Enter the red herring for marshal law to be declared.

Bitch listen up, Bush spent like a drunken sailor he had no conservative values.

:badgrin: Right... that's why you supported him every step of the way especially with the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan.
No I didn't

Well if you didn't, then you're a RINO/CINO. All your butt buddies in the conservative wing fawned over bush... and they still fawn over him especially if anybody mentions anything bad about "Booooooooooosh".
:badgrin: Right... that's why you supported him every step of the way especially with the money spent in Iraq and Afghanistan.
No I didn't

Well if you didn't, then you're a RINO/CINO. All your butt buddies in the conservative wing fawned over bush... and they still fawn over him especially if anybody mentions anything bad about "Booooooooooosh".

To believe whats in the Constitution is being a RINO? OH well, bush like any other President took an oath to defend the Constitution he didn't. But I repeat bush was not a conservative he didn't act like a conservative.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

Well, it does make curious the no bid contract for flu vaccine, what was it a half billion? From one of Obama's biggest donors.

Still a stretch though.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers.

If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...

90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..
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You have to ask yourself, why manipulate the bird flu? To be used abroad against all human rights laws and the laws of war? Or to use on your own citizens to create a crisis that would give the government total control over all of our lives? Which one makes more sense? The latter makes more sense if you are dealing with the current administration.

Please stop, you are embarrassing as a human being.

I understand that you are incapable of fathoming a government capable of doing this. If you dont agree with the thread or have anything intelligent to add, please refrain from posting in the thread. I put this out here more for debate than anything, I just find it odd that it just seems too plausible with all of this stuff going on at the same time for it not to be connected somehow.
Now get the gears turning and lets talk, instead of calling people retards.

First you were merely embarrassing. Now, you're just plain pitiful.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers.

If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...

90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

How hard was Kent State?
Big Brother still milking 911 for all it's worth? Man,911 happened 10yrs. ago for God's sake. I mean how much more power & control does Big Brother need to fight the Terrorist Boogeyman? Isn't the Army,Navy,Air Force,Marines,Homeland Security,Patriot Act,CIA,FBI,TSA,ATF,NSA,National Guard,and many other alphabet agencies enough? Now they need yet another Law passed to take more of our freedom away? My God,all this because a couple of Terrorist assholes attacked us one time 10yrs. ago? Boy i really am saddened to see what my country has become. What a bleak future.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News
Martial Law WILL be declared next year but for a different reason: Mexico will implode and illegals will begin streaming over the border.

I'm not wishing for that. In fact I hope I'm wrong.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News
Martial Law WILL be declared next year but for a different reason: Mexico will implode and illegals will begin streaming over the border.

I'm not wishing for that. In fact I hope I'm wrong.

And why would marshal law protect American citizens against millions of illegals coming across the border? Hell the government can't protect them now along the border. Fuck'em I will not submit.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers. If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

All four of you are not going to defeat the national guard, for that is what you would be going up against. If the far right reactionary wacks rise up, their neighbors will put them against the wall before the military arrives.

You are not even to the far right of the mainstream, son, you are over the next mountain range.
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers.

If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...

90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

How hard was Kent State?

All together too easy. One knee jerk mayor and whoop there it is. You got kids dead.

We can go thru history on both sides whether it's the Randy Weaver incident or Waco. And with this incident with the predator drone being used on a family over 6 wandering cows and the kids being charged with terrorizing deputies by just holding legal weapons in their hands, I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy.

I don't like local cops being able to go military on anyone. And that's what this Sheriff did.
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And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers. If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

All four of you are not going to defeat the national guard, for that is what you would be going up against. If the far right reactionary wacks rise up, their neighbors will put them against the wall before the military arrives.

You are not even to the far right of the mainstream, son, you are over the next mountain range.

What worries me more are the far left wingers who actually believe there should be less people on the planet so that bambi can party down while we all eat bean sprouts.

Mother Earth whackos scare the crap out of me.
I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers. If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

All four of you are not going to defeat the national guard, for that is what you would be going up against. If the far right reactionary wacks rise up, their neighbors will put them against the wall before the military arrives.

You are not even to the far right of the mainstream, son, you are over the next mountain range.

What worries me more are the far left wingers who actually believe there should be less people on the planet so that bambi can party down while we all eat bean sprouts.

Mother Earth whackos scare the crap out of me.

Yeah, let's kill off all the other animals on the planet...:cuckoo:
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers.

If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...

90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

How hard was Kent State?

Hippie retards?? :lol:

IMO you should be imprisoned for demanding communism in America..

Kent State was anarchy - much like OWS...

MLK was successful because he didn't condone anarchy and anarchy is what young progressives want and ironically they want their government to provide such an environment..
IMO you should be imprisoned for demanding communism in America..

Glad to see you believe in freedom of thought/expression.

Oh, sorry, that's right you're a neocon whackjob...my bad...You're to the right of Atilla the Hun...
And here we have it folks, the answer to why all the Fema camps have been scrambling to set up to take an influx of people and why the new defense authorization bill allows the military to detain citizens without due process and or trial. Progressives always need a crisis to accomplish there agenda, 9/11 helped them pass the patriot act and allowed them to steal trillions from the pentagon and treasury and clamp down even harder on our personal liberty here at home "TSA, etc". this is the red herring to finish the constitution off and for them to implement a new government system free of constitutional rights of citizens.
U.S. Bio-Security Officials Sound Warning After Scientists Create Deadly New Strain of Bird Flu | Fox News

I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers.

If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...

90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

With all due respect, it's the 10% that you have to worry about.

I lived the 60's and there was a reason for why all these groups rose up. Days of Rage was for a reason.

The government was pushing buttons and people responded. You get some green kid and tell them you have anti government forces in front of you, that kid's going to fire.

Look at this situation that just happened in North Dakota. Local Sheriff goes ballistic on a whole family.
I doubt 10% of our armed service members would fight against their brothers.

If I was a member of the service the military better give me a damn good reason to point a gun at another American, and disobedience to the acting powers wishes is not one of them.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way...

90% IMO would tell the military to fuck off then they would occupy their hardware er weaponry and use it against the government that is barking orders..

How hard was Kent State?

Hippie retards?? :lol:

IMO you should be imprisoned for demanding communism in America..

Kent State was anarchy - much like OWS...

MLK was successful because he didn't condone anarchy and anarchy is what young progressives want and ironically they want their government to provide such an environment..

Actually although there were anarchists and commies among us, it was a serious movement against the war and the draft.

I ended up bailing and became a serious conservative when I started listening to those radicals talking about having to off half the people on the planet so the world could be good.

The silver spooners. Like Billy and Bernie.

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