Enough with the gun issues Democrats.

Senator Dianne Feinstein “If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!”
Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

Not at all true, most of these shooters were on SSRI antidepressants.

These are linked to most shootings.

From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?

Gun bans and restrictions will not end these shootings. Removing these drugs, especially from our youth will.

But that ain’t sexy, and won’t win votes.

So I guess we just let the killing go on.
I agree those meds never were the right approach

I’ve got a thread going in current events. List many of the mass shooters and which antidepressant(s) they were on, and it doesn’t list all that were.

It’s amazing just how many were on them. Even more amazing is that people on them are 50% more likely to be convicted of a violent crime then the general public. Of those with the same clinical diagnosis, but chose a different treatment? Almost zero violent crime arrests.

Time to fact check those statements. Fun ain't it.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #1568: Selwyn Duke

Is this your source?

I see.

So Newtown Shootings: A Caution About Violence and SSRIs

psychology today is probably not good either?

Or: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

The British Medical Journal?

Or: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Scientific America?

You've got quite a conspiracy theory going Bubba
Serotonin induced schizophrenia kind of thing? I could see it, however, my point is that they've got a mental problem they're unable to fix on their own to begin with. So they toss them on drugs, because that's the quick and easy money maker for doctors. The parents of the kids just write off the side effects as "oh it'll get better" and the kids these days live in a culture of all wanting to be mentally unstable cause it's "cool" or some shit - personally I suspect half of them lie about their "depression" just so they can have an official prescription and win the victim olympics they're all so fond of playing, or worse the kid says they're sad and their parent immediately declare them as depressed because they want to live in some fantasy world where kids and teens don't go through emotional down times. (Not that there aren't some folks who suffer from depression, but I highly doubt it's as many as the stats seem to suggest. Kind of like the media acts like transgenders are half the population of the country from they way they go on about it.) Meh, on second thought, maybe all the dumb ass people taking antidepressants they don't actually need are going schizo.

It's more like ... In some cases they work, in some cases they don't work, and in other cases they make the problem worse.

Any attempt to make a solution absolute to all cases ...
Only means that your attempts mirror those of your opposition.

Antidepressants are clearly marked in packaging as far as detrimental side effects are concerned.
They should never be administered without routine supervision ... And more frequent supervision during initial stages.

It is only important to note in regards to circumstances where the pharmaceuticals actually work as desired.
If a stigma is associated with a pharmaceutical due to circumstances surrounding misuse or poor evaluation ...
Then there are people that could benefit from an appropriate approach, that will not because of the way other people react to treatment.

It's like listening to someone complain about pain ... When they have a prescription for pain meds ...
But refuse to take them because they have been convinced that if they do, they will be a junkie whoring themselves out on a street corner in a week.

Serotonin induced schizophrenia kind of thing? I could see it, however, my point is that they've got a mental problem they're unable to fix on their own to begin with. So they toss them on drugs, because that's the quick and easy money maker for doctors. The parents of the kids just write off the side effects as "oh it'll get better" and the kids these days live in a culture of all wanting to be mentally unstable cause it's "cool" or some shit - personally I suspect half of them lie about their "depression" just so they can have an official prescription and win the victim olympics they're all so fond of playing, or worse the kid says they're sad and their parent immediately declare them as depressed because they want to live in some fantasy world where kids and teens don't go through emotional down times. (Not that there aren't some folks who suffer from depression, but I highly doubt it's as many as the stats seem to suggest. Kind of like the media acts like transgenders are half the population of the country from they way they go on about it.) Meh, on second thought, maybe all the dumb ass people taking antidepressants they don't actually need are going schizo.

It's more like ... In some cases they work, in some cases they don't work, and in other cases they make the problem worse.

Any attempt to make a solution absolute to all cases ...
Only means that your attempts mirror those of your opposition.

Antidepressants are clearly marked in packaging as far as detrimental side effects are concerned.
They should never be administered without routine supervision ... And more frequent supervision during initial stages.

It is only important to note in regards to circumstances where the pharmaceuticals actually work as desired.
If a stigma is associated with a pharmaceutical due to circumstances surrounding misuse or poor evaluation ...
Then there are people that could benefit from an appropriate approach, that will not because of the way other people react to treatment.

It's like listening to someone complain about pain ... When they have a prescription for pain meds ...
But refuse to take them because they have been convinced that if they do, they will be a junkie whoring themselves out on a street corner in a week.



Like I mentioned, parents just blow off the side effects because they figure it'll work it's way out. Young adults, or the parents of children, put their kids on drugs because they were raised thinking that's what to do when stuffs "not right." My mom's guilty of this belief that "there's a pill for everything" mentality. It's human nature really, people always think there's a magic cure out there, just like they did in the past with snake oil - and thousands died from drinking that crap too. Same thing, the chemicals are just more complicated today. And no, doctors aren't generally checking on the side effects as vigorously as they should, parents write off the emotional changes - even the dangerous ones - because they think it just "takes a bit" to work it's magic or whatever (aka they're stupid and they ignore the warnings.) Young adults, parents, they're idiots who don't know any better. Problem is that causes issues in itself - what happens when you over produce serotonin? You get depression. So it's like a self-fulfilling prophesy of failure. No doubt folks just figure "it hasn't started working yet" or whatever. Now you combine over-production of serotonin with a lack of self-worth and self-confidence (which 99% of these types have zero,) plus this ridiculous "everything offends me" culture we've got going on, and you could easily have a ticking time bomb of pent up rage.
Serotonin induced schizophrenia kind of thing? I could see it, however, my point is that they've got a mental problem they're unable to fix on their own to begin with. So they toss them on drugs, because that's the quick and easy money maker for doctors. The parents of the kids just write off the side effects as "oh it'll get better" and the kids these days live in a culture of all wanting to be mentally unstable cause it's "cool" or some shit - personally I suspect half of them lie about their "depression" just so they can have an official prescription and win the victim olympics they're all so fond of playing, or worse the kid says they're sad and their parent immediately declare them as depressed because they want to live in some fantasy world where kids and teens don't go through emotional down times. (Not that there aren't some folks who suffer from depression, but I highly doubt it's as many as the stats seem to suggest. Kind of like the media acts like transgenders are half the population of the country from they way they go on about it.) Meh, on second thought, maybe all the dumb ass people taking antidepressants they don't actually need are going schizo.

It's more like ... In some cases they work, in some cases they don't work, and in other cases they make the problem worse.

Any attempt to make a solution absolute to all cases ...
Only means that your attempts mirror those of your opposition.

Antidepressants are clearly marked in packaging as far as detrimental side effects are concerned.
They should never be administered without routine supervision ... And more frequent supervision during initial stages.

It is only important to note in regards to circumstances where the pharmaceuticals actually work as desired.
If a stigma is associated with a pharmaceutical due to circumstances surrounding misuse or poor evaluation ...
Then there are people that could benefit from an appropriate approach, that will not because of the way other people react to treatment.

It's like listening to someone complain about pain ... When they have a prescription for pain meds ...
But refuse to take them because they have been convinced that if they do, they will be a junkie whoring themselves out on a street corner in a week.


The point is, these types of drugs do one key thing, block the emotions that caused the depression in the first place. One of those is Empathy. Empathy is key to not acting violently toward others.

There are other methods to deal with depression and SSRI's should be the last, not the first, method of choice.
The point is, these types of drugs do one key thing, block the emotions that caused the depression in the first place. One of those is Empathy. Empathy is key to not acting violently toward others.

There are other methods to deal with depression and SSRI's should be the last, not the first, method of choice.

Of course they aren't what I would consider a "primary method of choice" ...
That's one reason I abandoned psychology soon after I received a degree in it.

There are always contributing factors ... Not to exclude laziness on the part of the physician or parents.
I am trying to suggest how antidepressants can benefit some people with minimal side effects ... I have seen them work quite effectively in some.

But let's talk about lifestyle in combination with depression.
Take for instance the reduced amount of high school football players that report problems with depression.

Some of this can be attributed to social interactions playing the game requires.
But ... To some extent ... It can be attributed to the fact they endure routine rigorous physical training.
Exercise of that caliber almost always helps regulate the body's chemicals to achieve proficiency ... And assists in improved sleep cycles.

What I am getting at is that to attempt to treat a patient with medication alone ... Is never the best choice.
Everyone is also different ... And supervision is always a necessity.

Last edited:
Serotonin induced schizophrenia kind of thing? I could see it, however, my point is that they've got a mental problem they're unable to fix on their own to begin with. So they toss them on drugs, because that's the quick and easy money maker for doctors. The parents of the kids just write off the side effects as "oh it'll get better" and the kids these days live in a culture of all wanting to be mentally unstable cause it's "cool" or some shit - personally I suspect half of them lie about their "depression" just so they can have an official prescription and win the victim olympics they're all so fond of playing, or worse the kid says they're sad and their parent immediately declare them as depressed because they want to live in some fantasy world where kids and teens don't go through emotional down times. (Not that there aren't some folks who suffer from depression, but I highly doubt it's as many as the stats seem to suggest. Kind of like the media acts like transgenders are half the population of the country from they way they go on about it.) Meh, on second thought, maybe all the dumb ass people taking antidepressants they don't actually need are going schizo.

It's more like ... In some cases they work, in some cases they don't work, and in other cases they make the problem worse.

Any attempt to make a solution absolute to all cases ...
Only means that your attempts mirror those of your opposition.

Antidepressants are clearly marked in packaging as far as detrimental side effects are concerned.
They should never be administered without routine supervision ... And more frequent supervision during initial stages.

It is only important to note in regards to circumstances where the pharmaceuticals actually work as desired.
If a stigma is associated with a pharmaceutical due to circumstances surrounding misuse or poor evaluation ...
Then there are people that could benefit from an appropriate approach, that will not because of the way other people react to treatment.

It's like listening to someone complain about pain ... When they have a prescription for pain meds ...
But refuse to take them because they have been convinced that if they do, they will be a junkie whoring themselves out on a street corner in a week.


The point is, these types of drugs do one key thing, block the emotions that caused the depression in the first place. One of those is Empathy. Empathy is key to not acting violently toward others.

There are other methods to deal with depression and SSRI's should be the last, not the first, method of choice.

Ah I should have clarified my statements on Serotonin in both directions - too much or not enough, either way it's bad.

There's no clear indication that serotonin reduction is a cause of lack of empathy though. I have zero "empathy" (no emotions actually - synesthesia) but my serotonin levels are completely normal. The real truth is that the scientists don't know how this shit works yet, they're bumbling around like morons thinking they're gonna find some miracle cure just as much as the parents and the young adults grabbing onto those miracle drugs are.

You want to cure the problem of folks not going on murder sprees because they lack empathy? You raise them right. You give them a proper foundation to build themselves up from. I do the "right thing" because I have a legacy to leave my family, it is my duty to ensure that my family has a good life, that my children are raised to the best of my abilities, that my emotional shit is in order because others are dependent on me. This is good shit for all people to do, but for us folks who are wired different or who have mental issues it's so much more important. We need that kind of long-term "goal" to force us to keep ourselves in line.
Serotonin induced schizophrenia kind of thing? I could see it, however, my point is that they've got a mental problem they're unable to fix on their own to begin with. So they toss them on drugs, because that's the quick and easy money maker for doctors. The parents of the kids just write off the side effects as "oh it'll get better" and the kids these days live in a culture of all wanting to be mentally unstable cause it's "cool" or some shit - personally I suspect half of them lie about their "depression" just so they can have an official prescription and win the victim olympics they're all so fond of playing, or worse the kid says they're sad and their parent immediately declare them as depressed because they want to live in some fantasy world where kids and teens don't go through emotional down times. (Not that there aren't some folks who suffer from depression, but I highly doubt it's as many as the stats seem to suggest. Kind of like the media acts like transgenders are half the population of the country from they way they go on about it.) Meh, on second thought, maybe all the dumb ass people taking antidepressants they don't actually need are going schizo.

It's more like ... In some cases they work, in some cases they don't work, and in other cases they make the problem worse.

Any attempt to make a solution absolute to all cases ...
Only means that your attempts mirror those of your opposition.

Antidepressants are clearly marked in packaging as far as detrimental side effects are concerned.
They should never be administered without routine supervision ... And more frequent supervision during initial stages.

It is only important to note in regards to circumstances where the pharmaceuticals actually work as desired.
If a stigma is associated with a pharmaceutical due to circumstances surrounding misuse or poor evaluation ...
Then there are people that could benefit from an appropriate approach, that will not because of the way other people react to treatment.

It's like listening to someone complain about pain ... When they have a prescription for pain meds ...
But refuse to take them because they have been convinced that if they do, they will be a junkie whoring themselves out on a street corner in a week.


The point is, these types of drugs do one key thing, block the emotions that caused the depression in the first place. One of those is Empathy. Empathy is key to not acting violently toward others.

There are other methods to deal with depression and SSRI's should be the last, not the first, method of choice.

Ah I should have clarified my statements on Serotonin in both directions - too much or not enough, either way it's bad.

There's no clear indication that serotonin reduction is a cause of lack of empathy though. I have zero "empathy" (no emotions actually - synesthesia) but my serotonin levels are completely normal. The real truth is that the scientists don't know how this shit works yet, they're bumbling around like morons thinking they're gonna find some miracle cure just as much as the parents and the young adults grabbing onto those miracle drugs are.

You want to cure the problem of folks not going on murder sprees because they lack empathy? You raise them right. You give them a proper foundation to build themselves up from. I do the "right thing" because I have a legacy to leave my family, it is my duty to ensure that my family has a good life, that my children are raised to the best of my abilities, that my emotional shit is in order because others are dependent on me. This is good shit for all people to do, but for us folks who are wired different or who have mental issues it's so much more important. We need that kind of long-term "goal" to force us to keep ourselves in line.

"The real truth is that the scientists don't know how this shit works yet, they're bumbling around like morons thinking they're gonna find some miracle cure just as much as the parents and the young adults grabbing onto those miracle drugs are."

Bingo ^^^^^^^ and well stated! Thank you

And this link even makes the use of SSRI's even sadder as it links the increased violence and suicide rate of our returning soldiers to the use of them.

From the link:

"Here are the starting facts: Death by suicide is at record levels in the armed services. Simultaneously the use of antidepressant drugs is also at record levels, including brand names like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa and Lexapro.

According to the army, in 2007 17% of combat troops in Afghanistan were taking prescription antidepressants or sleeping pills. Inside sources have given me an even bleaker picture: During Vietnam, a mere 1% our troops were taking prescribed psychiatric drugs. By contrast, in the past year one-third of marines in combat zones were taking psychiatric drugs.

Are the pills helping? The army confirms that since 2002 the number of suicide attempts has increased six-fold. And more than 128 soldiers killed themselves last year.

One theory states that the increased prescription of drugs is a response to increased depression among the soldiers. In reality, the use of psychiatric drugs escalates when, and only when, drug companies and their minions target new markets. In this case, the armed services have been pushing drugs as a cheap alternative to taking genuine care of the young men and women in our military. Instead of shortening tours of duty, instead of temporarily removing stressed-out soldiers from combat zones, and instead of providing counseling—the new army policy is to drug the troops.

There are many excellent therapeutic and educational programs for helping soldiers and veterans deal with war-related stresses. I recently addressed a national conference on stress in the military where I learned more about these approaches. I talked with many military officers and healthcare providers who want human services to replace the increasing prescription of psychiatric drugs. Some observed that the drugs often change the personality of the soldiers, making them irritable, edgy, and angry. They fear these drugs many unleash impulsive violence. Meanwhile, because many soldiers don’t want to take psychiatric medications, they avoid seeking any kind of help.

It’s worth re-emphasizing that used of antidepressants is based more on myth than on science. Here are some proven facts totally at odds with medical propaganda:

First, there is no evidence that antidepressants prevent suicide and a great deal of evidence that they cause it.

Second, antidepressants almost never cure depression and instead they frequently worsen depression."

Source: Antidepressants Cause Suicide and Violence in Soldiers | HuffPost

What the hell are we letting Big Pharma do to, not only our Kids, but to our returning warriors?

Good God, can we actually try to solve a problem? This one seems sooooooo easy.
Last edited:
Serotonin induced schizophrenia kind of thing? I could see it, however, my point is that they've got a mental problem they're unable to fix on their own to begin with. So they toss them on drugs, because that's the quick and easy money maker for doctors. The parents of the kids just write off the side effects as "oh it'll get better" and the kids these days live in a culture of all wanting to be mentally unstable cause it's "cool" or some shit - personally I suspect half of them lie about their "depression" just so they can have an official prescription and win the victim olympics they're all so fond of playing, or worse the kid says they're sad and their parent immediately declare them as depressed because they want to live in some fantasy world where kids and teens don't go through emotional down times. (Not that there aren't some folks who suffer from depression, but I highly doubt it's as many as the stats seem to suggest. Kind of like the media acts like transgenders are half the population of the country from they way they go on about it.) Meh, on second thought, maybe all the dumb ass people taking antidepressants they don't actually need are going schizo.

It's more like ... In some cases they work, in some cases they don't work, and in other cases they make the problem worse.

Any attempt to make a solution absolute to all cases ...
Only means that your attempts mirror those of your opposition.

Antidepressants are clearly marked in packaging as far as detrimental side effects are concerned.
They should never be administered without routine supervision ... And more frequent supervision during initial stages.

It is only important to note in regards to circumstances where the pharmaceuticals actually work as desired.
If a stigma is associated with a pharmaceutical due to circumstances surrounding misuse or poor evaluation ...
Then there are people that could benefit from an appropriate approach, that will not because of the way other people react to treatment.

It's like listening to someone complain about pain ... When they have a prescription for pain meds ...
But refuse to take them because they have been convinced that if they do, they will be a junkie whoring themselves out on a street corner in a week.


The point is, these types of drugs do one key thing, block the emotions that caused the depression in the first place. One of those is Empathy. Empathy is key to not acting violently toward others.

There are other methods to deal with depression and SSRI's should be the last, not the first, method of choice.

Ah I should have clarified my statements on Serotonin in both directions - too much or not enough, either way it's bad.

There's no clear indication that serotonin reduction is a cause of lack of empathy though. I have zero "empathy" (no emotions actually - synesthesia) but my serotonin levels are completely normal. The real truth is that the scientists don't know how this shit works yet, they're bumbling around like morons thinking they're gonna find some miracle cure just as much as the parents and the young adults grabbing onto those miracle drugs are.

You want to cure the problem of folks not going on murder sprees because they lack empathy? You raise them right. You give them a proper foundation to build themselves up from. I do the "right thing" because I have a legacy to leave my family, it is my duty to ensure that my family has a good life, that my children are raised to the best of my abilities, that my emotional shit is in order because others are dependent on me. This is good shit for all people to do, but for us folks who are wired different or who have mental issues it's so much more important. We need that kind of long-term "goal" to force us to keep ourselves in line.

"The real truth is that the scientists don't know how this shit works yet, they're bumbling around like morons thinking they're gonna find some miracle cure just as much as the parents and the young adults grabbing onto those miracle drugs are."

Bingo ^^^^^^^ and well stated! Thank you

Meh I lived it, I've had so many "experimental drugs" put in me that I won't even take advil for joint pain. The reality is that there's no damned pill out there that's going to change the synaptic pathways in my brain. That's the problem with the psychological treatment wing these days though, they think there's a damn cure, but there's not. Either you learn to overcome the shit and act right, or you go in a padded box because you're out of control and a danger to society. "Fantasy worlders" don't want to face that harsh reality either...
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.
Snag is, no one advocates for ‘banning’ guns.

Rather than guessing what people are thinking, listen instead to what they’re actually saying.
Liar. Many dims have stated they want a gun ban. LIAR!
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,
Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.
Snag is, no one advocates for ‘banning’ guns.

Rather than guessing what people are thinking, listen instead to what they’re actually saying.
You made me laugh now lets get serious. When they get their on the issue at hand that will open the door to banning gun. Be truthful in your dishonesty
We're laughing because you and most others on the right are funny and ridiculous.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

Not at all true, most of these shooters were on SSRI antidepressants.

These are linked to most shootings.

From Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings?

Gun bans and restrictions will not end these shootings. Removing these drugs, especially from our youth will.

But that ain’t sexy, and won’t win votes.

So I guess we just let the killing go on.
I agree those meds never were the right approach

I’ve got a thread going in current events. List many of the mass shooters and which antidepressant(s) they were on, and it doesn’t list all that were.

It’s amazing just how many were on them. Even more amazing is that people on them are 50% more likely to be convicted of a violent crime then the general public. Of those with the same clinical diagnosis, but chose a different treatment? Almost zero violent crime arrests.

Time to fact check those statements. Fun ain't it.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #1568: Selwyn Duke

Is this your source?

I see.

So Newtown Shootings: A Caution About Violence and SSRIs

psychology today is probably not good either?

Or: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

The British Medical Journal?

Or: Antidepressants increase the risk of suicide, violence and homicide at all ages

Scientific America?

You've got quite a conspiracy theory going Bubba

Thank you for bringing that up. According to one of your sources, (the other doesn't really say a whole lot about anything relating to this discussion) it's young women that are 4 to 5 times more likely to become violent when on antidepressants than men. Yet only one woman has been involved in the modern mass shootings and then it was a terrorist act not a mass shooting (there IS a difference which we can discuss later if you can keep your sanity level in check). If antidepressants were the cause then women would be involved at a higher rate. They aren't. And there are a hell of a lot of depressed women out there. Trying to place a medical reason on criminal behavior is just going to give you a headache. Criminals are unbalanced in the Morals and Ethics department. The only way to stop them is to isolate them in some way like lock them up or terminate them. Most mass shooters know that they aren't going to make it but that's part of the charm. They are going for the Record. And as of now, the US all time Record is 58. It's nothing personal, they probably don't know the people or even care about them one way or another. I hope you don't completely understand this. IF it doesn't excite you then we won't worry about you so much. If it does, please check your self into the nearest booby hatch fast.
What the hell are we letting Big Pharma do to, not only our Kids, but to our returning warriors?

Good God, can we actually try to solve a problem? This one seems sooooooo easy.

"Suicidal thoughts" is one of the side effects listed on the packaging of antidepressants (especially in early use).
But ... Let's look at other avenues discovered through self-treatment.

Veterans have used marijuana as treatment for anxiety and PTSD.

The VA has determined that treatment isn't worth study and classifies use of marijuana by veterans as a disorder.

Congress disagrees with the VA and has approved medical marijuana use by veterans to treat anxiety and PTSD.

What's the point ... A lot of people believe a lot of things.
They have a lot of statistics that support a lot of different positions.

None of it makes a fucking difference until the person in need of help gets what will best help them.

Last edited:
Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.
Tell us what reasonable gun regulation is. I won't hold my breath,

Universal background checks would be a good start. No. It won't stop all shootings, but it will make it harder for bad guys to get guns, and that is a good thing. It would be nice if the NRA would back off and let their owned congressmen stop people on the No-Fly-List from buying guns too.
Work on getting a laws to randomly check troubled teens for mental stability.

Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.

Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:
Great idea. Forget about the guns, but cure mental illness instead. That should be quick and easy. I wonder why nobody thought of that before.
How many guns have crawled out and killed someone. Most of all the shooters have shown need of help before committing the shooting only to be ignored until after the act.

I know that sounds reasonable to gun nuts, but for sane people not so much.
And I suppose you think banning guns will stop shootings. Those who think that, are insane.

No. Reasonable gun regulation can cut down on shootings though.

Like banning guns did in Mexico and the UK, amirite? :5_1_12024:

No. You're not right.

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