Entry level jobs, education, salary & artificial intelligence. I see a big wall coming up.

Report: 10 Percent of Amazon’s Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps
Report: Roughly 10 Percent of Amazon's Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps

So Amazon subsidise the Ohio food stamp program good to know, instead of them getting $50 bucks in food stamps they would be getting over $300 with out a job.
Amazon would have to raise wages if the government wasn't there propping up their employees.

Glad you agree, Trump must slash welfare benefits and companies like Amazon will raise wages

A win win for US taxpayers.
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.
It really depends on what political party you belong to.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Republicans have this really weird perspective on education in general.

Remember, the same people who believe that science is a faith and magical creation is real while evolution is only some nonsensical theory are the same people who criticize education. How can you be critical of education when you believe Behe is a knowledgeable scientist and an expert on "intelligent design"? Well, you can if you are a Republican.

The future winners will be the children of immigrants who enthusiastically attend school and the children of liberals who enthusiastically attend school.

Losers will be the children of Republicans who think education is bad for America. And there will be millions. Even more than there are now.

Low Education Levels and Unemployment Linked in Appalachia

Appalachia covers 13 Ruby Red states and/or counties. Millions of whites with an increasing infant mortality rate and a decreasing life expectancy. Many white poor in Appalachia don't even have electricity or running water. They are never in the news. Why? Because they all vote Republican. And what is the Republican Party doing for them?

Laughing at them. Making fun of them. Working to make sure they never have healthcare.
This thread is not about college. Not every child goes to college and we need to be preparing those children for the future as well.
Duh! I wrote about school and education. Which covers job training, oh speaking of job training:

Trump’s budget would cut funding for Appalachia — and his allies in coal country are livid

Trump budget proposes 40% cut to job training programs

8 Ways the House Republicans’ Budget Will Harm Working Families to Pay for Millionaire Tax Cuts

My link had college in it. But education covers job training, Jr. College, Colleges and Universities.

When have you heard Republicans promoting any of that????
You're not part of a solution when you spend all of your efforts on playing partisan politics & the blame game.
Let me say it again:

My link had college in it. But education covers job training, Jr. College, Colleges and Universities.

When have you heard Republicans promoting any of that???


If someone walks up to you and hits you with a bat, will you say, "Oh, I'm playing the blame game"?

It's that attitude that helps them get away with their evil.
Report: 10 Percent of Amazon’s Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps
Report: Roughly 10 Percent of Amazon's Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps

So Amazon subsidise the Ohio food stamp program good to know, instead of them getting $50 bucks in food stamps they would be getting over $300 with out a job.
Amazon would have to raise wages if the government wasn't there propping up their employees.

Glad you agree, Trump must slash welfare benefits and companies like Amazon will raise wages

A win win for US taxpayers.
Is that your economic policy from the "Land of Milk and Cookies"?
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.
It really depends on what political party you belong to.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Republicans have this really weird perspective on education in general.

Remember, the same people who believe that science is a faith and magical creation is real while evolution is only some nonsensical theory are the same people who criticize education. How can you be critical of education when you believe Behe is a knowledgeable scientist and an expert on "intelligent design"? Well, you can if you are a Republican.

The future winners will be the children of immigrants who enthusiastically attend school and the children of liberals who enthusiastically attend school.

Losers will be the children of Republicans who think education is bad for America. And there will be millions. Even more than there are now.

Low Education Levels and Unemployment Linked in Appalachia

Appalachia covers 13 Ruby Red states and/or counties. Millions of whites with an increasing infant mortality rate and a decreasing life expectancy. Many white poor in Appalachia don't even have electricity or running water. They are never in the news. Why? Because they all vote Republican. And what is the Republican Party doing for them?

Laughing at them. Making fun of them. Working to make sure they never have healthcare.
This thread is not about college. Not every child goes to college and we need to be preparing those children for the future as well.
Duh! I wrote about school and education. Which covers job training, oh speaking of job training:

Trump’s budget would cut funding for Appalachia — and his allies in coal country are livid

Trump budget proposes 40% cut to job training programs

8 Ways the House Republicans’ Budget Will Harm Working Families to Pay for Millionaire Tax Cuts

My link had college in it. But education covers job training, Jr. College, Colleges and Universities.

When have you heard Republicans promoting any of that????
You're not part of a solution when you spend all of your efforts on playing partisan politics & the blame game.
Let me say it again:

My link had college in it. But education covers job training, Jr. College, Colleges and Universities.

When have you heard Republicans promoting any of that???


If someone walks up to you and hits you with a bat, will you say, "Oh, I'm playing the blame game"?

It's that attitude that helps them get away with their evil.

Universities have job training...LOL, good one.
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.

nah we need more sex ed and black history.........and more classes on white privilege..........the left is so good at helping people.....look at the inner cities....what utopias!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Report: 10 Percent of Amazon’s Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps
Report: Roughly 10 Percent of Amazon's Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps

So Amazon subsidise the Ohio food stamp program good to know, instead of them getting $50 bucks in food stamps they would be getting over $300 with out a job.
Amazon would have to raise wages if the government wasn't there propping up their employees.

Glad you agree, Trump must slash welfare benefits and companies like Amazon will raise wages

A win win for US taxpayers.
Is that your economic policy from the "Land of Milk and Cookies"?

I'm sorry Trump is crushing Obama's numbers...try again....
when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.
Report: 10 Percent of Amazon’s Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps
Report: Roughly 10 Percent of Amazon's Ohio Workforce on Food Stamps

So Amazon subsidise the Ohio food stamp program good to know, instead of them getting $50 bucks in food stamps they would be getting over $300 with out a job.
Amazon would have to raise wages if the government wasn't there propping up their employees.

Glad you agree, Trump must slash welfare benefits and companies like Amazon will raise wages

A win win for US taxpayers.
Is that your economic policy from the "Land of Milk and Cookies"?

Well it's obvious is it not?
when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.

STFU in your useless stats we are at full employment, the only other way to get lazy welfare whores to work is slash welfare payments in half .
when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.

STFU in your useless stats we are at full employment, the only other way to get lazy welfare whores to work is slash welfare payments in half .

Did you read what that moron I was responding to posted before you threw in your 2 dumb cents?

Yes slowdown in job growth is expected at full employment ...but someone forgot to tell that to idiot Trump who promised to create more jobs by bringing them back from China :alcoholic: , and notify his idiot followers of what job growth looked like under Obama.
Last edited:
when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.

STFU in your useless stats we are at full employment, the only other way to get lazy welfare whores to work is slash welfare payments in half .
over two million jobs in a year is 0.0 job growth? and how many jobs were created VS up to 95 Million People looking for jobs during the Obama years?
and there were no jobs created during the obama years when u subtract the millons and millions of people filing for unemployment!
We win this argument big time!
and Trump didnt have to print up a trillion dollars to create these two million jobs like Obama did
when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.

STFU in your useless stats we are at full employment, the only other way to get lazy welfare whores to work is slash welfare payments in half .
over two million jobs in a year is 0.0 job growth? and how many jobs were created VS up to 95 Million People looking for jobs during the Obama years?
and there were no jobs created during the obama years when u subtract the millons and millions of people filing for unemployment!
We win this argument big time!

Just look at the fucking graph. Is that so hard?

There was 200,000+ net jobs growth posted right about every other month during Obama terms, take your ignorant "2000 jobs" and shove it up your ass, you are clueless.
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.

Thus the problem with government education. It never adapts or improves. We still have a 1950s curriculum in the 21st century.
and Trump didnt have to print up a trillion dollars to create these two million jobs like Obama did

Get real chump, Trump did JACK SHIT to improve job numbers in 2017. Like from the day he was born he has been coasting on good inheritance.
when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.

STFU in your useless stats we are at full employment, the only other way to get lazy welfare whores to work is slash welfare payments in half .
i had to put up with 8 years of loony left cable news guests/hosts brag about the booming economy! 150,000 new jobs a month!,,,yet they never tell you that about a million people were filing for new unemployment every month too!
therefore,,,we had 0.0 net jobs! and McDonalds doesnt count as a real job!
Here is your idiot leader in his full retard glory, promising huge job growth coming out of full employment:

when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.

STFU in your useless stats we are at full employment, the only other way to get lazy welfare whores to work is slash welfare payments in half .
i had to put up with 8 years of loony left cable news guests/hosts brag about the booming economy! 150,000 new jobs a month!,,,yet they never tell you that about a million people were filing for new unemployment every month too!
therefore,,,we had 0.0 net jobs! and McDonalds doesnt count as a real job!

For fucks sakes - THOSE ARE NET NUMBERS.

NET means difference between jobs lost and jobs gained.

When are you going to learn something true in that empty dumbass head of yours?
and Trump didnt have to print up a trillion dollars to create these two million jobs like Obama did

Get real chump, Trump did JACK SHIT to improve job numbers in 2017. Like from the day he was born he has been coasting on good inheritance.

What's your excuse going to be in 2019 after the tax cuts propel the economy forward even faster?
when Obama was Prez, the libs were bragging about the 2000 new jobs a month,,many were in fast food,,,,great job barry!

When are you going to learn to STFU and get some facts straight first?

2017 had the worst job growth in the last 5 years.

STFU in your useless stats we are at full employment, the only other way to get lazy welfare whores to work is slash welfare payments in half .

Did you read what that moron I was responding to posted before you threw in your 2 dumb cents?

Yes slowdown in job growth is expected at full employment ...but someone forgot to tell that to idiot Trump who promised to create more jobs by bringing them back from China :alcoholic: , and notify his idiot followers of what job growth looked like under Obama.


Chinese Tiremaker Picks North Carolina Site for Major Plant
Chinese tiremaker Triangle makes bigger move into US market with plans for a North Carolina factory to produce six million tires a year.
Dec. 20, 2017, at 12:06 a.m.

Chinese manufacturer Lynk & Co. wants to build cars in America

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