Enter the red herring for marshal law to be declared.

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers.

If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...

90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

How hard was Kent State?

Hippie retards?? :lol:

IMO you should be imprisoned for demanding communism in America..

Kent State was anarchy - much like OWS...

MLK was successful because he didn't condone anarchy and anarchy is what young progressives want and ironically they want their government to provide such an environment..

You should be in prison for attempting to deny people free speech, you unconstitutional ass.
This is scary stuff!
Why would they go through all of this, spend all the money on research, if they NEVER plan to use it?
To create and sell you a mandatory vaccine.

Now that makes a ton of sense right there, great point. Big Pharma makes tons of money off of shit like this. I didn't think of it from that angle, nice point.
Please stop, you are embarrassing as a human being.

I understand that you are incapable of fathoming a government capable of doing this. If you dont agree with the thread or have anything intelligent to add, please refrain from posting in the thread. I put this out here more for debate than anything, I just find it odd that it just seems too plausible with all of this stuff going on at the same time for it not to be connected somehow.
Now get the gears turning and lets talk, instead of calling people retards.

You are a fucking moron and this isnt going to happen. Go away

You're in my thread, if you wish to be free from me, you go away. I'm not saying this WILL happen. I started this thread to get the brains grinding and thinking of the possibilities should we ever have a tyrannical government that would be willing to use such a scheme to take total control. Could you think of any other way one could do such a thing? I can't really, with America armed it would be crazy for them to try it straight up, but if somehow a virus like this could be let out the American people would be so scared they would practically give there rights up for the help that they would need.
Take this post as you want to, whether it be asinine or intended to start discussion, it's up to you I could really care less.
The title of this should be:
Enter a man who proves that there is something worse than being a fucking retard.
I was going to say nobody is this stupid, and then you made this thread. BRAVO!

As much as I hate to admit it, when you're right, you're right.

No offense, but I think you...like him...cant wrap your head around the topic, if for nothing more than shits and giggles.
This is scary stuff!
Why would they go through all of this, spend all the money on research, if they NEVER plan to use it?

That was my point, but megatron up there who lives in la la land with the rest of the sheeple just cannot grasp the possibility of it. Even if it was released on accident, it still would provide a perfect cover for the government to take total control and implement laws that would knock the constitution off the map, and "Fundamentally change" america forever. I guess plasma forgot that little saying the Obammie said in his speeches "Fundamentally change america", would this not be a good way of doing that plasma?

You have got to be kidding me? You are that fuckin' paranoid and fearful that you think Obama wants to unleash the bird Flu on US Citizens?

And You have the NERVE to have one of the Greatest Linebackers to ever play the game as your avatar?

May a suggest a more appropriate one???

I think I have explained thus far what the intended outcome of this topic was, for everyone to think outside the box on something other than herman cainand the rest of the double and triple threads on this board daily that somehow amongst you guys never seem to get old.
Let's see... if it was a simple process to create an aerosol version of this flu... perhaps they created it themselves to make a vaccine. Just in case someone else also engineered it and happened to release it.

I mean.. Don't get me wrong... I think germ warfare is disgusting, but not everything is a sinister plot.

Nor do I. All I was stating is that it could be used for such a sinister deed given the right people on board with it. Also, you may be right that they developed it to make the vaccine, but why announce such a thing that may create hysteria amongst the people when you dont have to? Unless of course you wanted your enemies to know that you have created the same thing that they may also possess. The whole thing just doesn't pass the smell test to me.
That was my point, but megatron up there who lives in la la land with the rest of the sheeple just cannot grasp the possibility of it. Even if it was released on accident, it still would provide a perfect cover for the government to take total control and implement laws that would knock the constitution off the map, and "Fundamentally change" america forever. I guess plasma forgot that little saying the Obammie said in his speeches "Fundamentally change america", would this not be a good way of doing that plasma?

You have got to be kidding me? You are that fuckin' paranoid and fearful that you think Obama wants to unleash the bird Flu on US Citizens?

And You have the NERVE to have one of the Greatest Linebackers to ever play the game as your avatar?

May a suggest a more appropriate one???

I think I have explained thus far what the intended outcome of this topic was, for everyone to think outside the box on something other than herman cainand the rest of the double and triple threads on this board daily that somehow amongst you guys never seem to get old.

oh... you want to think outside the box? Try doing it that doesn't involve government... like use your "reasoning skills" against the Conglomerate for once.... Too taxing for you?
The title of this should be:
Enter a man who proves that there is something worse than being a fucking retard.
I was going to say nobody is this stupid, and then you made this thread. BRAVO!

Yeah no kidding.

Progressives passed the patriot act? Give me a fucking break. Yeah, and democratic politicians are the routine secret cocksuckers.

Biden wrote the patriot act, if that's not progressive enough for you I dont know what is.
Bush? Progressive? Give me a fucking break. Very few things can be tied to Bush under the name of progressiveness. I can begin an endless list for you that pins him more as a conservative than anything.

Who are the ones who defended bush during his presidency? Who are the ones who still shout out "Boooooooooooooooooooooooooosh" every time Bush is mentioned in defense of the man? You guys like saying "Oh well Bush was a Liberal..." but any time he is attacked, you guys always rush to his defense like good little conservative lapdogs.

Dude was a conservative warhawk.

He sure in hell wasn't a Conservative DUDE.

Sure he wasn't. With all the "we don't support republicans or conservatives unless they absolutely conform to our view of conservatism 100% with no straying on any issue!" lending him support during and after his presidency... he sure wasn't a conservative. He's the epitome of what a joke conservatism is today.


I'd rather support a conservative who follows the constitution 100% as it is written than a Democrat progressive who wishes to interpret to fit his agenda or just ignore it all together like the current crop is doing. But as said before, Bush was no conservative, he would never have signed the patriot act if he was.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

Sounds like captian tripps. (See The stand by Stephen King)
Look at all the hidden things in the health care bill. Government is continually transferring power from the people to themselves. They want power and they will use it once they have it. When they put specific language in bills, they do so for a reason. For instance, they granted themselves power to have real time access over our bank accounts, retirement accounts, savings, etc. The bogus reason they gave was to help us pay our medical bills easier. Anyone believe that? They'll know at a glance how much money we make, how much we save and how much we spend and on what. Why do they need to know this? This is just one of the things, among a surge of power transfer, that we should question. When they set rules for "our own good" and make preparations for worst case scenarios, you know they are up to something.

If they feel that fining us or even putting us in jail for not following orders to purchase health care insurance, then they are capable of just about anything.

I felt that the swine flu warnings were meant to convince us that government must save our health. It didn't turn into the predicted crisis, though healthcare got shoved through.

You are right to be suspicious when government grants themselves power. They don't do that randomly, they do it because they are planning ahead.

They now have ability to detain us without restrictions. 2 years ago, certain individuals were put on Homeland Security's watchlist, like people with Ron Paul bumper stickers and constitutionalists. Then we saw the creation of the Soviet-style AttackWatch where people were encouraged to report others for thought crimes. Now, any citizen can be plucked from their home and detained. I wouldn't worry so much if not for Obama's website. It gives me the creeps to realize that a president asking people to snitch on their neighbors for their political views is not some wild, paranoid thought, but reality.

Sorry to get a bit off track, but I think it all ties in. AttackWatch, the right to detain or assassinate citizens and the people added to Homeland Security's watch list demonstrates their mindset. They see the right as enemies. Obama also referred to those wanting border security as enemies.

You are right, but some people cannot wrap there heads around it, they just cannot fathom that some in our government may have such intentions, and as I have stated, this thread was created to get people thinking about it, just as you just did, thanks for the post!
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:badgrin: Right... that's why you supported him every step of the way especially with the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan.
No I didn't

Well if you didn't, then you're a RINO/CINO. All your butt buddies in the conservative wing fawned over bush... and they still fawn over him especially if anybody mentions anything bad about "Booooooooooosh".

So, if we conservatives did not support Bush every step of the way "Because bush is not a conservative" that makes us Rinos or Cinos? Just how in the hell does that work?
The title of this should be:
Enter a man who proves that there is something worse than being a fucking retard.
I was going to say nobody is this stupid, and then you made this thread. BRAVO!

You know I never lie Plasma. This is the real deal. They actually funded a test that would speed up the disease between humans using ferrets.

Let me get you the BBC link I was reading earlier.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

Sounds like captian tripps. (See The stand by Stephen King)

Damn straight it does.

They are really doing crazy stuff on the science side these days. Like making mosquitoes sterile to stop the threat of dengue fever in Florida. Riiiiiiiiiight.

Now, now matter how much I hate them, they are serious pollinators. We count on them on the praires. And we are lathered in our choice of repellents.

I swear if you put out a solar bug killer light out back of my house, I'd have to shovel them all up with a front end loader every morning.

Other thing I fell into on the BBC link was that scientests are digging up 14th Century cadavers to match bubonic plague from that century to ours.

Okey dokey.

Screw the cadavers. Find a cure for the common cold.
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Look at all the hidden things in the health care bill. Government is continually transferring power from the people to themselves. They want power and they will use it once they have it. When they put specific language in bills, they do so for a reason. For instance, they granted themselves power to have real time access over our bank accounts, retirement accounts, savings, etc. The bogus reason they gave was to help us pay our medical bills easier. Anyone believe that? They'll know at a glance how much money we make, how much we save and how much we spend and on what. Why do they need to know this? This is just one of the things, among a surge of power transfer, that we should question. When they set rules for "our own good" and make preparations for worst case scenarios, you know they are up to something.

If they feel that fining us or even putting us in jail for not following orders to purchase health care insurance, then they are capable of just about anything.

I felt that the swine flu warnings were meant to convince us that government must save our health. It didn't turn into the predicted crisis, though healthcare got shoved through.

You are right to be suspicious when government grants themselves power. They don't do that randomly, they do it because they are planning ahead.

They now have ability to detain us without restrictions. 2 years ago, certain individuals were put on Homeland Security's watchlist, like people with Ron Paul bumper stickers and constitutionalists. Then we saw the creation of the Soviet-style AttackWatch where people were encouraged to report others for thought crimes. Now, any citizen can be plucked from their home and detained. I wouldn't worry so much if not for Obama's website. It gives me the creeps to realize that a president asking people to snitch on their neighbors for their political views is not some wild, paranoid thought, but reality.

Sorry to get a bit off track, but I think it all ties in. AttackWatch, the right to detain or assassinate citizens and the people added to Homeland Security's watch list demonstrates their mindset. They see the right as enemies. Obama also referred to those wanting border security as enemies.

You are right, but some people cannot wrap there heads around it, they just cannot fathom that some in our government may have such intentions, and as I have stated, this thread was created to get people thinking about it, just as you just did, thanks for the post!

I'm no conspiracy chick but :note to self start listening to Coast to Coast again:D

I miss Art.

Look, when one has a bona fide article and no liberals this is from reliable sources that the government is attempting to prevent the publication of material in science journals, I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy here.

ETA : Just to add to my other post, you must have pollinators for food sources. To even attempt to destroy the mosquito would be bad. Really really bad.
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And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

Martial law... Marshall law is when the sheriff comes to town
...you are pathetically paranoid.

Oddly, that is exactly what some told my great great grandparents, Jews in Southern Germany in the 1920s. Grandma disagreed and emigrated to America. All of the other family members that felt as you do never made it out of the camps.

History's a bitch.
This is scary stuff!
Why would they go through all of this, spend all the money on research, if they NEVER plan to use it?

Same Reason we have Spent Millions on Nukes, and Chemical weapons research. Because others are doing it, and to understand the Threat, you need to under stand the Weapons.

The US has developed all sorts of Weapons we have never, and probably will never use.

This is Nothing but pure Delusions. Every President since I can recall, has been accused by wackos of trying to come up with a red Herring so they can Declare Marshal law and stay in Power. They said it about Clinton, and Bush, and Now Obama. The Truth is this. The power of the President comes from the People. The moment someone tries to hold on to it through some Emergency, they will come face to Face with Americas 300 Million plus Privately owned guns, and the Fact that they only have a small force of Professional Soldiers who signed up to defend us not oppress us, at their Disposal.

Unless they are going to arm up some Private Jack Booted Thug Army to keep them in power, they are going to end up at the End of a Rope Eventually.

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