ENOUGH....Time for Gun Control....NOW

Wrong. Fletcher Building is number one. And by a long ways. Number two is Progressive Enterprises, and at number three is Fonterra, which is a co-op, which is no surprise. And lo and behold one of their biggest money makers is Sponge Bob Square Pants, so no, agriculture is not New Zealands biggest company, nor is agriculture New Zealands biggest economic driver. Not even close.


Business Profiles of New Zealand's Top 100 Companies

You reall y should read your own link. That top 100 is by number of employees. Are you saying that the more people who work for a company dictates whether it is number one or not? I don't think so.

Gee, what are the top TWO exports from New Zealand. Maybe agriculture has a different definition stateside... New Zealand’s Top 10 Exports

As you say. Next

I did read my own link. Did you even notice how many of those top employers were GOVERNMENT? And you wonder why New Zealand is as bad off as it is.
I did read my own link. Did you even notice how many of those top employers were GOVERNMENT? And you wonder why New Zealand is as bad off as it is.

How many were govt?
How is NZ badly off?

Three things that make New Zealand better than Australia

Including "The New Zealand economy is outperforming every other OECD economy." And yes, Westwall, that includes the US.

New Zealand Balance of Trade | 1951-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar
New Zealand Business Confidence | 1970-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar
This isn't how licensing works for cars...?
The purpose of vehicle licensing is to establish clear ownership and to tax motorists. The reasons for licensing guns is much different.

Agreed. it is to deny the People of the ability to challenge an illegitimate government. That's why billionaires are funding the anti gun legislation. They want you to be a proper, obedient slave. If you're armed though, they can't do it.
I suppose that can be. However, licensing can also be a way to insure gun owners are trained in the safe handling of their weapons, and a way to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons and people that are mentally unstable and to provide a database of gun owners so police can determine who owns a gun used in a crime, or to return guns lost, stolen, or taken by the police in the commission of a crime. It all depends on the law.
By the way, guns are registered when bought. Why do you feel additional paperwork is required? Most all of what you wrote is done by law abiding citizens. Why do you want to punish these folks and not enforce laws on the books?
The information you're required to give a gun dealer under federal law is held 72 hrs after the required background check. State registration which is only required in about 13 states, is maintained indefinitely.

State regulations can require additional information, add fees, and can place some added restrictions on the sale, most commonly age restrictions, waiting period, residency, and gun safety training.

what a load of hogwash
People who are poor can't afford to jump through all of the hoops so no, gun ownership, at least legal gun ownership, is not open to all walks of life. That is a simple BS, and you know it.

Yes, farmers are able to get rifles and shotguns. What percentage of the population of New Zealand is made up of farmers? What is the average level of wealth for the average farmer compared to your average city dweller? It's not a question of lazy, it is expensive and time consuming to obtain even a base level License so once again the law prevents the poor and the lower middle class from getting one. You make my point for me yet again. Where the hell did you learn you debate skills?

How the hell do you know how many Kiwi's would like to own a handgun and can't because of the expense? You are long on assumptions, short on fact, and real, real long on uninformed opinion.

Uninformed? LOL...I only lived there for 41 years. Seriously, I don't know of one single person in NZ who wants a hand gun. I know hundreds of people. Not one. Not saying that they don't exist, just that I don't know any.

It doesn't cost that much to get a firearms license. $250 is not expensive at all..

Farmers are a reasonably high percentage of our population. My wife is a farmer's daughter and they all think you Yanks are nuts with your obsession with guns. Most NZers do.

I think you'll also find most NZers are happy with their lot. As I said, gun ownership isn't even an issue. And if you are poor, I'm guessing owning a gun is way down on your priorities. Note none of us go batshit crazy about politics like you guys do on here.
The Second Amendment is all anyone needs for their "firearms license" in this country. As it should be.... Lol
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Big whoop. I know dozens who do. It's not the cost, it's the time. Time is more expensive than money or don't you understand that concept? Seriously, every time you write something down you reinforce my argument, best give up while you can.

Farmers are a "reasonably high percentage" of the population you say? Can you post anything that isn't a lie? Total percentage of the population in New Zealand that is even remotely working in agriculture is 6.6%. That was measured back in 2009. The percentage has since dropped. EMPLOYMENT IN AGRICULTURE (% OF TOTAL EMPLOYMENT) IN NEW ZEALAND

Total number of people who are actually the farm owners is very small. Under 3%. Once again the wealthy elite get guns and not the poor. The fact that you think the average Kiwi is "happy with their lot" is asinine and demonstrates your total lack of connection to the average Kiwi. One of my best friends is the former chief of police for Ashburton and no, the average Kiwi is not happy with their lot. They are pissed off at how their tax dollars are taken from them and given to the Black Power gang for their parties etc.

LOL...I reckon you might know a dozen at the most. And if you're perusing a pro-gun NZ website (if there is such a thing), then you might know the 100 or so out of 4 million people who want hand guns. Big deal. I bet there are people in the US who are pro incest too. Doesn't mean it's the norm or popular.

Time? How long does it take to fill out a few forms? The rest if done by visiting the post office. The police do most of the rest. Not that long at all.

Still, NZ is an agriculture-based economy in the main. Our largest company is Fonterra.

The former police chief in Ashburton? LOL.. So you know one guy from 8000 serving members and that is the norm? Knowing the police chief from Ashburnton is like knowing the police chief from Frankfort. That is how you take your information? We moan here and there like everybody, but no where near as much as you guys.

Tax monies given to the Black Power? If you want to go there I will, but it is a long conversation, but to prove you wrong I'm willing to go there. You?
Shit for brains, in this part of the country handguns outnumber people many times over - more firearms = less crime. You are a stupid fucker LOL
There is a shooter, so let's make sure everyone is completely unarmed and at the mercy of the next shooter that comes along.

Seriously, why on earth do you think that makes any sense whatsoever?

No sane person wants a complete gun ban. Be rational.

As an independent, I am curious: What is the danger in having A. background checks, B. psychological examinations, and/or C. a limitation or ban on military-grade, semi-automatic machine guns that nobody NEEDS (I can understand the need for some sort of weaponry, but personally I feel that it is a little extreme)?

I personally feel that one of the functions of a government is to protect their people, and these guns, clearly, endanger many people.

OK so tell me what new gun law would you enact that would stop anyone from shooting up a school or a night club?

How is telling people like me who pass every background check thrown at them that the government making it even harder for us to buy a firearm and limiting magazine size etc will make it less likely that someone won't shoot up a mall?

And a semiautomatic is not a military grade rifle in fact civilians have owned semiautomatic rifles since the 1860's
These bitches will scream that their privacy is being invaded, all the while posting the latest intimate details of their lives on Facebook, or worse, posting photos of their GUNS on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

I bet a majority of them use Gmail instead of SSL encrypted email programs. Google OWNS your email as soon as you hit the send button. But these Ammo-sexuals fear an invasion of their privacy.

Tell us again who the child is.

That shouldn't matter.

All children should be precious and protected.

Why don't RWs feel that way about children?
It's not my responsibility to protect your children
If the nutters get their way, we will all be shooting at each other.

I don't know of anyone who has all the answer but does that mean we should do as the gun nuts want?

Why is it they want us to just roll over and give up?

Why should any gun owner roll over for you when you cant even tell us what new law or restriction would stop any criminal from committing a shooting?

You give me a cogent argument as to why telling me I can't own a particular gun or magazine will save anyone's life and then we'll have a starting point for a discussion
Since criminals don't follow laws then what's the point of laws in the first place?

Laws proscribe the punishment for noncompliance.
The punishment is the deterrent.

We do not enforce the gun laws we have on the books as it is and gun charges tend to get dropped or plead to a lesser offense.

The thing is the mere act of obtaining a firearm illegally makes one a felon. So the best answer is to not plea out gun charges and to have draconian sentences for any gun crime. My suggestion is 15 years with no parole for the mere possession of an illegal firearm and 25 years no parole for any non lethal crime committed while in the possession of an illegal firearm and life in prison no parole for any crimes while in possession of an illegal firearm that result in a death
There is a shooter, so let's make sure everyone is completely unarmed and at the mercy of the next shooter that comes along.

Seriously, why on earth do you think that makes any sense whatsoever?

No sane person wants a complete gun ban. Be rational.

As an independent, I am curious: What is the danger in having A. background checks, B. psychological examinations, and/or C. a limitation or ban on military-grade, semi-automatic machine guns that nobody NEEDS (I can understand the need for some sort of weaponry, but personally I feel that it is a little extreme)?

I personally feel that one of the functions of a government is to protect their people, and these guns, clearly, endanger many people.

I had a gun stolen from my car a few years ago. The vehicle was LOCKED, sitting on PRIVATE PROPERTY, and the gun was SECURED according to the laws of the State. I did nothing improper. The person that stole it entered the vehicle illegally, by coming where they didn't belong, and took something that didn't belong to him/her. They did three things improperly/against the law.

When you can tell me what kind of background check that person is going to have done on them for possessing that gun, I'll answer B and C.

As far as you determining what someone does or does not NEED, last time I looked, you don't get to make that determination when it comes to ANYTHING unless if for YOU. That's the problem with people like you. You have decided it is your place and don't understand that it's none of your damn business.
The Second Amendment is all anyone needs for their "firearms license" in this country. As it should be.... Lol

I disagree. Americans have shown they are not mature enough to allow the 2nd to stand.

357,000,000 guns in private hands......over 90 million homes have guns.....and in 2014...there were 8,124 gun murders.....and 586 accidental gun deaths....

357,000,000 v. less than 8,124 used for gun murder.....and the gun murder rate is going down as more people own guns, not up....

over 90,000,000 homes with guns v. 8,124 gun murders....

So you are wrong....Americans are amazingly responsible gun owners....where we have a problem is the justice system that allows gun criminals out on the streets over and over again instead of keeping them locked up...

YOu are wrong.........and your focus is on the law abiding, not the criminal so we have gun crime...because of you.....
Shit for brains, in this part of the country handguns outnumber people many times over - more firearms = less crime. You are a stupid fucker LOL

Yeah, America is a crime-free Utopia thanks to the second...:cuckoo:

200 million guns in private hands in 1990s........357,000,000 guns in private hands in 2016....and the gun murder rate dropped 49% in that same time.....

you don't have a clue what you are talking about....

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