If You Don’t Think Government Schooling Is A Failure….

"You think I’m uneducated because I don’t read political books?"

Yeah, I do.

" If you think you are an example of educated...."

Not only do I, but I have official proof via several Ivy League institutions.

Did you wanna compare educational CVs???
I’d like for you to stop running from the debate by trying to get into a personal pissing match. You posted a BS chart and when I challenged you on it you changed the subject and are now trying to get personal. Grow up and learn how to back up your arguments by staying on point
10. “Disregarded in the drive for uniform results is the fact that each student has a unique background, interest, giftings, motivation, and academic work ethic (at school and home). Defying common sense, children with widely different degrees of learning readiness are placed in the same classroom, with the same instruction, for the same amount of time, and the same learning results are expected.

Any variations in educational outcomes are chalked up to the education system being systemically racist
— an easy scapegoat to avoid doing the hard work at home and in school to address educational deficiencies.

Some schools take it a step further and dumb the system down by doing away with standards altogether.

The State of Oregon, for example, has thrown out the requirement for students to pass a basic math, reading, and writing test to graduate high school (ostensibly for the next two school years. It remains to be seen if the change isn’t made permanent). The standard for graduation was deemed inequitable because the graduation rates of African American and Native American students were lower than that of their white peers.

While Oregon lags behind the national average high school graduation rate, a spokesperson for Governor Kate Brown stated that “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color” would benefit from the removal of the graduation requirement. Alas, “graduating” teens that can’t read, write, or do basic math is anything but beneficial — to themselves or society as a whole.”

Democrat policy.....a failure for the nation.
I’d like for you to stop running from the debate by trying to get into a personal pissing match. You posted a BS chart and when I challenged you on it you changed the subject and are now trying to get personal. Grow up and learn how to back up your arguments by staying on point

The fact you can't read a chart is attributable to government schooling.

You keep proving my premise.
The fact you can't read a chart is attributable to government schooling.

You keep proving my premise.
I read the chart just fine. Numbers with zero context. Care to explain what the chart was measuring, where the source info came from and then how that proves that the school system failed?

Here comes the diversion
A free Public School Education is what made this country great

Those who Home Skool?

Not so much
I read the chart just fine. Numbers with zero context. Care to explain what the chart was measuring, where the source info came from and then how that proves that the school system failed?

Here comes the diversion

"I read the chart just fine."

Let's check.

Where did the chart indicate American students fell in comparison with other nations' students?

Careful....next I'm gonna quiz you on what that says about government schooling, you dolt.
"I read the chart just fine."

Let's check.

Where did the chart indicate American students fell in comparison with other nations' students?

Careful....next I'm gonna quiz you on what that says about government schooling, you dolt.
Well it had three categories and the USA was in different positions in each category. But I have no clue how those categories were measured. Neither do you given your complete inability to provide additional details or answer questions about it.
We waste morw money PER STUDENT in public screwels and get piss poor results. Time to abolish them.
Not even close to a waste we should spend more. It is an invaluable resource for our communities. I’m sorry you are too short sighted to see that.
Well it had three categories and the USA was in different positions in each category. But I have no clue how those categories were measured. Neither do you given your complete inability to provide additional details or answer questions about it.

Well....simply look up PISA and after you do......

....don't wipe the egg off your kisser.

It's an improvement.
Not even close to a waste we should spend more. It is an invaluable resource for our communities. I’m sorry you are too short sighted to see that.

If you are an example of the product.....clearly he is correct.
Everything Biden has done I agree with. Everything rump dump did I detest.
Congratulations on your completed indoctrination. Now please do not forget you need regime permission to use the toilet when next you believe it might be necessary.
If you are an example of the product.....clearly he is correct.
You should be proud to say that you’ve had the honor of attempting to debate the infamous Slade. You haven’t yet been able to hold your own but keep working and you may get there someday.
Looked at PISA. Nothing proving that US public schools have failed. Strike 9, inning over

" Nothing proving that US public schools have failed."

Of course it does.

The fact that you fear answering this query proves it, liar.

Answer it now:

"I read the chart just fine."

Let's check.

Where did the chart indicate American students fell in comparison with other nations' students?

Careful....next I'm gonna quiz you on what that says about government schooling, you dolt.
You should be proud to say that you’ve had the honor of attempting to debate the infamous Slade. You haven’t yet been able to hold your own but keep working and you may get there someday.

I can't say enough of how pleased I am that this fool proves, as a moron and a liar, exactly what I have stated about government schooling.

I never have to make up hypothetical government school imbeciles to prove what a mistake government schooling has become.....

......they rush in to prove it themselves.

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