, the Clinton's, James Comey of the FBI, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Hillary's many aides that were given immunity, all those involved in cover ups at the DOJ who helped smash blackberries and delete emails to obstruct justice?

What's happening is so ludicrous it boggles the mind. The Democratic party must be laughing their asses off thinking how stupid the American public is and how easy they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Their arrogance knows no bounds which is clearly evident given the audacity of Hillary going before cameras, making statements, and rolling her eyes showing how indignant she is that her emails are actually surfacing again.

No doubt she and the rest of these "Despicables" believe themselves too important to be held accountable for the same crimes as the peons of society which unfortunately is turning out to be true.

Enough of what is not convenient for me, let's get on with the things that entertain me, right?
I want to see everyone held to the same justice. No more, no less.

Sure you do..... which is why you want them to stop talking about Trump....
where is your evidence against trump and we're in to bash him.

got anyone who's name isn't Anon Amous?

Where's your evidence for anything? Everything is now officially "fake news", Hillary Clinton doesn't even exist, so how can she have committed crimes?
Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims.

Instead why aren't they calling for an investigation of those we DO KNOW committed serious crimes, everything from obstruction of justice and embezzlement (Hillary selling 20% of America's uranium for personal monetary gain) to treason and quite possibly murder? And that list would include Obama the traitor, Loretta Lynch, the Clinton's, James Comey of the FBI, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Hillary's many aides that were given immunity, all those involved in cover ups at the DOJ who helped smash blackberries and delete emails to obstruct justice?

What's happening is so ludicrous it boggles the mind. The Democratic party must be laughing their asses off thinking how stupid the American public is and how easy they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Their arrogance knows no bounds which is clearly evident given the audacity of Hillary going before cameras, making statements, and rolling her eyes showing how indignant she is that her emails are actually surfacing again.

No doubt she and the rest of these "Despicables" believe themselves too important to be held accountable for the same crimes as the peons of society which unfortunately is turning out to be true.

Enough of what is not convenient for me, let's get on with the things that entertain me, right?
I want to see everyone held to the same justice. No more, no less.

Sure you do..... which is why you want them to stop talking about Trump....
Way to put words in my mouth...for the record I don't care if they discuss Trump's so called collusion until his term ends ..but if they do, and they don't find anything, I hope Trump sues each and everyone of those assholes for slander. And beyond that maybe everyone in the nation should sign a class action lawsuit against all those responsible on the left for tying Trump up not allowing him to accomplish what the people voted him in for.

But ASIDE from their investigation about him, there should also be investigations regarding all the aforementioned as well. If criminality is proven, they should all be accountable. Or are you just another one of those liberals who believes in double standards that the left are all above the law and therefore should get a complete pass?

I'm putting words in your mouth? What?

SO you didn't say "Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims."???

Where I come from "enough of" means you want it to end. I'm not putting words in your mouth, you said it in your OP and the title of the thread.
Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims.

Instead why aren't they calling for an investigation of those we DO KNOW committed serious crimes, everything from obstruction of justice and embezzlement (Hillary selling 20% of America's uranium for personal monetary gain) to treason and quite possibly murder? And that list would include Obama the traitor, Loretta Lynch, the Clinton's, James Comey of the FBI, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Hillary's many aides that were given immunity, all those involved in cover ups at the DOJ who helped smash blackberries and delete emails to obstruct justice?

What's happening is so ludicrous it boggles the mind. The Democratic party must be laughing their asses off thinking how stupid the American public is and how easy they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Their arrogance knows no bounds which is clearly evident given the audacity of Hillary going before cameras, making statements, and rolling her eyes showing how indignant she is that her emails are actually surfacing again.

No doubt she and the rest of these "Despicables" believe themselves too important to be held accountable for the same crimes as the peons of society which unfortunately is turning out to be true.

Enough of what is not convenient for me, let's get on with the things that entertain me, right?
I want to see everyone held to the same justice. No more, no less.

Sure you do..... which is why you want them to stop talking about Trump....
No...he (she) said enough talking about things with no actual proof....lets address possible misdoings where proof exists.

Perhaps you had trouble comprehending that

Which would be fine, except he wants us to then go attack other people where we also don't have any evidence.... oh.... wow.
Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims.

Instead why aren't they calling for an investigation of those we DO KNOW committed serious crimes, everything from obstruction of justice and embezzlement (Hillary selling 20% of America's uranium for personal monetary gain) to treason and quite possibly murder? And that list would include Obama the traitor, Loretta Lynch, the Clinton's, James Comey of the FBI, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Hillary's many aides that were given immunity, all those involved in cover ups at the DOJ who helped smash blackberries and delete emails to obstruct justice?

What's happening is so ludicrous it boggles the mind. The Democratic party must be laughing their asses off thinking how stupid the American public is and how easy they can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Their arrogance knows no bounds which is clearly evident given the audacity of Hillary going before cameras, making statements, and rolling her eyes showing how indignant she is that her emails are actually surfacing again.

No doubt she and the rest of these "Despicables" believe themselves too important to be held accountable for the same crimes as the peons of society which unfortunately is turning out to be true.

Enough of what is not convenient for me, let's get on with the things that entertain me, right?
I want to see everyone held to the same justice. No more, no less.

Sure you do..... which is why you want them to stop talking about Trump....
Way to put words in my mouth...for the record I don't care if they discuss Trump's so called collusion until his term ends ..but if they do, and they don't find anything, I hope Trump sues each and everyone of those assholes for slander. And beyond that maybe everyone in the nation should sign a class action lawsuit against all those responsible on the left for tying Trump up not allowing him to accomplish what the people voted him in for.

But ASIDE from their investigation about him, there should also be investigations regarding all the aforementioned as well. If criminality is proven, they should all be accountable. Or are you just another one of those liberals who believes in double standards that the left are all above the law and therefore should get a complete pass?

I'm putting words in your mouth? What?

SO you didn't say "Enough of the the smokescreen diversion calling for impeachment of Trump and his team for colluding with Russia, that the liberal left to this day still have no proof to support any of their claims."???

Where I come from "enough of" means you want it to end. I'm not putting words in your mouth, you said it in your OP and the title of the thread.
I'm sorry sometimes I think people are able to interpret what I consider to be elementary and obvious but let me rephrase so maybe you can understand.

"Enough" meaning stop the Trump bashing. Although I believe further investigations will turn up nothing, I don't care if investigators pursue him to their heart's content which will no doubt be well into the 2018 and 2020 elections. All of which will be to ruin his chance of getting reelected after finding no "there there." But that said, I want Hillary and the crimes of the left investigated as well where I KNOW they'll find plenty. I mean at the very least Hillary perjured herself before Congress several times and obstructed justice when she deleted emails, used bleachbit, and smashed blackberries for which she claimed only having one when in fact she had 13. So don't you think just maybe she should be investigated as well? I mean do you really think any of us peons in society would walk free after just committing those crimes? And there are dozens more in her background she could no doubt be indicted for as well.

And before you bring up James Comey and the fact that he covered for her claiming he didn't think she did anything wrong, it doesn't mean to anyone paying attention she wasn't guilty. It simply pointed out how biased and corrupt he and so many of her and Obama's other minions were such as Loretta Lynch, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazille, Susan Rice, and God knows how many others.

So was that a fair enough explanation or did I use too many two plus syllable words?
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