Enough with the gun issues Democrats.

Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Na, There is nothing reasonable about progressives ideas...
Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.
Bottom line, private gun ownership shouldn't be sold as a preventative measure against anything. Even self preservation itself is a gamble. Just asked any armed individuals at the las vegas shooting. It didnt do shit. Yet the pro gun pr machine sells the idea of good guy with a gun beats bad guy with a gun as THE solution. Just be honest for once. xD

A long distance shooter firing from a concealed and fortified position.......and then all the other mass shooters stopped by civilians with guns? Like the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian rifle who saved 26 lives and more in Texas...or the Uber driver or the psychiatrist or the other civlians who actually stopped mass shooters with their guns....
And you guys do not have reasonable restrictions...you have laws that target law abiding gun owners who do not use their guns for crime, and then each "reasonable restriction" leads to the next, "reasonable restriction" because the last "reasonable restriction" didn't stop criminals or mass shooters, so you come back for even more....

Funny how every "reasonable gun law" is always aimed at taking guns from the hands of the people not even committing crimes! Doomed to fail of course, so naturally, it can only lead to another "reasonable gun law" after yet another. With every passing gun law and every resulting failure, it just gets easier and easier to justify saying: "Oh what the hell, just ban all the guns!" Of course its not until they are all out of the hands of ordinary citizens that anyone can say even THAT didn't work---- too bad by then it is too late to get them back.
If you`re an "ordinary citizen" God help us. Who is it that`s saying ban all guns?
No one.

You can lie all you want, but the democrat party wants to ban all guns.....their leaders have said it, from hilary, to obama to feinstein.....they called for banning all Semi automatic weapons at the CNN Town hall and the rally in D.C.....and former left wing extremist Supreme Court Justice Stephens called for repealing the 2nd Amendment...

You can lie all day long but your fellow left wingers keep telling us they want to ban all guns....

Sounds like your only choice is to retreate to your compound where there is a lifetime supply of tinfoil hat material. Otherwise, those meanies are liable to take your guns.

Yep, you can't explain your fascination with background checks that will not stop criminals or mass shooters...but thanks for playing.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
So, if a person declares another to be mentally unstable, you are promoting they can be banned from gun ownership? You fucking party just reversed that action for some people.

Better check with your Gods the NRA on that one,.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.
Universal background checks is dog whistle for firearm confiscation
Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.
Bottom line, private gun ownership shouldn't be sold as a preventative measure against anything. Even self preservation itself is a gamble. Just asked any armed individuals at the las vegas shooting. It didnt do shit. Yet the pro gun pr machine sells the idea of good guy with a gun beats bad guy with a gun as THE solution. Just be honest for once. xD

A long distance shooter firing from a concealed and fortified position.......and then all the other mass shooters stopped by civilians with guns? Like the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian rifle who saved 26 lives and more in Texas...or the Uber driver or the psychiatrist or the other civlians who actually stopped mass shooters with their guns....
Because an AR-15 was absolutely the only gun that could have done that job.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.
Na, Go sell crazy somewhere else
No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.

Just how exactly will a Universal Background check make a bad guy unable to get a gun? They are, by definition, Bad, they really don't care if you pass another regulation or not.

So the regulation that prevents most from buying fully auto weapons had no effect on bad guys having fully auto weapons because they are, by definition, Bad, right? Oh wait.

Bulldog, you are dealing with a person that openly admits that he wants to break up the United States of America. He says it's failed and can never be fixed. Plus, he contributes to an organization funded by the Koch Brothers that is working to those ends. What you are seeing is Chaosism. It keeps things in turmoil hoping that no one will actually make things work again. Usually, there is means to the methods. Usually if the Chaos factor wins then they get to be the rulers. Guess what, some of them are already in office today. Luckily, once they get into office they get the drink of power and abandon this. But who knows.

So you are actually wasting your time arguing with an enemy of the state.
You are a delusional ol’ coot...
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
So, if a person declares another to be mentally unstable, you are promoting they can be banned from gun ownership? You fucking party just reversed that action for some people.

Better check with your Gods the NRA on that one,.

You don't even know what you are talking about...left wing groups fought that law.....the ACLU in fact led that fight you dumb ass....

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community. This is about more than guns. Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.
Na, Go sell crazy somewhere else

Obviously as you already own enough.
So when will one of you tell us what reasonable restrictions you want?

I've told you at least a dozen times that universal background checks would be a good start. You having trouble with your short term memory?

And you still haven't explained why that is considering that criminals use straw buyer to avoid current federally mandated background checks, which means they will use straw buyers if they want to buy a gun from a private citizen and pass that background check too....or they steal the guns, which gets past all background checks...

So what your fascination with background checks is, is a mystery.......

Of course, the brains behind the anti gun movement want universal checks for one reason only, they want universal gun registration, which they will need to later ban and confiscate guns....

Yadda Yadda Yadda.

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.
Bottom line, private gun ownership shouldn't be sold as a preventative measure against anything. Even self preservation itself is a gamble. Just asked any armed individuals at the las vegas shooting. It didnt do shit. Yet the pro gun pr machine sells the idea of good guy with a gun beats bad guy with a gun as THE solution. Just be honest for once. xD

A long distance shooter firing from a concealed and fortified position.......and then all the other mass shooters stopped by civilians with guns? Like the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian rifle who saved 26 lives and more in Texas...or the Uber driver or the psychiatrist or the other civlians who actually stopped mass shooters with their guns....
Because an AR-15 was absolutely the only gun that could have done that job.
Na, not silly fuckers like yourself know nothing of firearms

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.
Bottom line, private gun ownership shouldn't be sold as a preventative measure against anything. Even self preservation itself is a gamble. Just asked any armed individuals at the las vegas shooting. It didnt do shit. Yet the pro gun pr machine sells the idea of good guy with a gun beats bad guy with a gun as THE solution. Just be honest for once. xD

A long distance shooter firing from a concealed and fortified position.......and then all the other mass shooters stopped by civilians with guns? Like the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian rifle who saved 26 lives and more in Texas...or the Uber driver or the psychiatrist or the other civlians who actually stopped mass shooters with their guns....
Because an AR-15 was absolutely the only gun that could have done that job.

It did the trick and ended the threat.....he grabbed it, knowing he was facing a shooter...in the real world, you carry a pistol on the off chance you might encounter a democrat thug....... when you know you actually have to fight a bad guy, you take a rifle...

You don't understand this because you are a left wing extremist.....
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
So, if a person declares another to be mentally unstable, you are promoting they can be banned from gun ownership? You fucking party just reversed that action for some people.

Better check with your Gods the NRA on that one,.

You don't even know what you are talking about...left wing groups fought that law.....the ACLU in fact led that fight you dumb ass....

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community. This is about more than guns. Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.

Tell it to your buddy.

So, OK, you think it is OK to sell guns to crazy people.

I get it.
So when will one of you tell us what reasonable restrictions you want?

I've told you at least a dozen times that universal background checks would be a good start. You having trouble with your short term memory?

And you still haven't explained why that is considering that criminals use straw buyer to avoid current federally mandated background checks, which means they will use straw buyers if they want to buy a gun from a private citizen and pass that background check too....or they steal the guns, which gets past all background checks...

So what your fascination with background checks is, is a mystery.......

Of course, the brains behind the anti gun movement want universal checks for one reason only, they want universal gun registration, which they will need to later ban and confiscate guns....

Yadda Yadda Yadda.

Yes...you have no answer.....and that is the best you can do.... you really are a loser....
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
So, if a person declares another to be mentally unstable, you are promoting they can be banned from gun ownership? You fucking party just reversed that action for some people.

Better check with your Gods the NRA on that one,.

You don't even know what you are talking about...left wing groups fought that law.....the ACLU in fact led that fight you dumb ass....

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community. This is about more than guns. Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.

Tell it to your buddy.

So, OK, you think it is OK to sell guns to crazy people.

I get it.

Yes..... I showed you the ACLU led the fight against taking the Civil Rights away from mentally ill people who aren't dangerous.... so now you have to hide your embarrassment.... you really are pathetic.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.

No....guns make it easier for innocent people to fight off violent attackers.....often more than one at a time, more than likely armed with knives, clubs or even illegal guns..... that is, of course, after the democrats let them out of jail, over and over again....
Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
Firearms have no control over people shit for brains

Firearms make it a lot easier for crazies to kill others and themselves. Without a gun handy, lots of killers would cool off before they did something stupid.

No....guns make it easier for innocent people to fight off violent attackers.....often more than one at a time, more than likely armed with knives, clubs or even illegal guns..... that is, of course, after the democrats let them out of jail, over and over again....

How often do you have to fight off multiple violent attackers who have guns, knives, and clubs? You should stay out of those places.

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