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Entitlements Are Another Form of Slavery

Obviously the fourth graders have gotten off the bus and are waiting for their parents to get home. We have about 3 hours of garbage ahead...in 3 hours it will be bedtime, thankfully, and we will be relieved of the little shits.
Entitlements are the exact opposite of slavery.

Slavery oppresses people and does not allow them freedom to succeed.
Entitlements oppress people and don't allow them freedom to succeed.
If you ask me, they are both finite existences without opportunity to ever prosper.
links at site

Posted by Victoria Jackson on November 28, 2012 at 9:17 am

Entitlements Are Another Form of Slavery - YouTube

Appearing in the award-winning documentary, “Runaway Slave,” is Dr. Timothy Johnson, the founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation based in Washington D.C.

In November of 2008, after being frustrated with the election of Obama, Dr. Tim had a dream, a calling. “I got tired of hearing there were no black Republicans.”

The Frederick Douglass Foundation is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage; it is “the largest Christ-centered, multi-ethnic and Republican ministry.” Dr. Tim explains that Martin Luther King was a Republican, as is Alveda King, as was Frederick Douglass, and the Republican Party was formed to defeat slavery, and ensure equality for all Americans; but because of “one or two things the Democrats have given blacks politically”, and the lie the Democrat Party and the media have perpetuated – “the entitlement game,” “the government owes me something,” to keep blacks voting for them, many blacks vote Democrat and many have become generationally enslaved to the government.

ALL of it here

Read more: Entitlements Are Another Form of Slavery

LOL, slavery was INVOLUNTARY, "entitlements" are VOLUNTARY. LOL, some :"Frederick Douglass" foundation!
America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future.
Read more at Frederick Douglass Quotes - BrainyQuote
"If you wish to converse with me, you must define your terms." Voltaire.
First order of business should be to define "entitlements".
In the video, Johnson conflates "entitlements" with government handouts.

Social Security and Medicare are not handouts. They are paid for by the people who use them, and should not be confused with things like food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, and the like.

The argument can be made that handouts breed an unhealthy dependence on the State, resulting in the receiver becoming helpless to help themselves, and thus a slave to the State. The slave will serve the Master by continually voting for and defending the Master who provides their living.

That is the argument Johnson is making.


My only disagreement with you is this. Social Security and Medicare are paid INTO, not paid FOR, by the people who use them. If those who used them simply took out that which they paid in, those programs wouldn't be the gaping holes that they are in the Federal budget.

But then again, if people only took out what they paid in there would be no need of the government to act as enforcer and middleman.

Social Security runs a surplus. Politicians have been using it as a cash machine for other spending for decades.

In the video, Johnson conflates "entitlements" with government handouts.

Social Security and Medicare are not handouts. They are paid for by the people who use them, and should not be confused with things like food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, and the like.

The argument can be made that handouts breed an unhealthy dependence on the State, resulting in the receiver becoming helpless to help themselves, and thus a slave to the State. The slave will serve the Master by continually voting for and defending the Master who provides their living.

That is the argument Johnson is making.


My only disagreement with you is this. Social Security and Medicare are paid INTO, not paid FOR, by the people who use them. If those who used them simply took out that which they paid in, those programs wouldn't be the gaping holes that they are in the Federal budget.

But then again, if people only took out what they paid in there would be no need of the government to act as enforcer and middleman.

Social Security runs a surplus. Politicians have been using it as a cash machine for other spending for decades.


Only in the sense of a low interest source of borrowing for the governments pleasure, however, it is a custodial account, remains payable to the beneficiaries, defined by those that work and contribute to the corpus. The issue that should concern those that contribute is the earnings generated by the corpus of the trust and security of the investments held, government T bills and bonds, backed by ones faith in the dollar. This should concern everyone especially as it concerns the current purchasing power of the dollar, potential for devaluation, and loss of status as the preferred international trading currency. It's not rocket science to comprehend why those in government fought to retain control and not provide contributors the right to control their own social security accounts.

The fiscal cliff is real, impact it will have if ignored, immense, that is, foreign financial markets dictating interest rates, and valuation, should concern everyone that works. For those that do not, just hope what the government giveth it will not take away, unless of course international financial markets dictate. Raising taxes without cutting spending is just one more step toward becoming just another Greece. In 1972 Milton Friedman and other esteemed economists warned the US that potential insolvency was emanate unless drastic spending and entitlement reforms were adopted, congress did nothing, who controlled congress? (FYI Nixon responded by allowing the dollar to float, backed by faith in the US government). For those on the left, please review Americas income and capital gains tax rates before your attempt to explain how continuing down the entitlement high way will overt the inevitable by raising taxes.
oh this is another good example of the morons like stepth trying to say something is equal when its not.

Here i have an idea stepth. You become an actual slave and we will see how well that works out for you. Your computer time will go down to zero. You will wake when you are needed, you will have zero rights, and if you become lame ( think like a horse when ) they can take you out back and get rid of you.

seriously Fuck off.

When GOP says that black people are on Democrat plantation the comparison is shitty, in slavery no slave was promised and given free shit, on the other hand the GOP preaches fucked up gospel that says if one works very hard, doesn't complain about racism or sexism, even if it is going on because you'll look like a whiner who didn't earn their way, obey your bosses and given them all the praise for even hiring you the sky is the limit and you will be successful, that to me sounds more like slavery.
In the video, Johnson conflates "entitlements" with government handouts.

Social Security and Medicare are not handouts. They are paid for by the people who use them, and should not be confused with things like food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, and the like.

The argument can be made that handouts breed an unhealthy dependence on the State, resulting in the receiver becoming helpless to help themselves, and thus a slave to the State. The slave will serve the Master by continually voting for and defending the Master who provides their living.

That is the argument Johnson is making.


My only disagreement with you is this. Social Security and Medicare are paid INTO, not paid FOR, by the people who use them. If those who used them simply took out that which they paid in, those programs wouldn't be the gaping holes that they are in the Federal budget.

But then again, if people only took out what they paid in there would be no need of the government to act as enforcer and middleman.

Social Security runs a surplus. Politicians have been using it as a cash machine for other spending for decades.


Not true anymore. SS is running a deficit.
Trustees Report Summary
oh this is another good example of the morons like stepth trying to say something is equal when its not.

Here i have an idea stepth. You become an actual slave and we will see how well that works out for you. Your computer time will go down to zero. You will wake when you are needed, you will have zero rights, and if you become lame ( think like a horse when ) they can take you out back and get rid of you.

seriously Fuck off.

When GOP says that black people are on Democrat plantation the comparison is shitty, in slavery no slave was promised and given free shit, on the other hand the GOP preaches fucked up gospel that says if one works very hard, doesn't complain about racism or sexism, even if it is going on because you'll look like a whiner who didn't earn their way, obey your bosses and given them all the praise for even hiring you the sky is the limit and you will be successful, that to me sounds more like slavery.

That's because you've never held a fucking job in your life.
oh this is another good example of the morons like stepth trying to say something is equal when its not.

Here i have an idea stepth. You become an actual slave and we will see how well that works out for you. Your computer time will go down to zero. You will wake when you are needed, you will have zero rights, and if you become lame ( think like a horse when ) they can take you out back and get rid of you.

seriously Fuck off.

When GOP says that black people are on Democrat plantation the comparison is shitty, in slavery no slave was promised and given free shit, on the other hand the GOP preaches fucked up gospel that says if one works very hard, doesn't complain about racism or sexism, even if it is going on because you'll look like a whiner who didn't earn their way, obey your bosses and given them all the praise for even hiring you the sky is the limit and you will be successful, that to me sounds more like slavery.

That's because you've never held a fucking job in your life.

Bullshit and I don't need to hold non military job to see what's painfully obvious, following everything in Repug success blueprint does not guarantee success..
EVERY condition, every government, every economic system is SOME FROM OF SLAVERY.

The only state of affairs that is 100% slavery free is a state of absolute ANARCHY.

And NO, I do not mean the same thing as those folks calling themselves ANARCHISTS mean.

They are NOT anarchists, they are revolutionaries by another name. When they say anarchy, they mean revolution followed by still another KIND of governance.

When I say Anarchy I mean NO form of government, no laws, no order whatever.

Anarchy is as unlikely an outcome as any other UTOPIAN dream.

Anarchy ENDS the moment one bully comes along to impose his will on any other person.

So if you want perfect freedom, (AKA anarchy) the only way you'll ever get it is to migrate to a desert island where you are the only person and therefore the CAPTIAN of your own fate.
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Which entitlements? Social Security has a $2.7 trillion surplus and is solvent until 2033 without any changes.

Once again you prove yourself a complete and total idiot.

Social Security has $2.7 trillion in IOU's, THERE IS NO MONEY!!!!
Being given free stuff and being treated like property for free labor are almost exactly the same thing, right?

It's not about being 'given free stuff'.. it is more about someone being forced to provide the fruits of their labor for someone demanding it... and using a system to force it by threat of violence or punishment

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