Kinda symbolic though,..... hmmm gotta love those girls. What a great era that was!
I'm tired of it. The bickering, fighting, name calling, stupid threads calling everyone racist due to opposing views, friend turning on friend, insults, dissing, the frantic feeding off each others HATE.

Time to go wandering around again. Pinterest, Twitter, SS, other places. I'll swing by when people go back to being just regular fun and witty assholes instead of foaming rabid assholes.

Yeah, sometimes its nice to dissagree and still be kinda like friends
The division gets wider and wider and wider. Maybe this is the plan? And y'all are falling for it hook line and sinker.

It's understandable that you and most others on the right would just like to see this all go away, so you won't have to hear the frustration and concerns of African-Americans – but that's not how it works in a free and democratic society; citizens are at liberty to express their opinions, you're at liberty to not listen and close your mind, but not to compel anyone to stop.

Fuck African Americans (I hate that term) and their illegitimate frustrations and their illegitimate concerns.you and your kind are dismissive of the concerns of many whites in this country, who feel vicitimized, scapegoated and in general treated unfairly. If you suscribe to black victimhood in America you're a fucking moron, who's blind to facts and obvious to truth.
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Oh noes, the BIG guns are firing! Gracie has had enough!

This will undoubtedly work - I feel the love already!

... Wait, that's my Thorazine kickin in....
Fuck African Americans (I hate that term) and their illegitimate frustrations and their illegitimate concerns.you and your kind are dismissive of the concerns of many whites in this country, who feel vicitimized, scapegoated and in general treated unfairly. If you suscribe to black victimhood in America you're a fucking moron, who's blind to facts and obvious to truth.

You hate black people, because you yourself are unhappy and want desperately to assign blame for it.

If their were no blacks, you'd have to blame someone else.
Fuck African Americans (I hate that term) and their illegitimate frustrations and their illegitimate concerns.you and your kind are dismissive of the concerns of many whites in this country, who feel vicitimized, scapegoated and in general treated unfairly. If you suscribe to black victimhood in America you're a fucking moron, who's blind to facts and obvious to truth.

You hate black people, because you yourself are unhappy and want desperately to assign blame for it.

If their were no blacks, you'd have to blame someone else.
Da Joos.
I don't know...there's just something very ironic in this.

Nothing makes a bigger statement then the "exit in dramatic DIVA fashion."


She'll be back, I just know it!


Once a drama queen, always a drama queen. At least, that's what they say on Days of our Lives.
And she's threatening to walk out on us. Gee, mom, who's gonna make the canned tomato soup and toasted cheese sands?
I'm tired of it. The bickering, fighting, name calling, stupid threads calling everyone racist due to opposing views, friend turning on friend, insults, dissing, the frantic feeding off each others HATE.

Time to go wandering around again. Pinterest, Twitter, SS, other places. I'll swing by when people go back to being just regular fun and witty assholes instead of foaming rabid assholes.

Fuck African Americans (I hate that term) and their illegitimate frustrations and their illegitimate concerns.you and your kind are dismissive of the concerns of many whites in this country, who feel vicitimized, scapegoated and in general treated unfairly. If you suscribe to black victimhood in America you're a fucking moron, who's blind to facts and obvious to truth.

You hate black people, because you yourself are unhappy and want desperately to assign blame for it.

If their were no blacks, you'd have to blame someone else.



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