Enough with the gun issues Democrats.

Why do the loons keep puking out back ground checks? They already do back ground checks.

Yes, some background checks are done, but only for licensed dealers.

Wrong, the majority of all guns are purchased with background checks.....and selling private property does not require a background check....

And, of course, the criminals use straw buyers who can pass any background check, and mass shooters can already pass any background check....

So what is your fascination with background checks?

Yadda, yadda, yadda. You have no idea how many guns are sold without background checks. There are no records, and there is no way to know.

Equally, neither do you, yet you appear all freaked out about an unknown?


You display perfect gun nut logic. The claim was made that the majority of all guns are purchased with background checks. How can that determination be made when there is no indication of how many are bought without background checks?

I don't know, but you are the one claiming the lack of some sort of background check in gun purchases is a real and present danger.

Doesn't keep me up at night worried, but it obviously does you. So, that being the case, give us the information that scares the shit out of you. Maybe we can help calm your nerves so you can sleep better.

Always willing to help.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.

Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.

He had finished his attack and was trying to escape. No armed citizen has ever stopped an active mass shooting in the US.
So the regulation that prevents most from buying fully auto weapons had no effect on bad guys having fully auto weapons because they are, by definition, Bad, right? Oh wait.

You'll have to present evidence of a bad guy wanting a full auto before that can be discussed.

Don't be silly.

You got nothing? Didn't think so. You know that they exist, right? Why don't they get used.

It's a mystery, ain't it?

Yes, they exist. Why do you think BAD guys don't use them?

Interview them and get back to me.

Run Forest Run!!!!
You'll have to present evidence of a bad guy wanting a full auto before that can be discussed.

Don't be silly.

You got nothing? Didn't think so. You know that they exist, right? Why don't they get used.

It's a mystery, ain't it?

Yes, they exist. Why do you think BAD guys don't use them?

Interview them and get back to me.

Run Forest Run!!!!

I see you still have not provided evidence to back up your sill notions.
Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.

He had finished his attack and was trying to escape. No armed citizen has ever stopped an active mass shooting in the US.

You think attacks only happen inside buildings then? Those folks in Vegas will be glad to know that they never really died.

AND, I've made BD into a troll!

I love this country
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

A test for mental stability. So you think you can predict future actions? You can have a hundred people deemed not mentally stable for various reasons and not one of them will buy a gun and shoot up a school. You can have the guy who shot out of that tower in Nevada down at the concert goers, he was a successful, rich businessman with no signs of mental issues. Killed a whole bunch of people. What is the test for that? To catch most of the people who will serially kill with guns, you'd have to unfairly restrict 90% of the innocent population. So it all still comes back to just getting us back to a saner, simpler world, ie., getting all of the bullshit, idiotic, progressive politically correct politics out of our culture that has wrought so much mental illness upon us.
Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.

He had finished his attack and was trying to escape. No armed citizen has ever stopped an active mass shooting in the US.

You think attacks only happen inside buildings then? Those folks in Vegas will be glad to know that they never really died.

AND, I've made BD into a troll!

I love this country

Did an armed civilian stop the shooter in Vegas? Do you know of another mass shooting target that the church shooter was going to? Was he going to do two seperate mass shootings that day?
Funny that gun nuts have been claiming for years that they need to be armed 24/7 to prevent mass shootings, but the only thing that you can point to is this one case where the mass shooting was already over.
Did an armed civilian stop the shooter in Vegas? Do you know of another mass shooting target that the church shooter was going to? Was he going to do two seperate mass shootings that day?
Funny that gun nuts have been claiming for years that they need to be armed 24/7 to prevent mass shootings, but the only thing that you can point to is this one case where the mass shooting was already over.

The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING TO DO with self defense.

What part of "The RIGHT to bear Arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" can you not comprehend?

You have the Right NOT to be armed. I suggest it.

Did an armed civilian stop the shooter in Vegas? Do you know of another mass shooting target that the church shooter was going to? Was he going to do two seperate mass shootings that day?
Funny that gun nuts have been claiming for years that they need to be armed 24/7 to prevent mass shootings, but the only thing that you can point to is this one case where the mass shooting was already over.

The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING TO DO with self defense.

What part of "The RIGHT to bear Arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" can you not comprehend?

You have the Right NOT to be armed. I suggest it.


Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.
Then you gun nuts need to stop claiming that as justification for your gun fettish.

What is a
gun nut"? ANYONE who owns a gun? jackass.

What the FUCK are you babbling about?
MANY people stop violent crimes EVERY DAY with firearms....both civilian AND Police AND Military.

People can claim whatever lawful justification they want.
Who the fuck are you to tell people how to feel?
I don't give a damn if your fetish is licking your boyfriends balls as long as I don't have to see that shit.

As long as people have "Gun Fetishes" and they're not bothering anyone what concern of yours is it?

Guns serve GOOD purposes and people sometimes use them for BAD purposes. Human nature.
You're not going to change human nature and since gun ownership is a United States of America CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.....your constant whining, crying and babbling over other peoples rights seems childish at best.
Oh, but I am. :)

Oh my god. Are you gonna join that 2guy idiot, and claim that England gun crime is as bad or worse than it is here? I thought you were smart enough to see that for the bullshit that it is.

The crime rate in England is higher than much of America.

No it's not. We have thousands of gun related deaths, and they have a few dozen. They have such small numbers till just a few will kick their percentages up pretty quick, but the bottom line is our gun related death rate is drastically higher than theirs. Use your brain instead of parroting more crazy talking points.

Criminals in Britain didn't murder as many people when they were allowed to own guns and after they banned and confiscated guns, their gun crime and murder rates went up.....their gun crime rates are still going up, their gun murder rates leveled off, but didn't go below where they were before they banned guns....

Nothing you posted is accurate....Britain is more violent than the United States......

Population didn't get smaller either. More people, more crime. England has a handfull of gun related deaths. We have several thousand in the same time frame. We should do what they are doing.

Yes...I get it, you don't understand....... their gun murder rate did not change after they banned and confiscated guns even when their population numbers went up....their gun control laws had no effect on their gun murder rate...... and now, their over all gun crime rate is going up, and their gun shooting rate is going up....their violent crime rate is going through the roof............meaning their gun control laws are not lowering their gun crime.

Meanwhile, here in the states...as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun crime rate, our gun murder rate and our violent crime rate is going down...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.

Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes.....lots of times...and considering that you guys have made almost every inch of public space gun free zones for law abiding people.....it is amazing they have their guns on them this often......

The Texas Church Shooting where the NRA instructor used his AR-15 civilian rifle to stop the shooter from murdering the 26 wounded survivors for one...since the police never showed up at that crime scene......

Then, these church shootings...

Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver TheDenverChannel.com ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)
Psychiatrist v. patient with gun, in gun free zone


No guns: 41 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Texas church shooting (26 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Texas church...NRA instructor with AR-15 rifle saved 26 + lives

hospital shooting, Psychiatrist brought gun into gun free zone, ( 1 dead) stopped shooter.

Then these...

Deputies: Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense

According to deputies, Parangan pulled out a handgun and fired multiple shots at Pastor Terry Howell, who took out his own weapon and fired back, striking Parangan.

Howell was not injured, but Parangan was taken to Osceola Regional Medical Center in critical condition.

Deputies said several church employees witnessed the incident and gave similar statements.

this Psychiatrist was not an off duty cop.....

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

This Uber driver is not a cop....

An Uber driver with a concealed handgun prevented a mass shooting in Chicago

A driver with the ride-hailing service Uber put a stop to a potential mass shooting in Chicago over the weekend.

Here's the Chicago Tribune, citing Assistant State's Attorney Barry Quinn:

A group of people had been walking in front of the driver around 11:50 p.m. in the 2900 block of North Milwaukee Avenue when Everardo Custodio, 22, began firing into the crowd, Quinn said.

The driver pulled out a handgun and fired six shots at Custodio, hitting him several times, according to court records. Responding officers found Custodio lying on the ground, bleeding, Quinn said. No other injuries were reported.

The Orlando night club shooter....faced 300 unarmed people and killed 49...this shooter was shot by a concealed carry permit holder....at a night club two weeks after Orlando...


This past Sunday, exactly two weeks to the day after the Pulse attack, there was a mass shooting outside a night club in South Carolina. I’m sure you haven’t heard about it, and for two good reasons. The first reason is that the attempted murderer was unsuccessful in killing any of his victims. The second reason is because the attempted murderer was stopped by a concealed carrier at the club drawing his weapon and putting a bullet into the bad guy.

And then this list....there may be duplicates...

UPDATED: Compiling Cases where concealed handgun permit holders have stopped mass public shootings and other mass attacks - Crime Prevention Research Center

Rockledge, Florida, November 24, 2017 (Florida Today, WFTV.com in Orlando)

Two concealed handgun permit holders stopped an attack at Schlenker Automotive repair shop at 4:30 PM on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The attacker, Robert Bailey, was armed with a .45-caliber handgun and “multiple magazines” and killed one person and severely wounded another in the business’ parking lot. Bailey continued shooting inside the shop. From Florida Today:

Two other workers — both concealed weapons permit holders — confronted the gunman and engaged in a shootout that left the suspect wounded. Bailey continues to recover at Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne. . . .

Video here from WFTV stated: The police say this could have been even worse.” “This business was packed today with customers and employees,” noted Karen Parks, a reporter at the scene. Parks also reported that the police referred to the permit holder as a “good samaritan.”

According to news reports, Bailey had no connection to the auto shop. Indeed, he didn’t even own a car. It appears as if Bailey had selected this target simply to kill people.

Arlington, Texas, May 3, 2017 (Dallas Morning News)

This attack was stopped before more than one person was killed. Yet, the police spokesman made it clear that the concealed handgun permit holder “prevented further loss of life” and that the killer was “shooting at the front door” at the customers who were fleeing the restaurant. The headline on the Dallas Morning News story was: “‘Hero’ stopped mass murder by crazed bar patron who was armed to the teeth, police say.” Emphasis added in quotes below.

A concealed carry holder is being heralded as a “hero” by Arlington police for preventing mass murder by killing an “incoherent” gunman at a bar Wednesday evening.

Before he was shot about 6:15 p.m., the gunman killed the manager of Zona Caliente in the 6500 block of South Cooper Street, police spokesman Christopher Cook said.

Police later identified the gunman as 48-year-old James Jones of Grand Prairie and the victim as 37-year-old Cesar Perez of Duncanville. The man who killed Jones has not been identified.

Authorities later found two loaded guns and two knives on Jones, Cook said Thursday.

“We do believe he had the capacity to do much greater harm,” Cook said.

“After he was struck once, the suspect started shooting at the front door,” Cook told the Arlington Voice. “We know people were trying to escape, but we’re not sure if he was just trying to harm others.”

More than a dozen customers and a handful of employees were in the sports bar at the time of the shooting.

Cook said the customer, who was dining with his wife, “prevented further loss of life.” . . .
Why do the loons keep puking out back ground checks? They already do back ground checks.

Yes, some background checks are done, but only for licensed dealers.

Wrong, the majority of all guns are purchased with background checks.....and selling private property does not require a background check....

And, of course, the criminals use straw buyers who can pass any background check, and mass shooters can already pass any background check....

So what is your fascination with background checks?

Yadda, yadda, yadda. You have no idea how many guns are sold without background checks. There are no records, and there is no way to know.

Yes...we do, because we know the criminals who use their guns and are caught tell us how they got the gun....straw buyers.....and we know that mass shooters pass all of their background checks, and the ones who can't, steal their guns........and from research with criminals in prison we know they use friends and family who can pass background checks to buy their guns...

And again....what is your fascination with Background Checks? Since they don't stop criminals or mass shooters?
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.

Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

Well...you have been shown actual testimony from a survivor from inside the church who states the killer was still walking around executing the wounded when the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian rifle called out to the killer in the church, drawing him out.....you likely have been shown the interview with the NRA instructor on the Andrew Klavan podcast or the Stephen Crowder podcast where he states he heard shots going off as he approached the church......

So, that you continue to say the guy was outside of the church when he wasn't shows either you don't know what you are talking about, or you are lying, like most anti gunners ....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
Why do the loons keep puking out back ground checks? They already do back ground checks.

Yes, some background checks are done, but only for licensed dealers.

Wrong, the majority of all guns are purchased with background checks.....and selling private property does not require a background check....

And, of course, the criminals use straw buyers who can pass any background check, and mass shooters can already pass any background check....

So what is your fascination with background checks?

Yadda, yadda, yadda. You have no idea how many guns are sold without background checks. There are no records, and there is no way to know.

Equally, neither do you, yet you appear all freaked out about an unknown?


You display perfect gun nut logic. The claim was made that the majority of all guns are purchased with background checks. How can that determination be made when there is no indication of how many are bought without background checks?

From actually talking to criminals in jail....who state they get their guns from friends and family who buy them with background checks...since the criminals don't like private sales because they are afraid the seller may be a fed or a cop.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.

Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

Well...you have been shown actual testimony from a survivor from inside the church who states the killer was still walking around executing the wounded when the NRA instructor with his AR-15 civilian rifle called out to the killer in the church, drawing him out.....you likely have been shown the interview with the NRA instructor on the Andrew Klavan podcast or the Stephen Crowder podcast where he states he heard shots going off as he approached the church......

So, that you continue to say the guy was outside of the church when he wasn't shows either you don't know what you are talking about, or you are lying, like most anti gunners ....

'Be quiet! It's him!' Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot - CNN

As the massacre continued, Ramirez made eye contact with Annabelle Pomeroy -- the 14-year-old daughter of the church's pastor. She was crying for help, Ramirez told KSAT.
Realizing Annabelle might get shot, Ramirez motioned with his finger for her to stay quiet. It didn't work. Annabelle was killed.

The gunman eventually made his way to the back pew, where Brown's mother was hiding, "and started shooting the lady next to her multiple times," Brown said.

Brown's mother was certain she would be next, "and her life was about to end."

"Then somebody with a gun showed up at the front of the church (and) caught the shooter's attention," Brown said. "And he left, and that was the end of the ordeal."
He's using a highly visible and easily remedied trick called making a fool of himself.
Mass shootings aren't prevalent, they just get coverage because the anti gunners in the media want to ban guns.....and what about Americans using guns to stop crime...

According to the CDC, 2.4 million times a year....gun murder? 11,004 in 2016...can you tell which number is bigger?

The worst mass shooting didn't beat a muslim in a rental truck.....58 in Vegas shooting, 86 in the rental truck murder in Nice, France.

Has an armed civilian ever stopped a mass shooting in the US?

Yes, Texas church shooting

'Hero' exchanged fire with gunman, then helped chase him down - CNN

The shooter was already outside the church before the guy showed up. He did chase him, and might have been the reason the shooter shot himself, but he didn't stop the church shooting. It was already over.

From your link
View attachment 190774

What the hell would make even the biggest simpleton think that, just because he left the chuch he was no longer a danger? This HERO drew fire and possible saved many others from the maniac.

Good Lord.

He had finished his attack and was trying to escape. No armed citizen has ever stopped an active mass shooting in the US.

Are you this fucking stupid....? There are lists available and I just posted one...as well as the account of the Texas church shooting that says you are wrong, since the shooter was executing the wounded when the NRA instructor with his AR-15 rifle called out to him and drew him out of the church...

Forum List
