ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

When people who would rob a house know that a large percentage of homeowners in an area own firearms are they more or less likely to attempt a home break in?

Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

So everywhere can be like NYC then? Where it would take me 3-6 months and $1000 in fees to get a handgun to keep in my own home?

Drop the hyperbole and grow up. I doubt rural states would impose such restrictions. Urban boards of supervisors/county councils have a duty to protect its citizens, if they decide firearm A. is a public nuisance, they can make that weapon illegal within their area of much as has been done with gravity and push button knives.
Career Politicians certainly do not know what's best for anybody, they are all a bunch of fuck ups… LOL

Another stupid uninformed comment.
I know the career politician is your God, which is fine just don't expect anyone else to have the same view. Dip shit
I sell all kinds of knives here in western South Dakota "gravity" and otherwise… LOL

Good for you. Do you even know what a gravity knife is? And, the Penal Code in SD isn't a penal code which covers every state. Bring the "gravity" knife from SD into any police station in CA and you be lucky if all that happens is an officer takes it from you. Here it is illegal.
Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

So everywhere can be like NYC then? Where it would take me 3-6 months and $1000 in fees to get a handgun to keep in my own home?

Drop the hyperbole and grow up. I doubt rural states would impose such restrictions. Urban boards of supervisors/county councils have a duty to protect its citizens, if they decide firearm A. is a public nuisance, they can make that weapon illegal within their area of much as has been done with gravity and push button knives.
Career Politicians certainly do not know what's best for anybody, they are all a bunch of fuck ups… LOL

Another stupid uninformed comment.
I know the career politician is your God, which is fine just don't expect anyone else to have the same view. Dip shit

No, but not all pols are cut from the same cloth. No doubt that comment taxes your thinkin ... err, beliefs.
I sell all kinds of knives here in western South Dakota "gravity" and otherwise… LOL

Good for you. Do you even know what a gravity knife is? And, the Penal Code in SD isn't a penal code which covers every state. Bring the "gravity" knife from SD into any police station in CA and you be lucky if all that happens is an officer takes it from you. Here it is illegal.
Which is fine, I believe in states rights. No state should tell any other state what to do or what's best for it… And least of all the federal government should not be telling anyone anything because they are a bunch of hypocrites...
So everywhere can be like NYC then? Where it would take me 3-6 months and $1000 in fees to get a handgun to keep in my own home?

Drop the hyperbole and grow up. I doubt rural states would impose such restrictions. Urban boards of supervisors/county councils have a duty to protect its citizens, if they decide firearm A. is a public nuisance, they can make that weapon illegal within their area of much as has been done with gravity and push button knives.
Career Politicians certainly do not know what's best for anybody, they are all a bunch of fuck ups… LOL

Another stupid uninformed comment.
I know the career politician is your God, which is fine just don't expect anyone else to have the same view. Dip shit

No, but not all pols are cut from the same cloth. No doubt that comment taxes your thinkin ... err, beliefs.
There is no lower life form on the planet than a career politician… fact
Why don't we just require licenses -- like we do for cars?
It would reduce gun sales and we can't have that. We only have about 300 million of them.
How would requiring licenses, like we do for cars, reduce gun sales?
The licensing that I have heard discussed can involve delaying the sale...
This isn't how licensing works for cars...?
The purpose of vehicle licensing is to establish clear ownership and to tax motorists. The reasons for licensing guns is much different.
Ah. So you -don't- favor licensing guns like we do cars.
Once again, Correlation does not prove cause and effect!

When people who would rob a house know that a large percentage of homeowners in an area own firearms are they more or less likely to attempt a home break in?

Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

So everywhere can be like NYC then? Where it would take me 3-6 months and $1000 in fees to get a handgun to keep in my own home?

Drop the hyperbole and grow up. I doubt rural states would impose such restrictions. Urban boards of supervisors/county councils have a duty to protect its citizens, if they decide firearm A. is a public nuisance, they can make that weapon illegal within their area of much as has been done with gravity and push button knives.

What hyperbole? What part of the 2nd amendment says just because I live in a City a local government can infringe on my rights?

And while I can't get a "gravity" knife in NYC I can get a survival knife at the local Home Depot.

Again, I cannot legally get a handgun for just home use without waiting 3-6 months and paying $1000.

Why isn't that infringement, and why, just because I live in a city is that somehow constitutional.

But we all know your answer, because you claim to be a former LEO, so you know your butt buddies in government will always let you have a gun, and the rest of us get treated like second class citizens.


Temper, temper. LE is treated differently because before a deputy, officer or agent is issued a service weapon they are vetted by supervisors, management staff and completed a comprehensive background check, passed a series of written and verbal psychological assessments and during their probationary period work under the tutelage of an FTO - Field Training Officer. My guess Mr. Angry guy, you wouldn't pass the first test.
Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.
Licensing and registration do nothing to prevent people who should not have guns from getting them.
You simply seek to place mindless and unnecessary restrictions on the law abiding with the intent to make it difficult enough to buy a gun that more and more will not bother to try.
I sell all kinds of knives here in western South Dakota "gravity" and otherwise… LOL

Good for you. Do you even know what a gravity knife is? And, the Penal Code in SD isn't a penal code which covers every state. Bring the "gravity" knife from SD into any police station in CA and you be lucky if all that happens is an officer takes it from you. Here it is illegal.
Which is fine, I believe in states rights. No state should tell any other state what to do or what's best for it… And least of all the federal government should not be telling anyone anything because they are a bunch of hypocrites...

On some issues I agree. On some, slavery, voting rights and equal rights, I don't.
I sell all kinds of knives here in western South Dakota "gravity" and otherwise… LOL

Good for you. Do you even know what a gravity knife is? And, the Penal Code in SD isn't a penal code which covers every state. Bring the "gravity" knife from SD into any police station in CA and you be lucky if all that happens is an officer takes it from you. Here it is illegal.
Which is fine, I believe in states rights. No state should tell any other state what to do or what's best for it… And least of all the federal government should not be telling anyone anything because they are a bunch of hypocrites...

On some issues I agree. On some, slavery, voting rights and equal rights, I don't.
The federal government should stay out of all personal issues including social life and financial life... It's obvious career politicians and their federal government want to abolish the second amendment, taking firearms from millions just like me will not save one single life. Lol
Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.
Licensing and registration do nothing to prevent people who should not have guns from getting them.
You simply seek to place mindless and unnecessary restrictions on the law abiding with the intent to make it difficult enough to buy a gun that more and more will not bother to try.

You have no understanding of the rule of law. Penal codes do not prevent crime (duh), so why do we have penal codes, vehicle codes, health and safety codes, business and Professions Codes, Welfare and Institutions Codes? Are all of these Unnecessary restrictions on law abiding citizens, in your opinion?
When people who would rob a house know that a large percentage of homeowners in an area own firearms are they more or less likely to attempt a home break in?

Very few homes suffer home invasions, burglary is usually committed when no one is home.

Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.

So everywhere can be like NYC then? Where it would take me 3-6 months and $1000 in fees to get a handgun to keep in my own home?

Drop the hyperbole and grow up. I doubt rural states would impose such restrictions. Urban boards of supervisors/county councils have a duty to protect its citizens, if they decide firearm A. is a public nuisance, they can make that weapon illegal within their area of much as has been done with gravity and push button knives.

What hyperbole? What part of the 2nd amendment says just because I live in a City a local government can infringe on my rights?

And while I can't get a "gravity" knife in NYC I can get a survival knife at the local Home Depot.

Again, I cannot legally get a handgun for just home use without waiting 3-6 months and paying $1000.

Why isn't that infringement, and why, just because I live in a city is that somehow constitutional.

But we all know your answer, because you claim to be a former LEO, so you know your butt buddies in government will always let you have a gun, and the rest of us get treated like second class citizens.


Temper, temper. LE is treated differently because before a deputy, officer or agent is issued a service weapon they are vetted by supervisors, management staff and completed a comprehensive background check, passed a series of written and verbal psychological assessments and during their probationary period work under the tutelage of an FTO - Field Training Officer. My guess Mr. Angry guy, you wouldn't pass the first test.

And yet there are still plenty of officers who misuse their firearms, either on or off duty, or have alcohol or drug issues, or domestic violence issues.

and the main purpose of having LEO's isn't that they are armed, it is they have the ability to arrest people without worrying if the person arrested is actually guilty, unlike a citizen who arrests someone, who can be held liable if it turns out the person arrested did not perform the act that led to the arrest.

You also didn't respond to my other statements, you gutless dime store hack.
Nothing in my position on gun control has ever proposed that the 2nd A. Right be repealed. I respect the right to own and possess a gun to protect one's home or business as long as the gun owner is sane, sober and responsible. Thus my advocacy for Licensing and Registration, which ought to be a states right's issue, and one supported by responsible gun owners.
Licensing and registration do nothing to prevent people who should not have guns from getting them.
You simply seek to place mindless and unnecessary restrictions on the law abiding with the intent to make it difficult enough to buy a gun that more and more will not bother to try.
You have no understanding of the rule of law.
Your unintentional mastery of irony remains boundless.

Penal codes do not prevent crime (duh), so why do we have penal codes,
To punish people to break the law.

You, however seek mindless and unnecessary restrictions on the law abiding in an attempt to prevent criminals from breaking the law, based on the equally mindless premise that it is possible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking another law.

Thus, no reasoned, knowledgeable or honest person can take seriously any claim form you that you respect the rights of the law abiding or any claim that you understand the rule of law.
The Second Amendment is all anyone needs for their "firearms license" in this country. As it should be.... Lol

I disagree. Americans have shown they are not mature enough to allow the 2nd to stand.
so you are the one that gets the say? hahahahahahahaha :lmao::lmao:

Forget the hundred of years of existence and the civil war. You said so, therefore, you all stfu? again, :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Edit: Ahh and Ausie, no flippin wonder. you have your own issues your government and citizens can't control You should take care of your business first and leave us to ours.
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