
I can hardly take full credit....

...after all, when you are the subject, how can it not be funny.

And, no.... I'm not rude...I just say what everybody else is thinking.

You do? That is an impressive talent. Is it necessary for one to become an intolerable narcissist in order to master it?

" intolerable" is in the eye of the beholder.....and you being the 'human piñata' I can see why that would be your view.

So sorry, but I must have my guilty pleasures.

Don't blame me... I was born awesome.

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I am not sure what this thread is even about. There are two basic types of entrepreneurs--those that replicate others (i.e. reinventers of the wheel) or those that create a unique good or service.
Those might reflect levels of creativity of the individual or company but it's essentially the same, providing something the market place wants. The wheel has been reinvented many many times and will no doubt continue with technology and innovation.

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