Enslaved Back Man Assaulted Then Removed From Flight

He's upset that I used that angry black man's "pronouns." HE identifies as a slave. 8f he identified as a woman would this clown be upset that I used his preferred pronouns?
I like this identity thing. It has potential. I have decided to identify as "Mrs. Harpy" to frustrate those who want to use my first name illegitimately. (White-clothed functionaries come into the waiting room and bellow "Circe!" in the hearing of everyone there. I am determined to break them of that.) I don't know what pronouns one would use for a slave, but hey, we could cope. Do IM2 and Eyes and all the other identities of the big monster ball rolling along with the arms and legs sticking out want certain slave pronouns to validate all their bitter complaints?
I like this identity thing. It has potential. I have decided to identify as "Mrs. Harpy" to frustrate those who want to use my first name illegitimately. (White-clothed functionaries come into the waiting room and bellow "Circe!" in the hearing of everyone there. I am determined to break them of that.) I don't know what pronouns one would use for a slave, but hey, we could cope. Do IM2 and Eyes and all the other identities of the big monster ball rolling along with the arms and legs sticking out want certain slave pronouns to validate all their bitter complaints?
I I dentify as "lord or master." I wonder if the left will respect that (actually, I know) :laughing0301:
That is the correct analysis I've been hearing a lot lately. All other forms of division were not producing enough results, so the critical theorists went with the racial angle. They've had pretty good luck with that, as minorities seem to be far easier to manipulate. The fact that many of them still vote for Democrats, should reinforce that.

The form of division that has worked the best is the two party system. The duopoly is using it to divide the nation along party lines so that we are too busy fighting each other to do anything about those in power doing whatever the hell they wish.

Nobody is easier to manipulate than a loyal partisan party member.
The form of division that has worked the best is the two party system. The duopoly is using it to divide the nation along party lines so that we are too busy fighting each other to do anything about those in power doing whatever the hell they wish.

Nobody is easier to manipulate than a loyal partisan party member.
We don't have a two party system. You're free to vote for anyone who best represents your views
We don't have a two party system. You're free to vote for anyone who best represents your views

And I do, and it is never for the duopoly.

But we still have a two party system that rules that country, even though there is basically no fundamental difference in the way they rule. The system is designed to keep another party from taking power from the duopoly.

And you all are the willing, helpful pawns in the game

Conservatives, denounce these comments immediately.
Well let’s take them one at a time.
First one- clearly sarcasm
Second one- observation has some truth, many blacks view themselves as victims.
Third one- stupid comment slightly racist
Fourth one- individual insult with slight racist tinge if you turn it sidewise and squint
Fifth one- stupid, overly generalized and racist
Sixth one- Not racist, referring to a quote from the agitated passenger
Seventh one-not racist referring to a quote by the agitated passenger
Eight one-sarcastic and racist.
So I make it two out of eight. That’s clearly a failing grade for you.
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Well let’s take them one at a time.
First one- clearly sarcasm
Second one- observation has some truth, many blacks view themselves as victims.
Third one- stupid comment slightly racist
Fourth one- individual insult with slight racist tinge if you turn it sidewise and squint
Condemn slavery now, conservative.
Condemn slavery now, conservative.
I’ve always condemned slavery. It was a horrible institution. But it wasn’t just an American institution, in fact the US was one of the first countries to ban and enforce the ban on the international slave trade. The US was also the only nation that fought a war to ban slavery.
Well let’s take them one at a time.
First one- clearly sarcasm
Second one- observation has some truth, many blacks view themselves as victims.
Third one- stupid comment slightly racist
Fourth one- individual insult with slight racist tinge if you turn it sidewise and squint
Fifth one- stupid, overly generalized and racist
Sixth one- Not racist, referring to a quote from the agitated passenger
Seventh one-not racist referring to a quote by the agitated passenger
Eight one-sarcastic and racist.
So I make it two out of eight. That’s clearly a failing grade for you.
Leftists lack the sarcasm gene.
The form of division that has worked the best is the two party system. The duopoly is using it to divide the nation along party lines so that we are too busy fighting each other to do anything about those in power doing whatever the hell they wish.

Nobody is easier to manipulate than a loyal partisan party member.
You pretty much nailed that.

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