Enough with the gun issues Democrats.

Yes, some background checks are done, but only for licensed dealers.

Wrong, the majority of all guns are purchased with background checks.....and selling private property does not require a background check....

And, of course, the criminals use straw buyers who can pass any background check, and mass shooters can already pass any background check....

So what is your fascination with background checks?

Yadda, yadda, yadda. You have no idea how many guns are sold without background checks. There are no records, and there is no way to know.

Equally, neither do you, yet you appear all freaked out about an unknown?


You display perfect gun nut logic. The claim was made that the majority of all guns are purchased with background checks. How can that determination be made when there is no indication of how many are bought without background checks?

From actually talking to criminals in jail....who state they get their guns from friends and family who buy them with background checks...since the criminals don't like private sales because they are afraid the seller may be a fed or a cop.
Several of the cons where I worked told me they had gotten caught with stolen guns, and would never do it again! lol!
Did an armed civilian stop the shooter in Vegas? Do you know of another mass shooting target that the church shooter was going to? Was he going to do two seperate mass shootings that day?
Funny that gun nuts have been claiming for years that they need to be armed 24/7 to prevent mass shootings, but the only thing that you can point to is this one case where the mass shooting was already over.

The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING TO DO with self defense.

What part of "The RIGHT to bear Arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" can you not comprehend?

You have the Right NOT to be armed. I suggest it.


Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.
Right troll, we have a gun fetish just like you have a free speech fetish.

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.

He had finished his attack and was trying to escape. No armed citizen has ever stopped an active mass shooting in the US.

You think attacks only happen inside buildings then? Those folks in Vegas will be glad to know that they never really died.

AND, I've made BD into a troll!

I love this country

Did an armed civilian stop the shooter in Vegas? Do you know of another mass shooting target that the church shooter was going to? Was he going to do two seperate mass shootings that day?
Funny that gun nuts have been claiming for years that they need to be armed 24/7 to prevent mass shootings, but the only thing that you can point to is this one case where the mass shooting was already over.

Moron....you asshats have made almost every inch of public space democrat gun free zones...which means normal gun owners can't carry their guns in Waffle Houses, schools, and other targeted areas by mass shooters.....

You have been given a list of mass shooters stopped by armed citizens......the Vegas guy was firing from long range from a concealed and fortified position, you numb nuts....

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.

He had finished his attack and was trying to escape. No armed citizen has ever stopped an active mass shooting in the US.

You think attacks only happen inside buildings then? Those folks in Vegas will be glad to know that they never really died.

AND, I've made BD into a troll!

I love this country

Did an armed civilian stop the shooter in Vegas? Do you know of another mass shooting target that the church shooter was going to? Was he going to do two seperate mass shootings that day?
Funny that gun nuts have been claiming for years that they need to be armed 24/7 to prevent mass shootings, but the only thing that you can point to is this one case where the mass shooting was already over.

Armed civilians did stop another long range shooter.....because back when they stopped him, they had their rifles in their cars....you moron...nothing you have said about guns in the United States is even remotely true or accurate....in any way...yet you keep posting as if you have something relevant to add....

The Texas Tower Shooter.....

The Armed Civilian Who Helped Stop UT’s Tower Sniper 50 Years Ago

“You’re damn right we’re playing for keeps,” Martinez later recalled answering.

“Well, you better deputize me,” the man said.

Then, it was clear. The man with Martinez wasn’t a plainclothes officer. He was a civilian — Allen Crum, one of many who armed themselves on Aug. 1, 1966, in an effort to stop the first mass shooting at an American university.

Regular people from all over Austin had grabbed their guns from their trucks or homes that day and rushed to campus to fire at Whitman from the ground. Their bullets pelted the tower, kicking up clouds of limestone. At times, witnesses said, the campus felt like a war zone, but with armed frat boys and hunting enthusiasts instead of soldiers.

It was in essence what gun rights activists would yearn for decades later whenever a new mass shooting shocked the nation — multiple “good guys with guns” trying to end the violence. That kind of thinking helped inspire state legislators to pass a law in 2015 allowing people to take guns into university buildings in Texas. The law goes into effect Aug. 1, exactly 50 years after Whitman’s rampage.


Eye witness accounts of civilians with rifles stopping whitman...

96 Minutes

CLIF DRUMMOND was a senior and the student body president. He is a high-tech executive in Austin.
Students with deer rifles were leaning up against telephone poles, using the pole, which is rather narrow, as their shield. And they were firing like crazy back at the Tower.

FORREST PREECE was a junior. A retired advertising executive, he lives in Austin.
I saw two guys in white shirts and slacks running across the lawn of the Pi Phi house, hustling up to its porch with rifles at the ready. Someone was yelling, “Keep down, man. Keep down!”

BRENDA BELL: I don’t know where these vigilantes came from, but they took over Parlin Hall and were crashing around, firing guns. There was massive testosterone.

J. M. COETZEE was a Ph.D. candidate in English literature and linguistics. A novelist who won the 2003 Nobel Prize for literature, he lives in Adelaide, Australia.
I hadn’t fully comprehended that lots of people around me in Austin not only owned guns but had them close at hand and regarded themselves as free to use them.

BILL HELMER: I remember thinking, “All we need is a bunch of idiots running around with rifles.” But what they did turned out to be brilliant. Once he could no longer lean over the edge and fire, he was much more limited in what he could do. He had to shoot through those drain spouts, or he had to pop up real fast and then dive down again. That’s why he did most of his damage in the first twenty minutes.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.
Snag is, no one advocates for ‘banning’ guns.

Rather than guessing what people are thinking, listen instead to what they’re actually saying.

Gun Control Advocates Do Want To Take Away Your Guns — Just Ask John Paul Stevens
Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.

What is a
gun nut"? ANYONE who owns a gun? jackass.

What the FUCK are you babbling about?
MANY people stop violent crimes EVERY DAY with firearms....both civilian AND Police AND Military.

People can claim whatever lawful justification they want.
Who the fuck are you to tell people how to feel?

I own guns, but I'm not a gun nut. A gun nut is anyone who refuses to accept the fact that reasonable restrictions are a good thing. Especially those Rambo wannabees who are so afraid of life till they think they have to be armed every minute of every day, or they won't go out their front door.
Oh my god. Are you gonna join that 2guy idiot, and claim that England gun crime is as bad or worse than it is here? I thought you were smart enough to see that for the bullshit that it is.

The crime rate in England is higher than much of America.

No it's not. We have thousands of gun related deaths, and they have a few dozen. They have such small numbers till just a few will kick their percentages up pretty quick, but the bottom line is our gun related death rate is drastically higher than theirs. Use your brain instead of parroting more crazy talking points.

Criminals in Britain didn't murder as many people when they were allowed to own guns and after they banned and confiscated guns, their gun crime and murder rates went up.....their gun crime rates are still going up, their gun murder rates leveled off, but didn't go below where they were before they banned guns....

Nothing you posted is accurate....Britain is more violent than the United States......

Population didn't get smaller either. More people, more crime. England has a handfull of gun related deaths. We have several thousand in the same time frame. We should do what they are doing.

Yes...I get it, you don't understand....... their gun murder rate did not change after they banned and confiscated guns even when their population numbers went up....their gun control laws had no effect on their gun murder rate...... and now, their over all gun crime rate is going up, and their gun shooting rate is going up....their violent crime rate is going through the roof............meaning their gun control laws are not lowering their gun crime.

Meanwhile, here in the states...as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate is going down...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

I've already seen your cut and past skills many times. Consider new material.
Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.

What is a
gun nut"? ANYONE who owns a gun? jackass.

What the FUCK are you babbling about?
MANY people stop violent crimes EVERY DAY with firearms....both civilian AND Police AND Military.

People can claim whatever lawful justification they want.
Who the fuck are you to tell people how to feel?

I own guns, but I'm not a gun nut. A gun nut is anyone who refuses to accept the fact that reasonable restrictions are a good thing. Especially those Rambo wannabees who are so afraid of life till they think they have to be armed every minute of every day, or they won't go out their front door.
The only fact here is that you liars never will state your reasonable restrictions!
Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.

What is a
gun nut"? ANYONE who owns a gun? jackass.

What the FUCK are you babbling about?
MANY people stop violent crimes EVERY DAY with firearms....both civilian AND Police AND Military.

People can claim whatever lawful justification they want.
Who the fuck are you to tell people how to feel?

I own guns, but I'm not a gun nut. A gun nut is anyone who refuses to accept the fact that reasonable restrictions are a good thing. Especially those Rambo wannabees who are so afraid of life till they think they have to be armed every minute of every day, or they won't go out their front door.

And you guys do not have reasonable restrictions...you have laws that target law abiding gun owners who do not use their guns for crime, and then each "reasonable restriction" leads to the next, "reasonable restriction" because the last "reasonable restriction" didn't stop criminals or mass shooters, so you come back for even more....
So when will one of you tell us what reasonable restrictions you want?
So when will one of you tell us what reasonable restrictions you want?

No...don't you see.....when he says "reasonable restrictions," that is the end of the argument...that accomplishes smearing us as being unreasonable, allows him to feel superior, and that is supposed to be the end of the discussion.....if he actually stated these restrictions, then they can be questioned and revealed as being both silly and unreasonable.....and ineffective.....
Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.

What is a
gun nut"? ANYONE who owns a gun? jackass.

What the FUCK are you babbling about?
MANY people stop violent crimes EVERY DAY with firearms....both civilian AND Police AND Military.

People can claim whatever lawful justification they want.
Who the fuck are you to tell people how to feel?

I own guns, but I'm not a gun nut. A gun nut is anyone who refuses to accept the fact that reasonable restrictions are a good thing. Especially those Rambo wannabees who are so afraid of life till they think they have to be armed every minute of every day, or they won't go out their front door.

And you guys do not have reasonable restrictions...you have laws that target law abiding gun owners who do not use their guns for crime, and then each "reasonable restriction" leads to the next, "reasonable restriction" because the last "reasonable restriction" didn't stop criminals or mass shooters, so you come back for even more....

Funny how every "reasonable gun law" is always aimed at taking guns from the hands of the people not even committing crimes! Doomed to fail of course, so naturally, it can only lead to another "reasonable gun law" after yet another. With every passing gun law and every resulting failure, it just gets easier and easier to justify saying: "Oh what the hell, just ban all the guns!" Of course its not until they are all out of the hands of ordinary citizens that anyone can say even THAT didn't work---- too bad by then it is too late to get them back.
Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.

What is a
gun nut"? ANYONE who owns a gun? jackass.

What the FUCK are you babbling about?
MANY people stop violent crimes EVERY DAY with firearms....both civilian AND Police AND Military.

People can claim whatever lawful justification they want.
Who the fuck are you to tell people how to feel?

I own guns, but I'm not a gun nut. A gun nut is anyone who refuses to accept the fact that reasonable restrictions are a good thing. Especially those Rambo wannabees who are so afraid of life till they think they have to be armed every minute of every day, or they won't go out their front door.
We'v seen reasonable restriction in other issues. Once you give that worthless gov't a foot in they've got a law against it.
Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.

What is a
gun nut"? ANYONE who owns a gun? jackass.

What the FUCK are you babbling about?
MANY people stop violent crimes EVERY DAY with firearms....both civilian AND Police AND Military.

People can claim whatever lawful justification they want.
Who the fuck are you to tell people how to feel?

I own guns, but I'm not a gun nut. A gun nut is anyone who refuses to accept the fact that reasonable restrictions are a good thing. Especially those Rambo wannabees who are so afraid of life till they think they have to be armed every minute of every day, or they won't go out their front door.

And you guys do not have reasonable restrictions...you have laws that target law abiding gun owners who do not use their guns for crime, and then each "reasonable restriction" leads to the next, "reasonable restriction" because the last "reasonable restriction" didn't stop criminals or mass shooters, so you come back for even more....

Funny how every "reasonable gun law" is always aimed at taking guns from the hands of the people not even committing crimes! Doomed to fail of course, so naturally, it can only lead to another "reasonable gun law" after yet another. With every passing gun law and every resulting failure, it just gets easier and easier to justify saying: "Oh what the hell, just ban all the guns!" Of course its not until they are all out of the hands of ordinary citizens that anyone can say even THAT didn't work---- too bad by then it is too late to get them back.
If you`re an "ordinary citizen" God help us. Who is it that`s saying ban all guns?
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.

Lumping "urban gun violence and mass shootings together" is idiotic, they are, by definition two completely different things.

So let's lump car accidents with mass murders by car, so limiting cars to a top speed of 25mph is you're answer? Would seem to be.
How about "people getting shot dead who didn't want to and didn't antagonize." Guns are tools to kill -full stop- and the abuse of them where ever it may be is the problem.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Randomly check? Troubled teens are fairly obvious. However, the last thing this government would ever spend money aiding is a troubled teen. Aiding troubled young people, or young people with vast potential for education are things the 'Conservatives' just don't do.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.
And if all they could get were the guns that were common in my youth, they could shoot five, and then have to reload. The guns of today, such as the AR, are built for maximum efficiency in killing people. They are not hunting rifles.
So when will one of you tell us what reasonable restrictions you want?

I've told you at least a dozen times that universal background checks would be a good start. You having trouble with your short term memory?
Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.
Snag is, no one advocates for ‘banning’ guns.

Rather than guessing what people are thinking, listen instead to what they’re actually saying.
You made me laugh now lets get serious. When they get their on the issue at hand that will open the door to banning gun. Be truthful in your dishonesty
You are the dishonest son of a bitch in this conversation. The debate at present is the place in our society of weapons of war. And assholes like you are going to lose. The younger generations want nothing to do with your insane fetishes.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.

Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.
Bottom line, private gun ownership shouldn't be sold as a preventative measure against anything. Even self preservation itself is a gamble. Just asked any armed individuals at the las vegas shooting. It didnt do shit. Yet the pro gun pr machine sells the idea of good guy with a gun beats bad guy with a gun as THE solution. Just be honest for once. xD

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