Enough with the gun issues Democrats.

How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.

Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:

No. You're not right.

Oh, but I am. :)
I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.

Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:

No. You're not right.

Oh, but I am. :)

Oh my god. Are you gonna join that 2guy idiot, and claim that England gun crime is as bad or worse than it is here? I thought you were smart enough to see that for the bullshit that it is.
Not at all true, most of these shooters were on SSRI antidepressants.

These are linked to most shootings.

From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?

Gun bans and restrictions will not end these shootings. Removing these drugs, especially from our youth will.

But that ain’t sexy, and won’t win votes.

So I guess we just let the killing go on.
I agree those meds never were the right approach

I’ve got a thread going in current events. List many of the mass shooters and which antidepressant(s) they were on, and it doesn’t list all that were.

It’s amazing just how many were on them. Even more amazing is that people on them are 50% more likely to be convicted of a violent crime then the general public. Of those with the same clinical diagnosis, but chose a different treatment? Almost zero violent crime arrests.

Time to fact check those statements. Fun ain't it.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #1568: Selwyn Duke

Is this your source?

I see.

So Newtown Shootings: A Caution About Violence and SSRIs

psychology today is probably not good either?

Or: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

The British Medical Journal?

Or: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Scientific America?

You've got quite a conspiracy theory going Bubba

Thank you for bringing that up. According to one of your sources, (the other doesn't really say a whole lot about anything relating to this discussion) it's young women that are 4 to 5 times more likely to become violent when on depressants than men. Yet only one woman has been involved in the modern mass shootings and then it was a terrorist act not a mass shooting (there IS a difference which we can discuss later if you can keep your sanity level in check). If antidepressants were the cause then women would be involved at a higher rate. They aren't. And there are a hell of a lot of depressed women out there. Trying to place a medical reason on criminal behavior is just going to give you a headache. Criminals are unbalanced in the Morals and Ethics department. The only way to stop them is to isolate them in some way like lock them up or terminate them. Most mass shooters know that they aren't going to make it but that's part of the charm. They are going for the Record. And as of now, the US all time Record is 58. It's nothing personal, they probably don't know the people or even care about them one way or another. I hope you don't completely understand this. IF it doesn't excite you then we won't worry about you so much. If it does, please check your self into the nearest booby hatch fast.

What little compassion you show for, not just the mass shooting victims, but your fellow soldiers (you know, the ones that paid the price for your freedom).

To the links: SSRI Antidepressant Drug Induced Suicide in the Military - Jeffrey Dach MD


“Controlled clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and clinical reports confirm that the SSRIs and other stimulating antidepressants cause suicidality, aggression, and mania in children and adults of all ages. Young adults aged 18 to 24 (the age of many soldiers) may be especially at risk for antidepressant-induced suicidality. There is a strong probability that the increasing suicide rates among active-duty soldiers are in part caused or exacerbated by the widespread prescription of antidepressant medication. By themselves, these drugs cause a dangerous stimulant-like profile of adverse reactions. These symptoms of activation can combine adversely with similar PTSD symptoms found so commonly in soldiers during and after combat. The military should study the relationship between psychiatric drug treatment and suicide as well as random or personal violence. The military should rely on the psychological and educational programs that are currently in use and under development for preventing suicide and ameliorating stress among service members (e.g., Department of Defense, 2010).
Antidepressants should be avoided in the treatment of military personnel ” endquote.

And this: https://www.pharmaceutical-journal....l-thoughts-in-healthy-adults/20201834.article

"Writing in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine[1], the team says: “We found that antidepressants double the risk of suicidality and violence, and it is particularly interesting that the volunteers in the studies we reviewed were healthy adults with no signs of a mental disorder.”

The researchers say their results suggest that it is likely that antidepressants increase the number of suicides in people of all ages and warn that their risk calculation may be an underestimate because they were unable to access data from 2 of the 13 relevant trials identified.

The findings are based on the results of 13 double-blind, placebo-controlled trials involving the following antidepressants: citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline or venlafaxine.

The researchers say that the analysis reveals that treatment of adult healthy volunteers with antidepressants doubled their risk of harms related to suicidality and violence, including psychotic events and mood disturbances (odds ratio 1.85; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.11–3.08; P=0.02, I2=18%). The number needed to treat to harm one healthy person was 16 (95% CI 8–100; Mantel-Haenszel risk difference 0.06). "


Guess you know better then experts, Hey Sarge?

But they don't base their opinion on emotion, they prefer Science. And we all know how you on the left hate Science!

And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.

Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:

No. You're not right.

Oh, but I am. :)

Oh my god. Are you gonna join that 2guy idiot, and claim that England gun crime is as bad or worse than it is here? I thought you were smart enough to see that for the bullshit that it is.

The crime rate in England is higher than much of America.
No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.

Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:

No. You're not right.

Oh, but I am. :)

Oh my god. Are you gonna join that 2guy idiot, and claim that England gun crime is as bad or worse than it is here? I thought you were smart enough to see that for the bullshit that it is.

The crime rate in England is higher than much of America.
England has more stabbings and fistfights than we do. You got that one right.
Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:

No. You're not right.

Oh, but I am. :)

Oh my god. Are you gonna join that 2guy idiot, and claim that England gun crime is as bad or worse than it is here? I thought you were smart enough to see that for the bullshit that it is.

The crime rate in England is higher than much of America.
England has more stabbings and fistfights than we do. You got that one right.

You forgot rapes and robberies.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Unnecessary ... Troubled teens engage in behavior that often requires they encounter law enforcement and school staff on a regular basis.
The problem occurs when proper actions are not taken during these encounters.

Such is the case with shooters like Nikolas Cruz ... He was no stranger to the system, nor its failures.
You have to remember ... He didn't shoot up a park full of his classmates ...
He shot up the school he was kicked out of several times ... And sent back to several times as the result of negligent existing policy.

The peer pressure that these teens encounter daily can drive them to be unstable in their thinking.
The peer pressure that these teens encounter daily can drive them to be unstable in their thinking.

Peer pressure and instability are no different now than ages ago.
The methods we use to address incidents of inappropriate behavior now have changed though.

We don't need additional institutionalized government approved monitoring ...
We need to reflect on poor disciplinary decisions and directives instituted in existing progressive policy.

The peer pressure that they have now has changed. Now since the very first school shooting occurred it has given them a point to go to. Their brains automatically kicks into "I'll get a gun and kill".
The peer pressure that they have now has changed. Now since the very first school shooting occurred it has given them a point to go to. Their brains automatically kicks into "I'll get a gun and kill".

I am just suggesting there is no need to additional measures to identify a potentially dangerous teen.
Nikolas Cruz was well known to authorities and to the school administration as a problem.

Failure to appropriately address the problem was instrumental in system failure altogether.
Subjecting healthy teens to random interrogation does nothing more than program them for more institutionalization and forced compliance.

We don't need to make children more susceptible to fascism ... :dunno:
Currently ... There is nothing that suggests I should trust the authorities to appropriately handle information they get from students who are threats ...
Much less those who are not critical threats.


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No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.

Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:

No. You're not right.

Oh, but I am. :)

Oh my god. Are you gonna join that 2guy idiot, and claim that England gun crime is as bad or worse than it is here? I thought you were smart enough to see that for the bullshit that it is.

The crime rate in England is higher than much of America.

No it's not. We have thousands of gun related deaths, and they have a few dozen. They have such small numbers till just a few will kick their percentages up pretty quick, but the bottom line is our gun related death rate is drastically higher than theirs. Use your brain instead of parroting more crazy talking points.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.

Just how exactly will a Universal Background check make a bad guy unable to get a gun? They are, by definition, Bad, they really don't care if you pass another regulation or not.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.
Why do the NRA, gun industry, and super fans refuse to self regulate? Instead the lobby and seedy fandom runs the whole thing off a cliff. I'll say again like I often do, if urban gun violence and the mass shootings weren't so prevalent, we wouldn't care. But here we are. If it weren't for some moderates and the left, these loons would be running around with fully auto death machines taking 100s of lives at a time instead of 10s.

Lumping "urban gun violence and mass shootings together" is idiotic, they are, by definition two completely different things.

So let's lump car accidents with mass murders by car, so limiting cars to a top speed of 25mph is you're answer? Would seem to be.
Why do the loons keep puking out back ground checks? They already do back ground checks.
I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.

Just how exactly will a Universal Background check make a bad guy unable to get a gun? They are, by definition, Bad, they really don't care if you pass another regulation or not.

So the regulation that prevents most from buying fully auto weapons had no effect on bad guys having fully auto weapons because they are, by definition, Bad, right? Oh wait.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.

Just how exactly will a Universal Background check make a bad guy unable to get a gun? They are, by definition, Bad, they really don't care if you pass another regulation or not.

So the regulation that prevents most from buying fully auto weapons had no effect on bad guys having fully auto weapons because they are, by definition, Bad, right? Oh wait.
Still can't get it through your head that criminals don't obey "regulations".
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.

Just how exactly will a Universal Background check make a bad guy unable to get a gun? They are, by definition, Bad, they really don't care if you pass another regulation or not.

So the regulation that prevents most from buying fully auto weapons had no effect on bad guys having fully auto weapons because they are, by definition, Bad, right? Oh wait.

You'll have to present evidence of a bad guy wanting a full auto before that can be discussed.

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