Enough with the gun issues Democrats.

How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.

No....guns make it easier for innocent people to fight off violent attackers.....often more than one at a time, more than likely armed with knives, clubs or even illegal guns..... that is, of course, after the democrats let them out of jail, over and over again....

How often do you have to fight off multiple violent attackers who have guns, knives, and clubs? You should stay out of those places.

Happens to people all the time.... and you want them to have empty hands when their families lives are on the line.

You still haven't explained the magic of universal background checks for criminals and mass shooters.....
You can lie all you want, but the democrat party wants to ban all guns.....their leaders have said it, from hilary, to obama to feinstein.....they called for banning all Semi automatic weapons at the CNN Town hall and the rally in D.C.....and former left wing extremist Supreme Court Justice Stephens called for repealing the 2nd Amendment...You can lie all day long but your fellow left wingers keep telling us they want to ban all guns....

And the beauty of it all is that the Left is HARD COMMITTED to this agenda that America does NOT really want and America will NEVER allow all their guns to be taken away! The great thing is that the Left does not care and really cannot see, and because of that, they are forever ultimately doomed to failure.

Just as the Left lied to themselves that Hillary had it all sewn up, they lie to themselves and their followers that their agenda is what America wants, but it isn't America's agenda but their own:

America WANTS control of its borders.
America WANTS tighter immigration control.
America WANTS lower taxes and regulations.
America WANTS criminals and gangs to be dealt with effectively.
America WANTS education reforms.
America WANTS their guns left alone and real solutions to crime and violence at the cause, not the symbol.

America is about national pride and excellence, not rampant, blind, meaningless diversity.
America is an English-speaking nation with one set of values to be the first and best, not to follow others.
America is about individual self-actualization and liberty, not group dependence and social programs.
America is founded on the Rule of Laws, Family Values, and a sound moral fabric, not mob mentalities, transgender bathrooms and 16 sexual identities.
America needs an effective and well-educated workforce, not an antiquated and overpriced school system that only serves its unions and liberal socialist universities.
America wants a return to personal liberty, personal discipline and responsibility, not a nanny state where the government (the Left) runs our lives.

In every instance the Democratic Party and Left opposes all of this. In every breath, they are taking America further and further down the wrong path of a great and autonomous leader of the world towards their agenda of America being divided up as a great hand-basket for the rest of the world to take from and squeeze dry. They only perpetuate the lie that they represent America's interests and needs through control of 90% of the media and schools, but Obama went so far, so fast, so greedy, so arrogant, that finally much of the nation has caught on and woken up.
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You can lie all you want, but the democrat party wants to ban all guns.....their leaders have said it, from hilary, to obama to feinstein.....they called for banning all Semi automatic weapons at the CNN Town hall and the rally in D.C.....and former left wing extremist Supreme Court Justice Stephens called for repealing the 2nd Amendment...You can lie all day long but your fellow left wingers keep telling us they want to ban all guns....

And the beauty of it all is that the Left is HARD COMMITTED to this agenda that America does NOT really want and America will NEVER allow all their guns to be taken away! The great thing is that the Left does not care and really cannot see, and because of that, they are forever ultimately doomed to failure.

Just as the Left lied to themselves that Hillary had it all sewn up, they lie to themselves and their followers that their agenda is what America wants, but it isn't America's agenda but their own:

America WANTS control of its borders.
America WANTS tighter immigration control.
America WANTS lower taxes and regulations.
America WANTS criminals and gangs to be dealt with effectively.
America WANTS education reforms.
America WANTS their guns left alone and real solutions to crime and violence at the cause, not the symbol.

America is about national pride and excellence, not rampant, blind, meaningless diversity.
America is an English-speaking nation with one set of values to be the first and best, not to follow others.
America is about self-actualization and liberty, not dependence and social programs.
America is founded on the Rule of Laws, Family Values, and a sound moral fabric.
America needs an effective and well-educated workforce, not an antiquated and overpriced school system that only serves its unions and liberal socialist universities.
America wants a return to personal liberty, personal discipline and responsibility, not a granny state where the government runs our lives.

In every instance the Democratic Party and Left opposes all of this. In every breath, they asre taking America further and further down the wrong path of a great and autonomous leader of the world towards their agenda of America being divided up as the great hand-basket for the rest of the world to take from and squeeze dry. They only perpetuate the lie that they represent America's interests and needs through control of 90% of the media and schools, but Obama went so far, so fast, so greedy, so arrogant, that finally much of the nation has caught on and woken up.

Any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.....
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
So, if a person declares another to be mentally unstable, you are promoting they can be banned from gun ownership? You fucking party just reversed that action for some people.

Better check with your Gods the NRA on that one,.

You don't even know what you are talking about...left wing groups fought that law.....the ACLU in fact led that fight you dumb ass....

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community. This is about more than guns. Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.

Tell it to your buddy.

So, OK, you think it is OK to sell guns to crazy people.

I get it.
Come get them liar.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.
Na, crazy people don’t know how to “cool off”...
And disarming law-abiding citizens is a fucked up answer by insane people like progressives
You can lie all you want, but the democrat party wants to ban all guns.....their leaders have said it, from hilary, to obama to feinstein.....they called for banning all Semi automatic weapons at the CNN Town hall and the rally in D.C.....and former left wing extremist Supreme Court Justice Stephens called for repealing the 2nd Amendment...You can lie all day long but your fellow left wingers keep telling us they want to ban all guns....

And the beauty of it all is that the Left is HARD COMMITTED to this agenda that America does NOT really want and America will NEVER allow all their guns to be taken away! The great thing is that the Left does not care and really cannot see, and because of that, they are forever ultimately doomed to failure.

Just as the Left lied to themselves that Hillary had it all sewn up, they lie to themselves and their followers that their agenda is what America wants, but it isn't America's agenda but their own:

America WANTS control of its borders.
America WANTS tighter immigration control.
America WANTS lower taxes and regulations.
America WANTS criminals and gangs to be dealt with effectively.
America WANTS education reforms.
America WANTS their guns left alone and real solutions to crime and violence at the cause, not the symbol.

America is about national pride and excellence, not rampant, blind, meaningless diversity.
America is an English-speaking nation with one set of values to be the first and best, not to follow others.
America is about self-actualization and liberty, not dependence and social programs.
America is founded on the Rule of Laws, Family Values, and a sound moral fabric.
America needs an effective and well-educated workforce, not an antiquated and overpriced school system that only serves its unions and liberal socialist universities.
America wants a return to personal liberty, personal discipline and responsibility, not a granny state where the government runs our lives.

In every instance the Democratic Party and Left opposes all of this. In every breath, they asre taking America further and further down the wrong path of a great and autonomous leader of the world towards their agenda of America being divided up as the great hand-basket for the rest of the world to take from and squeeze dry. They only perpetuate the lie that they represent America's interests and needs through control of 90% of the media and schools, but Obama went so far, so fast, so greedy, so arrogant, that finally much of the nation has caught on and woken up.

Any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.....
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.

Just how exactly will a Universal Background check make a bad guy unable to get a gun? They are, by definition, Bad, they really don't care if you pass another regulation or not.

So the regulation that prevents most from buying fully auto weapons had no effect on bad guys having fully auto weapons because they are, by definition, Bad, right? Oh wait.

Bulldog, you are dealing with a person that openly admits that he wants to break up the United States of America. He says it's failed and can never be fixed. Plus, he contributes to an organization funded by the Koch Brothers that is working to those ends. What you are seeing is Chaosism. It keeps things in turmoil hoping that no one will actually make things work again. Usually, there is means to the methods. Usually if the Chaos factor wins then they get to be the rulers. Guess what, some of them are already in office today. Luckily, once they get into office they get the drink of power and abandon this. But who knows.

So you are actually wasting your time arguing with an enemy of the state.
You are a delusional ol’ coot...
Careful Rustic. The dude has the DOJ on speed dial.

You can lie all you want, but the democrat party wants to ban all guns.....their leaders have said it, from hilary, to obama to feinstein.....they called for banning all Semi automatic weapons at the CNN Town hall and the rally in D.C.....and former left wing extremist Supreme Court Justice Stephens called for repealing the 2nd Amendment...You can lie all day long but your fellow left wingers keep telling us they want to ban all guns....

And the beauty of it all is that the Left is HARD COMMITTED to this agenda that America does NOT really want and America will NEVER allow all their guns to be taken away! The great thing is that the Left does not care and really cannot see, and because of that, they are forever ultimately doomed to failure.

Just as the Left lied to themselves that Hillary had it all sewn up, they lie to themselves and their followers that their agenda is what America wants, but it isn't America's agenda but their own:

America WANTS control of its borders.
America WANTS tighter immigration control.
America WANTS lower taxes and regulations.
America WANTS criminals and gangs to be dealt with effectively.
America WANTS education reforms.
America WANTS their guns left alone and real solutions to crime and violence at the cause, not the symbol.

America is about national pride and excellence, not rampant, blind, meaningless diversity.
America is an English-speaking nation with one set of values to be the first and best, not to follow others.
America is about individual self-actualization and liberty, not group dependence and social programs.
America is founded on the Rule of Laws, Family Values, and a sound moral fabric, not mob mentalities, transgender bathrooms and 16 sexual identities.
America needs an effective and well-educated workforce, not an antiquated and overpriced school system that only serves its unions and liberal socialist universities.
America wants a return to personal liberty, personal discipline and responsibility, not a nanny state where the government (the Left) runs our lives.

In every instance the Democratic Party and Left opposes all of this. In every breath, they are taking America further and further down the wrong path of a great and autonomous leader of the world towards their agenda of America being divided up as a great hand-basket for the rest of the world to take from and squeeze dry. They only perpetuate the lie that they represent America's interests and needs through control of 90% of the media and schools, but Obama went so far, so fast, so greedy, so arrogant, that finally much of the nation has caught on and woken up.
Dems want to bring in more foreigners and then give them America.

Got it. For the purposes of this conversation, you don't want to be identified as just another gun nut who has wet dreams about the day he can become the real Charles Bronson, and save the day. I don't believe you, but that doesn't matter. You prefer to be seen as someone who is so afraid of interacting with real people in real life till you think you need to be armed to join society. Most consider that flaw as being a coward.

You are confused Moon Bat

The great majority of the people that commit gun crimes in this country are inner city shthead druggies, gang members, thugs and criminals. You know, the demographics that give Democrats the majorities in the big cities.

So are you a coward gun nut too?
Asks the person who is so afraid of guns he wants no one to be able to carry one
These morons know that if they had a gun they would just start shooting people, so they don't want anyone else to have one.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.
Or they would just drive a truck with a snow plow along a busy sidewalk
Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.
Or they would just drive a truck with a snow plow along a busy sidewalk
Do you know why these monsters want to destroy the constitution? Because it was not made for amoral scumbags.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.
Or they would just drive a truck with a snow plow along a busy sidewalk

You think that is a rational response, don't you?
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.
Or they would just drive a truck with a snow plow along a busy sidewalk

You think that is a rational response, don't you?

Only if you're a rational person and realize a person hell bent on murder isn't going to be stopped if you ban a rifle
These morons know that if they had a gun they would just start shooting people, so they don't want anyone else to have one.
It is pure liberal/progressive Projection. They can't trust themselves to control their emotions, so think nobody else can. They claim everything is racist, but they are the true racists. We already have 22,000 gun laws on the books. We don't need more.
For the last time guns are not the problem psychos are
I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.
Or they would just drive a truck with a snow plow along a busy sidewalk

You think that is a rational response, don't you?

Only if you're a rational person and realize a person hell bent on murder isn't going to be stopped if you ban a rifle

They will never comprehend that..... thankfully for the rest of us most Americans do understand that gun grabbing is ghey.:113:

A guy like Bulldog...... emotions dictate everything in his thought process. Accordingly you end up missing a lot of memos. Most Americans do approach this issue rationally, the operative term being "most". Obviously.
For the last time guns are not the problem psychos are

Psycos with Guns at Schools seem to be the problem, I know. let's just ban schools. Seems to work for ISIS and the Taliban.

No...you missed the elephant and gorilla in the room....the problem is that our schools are democrat gun free zones....the exact places that mass public shooter tell us they target. How do we know...because they tell us they target them, because no one there can shoot back when they are shooting innocent people.....

What is it about these mass shooters that you just don't understand? Do some basic research, find out for yourself that these guys target democrat gun free zones, then try to understand why getting rid of democrat gun free zones will stop school shootings....

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