Entry level jobs, education, salary & artificial intelligence. I see a big wall coming up.

Four year degrees in something ridiculous like liberal arts will have to go away. In its place we will need internships to begin replacing four years of partying and coming out with no real experience.
Why is automation going to produce humanities also?
It's just the opinion of some idiot who never went to college. I've said it before, these right wingers think college is where liberals go to drink and have sex. Yea, try having sex and partying when you are taking Differential Linear Equations for your engineering degree.
Yes the retarded engineer who we always had to change the designs in the field to make it work

That is not unusual.

Tell that to rderp the retired engineer, he keeps saying I am lying about it.
It was mostly throughout the testing phase of the project, before it was finished for manufacturing...
Why is automation going to produce humanities also?
It's just the opinion of some idiot who never went to college. I've said it before, these right wingers think college is where liberals go to drink and have sex. Yea, try having sex and partying when you are taking Differential Linear Equations for your engineering degree.
Yes the retarded engineer who we always had to change the designs in the field to make it work

That is not unusual.

Tell that to rderp the retired engineer, he keeps saying I am lying about it.
It was mostly throughout the testing phase of the project, before it was finished for manufacturing...

No we do that all the time with automation and robotics..ya have to most automation jobs is a one time specifically for that application , that type of machine, that type of robot, that type of product..

It's a lot of custom jobs.
We In blue states we are working on it. The same way we are behind the technologies the rest of the country and the world gets to enjoy....just go to church and hate on us and the immigrants.
The conservatives' disdain for education and the educated helps the Republicans' further dumbing down of the American people by undermining the public school system.

While it is true that turning out ever increasingly ignorant generations from our public schools also increases the number of conservatives, these uneducated masses are destroying the United States' ability to produce the knowledgeable adults necessary to compete on a world wide scale.

Also, the decades of major tech companies sending the manufacturing of their products to foreign nations to exploit the cheap labor gives these foreign governments the technical data they need to cut our throats in the world market.

It's naïve to believe that much of China's rapid advancement in weaponry isn't based on information gleaned from the decades they've manufactured electronics for U.S. companies.

Additionally, as U.S. schools fall further and further behind those in other developed nations, the conservatives' shouting and waving their big "We're Number One" foam fingers does not alter the fact that U.S. schools need much greater funding. Funding needed to regain all that has been lost at the hands of the GOP's need to repeatedly cut taxes for the fat cats. It is only an extremely small percentage of the middle class that truly benefit from any of the so-called "trickle down" the Republicans' claim these tax cuts create.

But this small percentage of Americans is touted by conservatives and the GOP as the tremendous success of Reaganomics. But, if one does some research, it becomes apparent the top 400 billionaires have increased their wealth by 29 times since Reagan first sold his snake oil to the suckers. While the income for the bottom 90% has stalled or diminished. And the Dow at 25000 is helping an equally small percentage of middle class investors. The lion's share goes to the fat cats.

The GOP and the conservatives are careful to deny these facts, and hide them whenever possible. Just watch their responses to this post. They will deny what I have written, but the cannot produce any reliable facts to refute it. They just have their conservative propaganda and Republican talking points to cite.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. But thus far, the conservatives' responses to this thread have again proven, all we can expect is their typical nonsense, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness (e.g. written posts, ratings, memes, etc.). The message board designers included "funny" in their ratings system as an additional method conservatives can use to deny facts. The “funny” rating enables the conservatives to remain safely cloistered in their alternate reality.

As people discovered long ago, any reply to a conservative's foolishness is a waste of time.


I totally agree.

I can also add that without immigration and the pursuit of happiness available to the masses that come to the US to better their lives. We would be another soviet Union. Those who call for the banning of immigrants and touting minorities have no idea who is pushing the wheel forward, all the brains behind the technologies that makes us sorta number one, and make our lives easier.....But you always have the ignorant uneducated racists in every country, screaming END OF THE WORLD to everything. Let them bark!!!
We In blue states we are working on it. The same way we are behind the technologies the rest of the country and the world gets to enjoy....just go to church and hate on us and the immigrants.

How are you working on it? you now have over 5 million poor broke ass illegals in your state..


The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S. | The Best Schools

3Academic Magnet High School
(North Charleston, South Carolina)


Academic Magnet High School ranks #3 on The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S.!
Academic Magnet High School serves academically-gifted and motivated students. The high school encourages students to obtain a sense of global responsibility, to be contributing members of the community, and to cultivate and uphold respect for cultural diversity.

The high school provides all the courses at the Honors or Advanced Placement level. Student have opportunities for publication in professional and academic journals.

Alongside the stern academic requirements, students must also complete 90 hours of community service, take and pass at least four Advanced Placement courses while attending high school, complete a summer reading list, and complete a senior thesis (a year-long independent research project).

Academic Magnet High School boasts a large variety of sports teams and over 50 student clubs including chess, debate, robotics and physics clubs.

The high school selects students through rigorous criteria, including a written essay, middle school grades, test scores and teacher recommendations.

And look the first California high school on the list is #34 :(

34Lowell High School
(San Francisco, California)


Lowell High School ranks #34 on The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S.!
Lowell High School’s rigorous curriculum features Honors-level and Advanced Placement courses, including chemistry, calculus and economics, as well as a variety of foreign languages. Ninety-four percent of the students take AP exams.

Beyond classes, extracurricular offerings include more than 80 teams, organizations and student-interest clubs. The school’s speech and debate team is among the oldest in the nation.

Economically disadvantaged students make up 43 percent of the student body.

The U.S. Department of Education recognized Lowell High School as a Blue Ribbon School.

Admissions requirements include standardized test scores, a writing sample, grade point average and extracurricular activities.

LOL next thing you gonna bring up the ranking of the preschools in the US. Can you also tell us where the best universities and Technical institutes located at ?

And those schools that you mentioned, I can bring you a kid from Morocco, India or Singapore they would surpass them in so many subjects even in English :p. Trust me i've seen it happening, and our kids competed against kids from other parts of the world and we did very bad.

In a placement test I scored better than 97% of the kids I applied with and most were born and raised here, and I am just a B student from Morocco. graduated high school fluent in 3 languages. Alsol scored better than most American born kids in English and most classes. And most foreign students I came across did much better in general than their american counterparts.

It has been said and proven thousands of times, without the flow of immigration, the US wouldn't where it is now.
We In blue states we are working on it. The same way we are behind the technologies the rest of the country and the world gets to enjoy....just go to church and hate on us and the immigrants.

How are you working on it? you now have over 5 million poor broke ass illegals in your state..


The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S. | The Best Schools

3Academic Magnet High School
(North Charleston, South Carolina)


Academic Magnet High School ranks #3 on The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S.!
Academic Magnet High School serves academically-gifted and motivated students. The high school encourages students to obtain a sense of global responsibility, to be contributing members of the community, and to cultivate and uphold respect for cultural diversity.

The high school provides all the courses at the Honors or Advanced Placement level. Student have opportunities for publication in professional and academic journals.

Alongside the stern academic requirements, students must also complete 90 hours of community service, take and pass at least four Advanced Placement courses while attending high school, complete a summer reading list, and complete a senior thesis (a year-long independent research project).

Academic Magnet High School boasts a large variety of sports teams and over 50 student clubs including chess, debate, robotics and physics clubs.

The high school selects students through rigorous criteria, including a written essay, middle school grades, test scores and teacher recommendations.

And look the first California high school on the list is #34 :(

34Lowell High School
(San Francisco, California)


Lowell High School ranks #34 on The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S.!
Lowell High School’s rigorous curriculum features Honors-level and Advanced Placement courses, including chemistry, calculus and economics, as well as a variety of foreign languages. Ninety-four percent of the students take AP exams.

Beyond classes, extracurricular offerings include more than 80 teams, organizations and student-interest clubs. The school’s speech and debate team is among the oldest in the nation.

Economically disadvantaged students make up 43 percent of the student body.

The U.S. Department of Education recognized Lowell High School as a Blue Ribbon School.

Admissions requirements include standardized test scores, a writing sample, grade point average and extracurricular activities.

LOL next thing you gonna bring up the ranking of the preschools in the US. Can you also tell us where the best universities and Technical institutes located at ?

And those schools that you mentioned, I can bring you a kid from Morocco, India or Singapore they would surpass them in so many subjects even in English :p. Trust me i've seen it happening, and our kids competed against kids from other parts of the world and we did very bad.

In a placement test I scored better than 97% of the kids I applied with and most were born and raised here, and I am just a B student from Morocco. graduated high school fluent in 3 languages. Alsol scored better than most American born kids in English and most classes. And most foreign students I came across did much better in general than their american counterparts.

It has been said and proven thousands of times, without the flow of immigration, the US wouldn't where it is now.

What does that have to do with critical thinking skills? I am pretty sure they can teach bongo the monkey to sign language also but not much else
We In blue states we are working on it. The same way we are behind the technologies the rest of the country and the world gets to enjoy....just go to church and hate on us and the immigrants.

How are you working on it? you now have over 5 million poor broke ass illegals in your state..


The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S. | The Best Schools

3Academic Magnet High School
(North Charleston, South Carolina)


Academic Magnet High School ranks #3 on The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S.!
Academic Magnet High School serves academically-gifted and motivated students. The high school encourages students to obtain a sense of global responsibility, to be contributing members of the community, and to cultivate and uphold respect for cultural diversity.

The high school provides all the courses at the Honors or Advanced Placement level. Student have opportunities for publication in professional and academic journals.

Alongside the stern academic requirements, students must also complete 90 hours of community service, take and pass at least four Advanced Placement courses while attending high school, complete a summer reading list, and complete a senior thesis (a year-long independent research project).

Academic Magnet High School boasts a large variety of sports teams and over 50 student clubs including chess, debate, robotics and physics clubs.

The high school selects students through rigorous criteria, including a written essay, middle school grades, test scores and teacher recommendations.

And look the first California high school on the list is #34 :(

34Lowell High School
(San Francisco, California)


Lowell High School ranks #34 on The 100 Best Public High Schools in the U.S.!
Lowell High School’s rigorous curriculum features Honors-level and Advanced Placement courses, including chemistry, calculus and economics, as well as a variety of foreign languages. Ninety-four percent of the students take AP exams.

Beyond classes, extracurricular offerings include more than 80 teams, organizations and student-interest clubs. The school’s speech and debate team is among the oldest in the nation.

Economically disadvantaged students make up 43 percent of the student body.

The U.S. Department of Education recognized Lowell High School as a Blue Ribbon School.

Admissions requirements include standardized test scores, a writing sample, grade point average and extracurricular activities.

LOL next thing you gonna bring up the ranking of the preschools in the US. Can you also tell us where the best universities and Technical institutes located at ?

And those schools that you mentioned, I can bring you a kid from Morocco, India or Singapore they would surpass them in so many subjects even in English :p. Trust me i've seen it happening, and our kids competed against kids from other parts of the world and we did very bad.

In a placement test I scored better than 97% of the kids I applied with and most were born and raised here, and I am just a B student from Morocco. graduated high school fluent in 3 languages. Alsol scored better than most American born kids in English and most classes. And most foreign students I came across did much better in general than their american counterparts.

It has been said and proven thousands of times, without the flow of immigration, the US wouldn't where it is now.

What does that have to do with critical thinking skills? I am pretty sure they can teach bongo the monkey to sign language also but not much else
Critical thinking skills, like know when it's time for break and when it's time to work.....
Four year degrees in something ridiculous like liberal arts will have to go away. In its place we will need internships to begin replacing four years of partying and coming out with no real experience.
Why, is automation going to produce humanities also?
Humanity studies like 52 genders, safe spaces and blocking hiways? We can probably get by without those.
Four year degrees in something ridiculous like liberal arts will have to go away. In its place we will need internships to begin replacing four years of partying and coming out with no real experience.
Why, is automation going to produce humanities also?
Humanity studies like 52 genders, safe spaces and blocking hiways? We can probably get by without those.
Yeah you go with that the next time you listen to country music put out by a humanities major..
Four year degrees in something ridiculous like liberal arts will have to go away. In its place we will need internships to begin replacing four years of partying and coming out with no real experience.
Why, is automation going to produce humanities also?
Humanity studies like 52 genders, safe spaces and blocking hiways? We can probably get by without those.
Yeah you go with that the next time you listen to country music put out by a humanities major..
Humanity studies in Nashville honky tonks and Oklahoma road houses is far superior to USC gender studies.
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.

There is a really good book out there called "The Coming Jobs War" written by the CEO of Gallup. He talks a lot about this same stuff.

We are pushing our son towards a Tech degree vice a 4 year degree but the school is all in on 4 year college and his counselor told him that a Tech degree was ok if you were not good enough for a 4 year school. I was POed and had a not very nice talk with her. But the problem is high schools are graded on the number of kids that get accepted to a 4 year university. I had this same fight with them when I was recruiting for the Marine Corps.

We do need a very serious revamping of 9-12 grades, I agree totally. But the teachers unions are so entrenched that will be next to impossible to make happen.
The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Republicans have this really weird perspective on education in general.

so, that is a lie

without reading the article. I can tell you that a majority of Republicans don't think "colleges are bad for America"

here is what we actually think:

1. too many colleges are indoctrinating students
2. too many colleges are not adequately preparing their students for the workforce
3. college IS NOT for everybody; there are many people who are better off not wasting money on a fancy degree
4. the student loan system is a huge burden for too many people, creating a perpetual lifestyle of debt and payments

none of this equates to "colleges are bad for America"

poll questions are written and asked in a manner to solicit the answers that pollsters want - we have seen this in numerous elections
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.
It really depends on what political party you belong to.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Republicans have this really weird perspective on education in general.

Remember, the same people who believe that science is a faith and magical creation is real while evolution is only some nonsensical theory are the same people who criticize education. How can you be critical of education when you believe Behe is a knowledgeable scientist and an expert on "intelligent design"? Well, you can if you are a Republican.

The future winners will be the children of immigrants who enthusiastically attend school and the children of liberals who enthusiastically attend school.

Losers will be the children of Republicans who think education is bad for America. And there will be millions. Even more than there are now.

Low Education Levels and Unemployment Linked in Appalachia

Appalachia covers 13 Ruby Red states and/or counties. Millions of whites with an increasing infant mortality rate and a decreasing life expectancy. Many white poor in Appalachia don't even have electricity or running water. They are never in the news. Why? Because they all vote Republican. And what is the Republican Party doing for them?

Laughing at them. Making fun of them. Working to make sure they never have healthcare.
This thread is not about college. Not every child goes to college and we need to be preparing those children for the future as well.
Four year degrees in something ridiculous like liberal arts will have to go away. In its place we will need internships to begin replacing four years of partying and coming out with no real experience.
Why is automation going to produce humanities also?
It's just the opinion of some idiot who never went to college. I've said it before, these right wingers think college is where liberals go to drink and have sex. Yea, try having sex and partying when you are taking Differential Linear Equations for your engineering degree.
Yes the retarded engineer who we always had to change the designs in the field to make it work

I've heard that nonsense before. Sure, there are good technicians, no doubt about it. Some make excellent suggestions.

But the design's came from engineers. Only a fool doesn't understand it's way, way easier to make a suggestion or a correction than create a design.
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.
It really depends on what political party you belong to.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Republicans have this really weird perspective on education in general.

Remember, the same people who believe that science is a faith and magical creation is real while evolution is only some nonsensical theory are the same people who criticize education. How can you be critical of education when you believe Behe is a knowledgeable scientist and an expert on "intelligent design"? Well, you can if you are a Republican.

The future winners will be the children of immigrants who enthusiastically attend school and the children of liberals who enthusiastically attend school.

Losers will be the children of Republicans who think education is bad for America. And there will be millions. Even more than there are now.

Low Education Levels and Unemployment Linked in Appalachia

Appalachia covers 13 Ruby Red states and/or counties. Millions of whites with an increasing infant mortality rate and a decreasing life expectancy. Many white poor in Appalachia don't even have electricity or running water. They are never in the news. Why? Because they all vote Republican. And what is the Republican Party doing for them?

Laughing at them. Making fun of them. Working to make sure they never have healthcare.
This thread is not about college. Not every child goes to college and we need to be preparing those children for the future as well.
Duh! I wrote about school and education. Which covers job training, oh speaking of job training:

Trump’s budget would cut funding for Appalachia — and his allies in coal country are livid

Trump budget proposes 40% cut to job training programs

8 Ways the House Republicans’ Budget Will Harm Working Families to Pay for Millionaire Tax Cuts

My link had college in it. But education covers job training, Jr. College, Colleges and Universities.

When have you heard Republicans promoting any of that????
As advances in ai progress it is only a matter of time until what were once good paying low skill jobs become obsolete.
Any job in driving, manufacturing, production line work, general maintenance, basic retail etc..

What are we going to do with our educational system to ensure that my grandson & kids of his age are educated for the jobs of the future & not left behind in the technological leap? Things are advancing so fast that I think we are facing a real jobs crisis in the next 10 to 20 years.
We are still teaching the same basic shit in school with a heavy focus on social nonsense and while this could prepare you or I for a future it won't work for them. Entry level jobs that you or I could grab and create a career out of are vanishing.

We need a SERIOUS revamping of our educational system. An example would be basic math, history, geography, reading & English from k thru 8th. Then a split focus on vocational skills & advanced math for 9th thru 12th.
That is just a basic off the cuff idea and not thought out to any depth but it is someplace to start the discussion.
It really depends on what political party you belong to.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

Republicans have this really weird perspective on education in general.

Remember, the same people who believe that science is a faith and magical creation is real while evolution is only some nonsensical theory are the same people who criticize education. How can you be critical of education when you believe Behe is a knowledgeable scientist and an expert on "intelligent design"? Well, you can if you are a Republican.

The future winners will be the children of immigrants who enthusiastically attend school and the children of liberals who enthusiastically attend school.

Losers will be the children of Republicans who think education is bad for America. And there will be millions. Even more than there are now.

Low Education Levels and Unemployment Linked in Appalachia

Appalachia covers 13 Ruby Red states and/or counties. Millions of whites with an increasing infant mortality rate and a decreasing life expectancy. Many white poor in Appalachia don't even have electricity or running water. They are never in the news. Why? Because they all vote Republican. And what is the Republican Party doing for them?

Laughing at them. Making fun of them. Working to make sure they never have healthcare.
This thread is not about college. Not every child goes to college and we need to be preparing those children for the future as well.
Duh! I wrote about school and education. Which covers job training, oh speaking of job training:

Trump’s budget would cut funding for Appalachia — and his allies in coal country are livid

Trump budget proposes 40% cut to job training programs

8 Ways the House Republicans’ Budget Will Harm Working Families to Pay for Millionaire Tax Cuts

My link had college in it. But education covers job training, Jr. College, Colleges and Universities.

When have you heard Republicans promoting any of that????
You're not part of a solution when you spend all of your efforts on playing partisan politics & the blame game.
Four year degrees in something ridiculous like liberal arts will have to go away. In its place we will need internships to begin replacing four years of partying and coming out with no real experience.
Why, is automation going to produce humanities also?
Humanity studies like 52 genders, safe spaces and blocking hiways? We can probably get by without those.
Yeah you go with that the next time you listen to country music put out by a humanities major..

Buuuut the country music put out by the uneducated redneck is better.

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